Thinking of this, Li Jiahang suddenly gained courage.

The other students also saw some hope after seeing this scene, and they picked up their Nichirin swords again and prepared to fight.

Looking at the people in front of him with swords pointing at him, Spider Ghost Father roared, making a deafening roar.

The sound was like thunder, almost breaking everyone's eardrums.

The scene in front of them made everyone's eyes widen.

"No way?"

"What kind of joke is this?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Spider Ghost's father's body was changing. He was actually shedding his skin!

His originally tall stature had grown even bigger, and his skin had turned darker. People standing in front of him looked as small as a puppy.

The right arm that had just been cut off by Li Jiahang had also grown back.

Seeing this scene, the courage that people had finally gathered was easily shattered again.

The emotion called fear permeated everyone's body.

"Hello, I haven’t heard of a second stage!"

"I'm calling a market!"


Spider Ghost Father exudes a terrifying aura all over his body, making people not even have the courage to raise their knives to face him. Some people turned around and ran away when they saw that the situation was not right.

The next second, Spider Ghost Father disappeared from the spot.

Then he appeared next to those who were running away and punched one of them.

The person who was hit was directly turned into meat paste.

Blood and flesh splashed on the people around him.

Before they could scream, Spider Ghost Father's fist came towards them.

In just a few seconds, several lives died at the hands of Spider Ghost Father.

Then Spider Ghost Father looked at Li Jiahang, who had cut off his arm before.

Li Jiahang looked at the dense green eyes on his face and could n't help but take a step back.

When he realized that he was retreating because of fear, he couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

(Damn it, why should I be afraid? I just cut off one of his arms, it just became a little bigger, what am I afraid of?)

Thinking of this, Li Jiahang posed again and focused on Spider Ghost Father.

Spider Ghost Father roared and rushed towards Li Jiahang.

Li Jiahang immediately swung his knife upon seeing this.

The blade with a blue glow slashed at Spider Ghost Father's body.

But this time it was the blade that flew out.

Looking at the broken blade flying in the air, emitting a cold light under the moonlight.

Li Jiahang couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Then the Spider Ghost Father's huge fist hit Li Jiahang.

Li Jiahang flew out in an instant and hit a tree.

Li Jiahang, covered in blood, lay beside the tree and couldn't even stand up.

Because as long as he moved, he would feel heart-wrenching pain all over his body.

Li Jiahang glanced at the broken Sun Blade in his hand, and then glanced at the Spider Ghost Father who was slowly approaching in front of him, feeling desperate.

Seeing this scene, the other students around did not dare to step forward. They were all afraid that they would be killed.

Some people also planned to escape while Spider Ghost Father's attention was on Li Jiahang.

Li Jiahang knew that he was powerless upon seeing this, so he leaned his head against the tree trunk, ready to wait for death.

"Are you kidding me? Is this really a C-level copy?"

But he knew that no matter how much he complained, the result would not change.

Looking at the spider ghost father who was walking towards him step by step, Li Jiahang said with difficulty:"If...If I can, I...I really don't want to..."Die."

Spider Ghost Father raised his arm, ready to smash it down.

Suddenly, a figure appeared above Spider Ghost Father.

Spider Ghost Father looked back.

In the moonlight, everyone could see clearly that the man was Zheng Yi.

Zheng Yi drew out the Sun Wheel Sword from his waist and slashed at Spider Ghost Father's shoulder.

The rippled blade easily penetrated his skin and chopped down unimpeded.

Spider Ghost Father's left arm was chopped off directly by Zheng Yi.

Looking at the flying arm, everyone present widened their eyes.

Spider Ghost Father looked at his melted broken arm and let out a rare wail of pain.

Zheng Yi didn't intend to give the other party time to react. He swung the knife in his hand again and wandered over the other party.

When Zheng Yi put the knife back into the scabbard, Spider Ghost Father's body instantly broke into several pieces and fell to the ground.

The pieces of meat soon turned into a pool of blood.

Zheng Yi turned around and looked at Li Jiahang,"Sorry, am I late?"

He looked up and down at the embarrassed Li Jiahang,"Well, it seems that I am a little late."

"By the way, I almost forgot to thank you. Thank you for the Sun Wheel Sword you gave me this morning. It's pretty good." Zheng Yi picked up the Sun Wheel Sword and said to Li Jiahang.

Looking at Zheng Yi, Li Jiahang's mouth opened slightly, not knowing what to say.

What's wrong with this guy?

He easily killed the monster that we couldn't even hurt.

After that, he chatted calmly.

It's simply incomprehensible.

Li Jiahang was shocked.

Others had the same idea. They were so shocked that they couldn't even speak.

In their hearts, there was nothing but"Fuck".

Seeing that Li Jiahang hadn't replied, Zheng Yi stretched out his hand and waved it in front of him,"Why didn't you respond? Did you get beaten stupid?"

So he walked forward, put his hands on Li Jiahang, and used ripples to heal his injuries.

Feeling the pain in his body disappearing little by little, Li Jiahang was even more shocked.

Can ripples be used like this?

After his injuries were almost healed, Li Jiahang hurriedly asked:"What on earth is this?"

"What do you mean?" Zheng Yi was a little puzzled.

"Of course I'm asking about your attack on the monster just now. It was obvious that my full-strength attack couldn't hurt him, so how come you were able to hurt him so easily?"

"Because of the ripple���"


Li Jiahang couldn't believe it. He thought Zheng Yi was talking nonsense before. He didn't expect that ripples could actually have an effect on ghosts, and the power was so great!

""Isn't the ripple thing magical?" Zheng Yi raised his eyebrows at Li Jiahang, seeming a little proud.

Then he stood up, pointed in a direction, and said to the others:"You guys take Li Jiahang over there later. There are people there to take care of the wounded, and it's safe."

Those people naturally had no objection to Zheng Yi's order. After all, he easily killed the monster that they couldn't even hurt. Who would dare to say it was not true?

And they also wanted to leave this place of trouble as soon as possible, at least to a safer place.

One of them helped Li Jiahang up and prepared to take him away.

Li Jiahang struggled to look at Zheng Yi,"What about you? Where are you going?"

"Of course, go find other ghosts here and complete the mission."

"No! This is too ridiculous. It's too dangerous for you to be alone. No one knows if there are any more terrifying creatures here than the one just now."

"Don't worry." Zheng Yi smiled at Li Jiahang,"In this world, I am the strongest with the ripples."

Zheng Yi turned and went deeper into the forest.

Li Jiahang, who was a little stunned, was taken away.

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