I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 163: Kylian's thoughts! "The Dark Knight" is released!

Aldrezzy Kilian.

This product is the villain in Iron Man 3, the creator of the Extremis Virus, and the founder of Pioneer Technology (AIM).

Kylian was originally a crazy fan of Tony Stark, but was left out at a party by Tony, who has a bad personality.

In desperation, he was about to commit suicide by jumping off the building, and was attracted by the fireworks above his head, so he developed a heart of revenge and decided to conduct his own research.

After 20 years of struggle, he always remembered the humiliation he suffered at that time, he started from nothing, gained fame and fortune from nothing, gained countless admiration and respect, but he didn’t find what he lost 20 years ago and was trampled by Tony. Dignity at the feet.

Looking at the research results he named "Extreme Virus", Kylian believed that he finally had a chance for revenge.

The experience over the years not only distorted his mind, but also increased Kylian's ambition.

He not only wants revenge, but also perfects the virus and controls the US government to become the king in reality.

The real king!

For this, he stared at someone.

The first step of the plan is to subdue this person.

Vice President Rodriguez.

Rodriguez's daughter lost her right leg in an accident, and the extremity virus invented by him happens to have the ability to regenerate a limb.

This is an excellent point for him to subdue Rodriguez.

However, when Kirian was about to contact Rodriguez, he was hit by the newly established Wayne Company.

Press conference, limb regeneration technology!

The utility completely overlaps with the Extremis Virus. Although the limb regeneration technology cannot turn a person into an extraordinary person with extraordinary abilities, the realization of the limb regeneration technology undoubtedly caught Kirian by surprise.

The emergence of limb regeneration technology made him lose the bargaining chip to win over Rodriguez.

Can let Kirian change a goal, but there is no way to find a more suitable person.

In other words, it can be found, but Kylian is not reconciled.

Who can do it in one step better than the vice president?


So, there is only one way left!

Destroy the development of Wayne Company, make the body regeneration technology smell bad, and make people no longer trust this technology.

As for how to do this, it is another matter.


Kirian did not forget that the Jameson family stood behind Wayne's company.

According to rumors, Jameson, who is Anton, has a close relationship with Batman. The reason why Wayne Company is called Wayne Company is likely to be inseparable from the Batman behind them.

"Even with Batman's backing, it can't change this result."

Kylian pondered for a moment, watched the press conference that was about to end on TV, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Compared with creating a technology, destroying a technology is really simple!"

A few days later.

The premiere of Batman's second "Dark Knight" was held as scheduled.

Anton attended the premiere.

In these short days, Wayne's operations have been smoother than he had imagined.

Limb Regeneration Technology has just opened an online reservation on the Wayne Company's official website, and has received applications from countless disabled people from all over the world, hoping to become the first batch of healers.

Many people left messages, as long as they can restore a healthy body, even if the experiment has side effects, they will not hesitate to let Wayne be responsible.

Of course there are no side effects!

But all of a sudden, with so many orders, Jonah Jameson was so busy that he was completely workaholic.

Looking at this posture, I am afraid that the time wasted for a year of vacation will be completely made up after the establishment of the Wayne Company.

However, the old man enjoyed it, and Anton was naturally happy to see it.

Anyway, regarding the actual operation and management of the company, he knew all the things but didn't know anything about it.

To be honest, even if it is the DC company established by Anton himself, he actually rarely participates in the management, mainly because his assistant Betty does things after his busy schedule.

As the highest authority, Anton strictly controls the company's development direction.

After all, to some extent, the ultimate goal of establishing a DC company is not to make a profit at all, but to create fan value.

Profit is just the result of taking advantage of the trend and win-win in the process.

While thinking about it, Anton regained his senses.

At this time, the car arrived at one end of the red carpet. He got out of the car and greeted the media near the red carpet and Batman's fans.

In a large number of entertainment media, people in the Hollywood circle, and lucky fans of the Batman movie itself, etc., under the eyes of expectation.

Anton walked through the red carpet, accepted an interview, and came to the infield.

After a while.

The movie finally kicked off.

