I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 146 It is our duty

In Uncle Yuki's heart, Kamiyagawa is indeed super brave.

There is no doubt about it.

After all, when Yuuki Makenyou first met him, this kid was single-handedly dealing with two strange interviews in the Quanming area.

And it's about to succeed.

What does it mean to do big things in a muffled voice?

Therefore, to investigate the disappearance of "Fairy Fairy" alone is indeed something that kid Shen Gu would do.

"Where are you now?" Yuki Makensuke lit the cigarette in his hand.

"Already home."

"is it safe?"

"It's safe, I didn't act rashly. It's not that I called you as soon as I realized that the matter seemed serious." Kamiyagawa responded fluently.

Mr. Yuki blew out a smoke ring, and after thinking for a while, he spoke again: "Don't follow up on the matter in Fengsu Town. Our organization is already investigating, and the results are coming soon."

On the other end of the phone, Kamiyagawa paused in silence for a while, and then began to play the hot-blooded boy: "Then I... just watch?"

At his age, with a little passion in his blood, it's not incomprehensible.

"The water here is very deep, and it's more complicated than the situation at Quanming's place." Uncle Yuki was a little helpless, "It would be better for us to do it."

Kamiya: "So, is the Healer Organization going to take action?"

Yuuki hesitated for a while, and chose to answer the question directly: "Yes, soon."

"Then I apply to act with you guys!" Kamiyagawa became emotional, and he began to reveal his purpose, "Aren't I your assistant, Mr. Yuki? Besides, when my teacher was still there, he taught me— —It is our duty to eliminate demons and protect the way!"


Yuuki Makensuke flicked the soot and began to get tangled up.

Eliminate demons and defend the way.

Mr. Yuki would not believe such high-sounding words from the mouths of ordinary people.

But what that kid Kamiyagawa said...it's hard to say.

After all, he has the history of going alone to Quanming to retire from treatment.

If he hadn't met Yuki Zhenjianyou later, even if the kid got rid of the high-speed mother-in-law and the ground binding spirit, he would not get a penny.

It's like doing things with a lot of courage and passion.

Of course, this is also the place where Yuki Makensuke appreciates Kamiya.

It's good for young people to be aggressive.

"Well, don't go to Fengsong Town again during this period of time. I will apply to the higher authorities to let you be my extra assistant for this operation. After that, I will notify you to act with me, but everything must be obeyed by me command."

Uncle Yuki finally agreed to Kamiyagawa's request.

With his status in the official organization except for spiritual masters, it is not difficult to apply for a non-staff assistant to act together.

And this is a decision that Yuki made after considering various aspects in a short period of time.

On the one hand, in the eyes of Uncle Yuki, the kid Kamiya is really good, but he is too passionate and reckless in his work.

If he refused to let him participate in the follow-up action, if he stubbornly continued to investigate the affairs in Fengsu Town alone, and would startle the snake, it would cause a lot of changes.

On the other hand, Yuki Makensuke originally had the intention of cultivating and wooing Kamiyagawa.

It would be a good thing to let him participate in organizational actions and get in touch with people in the organization.

When Lashengu joins the organization in the future, this kid has a resume of participating in major operations during the non-organization period, which will definitely benefit his future development.

As for whether it would be dangerous to involve Kamiyagawa in the operation.

How can it be dangerous to be a psychic master?

Not to mention, the strength of the kid Shen Gu lies there.

He has the level of combat strength to retreat and cure D-level monsters alone.

In the organization, those young junior spiritual masters who made it clear that they would participate in the encirclement and suppression of the "Fair Fairy" together.

Except for the Onitsuka little witch who was mainly trained by Shintoism; the Buddhist monk Ruyu, the successor of the Zen master of the Buddhist Wanfu Temple, there is no one who can fight like that kid.

Participating in the follow-up is more than enough.

Taking these considerations into account, Uncle Yuki took great pains, and after agreeing to take Kamiyagawa with him.

"Okay, Uncle Yuki, then I'll wait for your call!"

The goal was achieved, and Kamiya was satisfied.

"Okay, okay. Remember, don't act on your own until I find you." Mr. Yucheng explained one more sentence.

Afterwards, the two ended the call.

Not long after hanging up Kamiya's phone call, a clerk in the countermeasure room, wearing black pantyhose and wavy hair, walked up to Yuuki:

"Mr. Yuki, please return to the conference room, there is new information coming."


Miss Clerk handed out a stack of materials: "About the remaining, almost invisible magic circles left by the Zhifenxian organization in various places in Tokyo, the result report has been released."


Uncle Yuki stubbed out the cigarette, took the documents, and walked to the conference room wearily...

The entire special classroom office area.

Leather shoes and high-heeled shoes stepped back and forth on the smooth tile floor, and the light of the incandescent lamp tirelessly fell on the floor and the green plants beside the corridor.

Cigarettes, coffee, and clear tea can't wash away the red blood in the eyes of those who stay up late here.

Tonight, for many people, is destined to be sleepless.


Low-rent apartment.

After hanging up the phone, Kamiya Chuan smiled and said, "The information and actions of the official removal of spiritual masters are actually smoother than expected."

The official organization has already been one step ahead of Shengu in controlling the information of the disappearance case.

And the action plan is already being specified, and it is estimated that it will take a long time to make a move.

The time for Kamiyagawa to accept the task of [When the Demon Sealed] was already behind, and no matter how hard he tried to catch up, he couldn't catch up with the official.

"Since you can't catch up, why don't you just join in and forget all about their information and action plans."

"Furthermore, the specific strengths of Fairy Zhifen and that 'Feng Mo Shi Si Shi' are unknown for the time being, and if I act with the official people, my safety will be more guaranteed."

Kamiya has already considered that even if an unorganized outsider like him participates in the operation, he will definitely not be responsible for any important matters in the operation.

And he has [One Thousand Silver Needles] and [Ghost Leather Clothes] two props on hand.

After taking the official actions, there is still a lot of room for maneuvering.

"I just feel a little sorry for Uncle Yuki. He actually trusts me so much. Just say a few words, and he agrees to beat me up." Kamitanigawa scratched his cheek.

Mr. Yuki really trusts Kamiya very much.

To some extent, this is also related to the "halo effect" in psychology.

As long as a person's first impression of another person is excellent, he will look more and more pleasing to the eye when he looks at him later, and he will be satisfied no matter how he looks at it.

Yuki Makensuke looked at Kamiyagawa more or less like this.

"However, I joined the action of the official organization. Even if there are some personal attempts, the ultimate goal is to participate in the treatment of the Faun Fairy."

Kamiyagawa began to comfort himself.

Regardless of deeds or intentions, what he has to do is exactly the same as that of the official organization, and there is no such thing as sabotage in the middle.

Thinking about it this way, Kamiya's sense of guilt disappeared.

"The next thing to do is very simple. Hurry up and hang up to refresh your skills, feed Banruo and the others as many candles as possible, and prepare for the challenge with all your strength."

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