I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 165: Stand on the cusp again!

Anton rushed to the scene immediately.

At this time, the chief of the New York Police Department, George Stacey, was already in place.

As a scrubbing expert, the New York Police Department will never be absent after any incident.

Of course, the little turtles did not follow.

Although they belong to the New York Police Department, they are members of the task force.

Explosions are different from general terrorist attacks. There is no need to dispatch a task force, and naturally there is no need for the little turtles to be there.

George and others came here, in addition to selling the Jameson family's face, of course, to survey the scene, to give the Jameson family an explanation to the citizens of New York.

"The nearby surveillance camera was damaged a day ago."

"Wayne's internal camera was damaged by the explosion and cannot be recovered."

George heard the report from the police officer, his face slightly ugly.

Obviously, this is a very obvious and highly targeted attack.

The explosion was directed at Wayne's company!

Who is so courageous?

Does Batman dare to provoke him?

George was surprised.

Little Jameson, the man behind Anton, is Batman. This is no doubt, even a well-known fact on the Internet.

In addition, although Wayne's company is behind the Jameson family, the surname Wayne corresponds exactly to the well-known name of Batman, Bruce Wayne.

In other words, to many people, including George, Wayne is Batman's company.

The Jameson family looks more like the managers of the company than the actual controllers.

So, who would dare to provoke Batman's company?

George was puzzled.

Chi Chi!

Suddenly, a car broke through the police line.

A man who was not unfamiliar came out from the driver's seat, it was Anton.

"Director Stacey."

Anton greeted George, and then looked not far away, the old man who had just been interviewed by the police.

"what's the situation?"

Anton looked at the old man up and down and saw that the latter was safe and sound. Then he set his sights on the destroyed Wayne Company with a slightly ugly face: "Which **** dares to blow up our company?"

"Not sure."

Jameson shook his head and looked at Wick: "Wick, tell me what you know."

"It's two people, they are not afraid of bullets."

Wick did not hide it, saying: "After I found out that there was a problem, I turned around and found Mr. Jameson as soon as possible, and then the explosion occurred. I don't know the specifics... However, I think it may be a human bomb."

"Not afraid of bullets, human bombs."

Anton squinted his eyes, pondered for a moment, for a moment, completely puzzled.

"You go back first."

Anton told Wick to take the old man away, but he stayed.

The New York Police Department investigated each result for a long time, and finally reluctantly informed Anton and blocked the scene to leave.

Anton entered Wayne's company and summoned the steel frame where no one was there.

Find the center of the explosion and enter all the data.

Although there is no residual monitoring screen, through these data, Anton still found something unusual.

"Human bomb?"

Anton frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

The explosion started here, but no bodies were left.

This is very unusual.

If it were a human flesh bomb, the corpse after the explosion would be torn and scorched by the impact and fire, but it would not be burned together with the corpse at that moment.

Under normal circumstances, the temperature of the body by the spark should be below 1,000 degrees Celsius, but the lowest temperature will not be less than 600 degrees Celsius.

The temperature generated by ordinary bombs is about 3000 degrees Celsius or more.

A little bit of power can reach 7000-8000 degrees Celsius.

The atomic bomb can easily reach more than 50 million degrees Celsius.

But the key is that the temperature that can cremate the human body in an instant does not match the power generated by the current explosion.

At this time, there was no remains of any dead bodies at the scene where An Dong was.

Obviously, the corpse had become ashes as if it had been cremated.

These effects are by no means the power that ordinary explosions can produce.

If it is like that, not only the several floors where Wayne Company is located, but also the entire building, even with a radius of nearly 100 meters, will be destroyed by this explosion.

"Could it be... the explosion was produced by the human body, not because of explosives!"

Anton sniffed.

He did not smell the smell of gunpowder nearby.

While thinking about it, Anton collected the information, took back the steel avatar, and left Wayne.


at the same time.

On the Internet, news about the explosion was gradually released in the eyes of the public.

The Wayne Company is gaining momentum recently.

Not only because the Wayne Company is related to Batman, both overtly and secretly.

Moreover, because of the emergence of body regeneration technology, the newly established Wayne Company immediately became the focus of the world.

Can heal the disabled!

Such slogans, and overwhelming propaganda... I am afraid that most of the disabled in the world have heard of Wayne's name.

Therefore, this incident instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

[Wayne Company was bombed? 】

[Who is so courageous? Do you even dare to explode Batman's site? 】

[Unlucky for the Jameson family! 】

[I heard that it was not because of the bombing, but the internal problem of Wayne Company, the explosion caused by the failure of the experiment... I said the body regeneration technology is not reliable]

[I have also heard that the experiment failed and the human body exploded directly... It was terrible! 】

[If you want to crack the mystery of the human body, not even Batman’s company]

Netizens talked a lot.

Following the disclosure of certain "informers", netizens ignored the official announcement issued by the New York Police Department, and the body regeneration technology was immediately questioned by the public.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse.

Even the appointments with Wayne's official website have been withdrawn.

Not long after Jonah Jameson returned home, the rumors on the Internet had turned into a spark, showing a prairie fire.

At the same time, major media and newspapers have captured relevant hot spots and actively provided hype content, adding fire to the explosion.

[Wayne's company exploded! Limb regeneration technology is questioned! 】

[Is it a terrorist attack or a cover-up? 】

[Is body regeneration technology really a life-saving straw for the disabled? 】

The major press releases spread the incident further in just a few hours, and caused quite an intense wave.

It is worth mentioning that Wayne’s "body regeneration technology" is not only offended by the Disabled People’s Association.

To give the simplest example, if there are no disabled people in the world, then all commodities related to disabled people will become a thing of the past.

The most obvious industry is the company that manufactures prosthetics.

A pair of prostheses requires extremely high craftsmanship and is expensive. Even with many prosthetics manufacturing companies, they make a lot of money.

Secondly, the sales of wheelchairs, crutches and other commodities will drop significantly.

This is only something you can see at a glance.

Not to mention secretly, there are some "deceptive" medical services.

In short ~www.NovelMTL.com~ In the face of interest, it is nothing to offend Wayne Company, even if you offend Batman, these people will not hesitate.

Batman will never kill them because of normal business competition, right?

If this is true, is Batman still Batman?

Moreover, although most people think that Wayne and Batman are related, on the surface, there is no relationship between Wayne and Batman, apart from the name.

In terms of publicly registered legal persons and shareholdings, Wayne is 100% owned by the Jameson family.

Bruce Wayne?

Maybe the Wayne Company, and the body regeneration technology, are basically something the Jameson family borrowed from Batman and made nonsense for profit.

The explosion is just a cause!

In short, the explosion gave these people a breakthrough.

Wayne is on the cusp once again.

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