Chapter 123

! (Second more for subscription!)

Therefore, Ye Xuan at this moment can’t take any counterattack anymore, and immediately… a Minmin Temoor who dodges to the side is… stepping back! “It is really whimsical to think of going back now! You are a real old man! Abilities are fun”

“Ghost lost!”

And at this moment, Ye Xuan, who had just retreated, was suddenly… aware of the danger! I saw that the Sphinx Drew who swooped at him suddenly stood there and shouted angrily! Then Ye Xuan was… saw that his fist that should have attacked in front of him appeared behind him like a ghost! It was like a transposition! Ye Xuan who saw this scene, think about it now. It’s too late to stop! So Ye Xuan, who just flexibly avoided the Sphinx Diru attack, was immediately attacked by another attack from him! “Bang!”

With a deafening sound, I saw that Diru’s furry fist full of explosive power was directly…landed on Ye Xuan.

And after the unsuspecting Ye Xuan was attacked by Diru’s punching punch, the whole person was unable to bear the huge force and stepped back several steps! At the same time, Ye Xuan also appeared on top of his head. Up to: five-digit damage value! “!”

He punched himself for nearly 13 thousand HP! Seeing his sharp drop in HP, Ye Xuan was also shocked.

He didn’t expect this 70-level sphinx to be so terrifying! One punch… knocked out nearly one-third of his health! And it was just an ordinary attack from this guy! If he was hit by a skill, then I couldn’t be thrown to the resurrection point directly.Looking at the blood tank that sharply reduced one-third of his blood at that moment, Ye Xuan also said with fear.

At this moment, he didn’t dare to underestimate this big guy Diru, because the latter was completely… he was sure of a skill to kill his own existence in a second.

“Jie ha ha ha! Damn it’s adventurer in another world! This will know that your uncle is amazing! You run in my field, if you can’t beat you, you will be regarded as a loss!”

Seeing that a punch was… an attack of nearly one-third of the blood, the Sphinx Diru was also arrogant and said to Ye Xuan! However, there is no doubt that he is indeed qualified at this moment! Then, seeing that his own blow worked, Drew immediately launched the next attack! And this time the attack was still the same! I saw Drew waved his wings, and then the whole person was…instantly. Entered into the void! And the disappearance of Diru the Sphinx was just happened to be seen by Minmin Temoor next to Ye Xuan.

Minmin Temoor who saw this scene suddenly remembered something.

She stretched out her hand and waved, she actually used him to block Ye Xuan’s eyes! “What are you going to do!”

Seeing everything in front of me suddenly became…

Because the situation at this moment is a matter of life and death, how can this Minmin Temu cover his eyes at this time! Ye Xuan, who has no time to think about it, is just… waving his hand back, Trying to shake off Minmin Temul’s hands that blocked his vision.

However, at this moment he suddenly heard Minmin Temoor speaking behind him! “Emperor Ye, don’t move! I know the trick of the half-human, half-lion guy. You will fight in this state! Use your hearing. Come and fight! Don’t open your eyes!”

With that said, Min Min Te Moor himself was clasped on Ye Xuan’s shoulder, and at the same time he closed his eyes! And Ye Xuan who heard Min Min Te Moor’s words at this moment, although he did not understand what happened What, but presumably this Minmin Temoor should have no reason to harm himself.

So he also honestly closed his eyes and stood quietly on the spot.

And when Ye Xuan closed his eyes, he finally discovered the reason why Minmin Temul asked himself to close his eyes.

I saw that after Ye Xuan closed his eyes at this moment, he actually caught the figure of the Sphinx Diru! “It turned out to be like this!”

After catching the familiar figure beside him, Ye Xuan finally understood the skills of the Sphinx Diru.

It turned out that this guy was actually using the power of his wings to move quickly, and Ye Xuan’s eyes could not catch this guy! In other words, the speed of this Diru is no longer the speed that human eyes can catch.

But the fact that the eyes cannot see does not mean that the ears cannot hear.

When Ye Xuan completely gave up visually capturing the Sphinx Diru, he immediately… caught the existence of Diru through hearing.

At this moment, Diru didn’t know that Ye Xuan had discovered his secret at this moment.

He still thought that Ye Xuan was still standing there waiting for his sneak attack! Seeing this scene, Diru finally couldn’t bear it, and once again used his almost teleporting speed to launch an attack! He waved his wings, and the whole person instantly… rushed in front of this Ye Xuan! That terrifying speed would definitely be unavoidable if Ye Xuan had not been prepared! But this time, Ye Xuan is early Already saw through Diru’s trick! So when Diru dashed into Ye Xuan’s body, Ye Xuan decisively… shot it! “How can you look at it?”

Seeing that Ye Xuan could actually see his own existence, Diru roared with unbelievable eyes all over his face! However, before she could finish speaking, Ye Xuan’s attacks were already ensuing! “Dragon Snake! ”

“Qingyue Slash!”

Facing Diru who rushed in front of him, Ye Xuan slammed two powerful skills without hesitation.

Two skills that were almost slapped against Diru’s scalp, instantly… they caused a huge amount of damage! At that moment, the blood volume of this Diru was instantly… reduced by almost three points. One’s blood volume.


An inattentive body is…Diru, who has been severely injured, suddenly roars after pushing Ye Xuan away! Because he has not suffered such humiliation after he successfully transformed into a transformation and advanced. Now, I was actually beaten like this by a kid from Otherworld.

The peculiar self-esteem from the superior made Diru furious at the moment.

Even if he stripped Ye Xuan alive at this moment, he still has his heart! “Damn it’s alien adventurer, I will definitely let you experience what a terrifying thing death is!”

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