I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 276 The Fallen Mountain God

In the bushes three or four hundred meters away from the Pig King Cave.

Kamiyagawa put his hands on the ground, his expression twisted, and he was in pain.

The dreamy murmur of constantly shouting and whispering the name "Xu Fu" had an extremely strange effect on his body.

There are filthy and weird granulation swellings on his body. Huge, unacceptable, and incomprehensible information is being stuffed into his mind one after another, making his head continue to swell, and it is almost about to explode.

Shouting and whispering the name "Xu Fu" was not only heard by Kamiyagawa.

The moment Xu Fu's name flashed in his mind, with him as the center, all individuals within a small area around him echoed this voice in their minds.

Including the little old man who was originally on the lookout.

The little old man didn't know what happened at all, so he was affected by these voices.

Even the little old man Mini, who was watching from afar outside the mountain village, was also affected by this innocent disaster because of the influence of his body.

However, their situation is slightly better than that of their master, Kamiyagawa.

Just when the master and servant were tortured to the point of failure by the voice that seemed to come from the void, a crimson light ball leaped out of Shen Guchuan's body, which was as vague as a dream.

It is a nightmare-eating tapir that has entered the state of [Dreamland Qiwu].

[Dream Qiwu: I am also a dream. The tapir envelops itself with the red light of the dream, blurs the boundary between itself and the dream, and enters the state of equalizing all things in the dream. When entering the Qiwu state, the tapir can no longer use other skills, but it is immune to most attacks and quickly heals itself. ]

The nightmare-eating tapir in the Qiwu state quickly left Shengu's side, leaving the range affected by the ravings, and then solidified again.


Tapirs envelope their owners and colleagues with dreamy red light, and ring the bells around their necks.

Kamiyagawa's thoughts were pulled into a dream at once, interrupting all original thoughts.

He saw a valley full of colorful flowers.

The sun is warm, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, bees are flying and butterflies are dancing, and the flowing water is gurgling.

Kamiyagawa didn't know why he appeared here, and he didn't know what he was doing here, but he just felt calm.

This was a sweet dream created by the nightmare-eating tapir.

And dreams never need a reason.

Shen Gu only stayed in the dream for about five seconds, and then was awakened by the dream-eating tapir.

Because the original thoughts of falling into a dream were forcibly interrupted, it was equivalent to a quick restart of the brain. After waking up, he was no longer affected by those whispers.

"Aww... aww..."

At Kamiyagawa's feet, the little old man slumped on the ground, completely out of strength, his old bones barely falling apart.

Tapir followed suit with the method he had just saved the owner, and brought this colleague out of the influence of the raving.

"Just now..." Kamiyagawa spent a few tenths of a second recalling what happened just now, looking at the nightmare-eating tapir not far away, "Tapir, you saved me?"

The little white strange talk cub just flicked its long nose proudly: "Puff, puff."

"Thank you, well done. If it weren't for you, I might have sent it inexplicably."

Kamiyagawa bent down and patted the head of the nightmare. His fourth shikigami seemed to be more useful than expected.

At the same time, he couldn't help thinking about what happened just now.

"Is it because of the influence of Xu... Dongdu's adult?"

Now Kamiyagawa doesn't dare to call that lord by his name casually anymore.

Just now, when he saw the mural from Kuangshilang's perspective, he unconsciously opened his mouth to announce his name, which led to strange things happening.

"What is the state of the Eastwarder now? With all the things that happened just now and the whispers he heard, those who didn't know thought it was Mr. Ke's sugar."

Because of the boring loss, Kamiyagawa is not willing to think too much about the "Eastern Traveler" now.

In case something happens if you think too much, who can you talk to?

But even if he can't think too much, Shengu still roughly summed up the current information related to "Eastern Traveler"——

First, you must never speak his name directly.

But it doesn't seem to matter if he thinks of his name directly in his mind.

When he first met the drug seller in Gao Tianyuan, Kamiyagawa thought about the "East Traveler".

However, no whispers were heard.

"The drug seller seemed to have prevented me from saying his master's name directly, so he must have known about these things."

Second, the first time the Eastwarder's real name is spoken, all conscious individuals within a certain range around him will be affected by the raving at the same time.

Moreover, even if Kamiyagawa gets rid of the raving, those individuals who have been affected by the raving, such as the little old man just now, will still remain affected.

This point is obtained through the double confirmation of the little old man and the tapir——

Tapir just saved the owner Kamiyagawa first, and then saw that the little old man was still in pain, so he made a second shot, and then rescued his old colleague.

"Also, it's a bit strange to think about it this way. Throughout Japan, there are several shrines enshrining the adult who went to the east to find the elixir. Logically speaking, many people should have called his name."

