Based on the descriptions of witnesses, the police at the time confirmed that the woman thrown into the sea by Ezaki Nagayasu was his wife Ezaki Kazu.

Police searched the house and found chlorpromazine tablets with Ezaki Nagayasu's saliva in a bedroom.

A common antipsychotic drug of the time.

Ezaki Changyasu's family members have been following the doctor's orders and letting him take this sedative for a long time.

In addition, there were large blood stains and drag marks in the bedroom.

It is speculated that Nagayasu Ezaki pretended to take chlorpromazine, which can calm the nerves, during a certain medication process, thereby deceiving his wife who was taking care of him at the time, and then launched an attack while his wife was not paying attention.

After a long search, the police found the drowned body of Ezaki Nagayasu near Wakasa Bay, but Ezaki Kazu was not found.

Her body was probably swept deep into the sea.

Some time later, the police followed legal procedures and declared Ezaki Kazu dead, whose body had not yet been found.

This is the entire tragedy that happened to the Esaki family——

The folklorist suffers from "Capgra's delusion syndrome" and stubbornly believes that his wife has been replaced by something unknown.

Therefore, he killed his wife. Unable to bear the torture of delusions and hallucinations, he finally threw himself into the sea.

"Brother and Kazu, they are both very good people. They should not have ended up like this... The doctor said that Capgras delusion is often accompanied by violent tendencies, but at that time we really thought that my brother was much better. If If I had known earlier...if I had known this would happen..."

Mr. Ezaki's eyes were already red as he struggled to tell the story of what had happened.

Kamiya and Onizuka quietly listened to this tragic incident in the past.

The things Mr. Esaki described are generally the same as the information Kamiya and others have on hand, but they are more specific.

"Mr. Esaki, you said that the place where your brother once did folklore research was the study on the second floor, right?"

"Yes...but there is nothing there anymore. The family members believe that the reason why my brother suffered from schizophrenia may be related to his fanatical folklore hobby, so the things there, the books and collections are regarded as... Ominous. I don’t know if it was Gatsu who cleaned it up before the accident, or whether my parents cleaned it up afterward.”

Mr. Ezaki said so.

He could feel that the two young police officers from Tokyo seemed to be extremely interested in his brother's folklore research.

Maybe they'll want to check out the study on the second floor next.

But the result will definitely make them regret it, because there is really nothing there.

Kamiyagawa and Onizuka Kiriho looked at each other, and then nodded lightly to each other.

During the time when Mr. Ezaki was speaking, the two young spirit exterminators seemed to have made some definite discovery.

"Is this where the study is?"

Kamiyakawa walked to a corner of the hall. The originally gorgeous carpet under his feet had decayed, exposing the dusty wooden floor.

He stood there and pointed to the ceiling above his head.

"Uh..." Mr. Ezaki first recalled the structure of this big house, and then nodded slowly, "Yes... yes."

Ta, tap.

Kamiyagawa narrowed his eyes and stepped on the floor under his feet.

The creaking sound of the old wooden floorboards was the same as everywhere in the front hall.

Ordinary people can't see anything weird here, but Kamiya is different.

"There is something down here...Mr. Esaki, we may have to do some destructive investigation of your house."

"Don't worry. If we make a mistake in judgment, we will definitely compensate you accordingly." Onizuka cooperated and helped.

Although she said this, she knew very well that her and Achuan's judgment would never be wrong.


Mr. Ezaki didn't know what the two police officers were talking about.

There was actually nothing to investigate about matters related to his brother, but he still nodded mysteriously.

Why don't you come up?

Perhaps deep down in his heart, he always hoped that there would be a turnaround in the tragedy.

But, what can be the turning point?

The elder brother was ill, and the elder brother killed his wife, Kazu.

There is evidence, there are witnesses, everything is a definite fact.

"Mr. Esaki, please step back."

"Refund some?"

Mr. Esaki retreated without knowing why.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

Just a few meters away, Mr. Esaki heard the young and handsome male police officer say this.

