I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 47 Instant Kill Ghost Brother!

"Fuck, two fireballs?"

Seeing this scene, Sasuke breathed out the meaning, and his face was full of disbelief.

To know,

Most people use the Great Fireball Technique to get a fireball, so that's pretty powerful, right?

Looking at Naruto...

Sasuke noticed that the speed of Naruto's sealing was also very fast, his hands turned into phantoms, it took about a second, it was fine.


Think of your own Great Fireball,

All right,

I have the heart to want to die.

Everyone is from a five-year ninja school education, why are you so good.

Is there any reason for this?

The two ghost brothers were even more frightened, they immediately loosened the chains, used water body to block, and the main body retreated quietly.

"Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique never killed anyone? That doesn't exist!"

Seeing this, Naruto shot out with both feet, waving the shuriken in his hand, fighting with the two ghost brothers,




The sound of shurikens colliding continued to resound, and sparks flew everywhere.

"not good!"

Not long after,

One of them suddenly shrank his pupils and saw that Naruto's scalp was numb with one hand seal,


Isn't this the one-handed seal that only Bai can do, Nima, I have met a monster.

"Hey, found out? Unfortunately, it's too late!"

"Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!"


One Great Fireball per person, sending people directly to heaven.

The two Guitou brothers were caught off guard by the Great Fireball and hit him head-on.


"Win? Is this a win?"

The little Sakura was sluggish the whole time, isn't that too simple, did it end within a few breaths?

Naruto: "I won, but it's a pity that these two are not strong enough to show my true strength!"

Sasuke: "..."

Little Sakura: "..."

Listen, does this sound like human language?

They know how strong they are, Sasuke thinks he can barely beat one, let alone little Sakura.

But it was such strength that Naruto gave him a second.

Looking at Naruto's pretentious look...

All right!

He really has the qualifications.

Great Fireball, two!

Same as a weasel.

Forming seals with one hand is even more monstrous, please, be human.

It was too shocking.

"Papa papa!"

There was applause, and Kakashi praised: "You played very well and have rich combat experience. Sometimes I am really surprised, how did you do it!"

"You want to know?"

Naruto looked at Kakashi with contempt: "I'll teach you!"

"Really, then I want to give it a try!"

"It's actually very simple, Sasuke, little Sakura, do you want to give it a try?"

Sasuke was eager to try when he heard the words: "May I know?"

"I'll show you guys some time during the break!"

Little Sakura: 'Cut! '

I'm a little upset, why isn't it Sasuke who is in the limelight, and why Naruto, the tail of the crane, has become so powerful.

Am I hallucinating or the world is changing too fast.

Scratching head, very irritable.

want to explode,

But Sasuke is on the sidelines, it is so difficult to maintain a ladylike demeanor.

Kakashi nodded, everyone has secrets, and so does he, so he didn't care when he heard the words, but turned his head to look at Dazna who was still in a daze: "Mr. Dazna, I think, you should give us an explanation! "

Dazna: "..."

He stared blankly at Naruto, then at Kakashi.

What happened today really hit his nerves too much.

I have never seen a ninja fight before, but I have seen it today.

Not to mention the two who came out of the water, just say that Naruto's call for wind and rain is terrible, and there are two Great Fireballs behind.

That's all

Why did Kakashi, who was torn several times, come back to life?

It took a long time before Dazna came back to his senses, the corner of his mouth was a little bitter.

he knows,

I really can't hide it anymore!


Said some of the things he planned.

Kakashi Fuzuo: "You make it difficult for us to do this, do you know that we have the right to break the contract!"

"Is it really not good? Please, please!"

Dazina's face was ugly: "Our country is being persecuted by Kaduo, and there is a weirdo who doesn't allow us to build bridges at all. He spends every day on Ha's face and asks people in our country to salvage things!"

"Salvage, strange man?"

Kakashi frowned: "What is this?"

"That's right, it's just to salvage things, but unfortunately we don't know what we are salvaging until now!"

Dazna hugged his head in pain: "If this continues, our country will almost collapse, that guy Kado, that guy... is really abominable, he took our country of Bo..."

Naruto and the others looked at each other.

Kakashi turned to look at them: "What do you think?"

Naruto pondered: "It's not impossible to go and have a look, we just came out, and I also really want to know what kind of weirdo would salvage things in the sea!"

Sasuke: "I'm free!"

Little Sakura naturally has no objection, she and Sasuke.

"Very good!"

Dazna laughed inwardly, a kid is a kid, and his heart softened when he cried.

Naruto glanced at Dazna and shook his head.

Pretend to be smart.

By the way, salvage things in the sea...

Naruto was thoughtful,


Could it be Dragon Slaying Knife? If this is true, then the world is too small. It can fly to the land of waves, and it is still a nonsense of Broken Bridge.


Broken bridge!

Naruto was silent, sure enough, it should be there, unexpectedly, he was sensed by Zabuzhan,,

Should I say, is it worthy of not beheading again?

That's where it gets interesting.

The corners of Naruto's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a meaningful smile.

Going to the country of waves this time will definitely be very interesting and interesting.


keep going,

A few days later, there was a small town on the coast of the land of waves,

Kakashi and the others sat here, ready to rest for the night and continue their departure.

"Tomorrow we will be able to reach the Land of Waves!"

In a hotel in a remote town, Naruto looked at the clouds in the distance, took a sip of tea, and looked at the majestic scenery leisurely.

like this,

During the journey, it is also a very comfortable thing to relax occasionally.

"Misty rain, cloud billowing, don't have a mood, isn't it?"

Kakashi sat next to Naruto, looking at the distance with a rare look of laziness and smiling.

"Although this place is a bit poor, but the scenery is very good, it is estimated that it will become a very rich place in the future!"

Naruto was silent when he heard that.

It is close to the sea and relies on the sea to eat the sea. If there were not too many wars, this place would not be so poor.


May be really rich.

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