I made a fictional reasoning in Tokyo

Chapter 104 The final plan

Although Tokugawa Katsuharu has not yet decided who will be the unofficial director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department this time.

But this time the unofficial candidate is most likely to be the second son of the Lihua family. Lihua has found...

Because those who provide manpower for Tokugawa Katsuharu's global assassination plan are the quick adults produced by the Black Sea Research Institute under the Lihua Group.

At this moment, Hiroyuki Tachibana was in the car heading to Tokugawa Katsuji's residence, and he was silently waiting for the start of the election meeting for the director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Representatives from major families in the Tokyo area were invited to this meeting. The purpose of Tokugawa Shengji was to attract them to join the group, or to see who did not want to join the group.

When Hiroyuki Tachibana was waiting in a separate room here...accompanying him were his eldest son and second son.

The eldest son, Tachibana Castle... He is Hiroyuki Tachibana's most trusted confidant, and he leads all the training of quick adults at the Black Sea Research Institute.

In his early years, Tachibana Hiroyuki even sent his eldest son to join the army. After he retired from the army, he became active in dark side organizations around the world with his superior talents.

Lihua Group also relied on this relationship to build a reputation as a quick-turn killer among the major dark side organizations in the world.

If the eldest son, Hiroyuki Tachibana, invests in science and technology, the second son, Hiromu Tachibana, invests more in metaphysics.

When Tachibana Xun was young, Tachibana Hiroyuki sent him to the Hyakkiin family as an adopted son through connections, and he learned all kinds of relevant knowledge recorded in the Hyakkiin family's ancient books that Tachibana Hiroyuki seemed to be nonsense. .

Now Hiroyuki Tachibana feels that it's almost done...it's time to give him a position with enough power in Tokyo.

The director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is the most suitable choice.

Just when Hiroyuki Tachibana was thinking about what kind of gifts he would need to give to Tokugawa Katsuji in the upcoming general election, it would be really safe.

His eldest son suddenly handed him a tablet computer, which recorded an extremely detailed copy of the plan.

"What's this?"

Hiroyuki Tachibana looked through the contents recorded on the tablet and found that it involved the transfer of a large number of personnel and even helicopters.

"An armed attack on the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department...a plan to recover experimental subjects in this way."

The eldest son Tachibana City is worthy of being a ruthless man from the military. He had already come up with a backup plan when he learned that his father had repeatedly encountered obstacles in recycling the experimental body.

"Is this a little... too impulsive?"

Even Hiroyuki Tachibana was slightly shocked when he saw this plan. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was established in the downtown area of ​​Tokyo.

The eldest son's raid plan included flying a helicopter and blowing out the windows of the upper floors of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. No matter how you looked at it, it could be included in the category of a terrorist attack.

"Father, this is just a necessary final plan. I can guarantee that all those who committed the attack will be properly dealt with afterwards. No one will know who the mastermind of this attack is, and even if they know, they can't produce evidence." Lihua City said .

"I believe that your co-ordinating skills will be able to handle this matter well." Hiroyuki Tachibana glanced out the car window and said, "But now we only need to find someone who can become the director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. It will be easy for us to recover the experimental body." thing."

"What if he is not selected?" The eldest son Lihua Cheng looked at his younger brother and expressed this concern.

"This is impossible... I have taken care of everything before and after. If Tokugawa Katsuji wants to realize his ambition, he must rely on the quick adults of our Black Sea Research Institute."

When Hiroyuki Tachibana said this, the vehicle had already parked outside the door of Tokugawa Katsuji's residence...

When he was about to go in, he caught a glimpse of a secret camera hidden on the street.

"My father should be a reporter for TV Tokyo. Do you want me to deal with it?" asked the eldest son Tachibanajo.

"It's not necessary...but this reporter is interesting."

At a glance, Tachibana Hiroshi saw the reporter who was secretly filming the gate of the mansion. It was his registered collaborator of Ye Shun, or one of his backers, Akari Kikuchi.

With the help of Akari Kikuchi, TV Tokyo is now almost becoming the mouthpiece of Ye Shun alone.

Although Ye Shun provided and produced a lot of big news here, it was the reason why Ye Shun firmly occupied the front page of TV Tokyo.

But Kikuchi Akari is the most important link between Ye Shun and Tokyo TV. As long as this link is cut off... Ye Shun's influence in front of the public will undoubtedly be much lower.

In the past, Hiroyuki Tachibana didn't take the young reporter Kikuchi Akari seriously, but now that he had a way to 'get rid' of this young reporter without any blood, Hiroyuki Tachibana felt it was necessary to try it.

"Isn't this Ms. Kikuchi?" Hiroyuki Tachibana thought of this and came to Akari Kikuchi's camera crew and said.

