I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 114: Someone is going out to pretend to be forced! (Four thousand words)

"I didn't expect you to be interested in this experiment."

???? Tony is also surprised to meet Anton here, who doesn't seem like a guy interested in scientific experiments.

???? As for the earlier party in Los Angeles, Opadry's in-person invitation to Anton was directly forgotten by him.

???? That kind of scene, Tony has seen countless times, so that he evolved into a "pigeon spirit".

???? "I do something serious occasionally."

???? Anton shrugged.

???? He pointed to Eddy not far away: "I am the boss of the Clarion Daily. Today is also considered as an inspection work. By the way, I will watch the excitement. After all, this public experiment has attracted the attention of many people, especially It’s the stock of Stark Industries, which has recently reached a daily limit... By the way, Tony, maybe you don’t know, I am now a shareholder of Stark Industries!"

???? Yes, Betty obeyed Anton's orders and placed a heavy bet on Stark Industries.

???? During the turbulent period when Stark's industrial future was uncertain, she abruptly bought a portion of the shares from a few minority shareholders at a very high premium.

????Although there are not many shares, it is logical for Anton to become a member of Stark Industries.

???? "Stark Industries will not let you down."

???? Tony took a deep look at Anton, and gave the box that was transformed from the Mark 5 portable armor to Harpy beside him, and followed Anton to the experimental platform with empty hands.

???? Here, Otto, the big man in the field of nuclear energy physics, is smiling, shaking hands with the people one by one.

???? Many people have high hopes for this experiment.

???? Once the experiment is successful, it will overturn the entire energy industry and make the whole world a whole new face.

???? "Tony, you are welcome."

???? Otto saw Tony Stark, ignored Anton beside him, smiled and shook hands with Tony.

???? To him, Anton's identity is irrelevant, and there is no intersection between the two. #......Chapter 114 Someone wants to come out and force 4000 words (page 1/9).

???? Tony Stark is different.

???? As a genius in the invention industry, the two sides had brief exchanges on some occasions, Otto expressed affirmation of Tony's mind.

???? "I look forward to seeing your success, Otto."

???? Tony said, while observing behind Otto, he did not know how much money was spent to build a set of nuclear fusion devices used on the "artificial sun".

???? Four curved strip machines, gathered into a semicircle for energy output.

???? They all aligned at the same point, waiting for the start of the experiment at any time.

The ???? device has obviously undergone extremely high technical processing.

???? Tony passed a lot of information in his mind, and then expressed amazement.

???? "Congratulations, Otto."

???? He praised again.

???? The smile on Otto's face grew stronger.

???? Obviously, Tony, an invention genius and half of the industry's approval, made him very useful.


???? "Tony, Anton, nice to meet you."

???? The voice of Obadiah came.

???? The old bald head strode forward with great spirit, opened his arms, hugged Tony tightly, with a kind smile on his face, it was completely invisible that he was the culprit who tied Tony in Afghanistan.

???? "Especially you, Tony, I'm really happy to see you willing to come out and walk around."

???? Obadiah whispered in Tony's ear and patted Tony on the back, his voice full of emotion.

???? "I'm trying to change myself, Oba."

???? Tony responded in a low voice, reducing the suspicion in his eyes.

???? "Anton."

???? Obadiah immediately looked at Anton: "This stage didn't let you down, did it?"

???? "Of course not, I can't wait."

???? Anton answered with a smile, causing Tony beside him to roll his eyes.

???? Don’t Tony think this is Anton’s...Chapter 114 someone wants to come out and force 4000 words (page 2/9),. The truth is true, but he actually couldn't feel that this statement was false. It can only be said that Anton's technique of lying has reached its peak.

???? He didn't know, this was Anton's sincere answer.

When Anton greeted Tony and Otto, he saw the experimental platform. Next to the nuclear fusion device, there were four pillar-like mechanical bodies gathered together and covered by an upside-down glass cover.

???? Anton knew that this was Otto's "assistant".

???? In other words, these are the four robotic arms that made Otto incarnate as Doctor Octopus.

???? Seeing this stuff, Otto's end is almost doomed.

???? Of course, although he guessed the future direction, Anton didn't have the hesitation to stop Otto from using the robotic arm.

???? Not to mention that this is an impossible thing, just to say that he and Otto have no friendship, the latter thinks that he is superior in wisdom, and there is no reason to follow his advice.

It would be better to wait for Otto to be controlled by the robotic arm. After the blackening, Anton stepped forward to solve the problem.

???? At that time, there is still justice value to be earned.

???? While Anton was thinking about it, he was thinking about how to make his appearance more handsome.

???? The sun rises to the highest position.

???? Twelve o'clock noon.

????clang! !

???? I don't know where to hear the New Year's Eve bells.

???? Under the attention of everyone, Otto met everyone's gaze, straightened his waist, and stepped onto the experimental platform.

???? He faced the audience in front of him with a proud smile.

???? "Everyone, the experiment will begin soon, and you will see the great inventions that will most change the world in the 21st century."

