I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 471 The Leech Man

"I've seen the people of Songze in the middle of the night, they don't look like humans at all."

Sugiura Kumiko showed horror, as if she was recalling, her voice became muffled: "Their skin will turn into a moist black-gray, and there will be circles of ring-shaped textures on the exposed skin. Their facial features will be distorted, like Regressed. Eyes invisible on wet face, nose with two tiny holes, and mouth a disgusting sucker of flesh."

"The Songze people who have turned into monsters seem to have degenerated some of their senses, but their sense of smell has become very sensitive. They will use the two holes in their faces and their slimy skin to sense smells and act accordingly."

"There are also limbs, yes, limbs. The hands and feet are shortened to fit the torso, but they can still move, and the fingers can use tools. However, after turning into monsters, their movements will be slower than normal."

"After they are deformed, they look like leeches, just like the statue above the canteen in the village! That thing on the cross, that's a leech! People in Songze worship this thing."

The more Kumiko Sugiura spoke, the more excited she became, her body visibly trembled from fear.

Kanoya: "You seem to know them well?"

"Of course I will understand, I want to get out of this village." Sugiura smiled bitterly again, "and you will be the same as me before too long. As long as you stay here for two more nights, you will have a chance to see Matsuzawa People turn into leech figures, and they wander past your window in the middle of the night, or maybe stick to your window all night."

Ugh, that sounds scary.

Imagining the scene of Songze people turning into "leech people" wandering in the village late at night, Kanoya asked again: "Aunt Sugiura, you always said that no one can leave Songze Village, but I think those Songze people are It's weird, but it doesn't seem like it's going to directly restrict our freedom."

Sugiura Kumiko said seriously: "Don't be fooled by the friendly and cheerful appearance of the Matsuzawa people. Just enter Matsuzawa Village. It's fine if you stay in the village and don't go out. But as long as you try to step out of the village, those Matsuzawa hunters will point the barrel at you."

"How many hunters are there in Songze Village?"

"About twenty or so."

"So many!?" Kanoya was extremely surprised.

Then she learned from Sugiura Kumiko that there are about 180 people in Matsuzawa Village, which is about the same number including the original villagers and the assimilated modern people.

And those people Xiaolu met in the cafeteria before were only part of them.

Among the aborigines in Songze Village, more than 20 people are hunters with guns.

Considering that the time background of this space seems to be seven or eighty years ago in the real world, it seems normal to think that the villagers have this level of gun ownership.

"With so many hunters, it would be troublesome if they were really going to stop me from leaving the village."

Kanoya thought so in his heart.

She herself was brought to Songze Village by the three hunters headed by Watanabe, so she knew that these people with shotguns were dangerous elements.

As Aunt Sugiura said, don't look at the Matsuzawa people who are always having fun, it seems that there is not much threat. But the old hunter Watanabe, when he saw Lu Yeya in the woods, his first reaction was to shoot, without ambiguity at all.

In addition, the people of Songze seem to be celebrating a festival, and the scene of happily eating black raw meat in the cafeteria is still vivid in my memory.

No matter what Songze people do, it will not appear unreasonable, because they are "unreasonable" themselves. Therefore, Xiaolu felt that what Aunt Sugiura said that the hunters in Matsuzawa would attack those who tried to leave the village should not be a lie.

When it comes to the hunter of Matsuzawa, Sugiura Kumiko naturally mentioned her previous experience——

In fact, before Kanoya came to Songze Village, there were four other normal people in the village, including Sugiura, a total of five people.

The five people had the same idea, that is, to escape from Songze Village and stay away from the strange people here.

The escape was carried out twice.

Once during the day and once at night.

"The hunters of Songze are a well-coordinated team during the day. If they try to escape during the day, they will soon face organized hunting and hunting by the hunters."

"On the contrary, it is more likely to escape at night. Especially in the middle of the night, after the people here become leeches. The leeches who are not hunters generally don't leave their homes late at night. As for the original hunters, they will take them with them. The guns wandered around, but they rarely cooperated with each other, and it may be that after they turned into monsters, their thinking became dull."

"But because Hunter Matsuzawa, who became a leech man, was extremely sensitive to smells, the escape at night ended in failure."

"Of the five people, two were shot and killed by hunters, and two chose to eat the meat and blend in here, leaving me lingering on my last breath."

