I Only Write Saliva Songs? I'm Afraid You Won't Be Able To Sing!

Chapter 94: Li Yu Doesn't Bother To Use Such A Method! Simply Do The Math For Mu Fei!


Although Li Yu is going to clean up He Qingyue!


But Li Yu also knew it!

I definitely can't wait until the end of the third live broadcast.

Just find He Qingyue, scold her or beat her up!

Not to mention it's illegal....

Such means...

Li Yu still doesn't bother to use it!

after all………

This is too low-level!

scold her...

Besides slightly affecting her mood, what else could it do?!

At most, it can affect her mood!


In case she scolds herself again...

That's over!

When the time comes, the matter of scolding him with He Qingyue will be revealed...

I'm afraid it will be ridiculed!

And beat her up...

Such a thing!

Li Yu won't even do it!

After all, even if He Qingyue was beaten up!

so what?!

At most, He Qingyue suffered some physical pain!

After a period of time, it will be able to live again!


Even if she sues herself...

You can also get a medical bill from yourself!

And spread it out...

Great impact on your own reputation!


Scolding He Qingyue and beating He Qingyue......

This is something Li Yu would never do!


With all kinds of experiences and memories from previous lives on Earth!

Especially those who are used to the twists and turns in the entertainment industry...

I want to clean up He Qingyue!

Simply don't have too many options!

Such low-level methods as beating and cursing...

On the previous earth!

Li Yu doesn't bother to use it!

#BA …

Let alone in this world?!


The live broadcast of the third episode of "My Song" has just ended!

Even when walking backstage!

I met He Qingyue in the tunnel!

Li Yu didn't even talk to her!

That is, when walking to the backstage, I met Fei!

Chatted casually with Wang Hanfei!


For Wang Hanfei!

In Li Yu's heart, there are some good feelings!

And regarding Wang Hanfei's elimination...

Li Yu also felt a little pity!

After all, Wang Hanfei should be able to go further!

And Wang Hanfei......

He looks so open!

He even patted Li Yu on the shoulder with a smile!

Then he even spoke to Li Yu in a joking tone.


"Isn't it just being eliminated!"

"This may also be my previous retribution!"

"I have participated in so many music competitions before!"

"Every time I eliminate others!"

"Now being eliminated by others once..."

"Don't say it!"

"It feels quite different!"

Watching Wang Hanfei's reaction.

It was found that Wang Hanfei was not affected by being eliminated.

Li Yu is also relieved!

But at this moment!

Wang Hanfei smiled and lightly tapped Li Yu's shoulder a few times!

Then he said with a smile.

"But then again..."

"I reckon..."

"After this live broadcast ends!"

"You kid is really famous in the circle!"


"Of course it's not because of the grievances between you and He Qingyue!"

After glancing at He Qingyue not far away.

Only then did Wang Hanfei continue to speak.

"It's because of your record!"

"During the first period!"

"You take out the song "Learning to Meow"

"Although it is a saliva song!"

"But you may not know..."

"Those entertainment companies and studios out there are going crazy!"

"after all……………"

"After all, which saliva song can be as popular as "Learn to Meow"?!"

"And in the second period..."

"You even took out the song "Digital Life"!"

"This song....……"

"Sure enough to prove your talent in songwriting!"

"And this issue!"

"You even took out the song "What I Miss"!"


Wang Hanfei continued to speak.

"These three episodes!"

"The songs you come up with every issue..."

"All of them are enough to be called King Zha!"

"If it's just one or two phases..."

"I'm afraid many people will only think you are lucky!

"But if it's three consecutive periods..."

"Then no one would think so!"


"Wait a minute....……"

"It is estimated that someone is looking for you!"

"You can line up from the TV station of Songjiang Prefecture to the gate of your university!"

"And what I'm going to tell you is..."

"For this group of people who came to look for you!"

"You must keep your eyes open!"

"Because among these people..."

"Someone wants to steal your traffic!"

