Naruto walked slowly towards the hospital with a fruit basket and carnations.

Not long after, Ino trotted over with a basket of flowers behind him.

"You are?"

"I'm going to visit Sasuke too!"

Ino smiled: "I was planning to go too, and it just so happens that you go too, let's go together!"


Naruto nodded when he heard the words, the two walked and chatted, and soon came to the hospital, and went around to Sasuke's ward,

push the door in,

A smell of medicine came to the nostrils.

Naruto walked in, just in time to see Sasuke staring out the window with blank eyes.

"Sasuke, I'm here to see you!"

Naruto and Ino put the things they bought on the table, then looked at Sasuke and said something.

Sasuke was silent.

He didn't speak, just stared out the window in a daze.

Naruto and Ino looked at each other, and they didn't know what to say. They didn't know how to comfort this situation.

I could only pull the stool over, quietly sit aside, and watch quietly.

The atmosphere was once a little dull.

After a long time, Sasuke said leisurely: "You go, I don't need your concern!"

Naruto: "Don't get me wrong, I don't care about you!"

Ino: "..."

She looked at Naruto strangely, hey, hey, it was agreed to come and see Sasuke, and now he's on the hook?

Sasuke: "..."

The corner of his mouth twitched, showing a cold expression: "It's not the best, you can go now!"

"Don't tell me, this hospital is actually pretty good!"

Naruto didn't answer, but put his hands behind his back, like an old man, turned around, and then clicked his tongue: "How does it feel!"

Sasuke was silent.

If it weren't for the good tutoring and the fact that he really doesn't want to compete with Naruto now, he would have started talking about it long ago.

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back to school!"

Naruto also saw it, shrugged helplessly, finally patted Sasuke on the shoulder, gave Ino a look, then turned and left.

At this time, saying anything is pale and powerless.

We can only wait for Sasuke to come out of the shadows by himself.

In short,

Seeing that Sasuke is fine, Naruto doesn't care anymore. Sasuke is a good friend with a cold face and a warm heart.


The two of them will not admit this on the face of it.

"A puzzling friendship!"

Nine Tails made such a comment, but Naruto rolled his eyes.

fart friendship.


"Wait and act!"

Leaving those words behind, Naruto returned home, and after a little trimming, he picked up his hoe, took the treasure map and set off.

"What does this kid want?"

The members of Anbu who saw this scene were surprised, what are they doing with a hoe when they have nothing to do.

Do you dig?

It doesn't look like it!

After hesitating for a while, Anbu still followed, he was very curious about what earth-shattering event this kid was going to do again.

Naruto stopped and walked, pretending to look at the treasure map in his hand occasionally.

Seeing this scene, Nine Tails had nothing to say.

This guy is pretty good at pretending. If he didn't know in advance, he might really think that this guy is looking for a treasure.


The members of Anbu following behind looked more and more strange,

What the hell is that yellowed silk cloth, could it be...

Anbu member pondered: "Is it a treasure map?"

Immediately, the Anbu members were amused by their own thoughts, the treasure map is impossible.

Even if it is a treasure map, it is very likely that it is someone else's prank.

If there is a treasure map, will Naruto still get it?


Sure enough, it was still a child's trick, and he did it in the past.

A member of Anbu suddenly sighed: "Time is not forgiving. In a blink of an eye, I have become an uncle!"

Thinking of this, the members of Anbu didn't care anymore, and followed each other one after another.

The left and right here are also inside Konoha Village, not the periphery, safe and worry-free.

He is still in the mood to joke and chat with people.

As for Naruto, he has come to the bottom of a big tree and started digging.


The members of Anbu watched quietly from a distance, occasionally taking a breath.

Really boring.

Naruto doesn't know about Anbu's contempt, even if he knows, it doesn't matter, not everyone knows how terrible cheating is.


In other words, not everyone knows how terrible it is to hang up.

So, Naruto expressed understanding.

"Hey, hey!"

Naruto kept digging with a hoe, and when he dug to a certain extent, there was a clang,

Naruto was overjoyed: "I got it!"

Anbu: "..."

Fuck, did you make a mistake?

His eyes almost popped out, and his heart was shocked: "This is impossible!"

Naruto didn't care about him, carefully took out the almost shattered jar, opened the lid, and grinned: "I'm rich, it's all money!"

"Fuck, ruthless!"

When they really saw it, the members of Anbu looked complicated and breathed out fragrance in their hearts.

This also works!

What the hell luck.

Looking at the huge pile of money, Anbu members are envious and jealous, how much money must there be?



Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was drinking, spit out his drink when he heard the words: "Digging the treasure map? Are you sure you are not lying to me!"

"This is real!"

Anbu said in a deep voice, "I saw it with my own eyes!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's mouth twitched: "Where did he get the treasure map!"

"I don't know, I just thought he was playing a child's house game before, and I didn't pursue it, it's just..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent.

Although this Anbu member didn't say it, he knew something.

Compared with him, Sarutobi Hiruzen is not much better, almost messed up in the wind.

There is only one thought in my mind: "This is okay!"

"So, is this much money?"

"A lot, it seems to be Konoha Village's money, it should be buried there by that senior before he died!"

"Well, let me go and see!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, got up and walked towards Naruto's house after swallowing his clouds for a while.



Naruto is taking stock of the finances.

These are bank notes one by one, very many.

"Little Naruto, are you home?"

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen's kind voice came, and Naruto looked up, expressionless: "Grandpa Snitch, hello, please come in!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen almost vomited blood.

God damn old snitch.

He has grown up so much, he has been a Hokage for so long, and he doesn't have many nicknames. The current nicknames are all given by this kid.

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