I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 141: trailer!

As Jim said.

The basic setting of Superman is a superhero from an alien.

Superman looks exactly the same as humans, but possesses natural abilities that far exceed those of ordinary people on Earth, so he is called Superman.

Superman also has a strong sense of justice and empathy, which is the unity of divinity and humanity.

In short, this character is very charismatic and is a typical superhero.

Judging from Jim's years of experience in the film industry, Superman's film plot is full of storytelling, even if it is not released at this time, it has the possibility of a big explosion. Not to mention, under such suitable conditions, the movie Superman has so many promotional highlights.

Super heroes from aliens!

Just focusing on this one point of publicity can fill people's expectations.

Rather, in the setting, Superman is still a giant of the Justice League and a comrade-in-arms of Batman!

Jim doesn't mind catching Batman's fleece.

Anyway, it's my own copyright.

"How many days does it take to promote?"

Anton thought for a while, and asked: "Is the movie finished?"

"One week! It only takes one week for publicity! We must catch up with this trend and become the first person to eat crabs." Jim sternly said, "Don't worry about making the movie. Quentin's excellent performance makes this movie's The quality has improved."

"Well, do as you think, and the company will fully support you."

Anton nodded: "The movie Superman is very important. It affects the company's next film plan. It must not fail."

"Do not worry."

Jim is confident.

Before arriving at the company, he thought that Anton would not reject his proposal. Therefore, sort out an idea in your mind and start implementing it when you plan to go back.

Jim did not disappoint Anton.

That night, the material information about Superman was released by some media parties that cooperated with DC.

Of course, indispensable, there is also the promotion of the Horn Daily.

On the official website of Clarion Daily, the name "Superman" has become the most attractive part of the forum dedicated to the role of DC.

The trailer was clicked by countless people.

[A superhero from an alien! 】

The title hits people's hearts directly.

Combined with the sensation caused by the current alien invasion, people couldn't suppress their curiosity and clicked in to watch the trailer.

Including Eddie.

A man stood on a special spire and high tower, looking around.

There were explosions all around him, and the shock waves and firelight spread to the end of the sky, as if the world was facing destruction.

"Farewell, son!"

As soon as the camera turned, the man put a baby into the spaceship, and the woman next to her looked like the man's wife, with a sad face, stroking the baby's white cheeks.

"Our hopes and dreams will accompany you on your long journey."

The man gave his son the most sincere blessing.

"He will become an alien."

The woman spoke from the side, worried: "People will kill him."

"Do not."

The man replied firmly: "People will respect him as a god!"

The exchange is over.

The baby is put into the baby cabin, and the baby cabin floats all the way into the spaceship.


In the next moment, the spacecraft rose into the sky, entered the universe, passed countless planets and meteorites, and sailed towards the blue earth.


The planet exploded.

The huge shock wave didn't make any sound, and the energy surged, and finally calmed down, as if nothing happened.

At this time.

The lens keeps expanding, showing the boundlessness of the universe.

The planet, to the universe, is just a tiny dust, insignificant.

The camera switches to the earth.

A big hand opened the baby compartment and picked up the baby.

"Today, you are my son."

A gentle voice sounded: "From now on, you will be Clark Kent."

The trailer is only 45 seconds.

But Eddie has been deeply attracted.

As a loyal fan of DC, he is by no means a mere boss's licking dog.

The story of Superman, he has long understood from the novels and comics released by DC.

Now that I watched this movie again, I didn't think it was a surprise to say.

Mainly special effects!

In this short tens of seconds, the destruction of the planet, the launch of spacecraft, and the setting of alien technology all made him feel that the movie should be very exciting, and he can enjoy a two-hour visual feast.

["Superman: Man of Steel", released next week, stay tuned]

The trailer ends, and finally such a subtitle is displayed.

"Within less than a week's publicity period, a total of 5 trailers have been prepared."

Eddie sighed with emotion.

According to the docking between Clarion Daily and DC, there are a total of 5 trailers.

However, time is urgent, only one is cut out at present, and the rest of Jim and others are still considering it.

Although he doesn't know much about the film and television industry, as a reporter and editor-in-chief of a newspaper, Eddie is half an insider, and he knows how rushed this time is.

Especially for editing.

5 trailers.

It is simple and simple to say, but it is also a bit difficult to say it is difficult.

It must be exciting enough to attract attention without revealing important information.

"Everyone is a worker!"

Eddie sighed.

Nevertheless, he became more and more curious about tomorrow's trailer.


Anton also saw this trailer and was fairly satisfied with Jim's arrangement.

To be honest, in order to catch the heat of alien invasion, Jim definitely did his best.

Only one day in the past, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has already communicated with such multimedia and formulated a fairly complete publicity plan.

Sure enough, it was the right decision to bring Jim, an experienced producer into the company.

After the trailer was released.

Anton took a look at the system inside, the number of fans related to Superman.

[Superman fan value: 4.61 million]

This number is definitely not high, or even a little low.

But considering that DC was not long after its establishment, Superman itself has no fan base, and unlike Arrow, it does not have the popularity of Batman, so this number is still normal.

It is conceivable that after the movie is released, it should be able to usher in a surge.

Of course, even if the rate of increase is astonishing, there is an irreparable gap with the 100 million fan value needed to redeem Superman.

A thousand miles begins with a single step.

You should eat one bite at a time.

Anton never thought of redeeming the small goal of Superman all at once.

Therefore, previously set a two-year deadline for myself.

As long as you can redeem Superman within 2 years, it is considered a big success.

After the trailer came out.

With all the people paying attention to aliens, the Superman movie has indeed won a lot of attention.

Although the promotion period is only one week, it can be operated at Jim's limit. The promotion resources used this week also let many people know the role of Superman and the upcoming Superman movie.

In the past few days, the growth rate of fan value is quite good.

The day before the movie was released, it entered the limit of 6 million.

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