"There is a fluke mentality!"

"There's more..."

"I just want to fool you!"


"For the various conditions those people set out for you..."

"Don't be fooled!"

"Be sure to think and think and think again!"

"You need to know..."


"They offer you such good terms!"

"It's just bait to lure you into the bait!"


"Keep your eyes peeled!"

"Don't be overwhelmed by the conditions they put forward!"

Looking at Wang Hanfei in front of him.

Li Yu nodded lightly!

And saw Li Yu's actions.

Wang Hanfei also nodded in satisfaction!


He changed his voice!

Then he spoke directly again.



"You really don't think about me and my friend's studio?!"

"Although we can give you the conditions."

"Compared to the conditions offered by other entertainment companies, it's not too much!"


"But at least it's pretty good!"


If I remember correctly!

This is the third time Wang Hanfei has invited himself!

to be honest!

It's a lie that Li Yu is not moved!

after all.....…

After all, the conditions given by Wang Hanfei!

Very nice!


Staying in Wang Hanfei's studio...

Relatively speaking!

It is also very free!


But after thinking about it!

But Li Yu rejected Wang Hanfei again!

"Teacher Wong!"


"Sorry ha!"

"Although what you said, I am also very moved!"


"But Xinghai treats me very well!"

"I can't see better..."

"Just terminate the contract with Xinghai?!"

Hear Li Yu's voice.

Wang Hanfei laughed immediately!


Although this is the third time he was rejected by Li Yu!

But Rao is like this!

He is still not angry!

Instead, when looking at Li Yu!

More appreciative in the eyes!

after all…………

After all, who would like a volatile person?!

After all, who dares to trust a person who is always in a hurry?!

He smiled and patted Li Yu's shoulder again.

Wang Hanfei said with a smile.

"okay I know!"

"Then this matter..."

"Let's talk later!"


"Then I won't talk to you!"

"Those of us who were eliminated..."

"I still have to accept a separate interview after the live broadcast!"

"I'll go here first!"


"I'll have someone send you my phone number later!"

"Remember to save it, and tell me your mobile phone number by the way!"

"We will keep in touch in the future!"

"Or wait until the show is over..."

"Someday you have free time!"

"You can come to my studio for a sit down!"

"My studio..."

"Still pretty good!"

"There are lots of gadgets you haven't seen!"

After chatting for a few more words...

Only then did Wang Hanfei turn around and leave!

And Li Yu...

He also walked towards the exclusive lounge for himself and Mu Fei!

Because of chatting with Wang Hanfei for a while...

Li Yu came back a little later than Mu Fei!

Just got back to the lounge!

Li Yu casually greeted Mu Fei's!

Then go to the closet!

Want to get your phone out of the closet!

Then give your agent a call!

after all..……….

After all, Li Yu is going to take care of He Qingyue!

But for He Qingyue...

Except for the name!

Li Yu knows nothing about the rest!


He wants to ask the economic man to find out for himself first!


But before Li Yu took the phone out of the cabinet!

Mu Fei who returned to the lounge earlier than Li Yu.

At this moment, he looked at Li Yu excitedly!

Then he excitedly spoke to Li Yu.

"Teacher Li Yu!"

"Teacher Li Yu!"

"I have something great to tell you!"

And heard Mu Fei's voice.

Li Yu also stopped what he was doing.

She looked at Mu Fei suspiciously!

"Good thing?!"

"What a good thing?!"

Hear Li Yu's inquiry!

Mu Fei immediately spoke to Li Yu excitedly.

"Teacher Li Yu!"

"Do you remember the contract you signed to make an album for me?!"

"My agent called me just now!"

"She told me on the phone..."

"Say you watched our show!"

"Suddenly felt..."

"The conditions given to you before are too low!"

"And for you..."

"Giving you such a condition is also disrespecting you!"


"So after discussing with the leaders of my company!"

"The decision is to use the conditions I gave you before!"


"Five million plus 5% of album sales!"

