I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 754: A new addition to the Exorcist Boy series!

The Kamiyagawa family enlisted the help of Kosode, and most of the strange stories left the living room.

Kanoya also exited.

Xiaolu was very satisfied with his performance today.

Not only did he rush to Ibaraki to aid his junior sister under the instructions of his master, and won a great victory in exterminating spirits; he also captured a shikigami reserve who seemed to be a good match for his junior sister.

Moreover, Xiaolu was not completely without gains in this battle to eliminate spirits.

That's it, a very lustful bride.

Inspiration is here!

The image of the lascivious bride is just right to be included in the series "The Soul Exorcist".

When I was still on Ouri Island, the Xiaolu Painting Book was entirely to satisfy the needs of Hatachi-sama.

But now, it may be more of a personal hobby outside of practice.

So far, Mr. Xiaolu’s flagship work “The Spiritual Master Boy Series” has never been released to the public. In fact, three volumes have been drawn, namely——

"Hachishaku-sama's Secret Parade", "The Curse of the Train Cat Demon", "Ryu Nu's Palace of the Ageless Dragon".

This series is not a pure masterpiece, it has a plot, and it is even based on the plot.

It tells the story of a young exorcist who is gifted with a strong attraction to female monsters and uses "love" and the magic of acacia to influence evil monsters.

It is also Kanoya's favorite work and the one with the highest enthusiasm for creation.

Moreover, Hachisha-sama also likes to watch it!

It is a pity that the manuscript of the second volume in this series related to the train cat demon has been lost.

I was too flamboyant before, so my master confiscated it...

learn from mistakes.

Xiaolu was extremely careful when drawing the content related to the concubine in the third volume. After the drawing was completed, he only shared it secretly with Master Bashiku alone.

And it also received strong praise from Hachisha-sama, the only fan!

If Kanoya's career plan is not to develop in the direction of a spiritual exterminator, he might become a very good painter in the future.

However, for Xiaolu personally, this is actually pretty good now.

After all, she is the best at exorcising ghosts among the book painters, and she is also the best at drawing books among the book painters.

Relatively speaking, there is one unique advantage that no one else has -

Combined with one's own experiences, the book draws materials from real images of monsters and ghosts.

Not to mention, the world of ghost stories is surprisingly suitable as a material.

At present, looking at the entire series of spiritual masters, excluding the first volume related to Lord Hachisha, the heroines in the remaining two volumes are all based on the female monsters that Xiao Lu personally defeated or participated in the eradication.

And now there is another online bride.

If you can draw a beautiful monster with many arms and legs, it will be a good exercise for Mr. Xiaolu's painting skills!

That’s it!

The new volume of the Young Soul Exorcist series "The Love Nest of the Luo Bride" will be serialized starting today!

Of course, the time for painting should be left aside from spiritual practice.

And it has to be when the master is out or on business in the ordinary world.

Master has very sharp eyes now. If he is not careful, he will see through any small tricks at a glance.

A week passed in a blink of an eye.

In the basement of Kamiya's house.

The entire basement is paved with wooden floors and has a ventilation structure. Coupled with diligent cleaning and maintenance, the place is spacious, clean and bright.

It's a great practice venue.

Tsurumi Aoi and Kosode were sitting opposite each other in the center of the field.

On the ground in front of Tsurumi's knees, there were two wooden swords for practice, and there were eight more on the side of Kosodetsu.

During this week, the two girls in the new team, one person and one demon, got along fairly well.

Tsurumi is usually a bit gloomy, but she looks heroic and beautiful on the outside. Coupled with that gloomy temperament, she can still be called a beauty.

In Xiao Shou Te's eyes, although the young lady he followed was not as "beautiful" as the Kamiya-sama who exuded "weird talk hormones" all the time, she was undoubtedly in line with Xiao Shou Te's aesthetics.

This little monster likes beautiful things, whether they are people or objects.

As long as she thinks it is "beautiful".

Tsurumi Aoi fits this criteria.

Moreover, although the two parties have a subordinate relationship, Tsurumi's attitude towards Xiao Soushou is not condescending.

In short, after getting along with each other for this period of time, after the uneasiness of entering a strange environment faded slightly, Kosodetsu had a pretty good impression of Tsurumi.

Tsurumi Aoi: "Yesterday, I observed Mr. Kamiya's kendo skills. How did you feel?"

