Many tables were set up for the birthday party.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the dishes were finally served.

Although it was not a full banquet, it was a complete feast.

Lin Feng sat at a table in the corner. This table was not full, and there were people of low status.

Although it was just a birthday party, the seats were also very particular.

The main seat was occupied by the Lin family and Liu Meiyu, eight people.

Nearby were business partners with good relationships.

Someone at the table behind was whispering,

"I came late and didn't see Lin Hai's biological son. Why is he not at the main table? Didn't he come?"

"You don't know that this biological son is useless and has no status at home. Of course, he is not allowed to sit at the main table."

"He is still a biological son after all. It's too much."

"I guess he can't be on the stage and is afraid of being embarrassed!"

The people at the table with Lin Feng all looked up at the sky and didn't say anything. This was too embarrassing.

After eating a few bites of food,

the phone rang.

Lin Feng was in the Lin family and was indeed depressed and had no appetite. He picked up the phone and went to the backyard to answer the phone.

It was a call from Xiao Xiaohu, a friend in the studio.

"Brother Lin, where are you? Have you finished the meal? Our push is very strong today. I think it should be good."

"I don't think you will lose money. You should be able to make back your investment."

"We were all scared to death. We were afraid that no one would play the game. Fortunately, at least you didn't lose money..."

Lin Feng smiled in the yard: "I haven't finished eating here. I just started."

"If there is nothing else, hang up."

He hung up the phone and held the phone, feeling a little nervous.

Everything that should be done has been done.

It's time to test the results.

At the same time,

after the Niu Le Niu was launched, countless netizens who had already watched it on the anchor's side started playing.

And the Weibo hot search also led many netizens.

Many people were sitting and playing on the subway.

Usually people on the subway either watch Doudou or read novels,

but today they were surprisingly consistent.

Zhao Qian had seen the trending searches and said that those with insufficient IQs could not pass, which was a bit unconvincing.

After playing several rounds of this awesome game, he handed his phone to his brother and admitted it, "This game is so difficult. If you pass it, I will treat you to a meal, otherwise you treat me to a meal!"

The brother sneered, "Do you need to use your brain for this kind of Candy Crush game? You pig."

After a while, the brother's expression was extremely solemn, "There is no third level in this game!"

"It's impossible to pass it anyway."

Zhao Qian smiled, "Someone on the Internet has already passed this level. Only people with super high IQs can pass it."

Someone behind them saw the game they were playing and asked curiously, "This game looks so addictive. What game is it?"

"Awesome, it's very popular."

A company.

Xiaomei stood at the front desk with her head down and kept playing, and didn't even notice that the boss lady was standing in front of her.

"What are you playing? So fun?"

"It's fun, so fun." Xiaomei answered subconsciously, and then she was shocked when she realized it, "Boss lady!"

"I see so many of you playing, can you really pass this?" The boss lady adjusted her glasses.

Xiaomei saw that the boss lady didn't mean to blame her, "I can't pass it, I heard that you need a very high IQ to pass it."

"No one has passed the second level online yet."

The boss lady nodded and took out her mobile phone, which was also the page of this game and the magical background music, "It seems that it's not just me who can't pass it. Tell me who has passed it. I want to see how to pass this thing."

In the classroom of Changhai University,

Liu Rongrong smiled and watched her classmate Li Su playing awesomely.

Li Su was a little contemptuous, "Isn't it that the first level just requires hands? Why are stupid games so popular?"

"Who said it was the most difficult game in history?"

She started the second level,

But after playing a few times, she got angry, "Fuck, the developer is a pervert!"

"Whose first level is so easy, and the second level is so hellish?"

"Can anyone pass the second level?"

Liu Rongrong was a little proud. She had been live streaming for several days, and she passed the second level last night!

"Of course, do you want me to search for tutorials for you?"

Li Su shook her head, "I don't believe it!"

After that, she buried her head in the game,

In the class, other people were also playing,

As long as someone played and shared the link, the next person would get addicted.

It was too easy to get started, and it was very magical. It was easy to get into it quickly, and you would start watching ads unconsciously.


Lin Feng returned to the hall,

and saw Liu Meiyu standing at the main table with a glass of champagne in her hand"Uncle, I wish you a happy birthday, may the sun and moon be bright and the pine and crane live forever. I'd like to toast you a glass!"

Lin Hai was very happy, and was quite satisfied with his daughter-in-law.

After all, she was elegant, pretty, well-educated, and most importantly, she was a famous lady from a wealthy family.

"Well, well, well, Meiyu is thoughtful!"

Lin Hai said, and stood up and drank a glass, with joy in his eyes.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Old Lin, you are so anxious about your daughter-in-law. Will you marry Xiaojue or Xiaofeng in the future?"

Lin Hai's smile froze,

Looking at the person who spoke, he had a very plastic relationship with him, but he had to deal with him for business.

Sure enough, he couldn't talk on his birthday, which made him feel upset!

Everyone looked at Lin Feng, who was also standing in the hall, with a curious look in their eyes.

The marriage between the Lin family and the Liu family,

If it is a fake son who gets married, the Liu family will not agree, but if it is a biological son who gets married, it seems that it is not presentable, and the Liu family will not be happy.

This is really a difficult problem!

Liu Meiyu looked embarrassed. She was disgusted by the comparison of such a bumpkin with herself!

Lin Hai laughed, "Meiyu will definitely marry the heir of our Lin family, there is no doubt about that."

This sentence also made Liu Meiyu relieved, but she became worried again.

Waiting for Lin Feng's next words.

Everyone's eyes flowed on Lin Hai, Lin Jue, Liu Meiyu and Lin Feng.

Lin Hai patted Lin Jue's shoulder beside him, and the closeness was directly reflected, "I have always cultivated Xiaojue as an heir, and Xiaojue and Meiyu have a good relationship. Naturally, I will do my best to promote this match made in heaven."

Not only Liu Meiyu, but Lin Jue also breathed a sigh of relief.

If his father made his position clear in public on his 50th birthday, it meant that his fiancée was still his and the Lin family's business was still his.

Compared to Lin Jue's ease,

Lin Feng, standing in the public eye, looked like a joke clown.

Too redundant.

Many people pointed at him, with contempt, ridicule, and sympathy in their eyes. Lin Feng suddenly felt a dull discomfort in his chest.

He subconsciously wanted to go back to his seat,

But there was already a beautiful girl sitting in his seat. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Miss Cheng...

She didn't know when she came. She was wearing a red, warm and beautiful dress, with slightly curled hair, draped over her shoulders.

The beautiful people dared not look directly at her delicate face.

At this time, she seemed to be smiling, and her eyes were surging with dark colors. It was a sign of anger.

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