Then, he saw something unexpected and beyond common sense——

There was only a clear "clang" sound, and the male policeman turned his right hand on his waist, and unexpectedly pulled out a long, narrow and dazzling golden Odachi "out of thin air".

His movements were so fast that Mr. Ezaki didn't react at all.


Immediately afterwards, the golden Odachi stabbed straight into the ground. The long and narrow blade cut iron like mud and penetrated into the ground like a piece of tofu. With the sword as the center, the rotten wooden floor was instantly lifted open by the powerful impact.

Kamiyagawa lifted the boy and pulled him out of the ground.

He himself took a big leap backwards.

Mr. Esaki could see clearly that the golden sword cut through the solid ground and roared. Not even a small gap could be seen on the blade, and it was still intact.

Underneath the wooden floor, the originally solid ground gradually revealed deep cracks.

As if being torn apart, the cracks on the ground spread quickly and became as intricate as a spider web. The sound of falling dust and stones was as heavy and slow as a death knell, echoing in the empty front hall.

The corner of the front hall of the mansion that was cut open by Kamiya's knife is collapsing!

At the edge of the collapse, the soil showed a strange color, which was the color of wet soil mixed with dry rocks. They were intertwined to form irregular borders.

Onizuka Kirihot casually twisted out a Sunda Talisman.

The high-level Qingming Platycodon talisman spell summons powerful and controllable winds.

The wind pressure beyond ordinary people's understanding accurately lifted up all the collapsed soil and rocks and piled them to one side.

In this way, the collapse of the ground finally stopped until a deep pit of about three to four meters collapsed under the corner of the front hall.

It is obvious that there is a cellar beneath the Esaki house.

In other words, it is a sealed underground space.

The scene in front of them made Mr. Esaki completely stunned, not only because he saw the incomprehensible abilities displayed by these two young people who claimed to be police officers. Compared to that——

Why is there a cellar under my house?

And it seems to be completely sealed underground, with no entrance or exit.

What is this for?

Mr. Esaki was still in shock, and then he saw the young female police officer leaping into the pothole dexterously.

He hurriedly came closer.

The underground cellar has yellow-brown mud on all four walls, with traces of manual excavation.

And because Onizuka used the Sunda Talisman to cooperate with Kamiya, the collapsed rocks on the roof did not fall into the cellar. The entire cellar is only a few square meters in area. Looking down from above, you can see everything at a glance.

In the corner of the cellar, there was a shriveled human corpse.

The shapeless corpse was extremely twisted. The deceased must have suffered great pain during his lifetime. It is not known how long this corpse has existed in this closed underground space. Now it is basically in a state where the skeleton is covered with a layer of completely air-dried flesh.

What frightened Mr. Esaki even more was——

The corpse's abdomen to the center of its ribs was completely open. The withered and weathered thin skin contracted into a layer of tough leather, dark brown in color, like the wings of some unknown insect, spreading out to both sides of the body, revealing an empty abdominal cavity.

Such a situation made Mr. Esaki unconsciously think of... cocoon.

Yes, cocoon.

It was as if something unknown had once emerged from the belly of this corpse.

Such an association made Mr. Esaki feel a strong sense of vomiting.

Looking at the two young police officers, their expressions were slightly solemn, but they were obviously not feeling any physical discomfort.

The female police officer among them stood in front of the horrific corpse in the cellar. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ezaki seemed to catch a glimpse of a small white blurry arc of light, lingering on the fingertips of her raised right hand, and it disappeared fleetingly.

The excessive panic made Mr. Esaki couldn't bear it any longer and he was about to collapse: "What on earth are... you two? Who are you two?"

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Ezaki. We introduced ourselves at the beginning. We are police officers of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. It's just that the daily affairs we handle are different from ordinary police officers."

Kamiya, who was not far away, said this in a calm tone.