Yesterday afternoon, it was Kamiya's time to teach his second disciple kendo.

Also in this basement.

Xiao Shou Shou was arranged to watch from the sidelines throughout the whole process.

I don’t know if this little monster is really interested in kendo, but she was really fascinated by it yesterday.

"The way Lord Kamiya swings his sword is extremely beautiful."

Xiao Shou Shou replied with a little reminiscence and longing in his eyes.

Tsurumi always felt that Kosuke's attitude towards Mr. Kamiya was inexplicably fanatical.

As long as she mentions the teacher, she talks about "beautiful". It seems that the teacher's every move is very ornamental in Xiao Shou's eyes.

Tsurumi doesn't fully understand this, but he respects it from the bottom of his heart.

And Xiao Xiu Shou is like this, so what reason is there to disapprove of her?

Anyway, she was right in praising Kamiya-sensei as "strong and beautiful".

Have a vision!

"Since you said so, I'm relieved." Tsurumi continued to speak along with Kosode, "Today it's your turn to practice the beauty of teacher's kendo, pick up the wooden sword!"

As planned before, Tsurumi planned to teach kendo skills to her shikigami reserve.

Today is the first formal lesson.

Of course, she will teach by herself, Teacher Kamiya is very busy.

"Actually, I..."

Kosode hesitated a little.

At that moment just now, she felt that Tsurumi Aoi's temperament seemed to have changed a lot.

Become more sharp and sharp.

It's like the blade stored in the scabbard was suddenly pushed out.

This made Kosode recall the scene in the mall where Tsurumi chopped at her with two swords.

To be honest, it's a bit scary to recall.

At this time, Tsurumi Aoi had already stood up with a knife in her hand and was ready: "Let's start!"

Kosode had no choice but to stand up and spread several arms from the left and right cuffs to pick up all eight wooden swords on the ground.

Tsurumi Aoi's wish should be the wish of that Lord Kamiya.

Moreover, Kosode itself does not reject imitating and learning from Lord Kamiya, a "model of beauty".

"Use the sword like you saw yesterday!"

Tsurumi Aoi moved, like a fierce fighting dog with fangs exposed.

As she stepped forward, she raised a wooden sword above her right shoulder and swung it violently towards the lower left!

Whistling through the air!

Although she now prefers to fight with two swords, Tsurumi can still show the overwhelming power and speed of Jiken-ryu with a raise of her hand.

After all, a good teacher produces a good student. The skills of Jiken-ryu and Katori Shinto-ryu are well integrated by her.

Kosode raised her sword to parry slightly clumsily.

Because she was learning kendo, just like Tsurumi did not use extraordinary weapons such as Ichimonji to assist, Kosode did not rely too much on her own ability as a monster except for extending a few more arms.

This was a pure battle of skills.


The sound of the wooden swords colliding was short and intense.

With such a simple and unpretentious blade contact, the two wooden swords held by Kosode flew out of her hands.

Her palms and wrists hurt.


"You hold the sword too stiffly! The stiff grip you just had is a dead hand, and the flexible grip that combines the real and the fake is a live hand. Keep your thumb and index finger relaxed, the middle finger neither tight nor loose, the ring finger and the little finger must be tightly clenched, and there should be no gap between the palm and the handle. Whether blocking, pulling, knocking, or defending, you should only use the small movements of the thumb and index finger to complete it--come again!"

Tsurumi's eyes were already condensed, and she could easily see the shortcomings of Kosode's blade contact just now.

Pulling away and briefly reminding her of the key points, she swung the sword towards Kosode again...





The actual combat training in the basement continued.

Tsurumi Aoi didn't wear a protective helmet. The high-intensity swordplay that consumed her physical strength made her fair cheeks flushed and her body was covered with tiny beads of sweat. Her high ponytail was a little messy, and a few strands of bangs stuck to her forehead.

But even so, she was still in high spirits.

Even without the physical fitness blessing provided by Ichimonji, the wooden sword that hit Kosode was still like a storm just by adjusting her physical state with the breath of Ah-Hung.

"Hmm... Hmm... Miss Tsurumi is obviously a human..."

Yes, Tsurumi Aoi is obviously a human.

But her physical state, which became more and more courageous as she fought, seemed to be no less than that of a monster.

Kosode couldn't figure out how she did it.

Was it just relying on skills and willpower?

Although she had eight wooden swords in her hands, Kosode seemed unable to resist the intensive attacks that came from all directions.