Coleson, who sneaked into the red carpet, sat in an inconspicuous corner with a hat, staring curiously at the screen in front of him.

As for the invited and flamboyant Tony, he sat in the first row carelessly, with his driver and assistants, Harpy and Poz, beside him.

Anton’s seat is only a few places away from Tony.

The two looked at each other and did not communicate.

In fact, Anton caught Tony's neck with a slight difference.

The black traces reveal traces of palladium poisoning.

In this case, there is still the mind to come out to watch the movie, which really surprised Anton.

It can only be said to be Tony Stark.

The movie begins.

Several masked men appeared on the big screen, in everyone's field of vision.

With a few simple exchanges.

Everyone knows that this is a group of robbers, and the only person named, the clown, is the planner of the robbery.

In the eyes of other robbers, this is a guy who sits on his feet.

In other words, the clown is not among these people.

The robbery went smoothly.

Dare to plan the robbery of the gang bank, but also reveals the madness of the clown.

In the process of unlocking.

"Where is the kid who broke the alarm?"

"The boss said, after he got it done, let me do it! One less person to divide the money, right?"

"It's a coincidence, he said the same to me!"

"What? No! No!"


Companions cannibalize each other!

Bags of money were taken to the gate.

The robber who had killed before took the gun at the only other accomplice.

"I dare to swear, the clown told you that when the money is filled, you will kill me! One less person to divide the money, right?"

"No, no, he asked me to kill the bus driver."

"Bus? What bus driver?"


As soon as the voice fell, a bus crashed into the bank gate, knocking the talking robber out, bleeding from Qiqiao and weak breathing.

"This guy looks out of breath, it's time to go!"

"What about the rest?"

The bus driver jumped out of the car and looked around in surprise, not at all ashamed of killing a companion.

Boom boom boom!

The remaining robber shot without hesitation and killed the bus driver.

Looking at his body, the robber shrugged.

That means.

—They are just like you!

Upon seeing this, the remaining robbers picked up the last bag of money and loaded it into the bus, just about to get on the bus and leave.

"Do you think you are smart?"

"The people who pay for you will make you end up like them..."

Earlier, the bank manager shot by the robbers, a man about fifty years old, lay on the ground, mocking the only robbers left, not caring about his immediate dangerous situation.

"The former bad guys were very principled, honorable, respectful..."

"Look at you, what principles do you talk about?"

"What the **** are you talking about?!"

Angry roars agitated in the bank lobby.

Hearing this, the robber looked at the man curled up on the ground, strolling in front of him and squatting down, looking directly into his eyes, and slowly said: "My principle is that things that can't kill you will let you You become..."


He took off the mask, his green hair scattered around his ears, revealing the face of a circus clown, his skin was pale, his mouth was painted with big red lipstick, and the corners of his mouth had deep, knife-cut scars.


He is the clown!

Everyone in front of the big screen was slightly taken aback.

This reversal is very interesting.

The plot in just a few minutes has perfectly shaped an evil and cold character.

Everyone realizes that this clown should be the villain that Batman will deal with in The Dark Knight.

However, now it seems that the clown does not have any extraordinary abilities!

Compared with the previous villain, the master of Batman, and the master of assassins, the Joker is more insidious and cunning, and seems unable to pose any threat to Batman...

In this case, the Joker may not be the villain Batman will eventually face!

I guess it's just a little guy!

Thoughts flashed.

The movie continues.

The long-lost Batman finally came out. In a white powder trade, the Batman in the movie is like a magic soldier, driving a Batmobile and sweeping all the bad guys.

Two boys pretending to be Batman were also encountered in the middle.

But there is no funny part in the movie.

People faintly think that this may be the foreshadowing of the plot that follows.

Immediately afterwards, the camera turned.

Director Gordon appeared, went to the robbed gang bank, and walked into the vault.

After a few words with the assistant, Batman appeared beside them.

Gordon sent his assistant away and showed Batman the picture of the Joker.

"It's him again?"

Batman's tone was low: "Who else?"

"A gang of mobs."

