"What! ?"

Xia Yang's expression changed.

At this moment, something unexpected happened to him!

The jump he took Sasha and Helista to the concave position actually missed!

No, it can't be said to be a jump. , but Xia Yang could clearly feel that his feet slipped, and then his body fell down!


Helista and Sasha also screamed subconsciously.

At this moment, with both hands holding Sasha and Helista respectively, Xia Yang had no choice but to tighten his feet as much as possible. Trying to slow down the fall, it was no use.

Xia Yang found that the sloping ground was wet and slippery even though he tightened his legs. , but the speed of the fall did not slow down, and even gradually accelerated!

In desperation, Xia Yang had no choice but to hold Helista and Sasha tightly and let the situation develop.

After that, a full seven days passed. Eight seconds later, there was a bang.

Xia Yang's feet shook, and a huge shock of force came.

Fortunately, Xia Yang's body was strong and his endurance was beyond imagination, so he only shook slightly. I surrendered and relieved most of my strength.


After standing firm, Xia Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and then let go of Helista and Sasha who were hugging each other tightly.

"Has it reached the ground?"

"This is where?"

The moment they fell, Helista and Sasha also closed their eyes subconsciously. Now that they were aware of their feet on the ground, they breathed a sigh of relief and looked around.

It's just that the surrounding light was too dark, and they both couldn't see Nothing came out.

But Xia Yang, his eyes were like searchlights, taking in the surrounding scenery.

Although his vision was also dim, he could see clearly where he, Helista and Sasha were. The place is indeed a cave.

However, this cave is very narrow and can only accommodate ten people standing normally. Its internal shape is also very strange, like an oval, and the exit is an incline. The long ramp.

Xia Yang and the other three fell into the ramp just now and were slid in.

At the same time, Xia Yang heard vague roars of unwillingness.

"It's the cry of those leopards……"

Xia Yang stared at the ramp and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that those leopards have no intention of jumping down.

In this case, it can be considered a great blessing among misfortunes. After all, if those leopards really jump down, in such a narrow hole, Xia Yang cannot completely guarantee the safety of Helista and Sasha, or even himself. You might get hurt too!

"Don't worry, those leopards didn't catch up."

After coming back to his senses, Xia Yang said to Sasha and Helista who were still nervous.

The two women's expressions obviously relaxed.

But soon, Xia Yang found that something was wrong with Helista and Sasha.

In the dark cave, the two of them looked extremely pale and their bodies were trembling slightly.…

"Are you okay?"

Xia Yang was startled.

"Brother Xia Yang, it's so cold here..."

At this moment, Helista said pitifully. At the same time, Sasha also nodded:"Well, I'm so cold too."

Xia Yang understood it at once.

It seemed that it was because the wind and snow increased and the temperature dropped, so both Helista and Sasha inevitably felt the cold.

Of course, this should also be due to the wind and snow, as well as the fact that they just It was because of sliding down the slope. When

Xia Yang touched his clothes, they were indeed wet, and they were soaked.

Needless to say, Helista and Sasha's clothes were probably soaked too. It was extremely cold.

As for why Xia Yang didn't feel much, it was because he was physically strong and naturally more cold-resistant.

"Those leopards haven't left yet, let's twist our clothes first..."

Xia Yang heard the movement on the ramp and immediately suggested to the two women.

Naturally, Helista and Sasha had no objection, but they were white. Their faces turned red.

In a blink of an eye, the two women took off their thin underwear.

Fortunately, the cave was very dark, so they were not so shy.

However, what they didn't know was that the darkness in the cave had an impact on Xia Yang. It's not big, so he can see the two women's bodies at a glance


In contrast, Xia Yang couldn't help but feel a little hot.

Fortunately, he had to help the two women twist their clothes. With the help of the ice water, Xia Yang stayed calm.

However, during this period, wind and snow kept coming on the slope, and Helista and Sasha soon started shivering from the cold.

When Xia Yang saw this, he frowned immediately.

Then he hesitated and said:"How about you come over to my side, it will be warmer."

Saying this, Xia Yang opened his arms

"Eh? ?"

Helista and Sasha suddenly turned red.

However, since Sasha had already had a relationship with Xia Yang, they were not so reserved. After a moment of silence, they took the lead in throwing themselves into Xia Yang's arms.

"Wow, it’s really warm. Helista, come here too!"

As soon as she entered Xia Yang's arms, Sasha said with some surprise.

When Helista heard this, her fair face suddenly turned red, but she hesitated for a while, and then slowly moved to Xia Yang What surprised her was that, as Sasha said, Xia Yang's embrace was very warm, like a stove.

This was natural, after all, Xia Yang's physical fitness was strong. Even if the body temperature is not high, it is always in a normal state. When Sasha and Helista come closer, they naturally feel extremely warm, and this warmth has a tendency to gradually intensify...

As the three of them hug each other, the atmosphere gradually increases. Things started to change.

Xia Yang looked down and saw two pairs of big moist eyes.

At this sight, he could no longer bear it and began to burn.……


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