I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 20: Krypton Gold Makes Me Stronger! [Please Collect! ]

(Additional first chapter!)

At this moment, the time has come to more than 2 o'clock in the morning.

But Wang Penghui still has no sleepiness, and the whole person is very excited.

In the game before, Wang Penghui was insulted and killed by a yellow-haired young man.

Naturally, he couldn't swallow this breath, so he called the company employees and killed the yellow-haired one again.

But the yellow-haired young man was not a good person. After going online again, he contacted a group of friends, more than 60 people, and went to Wang Penghui for revenge.

Although the number of people on Wang Penghui's side is three times that of the yellow-haired young man, those company employees are all new players. And the yellow-haired friends are much better than Wang Penghui's side in terms of equipment and level.

After a big battle, Wang Penghui was defeated and was killed by the yellow-haired young man again.

Being humiliated again made Wang Penghui even more angry, and at the same time he realized the importance of equipment and level.

Originally, he wanted to spend some money to let the game company brush a set of equipment for him.

This kind of thing is everywhere in other games, but both parties are tacitly aware of it and will not say it out loud.

But after searching online, he did not find any information or contact information related to this game company...

This is really annoying!

"Yes! I can collect fairy jade!"

Slapping his thigh, Wang Penghui thought of a way to quickly become stronger, krypton gold!

Now with his wealth, he doesn't feel bad at all for spending millions on games.

For many years, since he started his business, he has never been humiliated like this. Although there are intrigues in the business world, they are basically well-mannered. How could he meet someone like Huangmao?

Today, it's okay to spend some money, but this breath must be vented.

Thinking of this, Wang Penghui put on the game helmet again.

After entering the game again, he quickly came to the door of the Novice Village and shouted loudly: "I will collect fairy jade at a high price. I will take as many as I can. Don't be afraid that I don't have money, I'm afraid that you don't have goods. Support the guarantee website, it's absolutely safe!"

This shout immediately attracted the attention of many players.

Soon, seven or eight players came forward and asked in a flurry.

"Boss, how much fairy jade do you want?"

"I have 3 fairy jades, what's the ratio?"

"I have 10 fairy jades, can I eat them all at once?"

"Are you sure you want to use the guarantee website?"


After this period of time, many players started to do side quests, so they have accumulated some fairy jades.

However, the number is not large, only a few scattered.

Wang Penghui pondered for a few seconds and said: "The exchange rate is 1:50, and the price is absolutely right!"

1:50, 50 yuan for one fairy jade.

This price is already high, because many players have found that the explosion rate of this game is very low. If the exchange rate is too low, it is better to keep it for yourself.

After hearing the 1:50 exchange, many people's eyes lit up and chose to trade.

Because it is necessary to use the guarantee website, the acquisition speed is relatively slow.

However, even so, more than an hour later, Wang Penghui still received more than 600 fairy jades.

After transferring the last account, Wang Penghui looked at the more than 600 fairy jades in his backpack and smiled.

Without saying anything, he rushed into the system store and clicked on the purchase list.

[Qingling Sword] (white)

Attack +6

Equipment level: Tempering Body Realm Level 0

Equipment requirements: Human King Clan, Shura Clan

Price: 20 Immortal Jades


According to Qin Ge's setting, the current equipment grades are divided from low to high, including white, blue, green, gold, and purple. When the game develops to the later stage, the grades will continue to be updated.

The higher the equipment grade, the better the attribute.

As for the ones sold in the system mall, they are all low-level white equipment, which is to allow players to quickly pass the novice period without affecting the balance of the game. Therefore, high-level equipment can only be obtained by killing monsters or completing tasks.

As for whether you can get high-level equipment, it all depends on your luck.

European emperor, or non-European emperor.

In this way, the fun of the game is much enhanced.

At this moment, Wang Penghui didn't think so much, and waved his hand.

Buy! Buy! Buy!

In a few minutes, Wang Penghui, who was originally dressed in novice cloth, underwent a drastic change.

Armor, cloak, knee pads, wrist guards, helmet, ring, boots, necklace accessories, a complete set of equipment.

The rusty novice iron sword in his hand was also replaced with the Qingling sword that flashed with green light.

Although the level is still the 0th level of the Tempering Realm, relying on the blessing of a full set of equipment, the combat power instantly reached 2800!

What excites Wang Penghui the most is that he can clearly feel the attribute improvement brought by the equipment.

At this moment, he feels that his whole body is full of explosive power, which is completely impossible to experience in real life.

Standing in the Novice Village, feeling the envious eyes of other players, Wang Penghui is full of pride.

He really wants to shout: I am not targeting anyone, I mean everyone here, you are all losers!

"Hey, little yellow hair, I'm here!"

With a sneer, Wang Penghui quickly walked out of the Novice Village and began to look for the yellow-haired young man.


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