At this point in the conversation, Kanoya's vigilance towards Sugiura Kumiko has dropped a lot.

After all, a lot of useful information has been obtained from the other party.

The two made an appointment to help each other as much as possible in the village. After that, Sugiura Kumiko stayed in Kanoya's "home" for a while before saying goodbye and leaving to go back to her "home".

It's getting late, if we stay any longer, the people in Songze will turn into leech people.


"Abba whimper!"

After sending Kumiko Sugiura away, the little old man No. 3 released his restrained breath and appeared in front of Kanoya.

"Little grandpa, have you been by my side?"


The little old man No. 3 nodded.

Kanoya looked at the gray night outside the window, closed the curtains, and asked, "Are there people from Matsuzawa watching over this room?"


The little old man No. 3 shook his head.

Kanoya found an old chair, wiped the dust and sat down, now she finally had a chance to treat the wound on her body.

She took out the Shengde Yucen, and the scripture stickers sent by Mr. Kanazawa, and placed them in front of her. Continue to do the mudra, stretch the slender thumb, index finger, and little finger together, and clasp the rest.

This is the Buddhist handprint learned from the Hongan Temple, called the inner lion seal, which expresses the power to freely control one's own body and the bodies of others.

To put it bluntly, it is a healing type of Buddhist spell that acts on oneself or the body of a selected target.

The healing effect of Inner Lion Seal is much worse than that of Prajna's white powder that can stop bleeding and relieve pain instantly.

But it is enough for Kanoya's current situation, anyway, it is no problem to treat a bruise.

"Om Pancha Sattva Sama, Manubana, Pancha Sattva Diloba..."

Xiaolu controlled his spiritual power, closed his eyelids, shook his head and began to recite the Vajrasattva mantra.

The brass Shengde Yucen burner in front of her was a little brighter; the scripture posts spread out also felt it, and it started to shine slightly.

These two props have a very good blessing effect on Buddhist spells.

"The spiritual power of all things, let me contact you."

The scripture post was originally blank, but as Lu Yeya kept opening and closing his mouth, small golden Sanskrit characters appeared on it, which corresponded to the content of the scripture. Those small Sanskrit characters floated towards Kanoya's red and swollen right knee, turning into an invisible soft current to wrap the wound...

After waiting for seven or eight minutes.

The effect of the inner lion seal was almost the same, the redness and swelling of the deer's knee was no longer visible, only some bruises were left.

Whether it is taking off or squatting, there will be no pain.

"I haven't really tried to use this kind of spell on my body before, but the healing effect is better than I imagined? Am I really a genius? No... It may be that the props that Mr. Kanazawa and Master gave me are too powerful It's..."

Just when Kanoya was happy with her successful spell healing, she silently stood by her side, the little old man No. 3, who sensed the surrounding situation, suddenly felt like an electric shock.


He yelled at his eldest lady, danced and gestured excitedly.

"Why, what's the matter?"

However, Xiaolu is not Kamiya, who can roughly understand what the ghost talkers at home want to express through tone of voice and body language.

"Abba! Abba!"

Little old man No. 3 wrote directly on the dusty floor with his fingers. The handwriting was crooked and ugly, but it was recognizable——

[The master is contacting us! ]


The real world, the countermeasure room building.

After getting the strategy from Wu, Kamiya rushed here for a meeting.

The agenda continued until midnight without ending.

Moreover, Kamiyagawa also brought other information, about Encountering Demons, about an unknown ancient god.

As for how the information came about, there is no need to lie completely.

To put it bluntly, my subordinates have strange stories about spying on and deducing future possibilities based on the current situation, and the current intelligence is a summary of the results of spying and deduction.

Kamiyagawa has great confidence in Satoru's ability.

However, the people in the countermeasure room are not the same, but the problem is not big, as long as the "Master of Ghosts and Gods" is brought out and endorsed.

The information brought by Kamiya suddenly made the issues to be discussed and clarified at the meeting more complicated.

In tonight's countermeasure room meeting, Kamiyagawa rarely showed a proactive attitude. In order to save Kanoya, he had to take the initiative, and it would be best if he could directly take over the supreme command of the earthquake catfish crusade in the future.