Ezaki's eyes met his, and at that moment, the panic in his heart calmed down a lot, and he believed Kamiyagawa's words without any reason.

As the "Lord of the Human World", even if he was just standing there, Kamiya had a very strange and undeniable persuasiveness.

At this time, Onizuka in the cellar raised his face, sighed slightly, and gave the information he had just received through the channel: "This is Ezaki Kazu."

Ezaki Kazu has been dead for a long, long time.

Her soul has not turned into a ghost, but after such a long time, there are still some scattered soul fragments on her corpse that can be used for channeling.

Although the information obtained through the channeling was not too much, in Onizuka's opinion, it was already a miracle.

The only explanation is that Ezaki Kazu must have been an extremely determined person during his lifetime.

"You said this is Gazin?"

Mr. Esaki, who had just calmed down a little, widened his eyes.

Everything that happened today was beyond his understanding.

Mr. Esaki didn't know how the two police officers in front of him quickly determined the identity of the body in the cellar.

But if what they say is true...


how can that be possible?

Jia Jin was obviously thrown into the bay by her brother, so how could she appear in this closed cellar?

Moreover, who did such a cruel thing to Gazin?

Could it be that my brother did it?

All along, the Esaki family told themselves that their brother killed Kazu and threw himself into the sea because he was ill.

He did this because he was sick and unconscious.

But everything he saw seemed to indicate that his brother had done something even more terrifying.

He imprisoned his wife underground, where he never saw the light of day, and cut open her abdominal cavity.

It is so cruel and inhumane, it is simply an act of the devil.

Ezaki couldn't accept this. He would rather believe that his brother had thrown himself into the sea with Kazu.

"Mr. Esaki, your brother passed away in the summer of 1979, right?" Onizuka suddenly asked in the cellar.

Folklorist Nagayasu Ezaki threw himself into the sea in 1979 after killing his wife.

This is what is recorded in his file.


Mr. Ezaki nodded.

Then, Onizuka's eyes became slightly weird, as if there was a little sympathy and pity. After hesitating for a second or two, she spoke again:

"Ezaki Kazu in the cellar died in 1978."

"what are you saying?"

Mr. Ezaki shook his head vigorously.

What to do.

These two so-called police officers with unknown origins are indeed talking nonsense.

how can that be possible?

In 1978, Kazu was clearly still alive and well.

At that time, my brother had just been diagnosed with schizophrenia. When his brother was living in a mental hospital, Kazu often went to...take care of...him...

Suddenly, Esaki's body trembled.

An extremely terrifying thought exploded in his mind like a thunder, making his scalp and back numb for a moment.

My brother is sick and suffers from Capgras delusion.

Patients suffering from this rare disease, due to their own hallucinations and delusions, will regard someone close to them as being impersonated or replaced by another "person" who looks and behaves the same, and will therefore feel a strong sense of uneasiness.

Before my brother got sick, he once said that he heard unusual noises at home.

Someone called his name in the night, and violent scraping sounds echoed in the hallway.

There were bursts of wailing sounds coming from somewhere underground.

From underground...

"no no……"

Mr. Ezaki took two steps back, feeling dazed.

He recalled the first time he went to the hospital to visit his brother.

His brother was like a crazed beast, eyes wide open, grabbing his arm and shouting: "Believe me, Shika! They don't believe me, but you have to believe me. The current Kazu is definitely not the one we know." Gajin…”

My brother looked really scary at that time.

The young Mr. Ezaki instinctively threw away his hand because he was afraid.

But is there such a possibility?

Thinking of this, Mr. Esaki's whole body shivered. Even though it was broad daylight, his body felt as if he had fallen into a bottomless ice cellar.

That terrifying thought, once it arises, can’t be shaken away——

Maybe his brother wasn't crazy.

Even when he was killing "Gazin" and even a second before he threw himself into the sea, he still maintained his sanity.

His brother... was probably more sober than anyone else from beginning to end.

Ezaki Nagayasu has never been sick.

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