I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 158 Head Balloon

Onitsuka: "What do you mean?"

Kamitanigawa: "My master only taught me the technique of eliminating spirits, but he didn't teach me the theoretical knowledge of eliminating spirits. Before this year, I didn't have any experience or experience in eliminating spirits. So, I really just started."

"Your master, why are you doing this?"

"I don't know either, maybe the old man has some special considerations of his own."

Kamiyagawa once again used his "master in a quantum superposition state" as a shield.

This kind of excuse, even if you are an uncle, you will believe it seventy-eight percent.

Not to mention Onitsuka Little Priestess with a relatively simple mind.

After a few words, she successfully believed in Kamiyagawa's evil, and her attitude of speaking became enthusiastic and energetic again.

I ate for a while.

Onizuka Kiri Hotaru suddenly put down the chopsticks in her hand and looked up at Kamiyagawa.

Shen Gu looked a little uncomfortable: "What's the matter, boss?"

"Don't call me big boss, big boss, I will blush too." The little witch shook her head, shaking the chopsticks in her hand, "Shooting the girl who is about to be a B-rank girl alone, obviously you are the big boss!" Well."

Kamiya Chuan walks in a dark alley alone, and finally defeats Zhifenxian.

Onizuka, who participated in the battle against Fubukicho, must have known about this.

"That's not true. And it's not like I broke it directly, but with the help of a strange person." Kamiyagawa insisted on the previous reasoning.

He allocated a large part of the credit for defeating the Faun Fairy to his vest.

"It's amazing to be able to hold back that Fairy Fairy for so long."

"That's true, I accept your compliment. By the way, what did you want to say at the beginning?"

"Oh, that's the one...I heard that you have a shikigami, right?" The little witch came back to her senses. She just stared at Kamiyagawa and thought of this.


"Then you are using the same kind of spirit control technique as Mr. Jiecheng...?"

"No, we are different. Uh, my shikigami does not need to replenish mana at night."

"That's good, ah, no, what I mean is... are there still people who use other spirit control techniques?"

"There are still some, anyway, my master taught me." Kamiyagawa responded briefly, and then changed the subject, "By the way, I also have a question for you."


"Since you are a priestess, why didn't you wear a priestess costume in the previous two days' operations?"

"It's inconvenient to move around in the maiden costume. How can you wear it in battle?"

"I see."

"Oh? Do you want to see it?" The little witch blinked, "I look like I'm wearing a witch costume?"

"Somewhat curious, generally want to see."



Having dinner with Onizuka Kiri Hotaru was a joy.

After dinner, the two took a walk near the "Marumatsu" restaurant, exchanged lines, and then parted normally.

The little witch is going back to Kanagawa tomorrow.

the next afternoon.

Kamiya was on Line, and received a message from Onitsuka who had already returned home——

"Show you the cats at our shrine!"


"It's called Dango, isn't it a cute child? There are many cats near our shrine."

In the photo, you can see the shrine with white walls, blue tiles, and bright vermilion outlines on the walls.

A huge shimenawa rope made of straw is hung high at the gate of the shrine, and several ema and brass wind chimes are hung under the shimenawa rope.

In the center of the picture is a corner of the wooden corridor of the shrine.

A big orange cat, shaped like a small gas tank, is turning its belly up and taking a nap in the sun.

A little witch in white clothes with scarlet hakama and white foot bags, with long black hair tied up with white sandalwood paper, squatted beside the orange cat, rubbing its furry belly.

I have to say that Onitsuka in Miko costume is really pretty.

Kamiya looked at the photos for a while, then typed: "Who took the photos for you?"

From Onitsuka Little Miko's side, several messages came back in a row:

"Your words are disappointing!"

"Of course I set up my own tripod to shoot."

"After I returned to the shrine, it took me a long time to pose for this satisfactory photo. It was very hard work! The dumplings are getting impatient."

"And, that's not the point. You should compliment me politely!"

Seeing the little witch's reply, Kamiyagawa just laughed, and then replied: "It looks good. Besides, it's time for the dumpling to lose weight."

Onitsuka: "Danko said you don't have to worry about it. [unexplained angry cat expression]"

I casually chatted with the little witch for a few more words, just like the private chat on the forum before.

After that, Kamiya turned off the phone screen and sighed:

"I really met a very interesting person."


