I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 693 Great Immortal Peach God

The sun rises and sets over Apoki Plain.

The people of Chikushi Castle have been busy preparing for the "Millennium Celebration" for another whole day.

Today is the third day that Kamiya Kawa has entered this dream. With his "inhuman" physique and mental strength, everything is naturally in good condition. Even because of the excitement before the decisive battle, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is in excellent condition.

Before dusk, Kamiya met Yatagarasu.

According to the information given by the latter last night, the dream master who needs to be defeated, the Great Immortal Tao Shen, is located in the deeper layer of this dream.

And only when the time in the dream enters dusk and the celebration ceremony of Chikushi Castle is about to officially begin, the passage to the deeper layer will be opened.

At this time, it is the most time-saving and labor-saving to enter the deep dream, and no additional means are needed.

As for why this is the case...

Maybe Tao Xian wants to see the grand scene of Chikushi Castle's Millennium Celebration in the shallow dream.

Want to watch this endless celebration dream maintained by Him over and over again, without getting tired of it.

Yatagarasu: "Are you ready?"

Kamiyagawa replied calmly: "Of course. No matter what time, I am always in a state of 'ready'."

"Okay." Yatagarasu did not ask anything else. The dim light of the lantern in her hand became stronger, and then she turned around and began to lead the way, "Follow me, don't fall behind."

The two were originally in a field some distance away from Chikushi Castle.

Apoki Plain is a vast river plain with lush water and grass, and now it is in the afterglow of the sunset. The dim and magnificent sunset dyed the green field into gold, and the endless distance of Apoki Plain was connected with the red sunset in the sky.

Being in it, it is refreshing.

However, after following Yatagarasu for a while, the surrounding scenery began to change.

The sunset in the distance seemed to melt into the skyline like oil wax. The knee-high green grass around me kept changing colors between emerald green and golden yellow. It was originally swaying in the wind on the river, but now it was strangely completely silent. Only when the heavy black robe and the gorgeous feather weave brushed against it, it would make a rustling sound.

"We are going to enter the depths of the dream."

Walking in front, only half a body away from Kamiya River, Yatagarasu reminded me.

She is indeed a good guide. The lantern in her hand is always lit, and she can guide the way forward steadily even in a strange environment.

During the journey, Yatagarasu began to tell Kamiya about the situation of the Great Immortal Peach God.

She has challenged the Peach God too many times and has extremely rich experience.

Yatagarasu: "The Great Peach God is in the depths of the dream, but to defeat Him, it is not enough to defeat Him in the dream."

"If you can defeat the Peach God in the dream, then part of the deep dream will begin to blend with the awake reality. The depths of the dream are more stable, and even if reality invades, there will be no additional changes. Then, we will see the real Peach God, who has been... eroded by the underworld. I think only by defeating the Great Peach God in reality can we end this endless fantasy."

"In addition, after the deep dream is invaded by reality, it will be quickly repaired and the real space will be repelled. Once the dream is completely repaired, all the previous combat efforts will be in vain, and we will have to face the Peach God in the dream in full condition again."

Kamiyagawa: "So, according to the battle plan we discussed before, against the Great Peach God..."

What Yatagarasu told was the valuable combat experience she summed up in countless battles with the Peach God. In fact, she had already told Kamiyakawa similar information last night, and the two sides also discussed the battle plan. Now it is just a reiteration of some key points before the battle begins.

Yatagarasu has been fighting alone in the endless dream cycle for too long.

So long that it has transformed from a human grass with strong divinity into a god.

Even so, Yatagarasu has only defeated the "Dream Peach Fairy" in the previous battles, and she has never defeated the real Great Peach God in reality.

And Kamiya Kawa summarized the information of the Great Peach God according to his own understanding.

In short, the battle state of the Peach Fairy is divided into "stage one" and "stage two".

After working hard to beat it into the "stage two", the real battle really begins. If the challenger who has been injured or exhausted in the "stage one" cannot defeat the "stage two" Peach Fairy before the deep dream is completely repaired, then He will return to the form of the full "stage one".

This cycle repeats itself, just like the "Millennium Celebration", it is an endless cycle.

It can only be said that the Peach Fairy's dream ability is indeed weird and powerful.

In addition, being in the dream is His home court, it is no wonder that Yatagarasu cannot beat Him no matter what.

Yatagarasu: "Because of the Great Peach God's ability, Huangquan's attack on Apogihara was only possible with the cooperation of several Yin Gods. After defeating Tsukushi Castle, those Yin Gods may have left, but I feel... there may still be Huangquan Yin Gods left on Apogihara. I didn't last long in real battles, so I have never really seen them, but I think there is a high possibility."

Yatatagarasu's concerns are not unreasonable.

After all, Apogihara is too close to Huangquan, and it is also sealed by Izanagi's power. It is a prison that cannot be escaped. There may really be other Huangquan Yin Gods trapped here.

