I Only Write Saliva Songs? I'm Afraid You Won't Be Able To Sing!

Chapter 97: As Long As You Can Write Songs! I Can Be Your Dog!

For those unfamiliar numbers!

Although Li Yu knows.

Almost all of those calls were from entertainment companies, brokerage companies, or studios!

But Li Yu has no intention of answering any calls!


After all, he is now!

There is no thought of jumping ship at all!

Is it that Xinghai is not fragrant anymore?!

Or are you just looking for trouble?!


These entertainment companies now call themselves...

In Li Yu's opinion!

Not really trying to dig myself either!

I just want to try my luck!

A real entertainment company after all!

The normal process of wanting to poach people!

It's not the so-called making a phone call at all, talking to you on the phone.

"Come to us!"

"How much money will I give you!"

An excellent entertainment company!

The recruiting process should be...

Come and get in touch!


Talk about the future!


Only then will it be finally determined whether to poach people!

After all poaching!

It's not just digging casually!

Those who give you some money on the phone and say they want to poach you...

There are always traps!

Even if there are no traps...


This entertainment company...  

Not too much strength either!

after all…………

After all, people who can be dug up!

At least it has certain strengths and advantages!

And such a person...

In the field, not the elite of the line!

And if it's elite!


Just talking about money......

Very little use!


Really good entertainment company...

Don't be so impatient at all!

after all……………

After all, when Li Yu was on Earth in his previous life!

I have helped the company dig a lot of people!

when he was poaching

It's not such a rush to poach people!

In a hurry to poach people...

Li Yu did it too!

But that poaching...

Not really poaching at all!

Either you want to add to the hostile company!

Or you just want to take advantage of it!


Facing these strange calls.

Li Yu rejected them all!


And I don't worry about what these entertainment companies will do to me just because I hung up on them!

after all……………

After all, I am from Xinghai!

In the style of Xinghai...

How could I watch myself being bullied by other entertainment companies?!

This phone call with Wang Jing...

Li Yu fought for half an hour!


It was Wang Jing who talked for more than half an hour!

That's why I hung up the phone!


After all, Wang Jing really thought that Li Yu was the one in her impression who knew nothing!

A college student with clear, stupid eyes!

I'm afraid Li Yu, this precious pimple, will be tricked!

And just after hanging up Wang Jing's phone...

Li Yu checked the missed calls again!

When I found out that there were still some classmates from my predecessor, and Lao Liang, the director of the second composition department on the 28th floor of Xinghai, called me.

Li Yu thought about it...

Give Lao Liang a call back first!

The phone just connected.

Li Yu heard Lao Liang's pretentious voice!


"You boy!"

"It's so hard to hide it from me?!"

"You can write a song in two hours!"

"The last time you came to the company..."

"I also asked you to write a song for me!"

"In the end you refused?!"

"Good guy!"

"It's a shame I've been so kind to you!"

"Such expensive tea!"

"I'm not even willing to invite the chairman!"

"As soon as you come..."

"I'll take it out and treat you to a drink right away!"

"The results of it?!"


talking and talking

Old Liang's tone changed unconsciously!

It has become with a touch of sadness!

"I really....……"

"I'm so sad!"

"I thought we two..."

Here on the phone...

Li Yu instantly felt a slight pain in the balls!

I heard Lao Liang's voice on the phone...

Don't wait for Lao Liang to finish speaking!

Li Yu almost already knows what he thinks!


Invitation song!

If nothing else!

It should be the last time he went to Xinghai.

Hear the soundtrack of the Dadi Film TV series that Lao Liang told his assistant!

And Lao Liang's posturing and sadness on the phone...

It's nothing more than a head start!

Make yourself feel guilty!

Then sell it badly!

Get your sympathy!

For invitation to sing......

Li Yu didn't expect that Lao Liang would start using tricks?!


Li Yu wasn't angry either!

Because from memory.....

He knows it!

Old Liang.........

There is nothing bad about it!


As the supervisor of the second part of the composition.

The pressure on him is too much!

Because the company every month......

