“Time on board: 7:30 a.m.! Toggle day mode… Switch successfully…”

With a cold mechanical sound, the corridors and dormitories of the Endless Ship lit up with artificial sunlight, waking up the people who were still asleep in the most gentle way.

In a certain room in the captain’s room, Lin Ziyun was also woken up on time, and when he opened his eyes, he did not get up at the first time, but looked at the ceiling in deep thought, with a promising smile on his lips.

Today is the first day that the Hentai completes the upgrade, and after the upgrade is completed, it is naturally the weapon testing stage, as long as this level is passed, the Hentai can regain its freedom and shuttle freely in the universe.

Lin Ziyun gently turned sideways, stretched out his arm around the white figure next to him with his back to him, and rested his head on the shoulder of the incense exposed in the air.

“En~ don’t make trouble early in the morning, you should get up~” The girl next to her was obviously awakened by his movements.

“Then Terresa give me a good morning kiss first, so I have the strength to get up.” Lin Ziyun whispered in her ear.

That’s right, the girl is not Lax, but Teresa.

Yesterday, Lin Ziyun was too late to work, and when he came back, except for Teresa who was still in the living room, everyone else was already asleep, and Lin Ziyun didn’t want to disturb Lax and Lin Yue sleeping, so he ran into Teresa’s room to sleep with a dead face, and by the way, he also ate Teresa.

“Villain~” Theresa blushed, then turned her head and quickly printed on his lips, “I’m satisfied now~”

“Of course… Dissatisfied! Lin Ziyun took advantage of her lack of attention and immediately kissed her cherry lips.

A few minutes later, when Teresa was kissed and almost forgot to breathe, Lin Ziyun finally released her cherry lips, “Now I am very satisfied.” ”

“Woohoohoo… Louis is right, you are a complete villain… Hum! Teresa grabbed the quilt and covered half of her face, looking afraid that he would forcibly kiss him again.

“Hey, I see Louis’s ass is itching again, since you dare to say bad things about me behind my back? It seems that I have to go and teach her a ‘lesson’ tonight.” ”

When saying the word lesson, Lin Ziyun also deliberately accentuated his accent, of course Teresa lying in his arms knew what he was talking about, after all, he was also a person now.

“Okay, good morning kiss I’ve already got it, husband I’ll get up first, you should pay attention these days, don’t move around at will.” Saying that, he put a hand on Teresa’s lower abdomen and gently stroked it, the meaning is self-evident.

“I know~” Theresa said with a glance at him, in the end, it was not all blame on him, like a bison, if he really couldn’t hold on last night, it is estimated that he would not have let himself go so easily.

A few minutes later, Lin Ziyun left the room refreshed, and when he entered the living room, he happened to see Stella sitting on the sofa, and a fragrance also came from the kitchen, needless to say, it must be Lax making breakfast.

“Good morning.” Lin Ziyun said hello to Stella and entered the bathroom, intending to wash.

At this time, Stella was rubbing her confused eyes, and her childish face was still sleepy, and she knew that she had gone to bed late last night.

“Good morning~” Hearing the voice, Stella subconsciously said hello, and then she immediately reacted, looking at the door that Lin Ziyun had just come out of, “You just came out of Teresa’s room?” ”

Although she had just seen it with her own eyes, she decided to ask again.

“How? Was it unexpected? A twisted voice came from the bathroom, and Stella knew that Lin Ziyun was probably brushing her teeth at this time.

“Were you in her room last night?”

“Yes.” Lin Ziyun said in a natural tone: “You fell asleep yesterday, so I had to go to Teresa.” ”

Hearing this, Stella felt a trace of remorse in her heart, because yesterday she had only slept a few minutes earlier than Teresa, and if she had gone to bed later, maybe Lin Ziyun would have come to her room.

Stella blushed again at the thought of this, “I… What was I thinking, he was in my room the day before yesterday… Blah blah… What am I talking about? ”

In fact, it is not surprising that Stella has this idea, all the women love their man very much, but Lin Ziyun has only one, so every woman here wants to monopolize him every day, including nights.

It’s a pity that Lin Ziyun is too busy to spend much time with them, and now Stella misses her ordinary life in the plane of “Full Metal Mania”, when she spent almost half of her time with him.

Lin Ziyun actually knows their thoughts to some extent, and he doesn’t think that he can be with them every day and live a carefree life, but he has a heavy responsibility and can’t live that kind of life for the time being.

Half an hour later, Lin Ziyun left the captain’s room after breakfast, and when he came to the bridge gate, he subconsciously sorted out his clothes.

Lin Ziyun, who stepped into the bridge, first noticed a group of special people in the bridge, their UNSC naval officer uniforms silently telling others that they were not operators in the bridge.

There are more than fifty of these people, and if you look closely, you will find that Kate Vitra, the captain of the New Era class aircraft carrier, is also here.

In this regard, Lin Ziyun was not surprised, because today is the first sea trial after the upgrade of the Endless Fleet, which is related to the future of the entire Endless Fleet, so the captains of the Endless Fleet came to visit.

“Welcome captain to the bridge!” As Roland’s words fell, the other captains all turned around and saluted Lin Ziyun behind them.

Lin Ziyun also politely saluted them back, “All the captains have arrived, right?” ”

“Yes, Commander-in-Chief!” Captain Kate replied respectfully.

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun nodded, “Now I announce that the Endless has begun its first official sea trial after the upgrade!” ”


The huge engine started, it pushed the huge body of the Hentai slowly out of Gerasius’s dock, and a minute later the Hentai arrived in the high-altitude orbit of Gerasius, and then it was time for her to test her weapons.

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