With his current strength, as well as his contacts and prestige in the countermeasure room, there are really not many people who object to the proposal that "Kamiyagawa is in charge of the command".

However, the few who objected also had reasons to say——

The personal strength of ghost and god disciples is indeed there, but a high force value does not mean a high command value.

The reason for this objection is acceptable to Kamiya himself when he calms down and thinks about it.

After all, he really has no experience in commanding humans to fight on a large scale.

The only time, seems to be when Wakayama subdued the little whale?

But that was just a C-level monster rating incident, and even the final resolution of the matter actually relied on Kamiya's personal hard power.

The crusade against earthquake catfish is currently a large-scale operation, and a decision-making error by the commander may affect the death of many people. If it is just for the convenience of rescuing Kanoya, it is irresponsible to force the command here.

The life of Kamiya's apprentice is life, and the life of others is also life.

In the end, the command of the operation was assigned to Makensuke Yuuki.

This result is acceptable to everyone, Uncle Yuki is a jack of all trades.

His own command ability is very strong, so he can convince the crowd; Kamiyagawa doesn't have to worry about the conflict between Uncle Yuki's command and his rescue of the apprentice, the two have mutual trust and tacit understanding.

At present, Uncle Yuki is on his way from Fukuoka to Tokyo. It is estimated that he will start to make overall plans and get busy as soon as he returns.

At 1:30 in the morning, Kamiyagawa was still in the countermeasure room building.

The meeting is not over yet, but we took a break for a while.

The information on earthquake catfish and earthquakes in various places is still being further compiled and summarized; the new information brought by Kamiya has not yet been researched at the meeting, but the clerks in the office are already working overtime to check the literature, trying to find the corresponding useful information. information.

In the tea room, Kamiya and Onitsuka were making coffee.

The whole building was still brightly lit, but because it was late at night, there was no very lively atmosphere.

Quiet, busy, and depressing.

Before Shengu could brew his bag of instant coffee, the little old man suddenly appeared, gesturing to him emotionally and telling him something.

"Wait a minute, you mean, have you contacted Yukino?"

Shen Gu understood the expressions and movements of the scouts, and suddenly cheered up. The news was more refreshing than coffee.

Wu did explain that among all the "futures" she saw, the little old man was very reliable in his work, and he was able to steadily help the master and apprentice get in touch.

But I didn't expect this contact to come quite quickly.



"Whoa, whoop, whoop."

On one side is a neat and bright office with clear windows, and on the other side is an old house with dilapidated furnishings and dust.

The two worlds are completely different, and may not even be in the same time and space. With the efforts of the little old man's main body and the third body's outer body, they finally got in touch.

As soon as I got in touch with the "signal", it was fairly stable.

Because they didn't know when the "signal" would be disconnected again, the master and apprentice quickly started communicating.

The specific communication method is to let the little old men on both sides write down what Kamiyagawa and Kanoya said at the same time.

That is to say, the scouts are now doing secretarial work, making meeting minutes.

[Master, I thought I would never see Master again, woo woo. Eh? Wait a minute, little grandpa, there is no need to write this sentence. ]

Compared with Xiaolu, Shengu is racing against time to output key points when he speaks, and he doesn't even bring any pleasantries——

[Xiaolu, Enlightenment used Future Vision, so I have a rough idea of ​​your current situation. The next thing I want to show you is the precautions for your activities in that strange space, and you must write it down carefully. ]

[First, don’t eat the food in that space, don’t drink the water in that space. ]

[Second, find a helper, a petite she-wolf who talks about it...]


In the strategy given by Xiaowu, in fact, there are quite a few of her personal colloquial idioms.

In the follow-up, Shengu simplified the focus of this part. In order to deal with the current situation, it is enough for the little old man to copy it, so as to ensure that the effective strategy will be passed to Xiaolu very quickly.

After finishing writing the most important notes, Xiaolu replied:

[Master? Can't you drink water? I met an aunt named Sugiura Kumiko who claimed to be from the Tsuyama earthquake, and she told me that drinking water is okay. In other words, she is lying to me? ]

Looking at the words written by the scouts on the paper, Kamiya frowned slightly: "Kumiko Sugiura? The strategy given by Satoru doesn't seem to mention this person."

Isn't this an open book exam?

Why is it not in the first question book?

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