"Mr. Lihua? Are you also a guest at this party? And we are shooting street scenes normally."

The reason why Kikuchi Akari came here was because Ye Shun informed her that there might be new big news in this place.

"Shooting street scenes as normal. I guess you want to report on what's going on inside Tokugawa Katsuji's party?"

After Hiroyuki Tachibana smiled and persuaded the reporter to stop covering up, he lowered his voice and said.

"Lihua Group has also had in-depth cooperation with Tokyo newspapers in recent years. Miss Kikuchi, since you want to take pictures of the inside story of this party, I can take you in with your cameraman instead of acting like a thief here. Just like secretly filming the guests coming and going."


Tachibana Hiroyuki's last two questions sounded to Kikuchi Akari like a poisonous snake spitting out its own message, which gave people a creepy feeling.

But Kikuchi Akari did not back down, because before coming, Ye Xuan assured her that no matter what shocking news was captured, her life safety would be guaranteed.

The key lies in whether Kikuchi Akari can take the photo and whether she dares to do so!

Now a great opportunity was presented to this reporter, and she certainly had no reason to avoid it.

"Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Lihua."

Kikuchi Akari waved to the film crew behind him, and Tachibana Hiroyuki also made the trip, and led Kikuchi Akari's film crew into Tokugawa Katsuji's residence extremely elegantly.

All the way to the central lobby of Tokugawa Katsuji's residence... On the wall at the front of the lobby, there is a picture of the word "Katsu" written with a brush that looks full of chilling air, that is, The meaning of victory.

On the tatami mats on both sides of the lobby, representatives of major Tokyo families wearing kimonos and haori sat in two rows.

What made Kikuchi Akari realize that something was wrong the most was... among the guests present were some senior military officials in military uniforms.

Of course, Tokugawa Katsuharu was sitting alone in the front seat, and when he saw Hiroyuki Tachibana's visit, he even brought reporters from TV Tokyo directly without showing any expression of dissatisfaction.

He just raised his hand and asked the videographer Tokugawa Katsuharu originally prepared to withdraw, indicating that Akari Kikuchi and her camera team would take his place.

It was the first time for Kikuchi Akari and her film crew to feel... such pressure that almost made them breathless.

After all, the people gathered here are all the top dignitaries in Japan. Everyone present is the kind of person who may disappear the next day if Akari Kikuchi provokes the other party.

Including the current director of TV Tokyo. When he saw the reporters in his audience appearing here, he looked surprised at first, and finally shook his head with regret.

Surprised that Kikuchi Akari can understand, but what does regret mean?

When Kikuchi Akari just sat down and had no time to figure out the situation, Tokugawa Katsuji suddenly clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention to him.

"Before you start the topic I want to talk about, there is something... I must show you."

While Tokugawa Shengji was talking...the servants had already moved the fishing ice box and put it in his hand.

Kikuchi Akari thought that this old gentleman was going to take out some fine wine from the refrigerator to share with everyone...

What Tokugawa Katsuji grabbed from the refrigerator made Kikuchi Akari and everyone present stunned.

That was a human head... Tokugawa Shengji grabbed a gram of human head that had been frozen for many days from the refrigerator.

Although the surface of the head was covered with hoarfrost, all of them were big figures from Japan, which meant that their political experience was much richer than that of ordinary people.

Even Akari Kikuchi recognized this frozen head at a glance, who was his original identity...

"I think you should have guessed who he is when you see this guy's dead face."

Tokugawa Katsuji smiled and introduced the identity of the deceased to everyone with pride in his tone.

"He is the 'president' of Bang Country... The bastard guy who has been taking advantage of us on Caspian Island and foreign trade agreements before! But now... he can't laugh at all."

Tokugawa Katsuji said and threw the head out, and the frozen head rolled all the way and fell directly to the center of the lobby for everyone to look at.

Akari Kikuchi took a closer look at the detailed cross-sectional structure of the human head this time, which almost made her sick to the point of vomiting.

But what really terrified Akari Kikuchi...was the expressions of other dignitaries in Tokyo around them, after the initial shock and fear.

They looked at the ignited emotion in the head's eyes turned out to be... ambition?

At this moment, Akari Kikuchi completely understood why Li Huahongzhi invited her to this party so generously.

Because once Kikuchi Akari learns the inside story of this party, there are only two consequences, either it will help Tokugawa Katsuji's ambition and become a vanguard under Tokugawa Katsuji.

Or... as innocent people who knew what they shouldn't know, died in obscurity in the darkest corner of Japan.

No matter how Kikuchi Akari thinks his ending is only the latter...

The presence of a group of family dignitaries from the Tokyo circle is the right-hand man who has the ability to assist Tokugawa Katsuji's ambition.

If no one stops it, this will inevitably be the beginning of another war.

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