You have to give him a lot of tasks!

And his mission...

It is to urge the group of composers under him to write songs according to the tasks assigned by the company!


Where is it so easy to write songs?!

Many composers!

Hang Chi Hang Chi a month, may not be able to write a satisfactory melody!

And when that time comes...

What can Old Liang do?!

He can only keep urging those composers!

But don’t dare rush it yet!

I'm afraid that the group of composers under him will feel wronged!


Don't look at Lao Liang as a supervisor!

But for the group of composers under him...

Still very caring!


Don't look at Lao Liang as a supervisor!

But he is the director of the composition department!

And the supervisors of other departments are completely two extremes!

Heads of other departments.......

For your staff!

Basically, it's all about drinking five and drinking six!

I'm in a bad mood...

I will also vent my anger on the employees below!

And what about Lao Liang, the director of the composition department?!

Usually, it is basically the group of composers under my hand who make offerings!

In other departments  ………

Supervisors want employees to work overtime...

Basically an imperative tone!

"Stay overtime tonight"!"


"Perfect this plan!"

"Send it to my mailbox by six o'clock tomorrow morning!"

And in the composition department...

When Lao Liang faced the composers.


"I beg you!"

"Write another song?!"


"I beg you!"

"Write another song!"

"As long as you can write songs!"

"I'll be your dog!"

It's not just Lao Liang!


The director of the composition department of an entertainment company that basically covers the entire entertainment industry!

Almost everything looks like this!

even though.....…

Although this is the natural difference between the composition department and other departments!

After all, not everyone can be a composer!

But it is undeniable!

For the composers under his command, Lao Liang...

There is really no choice!

For example, the last time Li Yu went to the twenty-eighth floor.

he knows!

Lao Liang can definitely see that the group of composers is fishing for fish!

Even some composers used a very lame excuse not to come to work in the company!


Old Liang must know everything!


Other than a few pretentious criticisms from Lao Liang.

Did nothing at all!

If this is replaced by other departments...

You have already been fined!


Li Yu's feelings for Lao Liang...

Still pretty good!

And Li Yu's evaluation of Lao Liang is...

A not-so-nice, flexible workplace veteran!


Just a veteran in the workplace!


Otherwise, it will not be as soon as the phone is connected.

In order to find myself an invitation to sing!

Even the tricks are used!

He listened to Lao Liang's voice on the phone.

Seeing that Lao Liang is starting to sell miserably!

Li Yu also had to interrupt Lao Liang quickly!

"Director Liang..."

Li Yu just spoke here!

Old Liang on the other side of the phone spoke immediately.


"Who are we with whom?"

"Are you still being polite to me?!"

"What is Director Liang?!"

"Just call me Lao Liang!"

"Listen sweet!"

Li Yu: ...


The extent to which Li Yu is thick-skinned towards Lao Liang, a veteran in the workplace.

Get acquainted again!

think about it...

Li Yu didn't refuse when she arrived!


Only then did he speak.

"Old Liang!"


"What are you calling me for?!"

Hear Li Yu's inquiry!

The old Liang on the other side of the phone was no longer miserable!

He spoke directly.


"Is such that!"

"You know this too..."

"It's about the soundtrack of the TV series by Dadi Films when you came here!"

"They're missing a theme song!"

"I really can't find anyone!"

"The first-level composer of our second part, and the ace composer..."

"Tried everything!"

"But none of them meet the requirements of Dadi Films!"

"then you……………"


Exactly the same as what Li Yu guessed!

Sure enough, it was for the soundtrack of the TV series last time!


At that time, Li Yu was considering participating in the program "My Song to You"!

I also want to help Mu Fei make an album!

So I didn't agree!

did not expect....….

Old Liang actually found himself again!

Li Yu immediately hesitated!


But just when Li Yu was hesitating!

The old Liang on the other side of the phone started selling miserably again!

"It's really uncomfortable for me to be a supervisor!"

"I've worked so hard..."

Li Yu: ...

Li Yu suddenly felt a bit pained!

But at the same time......