If the fight with the Great Immortal Peach God is too intense, it might attract other Yin gods here.

However, Wu mentioned in the strategy he gave before that --

Kamiyukawa might indeed encounter a few gods who are either enemies or friends when he comes to find the human master materials this time.

But these gods are not the strongest ones.

"The core area of ​​Huangquan was re-sealed during the battle of gods with Abe Haruaki. As long as there are not too many wandering in Apogihara and they are not too strong, with the help of the eight-foot-crows, who are also gods, there will always be a chance of winning."

Kamiyukawa thought so.

And after Wu used "Future Vision", he also clearly said that Kamiya had a chance of winning this time.

So no matter how many enemies there are, they are not invincible.

Under the guidance of the eight-foot-crows, they walked for a while.

The sunset has become like flowing lava, and the vast grassland has completely turned into a dreamy golden color.

And farther ahead, Kamyukawa can see the outline of the building at the location floating out from the horizon, and the breath of the gods can be clearly felt there.

Deep in the dream of reincarnation.

This is the cornerstone of this endless dream. The endless celebrations in the shallow dream are all built and woven on this foundation.

And here, on the golden field, there is an isolated palace, the style is the same as the one in Tsukushi Castle, but it seems more magnificent and dreamy.

On the square of the palace, there stands an extremely eye-catching huge upright statue. The statue is reflected by the brilliant golden color that is as magnificent as dusk in the depths of the dream, and the smooth lines and contours are like gold pouring.

Its image is a young man wearing feather clothes, with sword eyebrows and star eyes.

This is the statue of Izanagi.

"Lord Izanagi."

The peach fairy in a pink and white dress walked towards the statue.

His posture is elegant and upright, with long hair flowing on his shoulders like a waterfall. His dress is light and elegant when he moves, and the clouds are lingering. Every step he takes, a peach blossom will bloom under his feet.

As a peach fairy, he really gave people the feeling of a peach tree in a peach forest, with pink and white flowers trembling and filling the branches, graceful and pretty.

The Great Peach God stopped in front of the statue of Izanagi, and his expression was excited: "Look, the celebration is about to begin."

However, his words did not get a response.

The tall and magnificent statue of Izanagi just stood silently, standing in an unrealistic and magnificent golden illusion.

The statues were originally unable to speak.

However, the Great Peach God did not stop talking because of this. His eyes moved and continued to speak:

"I did a good job, right? Just like I promised you, I have always protected everyone in Apokihara."

"Everyone is very happy in this celebration. There is no distinction, no suffering, only excitement, only celebration. I did a good job, and I protected everyone very well. The sound of joy can be heard clearly even here, they will always be happy, and they will always be happy..."

When the peach fairy thought that everyone in Tsukushi Castle could be happy forever, he couldn't hold back his emotions and smiled with his hands covering his mouth.

At this time——


Subtle but firm footsteps came from behind.

The Great Peach God turned around and saw a black-robed Yatagarasu with four wings drooping on its back walking into the palace square.

"My lovely little Yatagarasu, you are here again. It seems that you brought others with you. Where are they? Won't you come out to see me?"

The Peach God was still smiling.

However, the way He looked now was really not like the kind and loving leader that the people of Chikushi Castle remembered.

Nor was He like the playful older sister who would protect her in the impression of Yatagarasu.

Yatagarasu did not respond to Taoxian's words. Her black hood shook slightly weakly, and she said, "Don't go on. Please stop this dream."

"Little Yatagarasu, what are you talking about? Isn't this what everyone wants? You can see that everyone is happy."

"I see that everyone is in pain! The disaster caused by Huangquan is not your fault... Stop, their dying souls have been trapped in this inescapable cage for thousands of years. Please, let everyone be free!"

Facing the Great Immortal Taoshen, Yatagarasu, who had long been numb to everything, finally became excited again.

But she actually knew that all this was useless.

Taoxian is no longer the Taoxian she used to be.

"Prison? Yatagarasu, how can you say that?" The Great Peach God was not angry. His face was only a happy and sickly red. "I let everyone live in happiness forever, without being invaded by the underworld. I protected everyone and fulfilled my promise to Izanagi-sama, didn't I?"

"...But everyone is dead!" Yatagarasu's black robe trembled, and the long-handled scythe with a cold light finally appeared in her hand again, "I promised you that I would give everyone peace."

The four black wings suddenly spread out.

The curved blade of the long-handled scythe drew a striking silver arc in the dim yellow air.

The sudden attack of Yatagarasu was extremely swift, causing a frenzied whistling of wind pressure. The sound of the wind changed its tone, like the howling of the dead, and like a frenzied but solemn requiem that resounded through the world.

The hurricane and the blade with a strong breath of death attacked the location of the Great Peach God together.

"Little Yatagarasu, are you still not giving up?"

Faced with the attack of Yatagarasu, Taoxian remained calm.