The interaction with the little witch is just a very interesting seasoning in Kamiyagawa's life.

At least for now.

After that, another day passed peacefully.

It is the day when Kamiyagawa leaves for Osaka Nara to open a map.


The birthplace of ancient Japanese civilization.

Nara is a low-profile version of Chang'an. It imitated the layout of Chang'an in China more than a thousand years ago, and the capital at that time, Heijo-kyo, was built here.

Therefore, there is also Suzaku Gate and Zichen Hall. In addition, the two most important temples here, one was built for monk Jianzhen, and the other was built in memory of Master Xuanzang.

The streets and alleys are full of antiquity.

However, this unique city is not the end of Kamiya's journey.

He is going to Horen Sabo Mountain in the northeast of Nara Prefecture.

The abandoned Nara Fantasyland is located here.

Abandoned Paradise is quite far from the urban area. After getting off the plane and taking the tram, if it is convenient for you later, you can only rely on taxis.

Very expensive.

Fortunately, recently, Shengu has made a lot of money by relying on Uncle Yuki and the official organization of spiritual masters.

The taxi stopped five kilometers away from the abandoned paradise, unwilling to continue driving.

The driver stopped the meter and drove about 20 kilometers, charging 10,000 yen.

Kamiya took out the money with a bit of pain.

After collecting the money, the driver just glanced at Shen Guchuan, then turned the car around and left without saying anything.

In Japan, a country that is polite and friendly on the surface, but in fact, the human relationship is relatively indifferent, and there is not much communication between strangers.

After watching the taxi leave, Kamiyagawa took out his mobile phone and checked the marked points on the map: "Walk five kilometers, it's a bit far to be true."

It was one o'clock in the afternoon when he arrived at Mt. Faren Sabao, and the autumn tiger was in the sky.

Hiking in the wild on a hot day is really not very pleasant.

But there is no way, the most important thing is to open a new map.


Walked a mile in the sun.

No pedestrians are seen on the road along the way

Kamiya Chuan took out a bottle of water from the [Mirage Bag], and stood by the side of the road and filled most of the bottle.

"Come back to life." He breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to continue his journey with the map, he suddenly heard the sound of a car from behind.

All I saw was a seven-seater Mazda slowly approaching and stopping beside Kamiya.

A moment later, the driver's window rolled down.

Inside is a young man with yellow hair and tattoos on his arm: "Hey, little brother, you still look like a student? What are you doing in this kind of place?"

Kamiyagawa stood by the car.

After the Mazda car appeared, the phone in his hand vibrated.

A notification from "Ghost Story" popped up.

He glanced at the notification content calmly, and then glanced in through the rolled-down cab window of the Mazda car. There were four or five other young people in the car.

They looked a bit like backpackers, urban explorers who went the same way as Kamiyagawa.

"I'm here for a walk." Shen Gu silently put away the phone.

"Turn around, there's nothing better here, right? Going forward, there's only a huge abandoned amusement park." The windows of the second row of seven seats also rolled down slowly.

Sitting there was an ordinary-looking woman in her mid-twenties, wearing a peaked cap, with heavy make-up.

"Well, I just went to Nara Dreamland." Kamiya began to chat with the stranger.

As soon as this is said.

The young people in the Mazda laughed, and the air was full of joy.

Huang Mao: "Little brother, isn't that place you should go exploring at your age? And you are only alone, so it will be dangerous."

The woman in the peaked cap: "If you must go, why not come with us? Brothers and sisters are also going to play there, so you can take care of us if you come with us."

No one in the car objected to this.

Saying that, the Mazda door was pulled open.

Without the slightest hesitation, Kamiya showed a smiling face of a harmless male high school student, and stepped into the car: "Then thank you brothers and sisters."

He sat in the last row of the seven-seater car where three people can sit.

Sitting beside her was a girl in her early twenties with short hair.

After getting into the car, Kamiya could confirm that this group of young people who were also going to Nara Dreamland was a group of five people.

Two women and three men.

The Mazda restarted and drove forward.

It's very cool in the car, it's shady and shady, it's much better than basking in the sun outside.

But Shen Gu in the back row glanced at the first row, only to find that the vehicle's air conditioner was not turned on at all.

"Hey, little brother, it's about ten minutes away from the abandoned paradise, and it will be there in a while. Do you want a snack?"