???? Otto was confident, his eyes swept over the guests.

???? At the same time, the reporters holding cameras beside the guest seats also moved their lenses away from the familiar guests and focused on Otto.

???? "Today, you will witness with your own eyes the birth of this new energy technology based on nuclear fusion..." #......Chapter 114 Someone To come out and pretend to be 4,000 words (page 3/9).

???? "The artificial sun, it will be the most proud invention in my life."

???? "Safe and renewable clean energy can provide cheap electricity for everyone..."

???? Otto's speech, coupled with his own excitement and self-confidence posture, is full of emotions, making the guests and reporters present can't help but follow the vision of the future, all showing an expression of expectation.

???? Everyone in the guest table did not talk.

???? Among the reporters, only Eddie has a weird face.

???? To be honest, he was also looking forward to the success of the "artificial sun", but suddenly recalled what Anton said before.

???? "...Don't let your guard down, we may be on the stage when we know!"

???? This is what Anton said.

???? With Eddie's understanding of Anton, Anton is not a person who likes to talk big.

???? It must have received some news, predicting that in this public experiment that has attracted the attention of all New York and the world, there will be a high probability of unexpected situations.

???? Eddie thought for a moment, pulled away from Otto's speech, and glanced around the experimental platform.

???? Captured the four mechanical objects of unknown purpose covered by the transparent glass cover.

???? "Next, I will introduce my assistant grandly."

???? Just in time, Otto enters the topic.

???? He took off his coat, revealing that he was not sturdy, but a somewhat fat body, and his smile on his face became more and more complacent.

???? Everyone followed the direction of his fingers and saw four mechanical bodies buckled in the transparent glass cover.

????" Don’t think it’s a spare material. It’s my assistant. The four mechanical arms that I have spent a lot of time and energy on are specially designed and manufactured to control this set of nuclear fusion devices. They are completely Not affected by heat and magnetic fields."

???? Otto said, letting someone open the glass cover and standing with his back to the mechanical arm in his mouth.

???? When Eddie saw this, the ominous premonition in his heart grew stronger...Chapter 114 Someone wants to come out and force 4000 words (page 4/9) ,. strong.

???? My eyes locked on the robotic arm.


???? At the guest table.

???? Everyone's eyes follow Otto's position.

????The four mechanical arms are formed into one body, standing on the spot, the cold touch can be felt even if you don't need to touch it personally.

???? Tony squinted his eyes, there was a lot of technical work in his mind, and he couldn't help but admire Otto's talent again.

???? Anton narrowed his smile and looked still, but waited in secret.

???? On the much-anticipated experimental platform, Otto's mechanical waistband tied his slightly bloated belly, and the centipede-like nerve sensor on the back climbed up his spine, and the needle-like wire branch pierced him. body of.

???? Otto then showed a slightly painful expression, and soon returned to normal.

???? Click!

???? At this moment, the four mechanical tentacles behind him rose up with his thoughts, like an arm's command, they really became his arms.


???? "Amazing invention, this is actually just a product of experiments with artificial sun..."

???? People were surprised and talked.

???? "These robotic arms are controlled by my brain and transmit commands through spinal nerves. Very small wires are directly inserted into my cerebellum, allowing me to perform all operations in an environment that humans cannot bear."

???? Otto opened his arms, and the four mechanical tentacles behind him also "spread their teeth and dance their claws."

???? "In addition, they are extremely smart with cash and have a certain degree of autonomy, which can help me perform experiments more quickly and conveniently."

???? Hearing these words, Tony frowned slightly.

???? "Doctor, if it is as smart as you said, how can you guarantee that you are controlling the robotic arms, not they?"

???? Tony got up and asked a question.

???? "Very good question, you deserve to be, Tony." #......Chapter 114 Someone wants to come out and pretend to be 4,000 words 9 pages),.

???? Otto turned his back to the crowd, showing everyone his spine: "I designed a suppression chip to protect my brain functions, so that I am controlling them."

???? "I have no more questions."

???? Tony sits down.

???? He understood Otto's thinking, just like his own restrictions on Jarvis, to prevent artificial intelligence from betraying humans, adding the three laws of robots.

???? And Otto directly inhibited the initiative of artificial intelligence, taking human commands as the highest principle.

???? I can't say who is good and who is bad, anyway, the result is the first priority.

???? As long as there are no mistakes, it can be said to be a great and hopeful invention.

???? "Then let's get to the key part."

???? Seeing that everyone was attracted by his prelude, Otto kept smiling on his face and turned to the side of the highlight.

???? Nuclear fusion device.


???? Anton sat quietly down the stage to watch Otto's preparations, and seemed to inadvertently turn his head, looked at Eddie behind him, and gave a "ready" signal.

???? Eddie has been paying attention to the audience, immediately receiving the signal, and staying for a while.


???? The changes on the stage have already begun.

???? Four curved energy output devices project energy, and the tritium element provided by Stark Industries, which is necessary for the experiment, is frozen in the air.