"Could it be that he will be affected only by calling his name in the other world?"

"For the matter of the Eastwarder, it is safer to ring the bell on Gaotianyuan and ask the medicine seller. If there is no accident, he should have been the apprentice of the Eastwarder."

After thinking about it hastily, Kamiyagawa stopped thinking deeply, lest some strange switch be triggered again.

The strong evil aura spread around him, and the other three shikigami, except the nightmare, appeared one after another.

The little old man had just been tortured by ravings, and his condition was not very good, so Shen Guchuan asked him to return to the mallard bird to rest, planning to collect some candles from the green-skinned little monk later, so as to replenish his body.

Next, leave the lookout to the shikigami.


Pig King Cave.

The Kushiro puppet, which returned to normal simultaneously with the controller Kamiyagawa, stood up from the ground with a slightly stiff movement.

He stared at the mural in front of him again in the darkness, and his eyes fell on the big boy holding a medicine gourd to open the way on the side of the Eastwarders.

"By the way, the prototype of this boy is not a drug seller, is he? It's so cute, it doesn't look like his current image at all. Of course, the possibility of artistic processing is not ruled out."

The first two murals roughly only depict the travelers from the east arriving in Japan on a large ship, riding the wind and waves, and being treated with courtesy by the aborigines at that time.

At this time, go back and look at the third painting——

A group of people are doing sacrificial rituals.

Judging by the clothes and depictions of these people, they are not members of the Eastwarders, but the aborigines of Japan at that time.

The object of their sacrifice is a towering mountain with clouds hanging over the top of the mountain.

There are also layers. Although there is no color, the layered painting on the top part should be showing the snowy scene.

"So these people are offering sacrifices to Mount Fuji?"

Because Aokigahara is at the foot of Mount Fuji, Kamiyagawa naturally drew such an inference.

The fourth mural——

Beside Mount Fuji, a majestic inhuman figure is standing, as if he has merged with the mountain, harmonious and natural, and integrated into one.

He calmly gazed at the settlement of human villages beneath his feet.

There are men farming and women weaving, and it is peaceful.

The murals in the Pig King's Cave seem to be able to convey emotions. Touching this painting with your fingers, you can feel calm and beautiful.

"People at the foot of Mount Fuji worship the mountain gods all the year round, and under the protection of the mountain gods, they live a peaceful life of prosperity and well-being." Kamitanigawa continued to speak based on his own understanding, looking at the pictures.

The next painting——

Mount Fuji is roaring and erupting, lava spurting.

The mountain god who is connected to the mountain looks painful.

The lines on his body became distorted and frantic. If you stare at it for a long time, you will feel that the image of the mountain god is constantly wriggling.

In the previous painting, the holy and majestic mountain god guarding one side is wantonly destroying human villages.

In this painting, Kamiyagawa feels evil, depravity, and filth, which is very similar to the black maggots he encountered before.

"Mt. Fuji erupted, and it seems to have happened many times in Japanese history."

"However, this painting probably depicts more than just a volcanic eruption. The mountain god seems to have fallen for some reason."

"Fakuyamahiko...is that how he came here?"

Keep looking back——

The Eastwarder once again appeared on the screen.

The Eastwarder in the painting holds the shrunken head of the mountain god in his hands, and a large number of indigenous people bow down to him, while Mount Fuji in the background has once again returned to calm.

"Did the Eastwarder kill the fallen mountain god?"

The mural ended here, and Kamiyagawa was lost in thought.

Now he seems to have a general understanding of the background story of the big map of Aokigahara.

"So, the Eastwarder is not the protagonist of this map. He appears here as a guardian of the demons and monsters. The boss I want to fight against is probably the fallen mountain god who was beheaded. It's something that came down and turned into something, so that makes sense."

"I just don't know what roles the King Inosa and Yamaba who appeared on this big map later played."

The Kuangshilang puppet wandered around the cave again.

Except for the murals, there seems to be nothing more worthy of attention here.

So Kamiyagawa simply manipulated the puppet to walk back.

Before the Kageshiro puppet returned to his side, Inujiro, who was watching the wind not far away, suddenly let out a low warning dog bark.

Enemy attack!

Shengu directly gave up the perspective of the puppet, and quickly focused back on his side.

In the nearby woods, there seemed to be something approaching, and there was a rustling sound as it passed through the bushes.


With an indigo sword light flashing, Kamiya pulled out a character from Nanquan.

Hannya, who had been standing by his side all the time, turned the two masks floating around his waist, and the grotesque white mask became more and more animated, as if it was about to come alive.

Next, the mask of jealousy appeared on Kamiyagawa's face.

