I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 89 Baina Poisonous Body Frightens People's Hearts

"Many-faced monster?"

Su Chen's heart tightened, and he raised his eyes to look around. The surrounding fields were drowsy and smoky, and a canyon came into view.

There, the sun is overflowing, the evil spirit is billowing, the sky is full of purple mist, and thousands of black air are floating.

"Ant King, come back to me!"

The golden light shone like a whip, wrapping the ant king back.

"Let me go, I swear, I will never eat human blood again, never again..."

"Shut up and do whatever you're told. Don't talk nonsense!"

Su Chen held the Ant King's tentacles, his face was full of displeasure, and the gloomy haze seemed to condense into water droplets.

"Go, bite him."

Su Chen waved his hand and threw the Ant King in front of the Sword God.

At this time, the sword god seemed to be asleep, and his whole body was lifeless.

Purple light surrounds the sky, and black mist fills the underworld.

The anger has no soul power to disappear, and the two poisons confront each other to turn things around.


"Scorpion venom and snake venom?"

The Ant King saw the situation of the Sword God clearly, then looked at Su Chen with a dark face, and crawled to the Sword God's chest with a face full of reluctance.

"I bite, I bite, bite..."

As if the person under his feet was Su Chen, the ant king released all the depression and anger in his heart.

Swallowing down, pouting, black mist and purple light gushed out, and the gushing blood was like spring water, spraying the ant king's face.

"Unlucky, unlucky..."

"It doesn't smell like blood at all!"

The ant king's disgust fell on Su Chen's shoulder.

With the injection of ant venom, the balance of snake venom and scorpion venom in Sword God's body was broken, and the purple light and black mist were slowly restrained, replaced by a layer of light yellow halo.

"This king's ant poison is even better!"

The ant king smirked and smiled triumphantly.

Before the words were finished, the light yellow halo dissipated, and the purple light shot into the sky, filling the sky with purple air, giving people an endless sense of shock.

Immediately afterwards, the purple light disappeared, black mist rose, and the void was pitch black. Everyone felt as if they were in the underworld, and their bodies were cold and unbearable.

"He... he turned out to be the legendary Baina Poison Body!"

The sword king lost his composure, pointing at the sword god, his arms trembled, as if he had Parkinson's syndrome.

"What is Baina poisonous body?"

Murong Xue was a little puzzled, she had stayed in Qingyun Sect for many years, she had read countless classics, and thought she had read poetry and books, but at this moment, she became ignorant and ignorant.

"The sea is inclusive of all rivers, and tolerance is great. This hundred-accepting poisonous body, like the sea, gathers all kinds of poisons in one body without the slightest threat to life."

"Baina's poison body is almost self-proclaimed on weekdays. It will only be awakened when it is severely stimulated. At that time, he will be invulnerable to all poisons, and he will become the ancestor of poisoning."

"Anyone who is injured by his breath will enter the body with poisonous mist and die. Moreover, the poisonous body of Baina loves the blood of women the most."

"In ancient times, there was a Baina poisonous body, who was finally crowned as a flower picker. He was hunted down by the people of the world and died. It was death. His blood stained the forest for three hundred miles, and finally created three Baili Desert."

The sword king was terrified, and his arms trembled. He wanted to cut off the head of the sword god with a sword light, so as to avoid future troubles.

"Is this how the Southern Desert came about?"

Leng Cangyue's face was full of shock.

"Look, the breath of the sword god is recovering, and the three poisons seem to have become his nourishment."

The sword king was so shocked that his voice trembled.

"Then is there a way to contain the Baina poisonous body?"

Su Chen showed seriousness. If the Sword God really turned into a heinous flower picker, then Su Chen wouldn't mind killing the Sword God right now.


"It is said that there is an elixir called Pingdu Qingshen Pill, which is only effective if it is above the seventh rank."

"This elixir can keep Baina's poisonous body awake and not do evil. However, it is said that this seventh-grade elixir needs to be taken regularly, one pill every quarter, to suppress the release of the poisonous body of Baina's poison."

With a serious face, the sword king spoke out all he knew.

"Seventh grade elixir? Eat it as jelly beans?"

"Sure enough, how much damage is needed will require as much treatment." Su Chen smiled wryly. With his alchemy skills and training, it is not a problem to refine the seventh-grade elixir, but it is impossible to refine it in a short period of time.

The realm of the Immortal King is the dividing line between the immortal and spiritual grades of alchemy.

Even if Su Chen stepped into the Immortal King Realm, refining medicine would not be accomplished overnight.

From a simple herb, Su Chen can easily refine it to produce a high-grade elixir.

However, a truly useful elixir is made by condensing various herbal essences. This requires not only the refinement of the herbal essences, but also the test of controlling the amount of different herbal essences.

The same kind of elixir, the same grade, but the content of the herbal essence is different, the efficacy of the medicine is very different.

Su Chen sighed slightly, unable to make up his mind.

"Third brother, what should we do, kill or keep?"

The sword king showed a look of eagerness.

"When will the Baina poisonous body attack?"

Su Chen asked.

"When the absorbed toxin reaches a certain amount, the poison will control the body and the poison will control the soul, and thus the situation just mentioned will appear. At present, the sword god is a time bomb. As for when it will explode, it is unknown. "Knife King smiled wryly.

"Okay, then keep it, as long as it is controllable, the sword god is also a great help for us!" Su Chen smiled, and had an idea in his mind. Not long after, the Sword God stretched his arms and stood up swiftly.

"Second brother, third brother, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that everyone retreated decisively, one foot away from him, and everyone had a look of worry and fear on their faces, the Sword God asked in puzzlement.

"Brother, how do you feel?"

Su Chen asked, if the sword god was poisoned to control his soul at this time, then he wouldn't mind making wild moves.

"I feel full of power, especially the two monsters beside you, they are very attractive. I think... I want to swallow them alive."

The Sword God pointed at the Viper, and then at the Ant King, with a bloodthirsty taste hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Damn it, I don't owe you anything!"

Ant king convinced.

"You want to swallow this king? You can let the horse come here!"

The Viper Gray Dragon didn't give in at all, and even showed excitement, which was its warlike instinct.

"Okay, big brother, suppress your thoughts, we are still brothers, if you secretly poison, don't blame me and second brother for turning our faces and denying others."

What Su Chen said was a choice.

"It's over, the multi-faced demon is here!"

At this moment, the ant king screamed.

The gray mist floated past, and the dust scattered in the void.

A stone statue has five faces, each showing its magical powers and pressing all directions.

The purple air drifted away, the gray mist was unrestrained, and a stone statue came roaring in the dark wind, with five faces looking at everyone with different expressions.

"A great harvest, people, beasts, and six-winged silkworm ants whose cultivation level has fallen, Xiaoxiao..."

The stone statue laughed hoarsely.

"Are you the many-faced demon?"

Su Chen didn't flinch, he stepped forward, looked at the stone statue, and asked.

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