???? Everyone felt invisible, and there was a sound in their heads.

????The situation is changing.

???? The element in front of him burst into light, and the sun-like red ball of light appeared, causing an uncontrollable exclamation.

???? "The energy of the sun is in my hands!!!"

???? Otto's two hands, together with the mechanical tentacles behind him, were raised together, as if supporting the sun.

???? "Wrong, Otto, is in our hands."

????In the guest seat, Obadeha sitting at the front...Chapter 114 Someone wants to come out and pretend to force 4000 words (6/9 page),. Laughed.

???? He has already thought that after today, Stark Industries' stock will break through the highest value in history.

????Because Stark will leapfrog the arms industry and become the leader of the energy industry in one fell swoop.

???? Tony's face next to Obadier was solemn, not as relaxed as the former.

???? Although Tony can see that the experiment went smoothly, he also knows that if the experiment fails, it may cause very serious consequences.

???? Don’t say anything else, just say that this failed artificial sun, if it explodes due to instability, the whole of New York may be destroyed.

???? Eddie swallowed.

???? The venom in his brain warns wildly.

???? "Damn, Eddie, what are you doing! We are too close to this kind of thing, if the energy of this thing rises to the highest point, we will be blown up so that there is no residue left!!!"

???? Venom is going crazy.

When he first arrived on the earth, he actually thought that the earth was safe and he could be the boss.

???? How long has passed since, possessed by Eddie, has already seen one mutant after another.

???? There is such a degree of black technology!

???? If it really expands like the sun, it can easily destroy the entire city.

???? In contrast, even if all the symbiotes invade the earth, it seems that there is no bigger storm.

???? The riot guys actually tried to occupy the earth!

???? It's just a conjecture! !


???? Anton looked calm, watching the changes in front of him, ready to dispatch at any time.

???? Now it seems that the experiment seems to be going well, and the smile on Otto's face hasn't stopped.

???? But soon, this guy should not be able to laugh.


???? The magnetic field began to chaotic.

???? The reporters feel that they are almost unable to grasp the camera in their hands.

????The chairs in the guest seat show signs of shaking.

???? "Cold...Chapter 114 Someone wants to come out and force 4000 words (page 7/9),. Quiet, it will stabilize soon !"

???? Otto shouted loudly.

???? "Doctor, energy is beginning to leak!"

???? Under the test bed, his research assistant uttered a panic shout.


???? Otto yelled behind him out of control.


???? The scene became a bit chaotic.

???? Tony's face was condensed, he knew what was going on, he immediately got up, and shouted at Otto: "Turn off that machine!"

???? "No, I can stabilize him!"

???? Otto flatly refused.

???? "Sheet!!!"

???? Even Obadi knows that the situation is not good.

???? "I have to stop him!"

In order to be safe, Tony beckoned to Harpy, got the Mark 5, which turned into a box, and was just about to rush to the stage.

???? Whoosh!

???? He was taken away with a dazed face, and he flew out to his side.

???? Turned around and saw that it was Anton who was clutching his wrist and swiftly pulling him away from the guest seat.

????Even Hapi was stunned.

???? He almost felt that his position as bodyguard was taken away by Anton.

???? Shouldn't this be what I did?

???? Looking down at my bulging belly... It seems that I am just a driver now!

???? Today is over, I won't be unemployed, will I?

???? Hapy's mind was full of thoughts, and the next moment, he recovered and tried his best to keep up with Anton and Tony in front of him.

????"Wait for me!!"


????the other side.

???? "Xiete! Anton, what are you doing? Let go of me! Why are you holding my hand?"

???? Tony was furious.

???? "I'm **** saving your life!!!"

???? Anton is confident and unceremonious.

???? Tony was speechless. #b......Chapter 114 Someone wants to come out and force 4000 words (page 8/9~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then, no matter what Tony says What? Anton pulled him into a frantic run until he was far away from the experimental platform.

???? While running without a trace, he glanced at Tony's other hand, carrying the box.

???? Secretly thought: "How can I let you do my good things!!"

????at the same time.

The reporters who were standing in a bunch of reporters were all scattered, far away, fearing that they would be affected by the unstable "artificial sun".

The reason why they did not continue to escape was because even with their limited knowledge of physics, they knew that if the experiment continued, as long as they could not run out of New York in a short time, it would be because of the "artificial sun." And the ashes disappeared.

???? "Damn, come and stop him personally!!"

???? Someone gritted his teeth.

???? "Where is Batman?"

???? "Where is Batman?"

???? These people miss the appearance of Batman so much for the first time outside the big news.

???? At this time, Eddie thought that Anton had prepared himself early, and his surprise was self-evident.

???? Anton actually predicted the failure of the experiment from the beginning!

????How did he do that?

When thinking about it, he hugged the camera in his hand tightly so as not to let the huge magnetic force **** the camera away.

???? Eddie knows what Anton means to prepare himself.

???? Not letting the venom come out to solve the crisis!

???? but saying--

???? Ready to shoot, someone is coming out to pretend to be! !

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