"Even if you feel dissatisfied..."

"It can be improved a little more!"

"In the words of my agent..."

"my apologies!"

…… Ask for flowers………

"They underestimated you before!"

And heard Mu Fei's voice.

Li Yu......

Li Yu was not as happy as Mu Feizhong imagined upon hearing the news!


Instead, he frowned!


Even just meeting with Mu Fei's manager and the company's leaders!

But with the experience of dealing with people!

Li Yu couldn't tell that these two were the kind of people who were easy to get along with!

#BA …

What is their purpose in doing this?!

First of all, he refused to give himself 5 million, 5% of the sales of the album!

Only willing to share for myself!

What's this?

Doesn't this mean that the album I made for Mu Fei will definitely hit the street?!

So now...

They suddenly changed their minds?!

Are you willing to give yourself 5 million plus 5% of album sales?!


Can you continue to negotiate this price?!

Then their purpose...

Just for a moment!

Li Yu thought about it for a while!

Now we know the reason and purpose of Mu Fei's manager and company leaders!


It's nothing more than watching the third episode of the program "My Song of You"!

Then I felt that the sales of the album I made for Mu Fei might explode!

And once Mu Fei's album sales explode...

According to the sharing conditions proposed by oneself!

The money I can get...

There will be more for sure!


They don't want to give themselves more money?!


Li Yu just wanted to laugh!

Obviously I just don’t want to get more money for myself!

But deliberately let Mu Fei say such things to herself?!

Do you really think that you are one of those young people who care about face?!

Others casually compliment a few words...

Can you give up the fat you are about to get?!


Look at Mu Fei!

Li Yu immediately said with a smile.

"Talk to your agent.

"Forget it!"

"Just follow the sharing conditions that you signed before!"

And heard Li Yu's voice.

Mu Fei became anxious immediately!


"Teacher Li Yu..."

"Such a great deal!"

"Why don't you accept it?!"

"Five million!"

"Plus a 5% share of album sales!"


"My agent even told me on the phone!"

"she says......…"

"At the highest, you can even give Mr. Li Yu 8 million plus 6% of the album sales!"

"This condition..."

"I think it's all right!"

However, after Mu Fei's voice fell.

Li Yu looked at Mu Fei!

Then he smiled and asked Dao Mufei!


"According to the sharing contract I signed before!"

"If the sales of your next album can exceed two million!


"I can get 25% of the album sales!"

"Calculate according to your 50 yuan for an album!"

"Two million copies!"

"Twenty-five percent of sales!"

"I can get twenty-five million!"

"And according to the conditions your agent told you just now..."

"Up to 8 million plus 6% of album sales!"

"I can only get more than 10 million!"


"Do you still think that the conditions your agent gave me again are very good?!"


"You don't believe that the album I made for you can sell more than two million?!"

Hear Li Yu's voice.

Mu Fei was stunned for a moment!


These two conditions…………

Based on the sales volume of two million...

That must be more cost-effective for the previous share!



Mu Fei immediately looked at Li Yu with some embarrassment!

"Sorry sorry!"

"Teacher Li Yu!"

"When my agent called me just now."

"I'm so excited!"

"After all, the last time my agent and company leaders came to sign a contract with you.

"They did that to you!"

"And this time..."

"Listen to my manager's tone."

"I still think she and the company's leaders have given in!"

"Acknowledged your songwriting talent!"

"So I.…………"


"I'm really sorry!"

Hear Mu Fei's voice.

Li Yu didn't care either!

After all, I have been with Mu Fei for so long!

What kind of person is Mu Fei...

Li Yu is still clear!

Just now......

Maybe it is really what Mu Fei said!

She may really feel that her agent and the company's leaders have given in to her!

Admitted to my songwriting talent!

So she ran over excitedly and told herself!

And persuaded myself to sign the new conditions given by her agent!


After Li Yu simply settled an account for Mu Fei 1


Mu Fei immediately reacted with!.

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