Li Yu also wanted to laugh a little bit!

He stared at Lao Liang on the other side of the phone.

It seems that there is a big idea that if you don't agree, I will always sell you badly.

Li Yu could only speak.

"All right, all right!"

"Let me try!"

"Can I try?!"

"I can't guarantee you whether it will work or not!"


Not waiting for Li Yu to finish!

Old Liang on the other side of the phone decisively stopped his misery!

Then he said to Li Yu on the phone with a smile on his face.

"I've been waiting for your words!"

"Thank you in advance!"

"You shot..."

"I sure do!"

"It can definitely meet the requirements of Dadi Films!"

"If Dadi Pictures thinks that the song you wrote is not good..."

~Then there must be something wrong with their eyesight!"

"There's more..."

"This order!"

"I'm the ruler!"

"We won't draw the second part!"

"As long as you can finish it, it's all yours!"

"There is more!"

"Whether it works or not..."

"I thank you all!"


"The last time you came, did you think my tea was pretty good?!"

"Wait for your next visit to the company!"

"I'll give you three..."

"I'll give you one or two!"


"I won't bother you anymore!"

"I'll send you the information later!"

"Your check!"

"I'll hang up first!"


Lao Liang quickly and decisively hung up the phone!

Li Yu: ...

For Lao Liang......

Li Yu is really dumbfounded!

He really doesn't have any pretensions of a supervisor!

Just to complete the task!

Really are.......


Lao Liang just hung up the phone!

When Li Yu was about to return a call to the friends from his predecessor who called...

But I saw a figure!

I'm walking towards myself!

Seeing this figure...

Li Yu who has a photographic memory!

Even just meeting her once!

Li Yu recognized it instantly!

The owner of this figure is Mu Fei's manager!

Although it is said that Mu Fei's manager is coming...

But what Li Yu didn't expect was that.

Mu Fei's manager came so fast?!

Li Yu, who already knew about Mu Fei's manager's intentions...

For Mu Fei's manager.

Naturally, there is no good face!


Ke Mufei's manager.

But it seems that it is completely invisible!

Walking towards Li Yu with a smile on his face!

And still flirting with Li Yu!


Just like what Mu Fei told Li Yu!

Close to one side!

Still apologizing to Li Yu!

"Li Yu!"

"I'm really sorry!"


"The last time I was blind to gold and jade!"

"The last time I was blind!"

"This time..."

"I came here specially to apologize to you!" (by Zhao)

Listen to the voice of manager Mu Fei.

Li Yu's face didn't have any fluctuations!

But in the eyes of Mu Fei's manager...

Li Yu...

Li Yu should still be angry about what happened last time!


But Mu Fei's manager!

But don't panic at all!

Because in her opinion...

Li Yu......

Li Yu is just a young man who can write songs and has a bit of talent!

For this kind of college students who are new to society...

She has a lot of ways to handle it!

After all, he is a man!

What man doesn't like hearing compliments?!

Apologize yourself later!

Praise him again!

It is not possible...

There are many more ways!

She can't believe that she can't handle Li Yu!

He looked at Li Yu in front of him with a smile on his face.

Mu Fei's manager.

Smiling and talking to Li Yu.

"I'm not afraid of making fun of you if I say it!"

"The last time I came with the company leader..."

"I really can't believe you!"


"But after watching the live broadcast of the third episode..."

"I and the company's leaders only found out!"

"It's the two of us who are narrow-minded!"

"It's our two eyes that are low!"

"I'm really sorry!"



"But we also have difficulties!"

"After all, you know it too."

"Mu Fei is a first-line singer..."

"Anyone who hears Mu Fei say, give her a new album!

"Who would believe it?!"

"Who would believe it?!"

"But what we didn't expect was..."

"Li Yu, you are so talented!"

"Because in our impression..."

"College students...break"

"Basically, they are all unreliable!"

"But Li Yu you..."

"It's different!"

"Totally broke our impression of college students!"

"I even admire you!"

It's safe to say...  

Mu Fei's manager!

Still very talkative!.

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