Not only was she completely suppressed, but sometimes her arms would even get tangled because of Tsurumi's sharp and tricky chops.

Whenever she exposed obvious shortcomings, Tsurumi would pull away and give very accurate verbal guidance.

Then without giving her any breathing space, the next wave of attacks would come like raindrops hitting her head on.

It was really an oppressive teaching.

In fact, Tsurumi's teaching philosophy was very simple, that is -

In terms of kendo training, use the standards you demand of yourself to demand of Kosode no Te.

Throw Kosode no Te directly into the river, as long as she can flutter and swim over, she will become a qualified swordsman!

Teacher Tsurumi is really strict.

Whether it is treating herself or the reserve shikigami.

At the escalator in the basement.

Several little heads of ghost stories poked out furtively.

The smooth fur of the wolves; the big horns on the head of the red deer; and Mimiko with a tortoise shell on her back and a straw hat on her head.

"Baji... Baji... Good, so tragic."

Mimiko sat on the steps, chewing the iced cucumber she had just received from the deer, while observing the Kosode no Te below with a slightly sympathetic look.

It was really tragic.

Xiao Xiushou had been beaten unilaterally in the basement for more than two hours.

"Baji... Baji... Fortunately, we followed Yukino."

Yamiko sighed sincerely.

Songlang and Malu looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Although Xiaokui, Yukino's junior sister, was a good friend at ordinary times, she was really oppressive when she taught seriously.

This kind of Spartan education was frightening just by looking at it.

And today's kendo training, it's still unknown when it will stop-


"No, blocking is too slow!"


"Is this your understanding of beauty? Not enough, let me see your limit!"

In the basement, the sound of wooden swords colliding violently and Tsurumi's low shouts echoed in turn.

She even used the confusing words that Kosode used to inspire the latter's fighting spirit and get along with him.

It can be said to be well-intentioned.

And for Kosode...

Sure enough, sometimes it's better to watch "beautiful" things from a distance, and not to participate in person.


The apprentices have been practicing hard recently, and Kamiya River's work has not been relaxed either.

He has a lot to do.

Even if we don't talk about the more trivial things, there are still important matters in the near future-

Continue to pay attention to the ceremony of Inugami's promotion to God.

Pay attention to the growth status of the Tensei Iyo Ten Thousand Year Bamboo Forest.

As for the layout of the spread of the Prajna faith in GENIE Studio, the related serialized comics are ready to be launched recently.

Although the progress in various aspects is assisted by different subordinates, as a leader, Kamiya Kawa must be aware of the development of various situations.

And this afternoon, when Tsurumi was practicing the first lesson of kendo in the basement with his little sleeve, Kamiya received a report from Changshi -

Sister Jue has completed the construction of the shrine of the eight-foot woman.

As soon as he received the information, Kamiya went to Fusang Township to inspect and take away the new "Sex and Illusion Shrine".

The small shrine belonging to the eight-foot woman is more traditional, exquisite and gorgeous.

In addition to the basic red and white tones, darker blue decorations can be seen everywhere in the shrine.

The main temple is composed of an arch, a three-story tower and steps. The arch is also made of thick reverse column wood, and there are also two side halls from the god.

Inside the temple, there are pieces of dark and shining wet woman scales decoration.

The overall feeling is holy, but if you look closely, it seems a bit... debauched?

It should be because of the integration of the core of the nun woman. The atmosphere of the eight-foot-woman shrine is mixed with the kind of lewd feeling that I had seen before in the "Hime Treasure Shrine". In addition, the illusion given by the [Niyudo Relic] has faintly diluted this debauched feeling.

In short, it is very strange.

Kaku has built many small core shrines like this, and the craftsmanship of the god craftsmen is naturally beyond reproach.

After a simple consolation to the hard-working sister Kaku, Kamiya Chuan took the "Lust and Illusion Shrine" to the Karin Gui School.

Here, he called out the eight-foot-woman.

In the cherry blossom forest, the gray stone statue of Jizo appeared silently, and the red silk tied to the stone statue fluttered brightly.


Kamiya noticed that compared with the previous solid stone statue of Jizo, there were many cracks on the surface.

There were clearly no cracks when I saw it last time.

Perhaps it was because with the completion of the shrine and the growth of the Hachisha Onna's strength, this thing could no longer accommodate someone like her.

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