I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 37: The Host Is A Wolf! [Please Collect! ]

(Due to the explosion of Feilu in recent days, if some readers cannot see the updated chapters, it is not because the author has not updated, but because the website has not refreshed the display! Please understand!)

The newly added live broadcast section has received unanimous praise from players.

Because after death in the game, there will be an hour limit on login time.

During this period, many players feel it is a kind of torture.

Now that the live broadcast section has appeared, players can watch other people's live broadcasts during the limited login time to kill time.

In addition, there are many office workers and school workers who can use fragmented time to watch live broadcasts during their busy schedules, which is also an alternative way to relieve stress and relax.

Since it is a live broadcast, the reward function is naturally indispensable.

In Qin Ge's settings, rewards are divided into RMB and fairy jade, which are freely set by the anchor.

Of course, almost all anchors have set fairy jade rewards.

After all, fairy jade is a scarce resource at present, and the exchange rate with RMB continues to rise.

In just one hour, hundreds of live broadcast rooms stood side by side in the live broadcast section, with all kinds of messy and weird live broadcasts.

There are even fallen girls who use live broadcasts to solicit business.

[Director Ao risked his life to attack the Blood Sea Realm! ] Number of online users: 146671

[The first royal family in the whole server, outdoor PK teaching! 200 yuan to recruit apprentices, five knives per second, guaranteed to teach you! ] Number of online users: 3498

[A master of flirting, online strategy for various goddesses...] Number of online users: 10854

[Alang, the strongest Shura clan, is indifferent to life and death, and will fight if he doesn't accept it. ] Number of online users: 2888

[Come on! Have fun! Anyway, there is plenty of time! ] Number of online users: 1655


Looking at the various live broadcast rooms on the official website, Qin Ge couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Just then, the title of a live broadcast room attracted his attention.

[Aspiring to become an explorer king, the scout will take you across thousands of mountains and rivers to explore unknown maps! ] Number of online users: 812

Explore unknown maps?

Not bad!

Qin Ge expressed his admiration for such players who are brave enough to explore.

At present, Tiandao can only monitor one-third of Zhongzhou, and in this area, he dare not look closely at many places, otherwise he will be discovered by powerful dark creatures.

Last time, Qin Ge only merged Tiandao and took a quick look, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the Green Spider Demon Emperor, and he sent Chatu to check it out.

Therefore, if you want to know the situation of every place in Tianxuan Continent clearly, you still need the efforts of players.

After clicking to enter the live broadcast room, the picture that came into view made Qin Ge stunned.

In the live broadcast screen, there is a huge cave.

An extremely thick giant centipede is curled up and crawling on the ground motionless, as if sleeping. This centipede is as thick as a water tank, forty or fifty meters long, and extremely terrifying.

On the surrounding ground and rock walls, countless large and small red centipedes are constantly wriggling.

It looks particularly creepy, making people's scalp numb.

The anchor is a middle-aged man, and his game ID is Adventure King.

At this moment, he was hiding in a pool of extremely sticky feces. Many flies and insects kept flying around the feces. It seemed that a foul smell could be smelled through the screen.

The face of the Adventure King was also covered with feces, revealing only a pair of eyes and mouth.

Barrages kept flashing on the live screen.

"6666, I'm really impressed!"

"This is a live broadcast room with a smell..."

"To be honest, the moment I entered the live broadcast room, I couldn't help but hold my breath."

"The anchor is a wolf destroyer!!!"

"My goodness, is the anchor COSing the Shit Walker?"

"Fuck, such a big centipede, it's probably thirty meters long!"

"What I fear most is centipedes, and there are so many of them, retreat!"


Although the Adventure King's hiding method made many viewers feel uncomfortable, it is undeniable that this method is really effective.

The centipedes of all sizes around him completely ignored him.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ge silently opened the reward function and directly rewarded 100 fairy jades!

Of course, in Qin Ge's setting, the RMB and fairy jades earned by the anchor will be divided 50-50 with the official platform.

That is to say, half of the 100 fairy jades will return to Qin Ge's hands.

But even so, 50 fairy jades are enough.

According to the current exchange rate, it is worth 20,000 to 30,000 RMB!

After the reward was completed, a striking prompt suddenly appeared on the live screen.

[Xiao Qingge rewards Adventure King with 100 fairy jades! ! ! ]

The golden font bloomed with dazzling light.

Suddenly, countless barrages flashed on the live screen.

"Big brother is awesome!"

"Does the rich man still need a younger brother? I am a professional lackey!"

"A rich man appeared!"

"One hundred fairy jades, really rich!"


At this time, the anchor in the game also saw this prompt.

I saw his face covered with feces, and he immediately showed a surprised smile, and hurriedly thanked: "Thank you for the 100 fairy jades from the rich man Xiao Qingge! Thank you very much!"

As soon as the Adventure King opened his mouth, Qin Ge's face changed.

However, to his surprise, the centipedes of all sizes in the caves still did not react. At most, they just raised their heads and looked in the direction of the feces, and then continued to do what they were supposed to do.

At this time, the Adventure King seemed to know Qin Ge's doubts and explained softly: "The hearing of these centipedes seems to have completely degenerated, and they mainly rely on smell and touch for perception. Therefore, as long as you don't make a loud noise, you won't be discovered by them."

The Adventure King has obviously been in the cave for a while and is very familiar with the characteristics of these centipedes.

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Recharge now (Event time: June 8th to June 10th)

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