Kamiya, who quickly entered the fighting state, narrowed his eyes, and the black pupils under the mask became deeper and deeper.

He saw something approaching in the forest.

They were a few slender, naked humanoid monsters, all covered in gray-blue.

About two meters tall, the torso and limbs are elongated and deformed, and all kinds of strange tissues exposed are scribbled, which is strange no matter how you look at it.

They hunched their tall bodies, pushed aside the branches of the trees, their distorted and godless eyeballs twitched randomly in their eye sockets, and struck with extremely uncoordinated steps under their feet, as if their brainstems were missing.

"It's a human!"

Kamiyagawa had seen this thing in Yamabashi's kitchen before.

When a living person enters the inner world, if he dies too many times, his life and soul will be peeled off, and he will forget everything about himself, and he will become a human being.

There are more than a dozen chinchillas approaching from the woods.

They are covered with ragged and tattered cloth strips, which are far from enough to cover their bodies. They are already in the process of turning into chinchillas, the remnants of torn clothes.

Through the exposed secondary sexual characteristics that have become very strange, it is possible to roughly judge their original gender.

"Wrap it up, hang it up, the bird in the cage wants to come out all the time..."

Childish nursery rhymes have already sounded from Mary's side, and there are waves of red mist rolling.

On the Inugami side, there is also a karmic fire jumping, the flames are soaring into the sky, and the sound of gnawing and roaring can be heard endlessly.

It seems that they have already handed over the human chi.

"It's fine if it's not black maggots."

Kamiya Chuanji buzzed slightly over his head, and rushed towards the human being closest to him...


Liuqi Yintong's short bayonet flashed out.

As Kamiyagawa nimbly twirled and jumped, he pierced sharply into the lower jaw of a chinchilla.

The original bronze-colored dagger became extremely strange and bloody after piercing into the flesh.


The mandible whose jaw and mouth had been pierced by Kamiyagawa had its throat throbbing, let out a dry growl, and kept twitching and struggling with its deformed limbs.

They really don't look like humans.

"Keep your head down."

Kamiya pulled the trigger.

With a "bang", the broken spirit iron projectile penetrated the head of Chi, blasting out a piece of red and white sticky matter.

This is the last human.

The final execution at Kamiyagawa is over, and the sudden encounter declares victory.

Chi's fighting power is stronger than imagined.

There is no tendency to visit these things, and you can't see the ratings, but after a battle, it feels to Shengu that it is much stronger than the human face tree in the sea of ​​trees.

The strength can be compared with the upper-level powerhouses in the standard F-rated ghost stories.

"After the human body is transformed into evil in the other world, it can have a combat power similar to that of a high-level F-rank monster. This is somewhat beyond my expectations."

Kamiyagawa withdrew the [Banshee] and shook the dirt off the dagger.

Then, he took out his phone again.

Glancing at the mobile phone, Shengu's expression was puzzled at first, and then became slightly distorted: "After destroying this thing, why didn't the soul crystal explode!?"

Killing monsters without dropping soul crystals happened once before.

It's the head balloon in Dreamland.

However, the human head balloon is because they are a whole, and the fusion together is the head of strange talk.

But the people here are obviously not like this.

"This kind of monster that is lost in the inner world and deformed by the human body is different from the real ghost story. It may really not explode the underworld currency..."

The loss is too big, and this wave of battles has negative benefits.

Lost in several rounds of iron bullets.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have shot."

Moreover, even if [Banshee] is not used, a melee weapon like a character has a concept similar to "durability".

This is the information I learned after coming into contact with God Craftsman Jiangjue.

To put it simply, weapons will wear out to a certain extent after a battle.

However, high-quality weapons, as long as they are maintained regularly, can be used frequently and always be kept in the best condition, so that they will not be scrapped.

However, for famous utensils like Nanquan Yiwen, the maintenance time can be extended a little bit, and once in a while, it can be used for a long time in a sharp state.

"Abba whimper!"

Kamiyagawa was still a little annoyed at the lack of benefits from the battle.

The little old man who had returned to the mallard bird to take a rest appeared again.

"What's wrong?" Kamiya looked at him.


The little old man ran to the side of the battlefield.

One of them was full of sword wounds, probably a woman who squatted down beside her, and stretched out her hand to pull her wrist.

There is a red string tied on the hand of this chil.

The red has been embedded in the distorted gray flesh, which is extremely dazzling.

"Abba! Abba!"

The little old man yelled and said something.

Kamiyagawa leaned over and took a moment to understand what he wanted to express——

"You said, not long ago, you saw a stranger woman tied with this red string, who was brought into Shanbai's house by Shanbai?"

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