Beside her, clusters of pink and white peach blossoms full of vitality bloomed.

Just as the two parties leading death and vitality were about to collide like a hurricane, the Yatagarasu flapped its back wings violently, turned the blade, and bypassed the peach fairy in front.


With a loud bang, the silver snake-like sickle arc and the hurricane wrapped in death all hit the tall and majestic Izanagi statue.

The statue, which was like a golden cast, suddenly collapsed.

It turned into a dreamy bubble and quickly dissipated.

This move was completely beyond Taoxian's expectations.

"What are you doing? How can you be disrespectful to Lord Izanagi?"

Yatadori floated in the air and raised the long-handled sickle in his hand: "It was He who trapped us here."

"Lord Izanagi, He had no choice, and He will come back, He will come back!"

"He will not come back! Izanagi has never come back. He abandoned Apogihara and let us wait for death on the edge of the underworld. He also abandoned you!"

"No, no, no! We made a promise, and He promised me. When He comes back, He will definitely...Yatadori, you are disrespectful! Disrespectful!"

Yatadori's blasphemous behavior finally made the Great Peach God furious, and He could no longer maintain the original joyful and playful tone.

His anger stirred the sacred and magnificent golden space deep in the dream, and between heaven and earth, those unrealistic golden arcs began to surge up and down.

And at this moment, Kamiya River's voice sounded-

"Take advantage of now, do it!"

A wisp of blood mist began to spread everywhere in the palace.

The mists boiled and spread, and every trace of bloody red was filled with angry and restless emotions. The bloody mist and the golden arc light blended together, stirring the original space even more chaotically.

At the same time, there was a sad conch horn mixed with the ethereal whale cry.

Some breaths like tides flowed out in the air, and every drop of azure blue was filled with a strong sense of sadness, washing back and forth like a tide.

Mary assimilated the red and blue power controlled by the whale, absorbed full emotions, and began to chase the golden arc lights that eroded the depths of the dream, and soon occupied half of the sky and the earth.

"Little tapir!"


The dream-eating tapir cried loudly, and several blurred dream rainbow lights shot towards the sky. Following the guidance of the red and blue colors, it directly peeled off that half of the world.

So, the magnificent palace turned into a dilapidated ruin, the earth became filthy, and the sky became dim.

The desolate, dilapidated, and devastated reality was directly revealed in the depths of the Great Peach God's dream.

As for the "Dream Peach God" just now, it also disappeared without a trace the moment the reality was exposed.

This is the battle plan for the "first phase" peach fairy discussed by Kamiya Kawa and Yatagarasu. Of course, this part of the plan was mainly proposed by the tapir who can also control dreams.

The dream-eating tapir's ability to control dreams is indeed not as good as the Great Peach God, but it is at least in control of the "terrified dream master".

Since realizing that the "Millennium Celebration" was just a beautiful dream, the tapir has been observing and studying this place.

It feels that it can still try to compete with the peach fairy who controls dreams.

Of course, to achieve this, it still needs the help of companions.

The tapir feels that since the Great Peach God, who firmly controls the core of the deep dream, is outside the dream, it can be simply understood that Kamiya Kawa is trapped in the dream of the Great Peach God.

Getting out of the dream is the process of awakening the peach fairy.

As for how to wake him up, defeating the "Dream Peach Fairy" is certainly one way.

But the frontal attack belongs to Yatagarasu. Kamiya's side has a large number of people and comprehensive capabilities, and there are other ways. For example--

Mobilize and control emotions.

Kamiya's subordinates have a group of part-time emotions.

Let the deep and stable dream have obvious and violent emotional fluctuations, which is a feasible way to "awaken the dream".

In layman's terms, it is to try to control the emotion of "joy" to "wake up the peach fairy with laughter", or try to control the emotion of "anger" to "wake up the peach fairy with anger"...

and so on.

And the facts have proved that this method is indeed usable.

Just now, Yatagarasu, who knows the great fairy peach god inside and out, provoked the other party's anger.

And this anger was captured by Mary, who is also a god, and expanded infinitely.

In addition, Huajing also cooperated to spread the two extremely strong emotions of "sorrow" and "sorrow" that the peach fairy originally had.

In the depths of the dream, there are only three controllable emotions.

As for "joy"...

Mary didn't feel it at all.

But it must be said that the Great Peach Fairy's ability to control dreams is indeed very strong. Even if the three emotions controlled by the party violently impacted the depths of the dream, it did not wake up the dream.

It just weakened the power here.

But this is enough, because Shen Gu's side still has the dream-eating tapir!

Relying on the unexpected and extremely tacit cooperation, the party took over half of the control of the depths of the dream in an instant with lightning speed.

"The plan works!" Shen Gu Chuan rushed into the battlefield and was excited, "Well done, little tapir!"

With the dream-eating tapir, who would still honestly fight the "first stage" dream peach fairy!

I skipped class and went to the "second stage" directly!

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