The group of young adventurers in the car looked a little bad, but they were nice people, and they warmly greeted Kamiyagawa for snacks.

Shen Gu was also polite, and took a bottle of drink and a bag of potato chips casually.

He looked through the snacks calmly.

Ah, very good.

Drinks and potato chips look fine, but the production date is all ten years ago.

Kamiya definitely wouldn't eat this stuff, so he naturally put the snacks by the side of his seat.

The few people in the car didn't care about why he didn't eat.

They just walked along the way, laughing and laughing. Shen Gu, who was sitting in the back row, also cooperated with them in talking and laughing, and approached the destination without using the driving and air-conditioning of the vehicle.

Drive about two kilometers.

The yellow hair in the driver's seat suddenly raised a topic to Kamiya: "By the way, little brother. If you want to explore Nara Dreamland, you should have heard of it, right? It is said that there is an urban supernatural spot."

The woman in the peaked cap added: "I heard that laughter can be heard in amusement parks where no one is there; abandoned amusement facilities without electricity will suddenly start at night."

"Of course I've heard of it. I went there just because of those urban legends." Kamitanigawa sat in the back row calmly, calmly.

"That's it." The originally friendly tone of the peaked cap woman changed, and her tone became strange, a little stiff, and she dragged her voice strangely, "Then little brother, do you believe those urban legends are true? Do you believe that in this world, Are there any ghost stories?"


As if to match her speech, the seven-seater Mazda made an emergency stop on the road.

Kamiyagawa in the back row sat up straight again after the bumps, glanced at the five people who were traveling with him, and said slowly: "I believe it."

The rest of the people didn't speak at this time.

It seemed a little colder in the car.

It was so eerie that people shivered.


At this time, the short-haired girl who was also sitting in the back began to sob, and she cried tremblingly: "It's gone, it's gone...I can't find it...I can't find it!"

Kamiyagawa touched a [Thunder Intertwined Coin] and held it between his fingers: "What are you looking for, sister? I can help you."


The girl cried louder and louder, her voice became hoarse, and her short-haired head began to rise slowly.

Detach from the body and ascend.

Her head, like a hydrogen balloon, rose to the roof and floated up and down. At the same time, he continued to cry: "My head! My head, I can't find it, why is it missing!"

"My head, my head... find it for me, find it for me!"

Others in the car also shouted.

Their necks seemed to be cut neatly by a sharp thin thread, their bodies remained on the seats, but their heads floated up like balloons.

After being held up by the roof, it bounced up and down in a small range elastically.

As for the yellow hair on the driving seat, his situation is different from the others.

The head didn't turn into a balloon and rise up, but it was disconnected unevenly, and blood flowed from the neck like a fountain.

The fallen head was held in his hands.

"Kaka——" He opened his mouth wide and made a muffled sound, "Balloons, balloons all over the sky...the balloons are crying, screaming!"

Afterwards, the eyes on Huang Mao's head were bleeding, and he stared blankly at Kamiyagawa who was sitting upright in the back row: "Go! If you don't want to be like us, go immediately!"


The doors of the seven-seat Mazda swung open.


Kamiyagawa raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Looking at the other "people" in the car, it seems that they have no intention of actively attacking themselves.

"It's interesting, do you want me to go?"

The coin in Shen Gu's hand already had a faint blue electric arc jumping, but he pressed it out again.

The horror and noise in the car continued.

But after two or three seconds, all the sounds stopped abruptly.

Because An An was sitting in the back row, the boy who looked a bit weak also had strange changes around him.

"Jie Jie—"

A huge white and purple figure wearing a grinning mask appeared from beside him, squeezed into the carriage, and stared at everyone.

outside the compartment.

There was the sound of hard heels stomping on the ground.

blah blah.

You can see the turbulent red aura, crashing like boiling outside the car door.

Immediately afterwards, a slender white hand clung to the opened car door.

A girl in a red and black gothic dress dragged a huge machete and stood straight at the car door: "Hello. I'm Miss Mary."

The four floating human heads, as well as the yellow hair holding the head in front of them, stopped making any sound, as quiet as a little chicken.

They dare not move.

Even trembling.

Because other colleagues went to the countryside today, there are a lot of work in the unit, so I don’t feel embarrassed to ask for leave during the day.

(Oh, yes. The real Nara Dreamland has been abandoned for a long time, but it was demolished years ago and is gone.)

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