During their exchanges, another character appeared, the newly appointed prosecutor.

This guy doesn't sound like an offensive person.

Soon, people met the prosecutor.

Harvey Dante.

He and Batman's childhood sweetheart Rachel became a couple.

Harvey has always admired Batman in his words and hopes to take this responsibility from Batman.

The plot unfolds slowly.

Although there is no clown here, everyone gradually realized that the clown should be the main character in this movie...

Even the Joker is the ultimate villain that Batman has to face.

How can a guy who has no extraordinary abilities become Batman's enemy?

People have been bombarded by a series of major events recently, and they have become extremely vigilant about supernatural abilities, ignoring people's hearts.

Anton is not in a hurry to watch a movie at all.

As the producer, investor, and even screenwriter of the movie, he is more familiar with the plot than anyone else.

At this moment, he watched the fascinating expressions of the audience around him, and smiled slightly.

The police and prosecutors seized the bank with traceable banknotes, only to find themselves being mocked.

In the party of gangsters, the clown once again appeared.

The guy in charge of money laundering fled back to Hong Kong, and after discussing with Gordon and Harvey, Batman decided to go to Hong Kong to capture this guy.

With brand-new equipment, jumped from a high building.

The hang gliding wings spread out, flying around the building, like a real bat.

Quite bold.

Although these plots are all pediatrics in Tony's eyes, Tony has gradually realized that the Batman in this movie, and even the previous Batman, is the interpretation of Batman's transformation process, not what he sees in reality. Arrived, the almost omnipotent Batman.

So, what does the movie allude to?

The birth of Batman?

Source of thought?

Tony frowned slightly, then looked down.

The clown in the picture subdued a gangster.

The Joker's conspiracy against Batman also began to show up in front of everyone.

The previous foreshadowing worked. The body of the man posing as Batman was hung at the door of the building, unable to rest.

At the same time, a video was posted on the Internet.

"...Do you think Batman makes Gotham better?"

"Look, this is Batman's masterpiece!"

"Batman must take off his mask and surrender. As long as he doesn't surrender, someone will die every day. I will do what I say...hahahaha!"

The audience felt chills when they heard the laughter of the clown.

They finally realized the horror of the clown.

This is a lunatic who is distorted enough in his heart to completely ignore order and social morality.

Faced with such a lunatic, what choice would Batman make?

At the political fundraising party organized by Bruce Wayne about the new prosecutor, Harvey Dante, the clown appeared and set an example of the best bad guys before the so-called high society in Gotham City.

Things are getting worse.

Under the leadership of the Joker, the villains of Gotham City unite, and Batman is gradually forced into desperation.

The main theme of this film also began to show up in front of all audiences.

In the movie, force is infinitely weakened.

Some people live just to turn the world into hell.

The clown is such a person.

He is a special villain, not interested in logical things, such as money, just for fun, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is the purest act of evil.

Buying, threats, reasoning, and negotiation all do not work.

The clown is just for fun.

The appearance of Batman made him feel that he had found the best object of fun.

In the movie.

Harvey uses himself as a bait, hoping to catch the clown.

He succeeded!

The Joker was arrested by the police and Batman.

Countless people cheered.

Gotham City is in a carnival.

Seeing this scene, people faintly felt that these people might be happy too early.

This is the fact.

at night.

Gordon received a call.

Harvey is missing!

He immediately went to the prison and found the Joker, and Batman arrived at the same time.

Here is what the audience is most looking forward to...

Batman and Joker's head-to-head confrontation!

"You want to see me, I'm here!"

Batman punched the table in front of the Joker, giving the Joker a warning first.

"I want to see what you are going to do, you really did not let me down... Batman, you let 5 people die because of you, and then let Harvey Dante take the blame for you, even in the eyes of people like me, It's too cold-blooded!"

The Joker was talking about it, but was forcibly interrupted by the impatient Batman.

"Where is Harvey?"

"There is no turning back, you changed everything!"

The clown laughed, madly: "You make me more complete, Batman!"

I'm in bad condition, a bit of Calvin, headache!

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