I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 176: Harry Osborne! The regular army of superheroes!


Hearing this, Anton suddenly realized.

"Yes, the armor on Harry's body is transformed from a symbiont."

Eddie nodded, his face solemn: "Venom told me that he smelled the same kind of breath from Harry. That armor may have all the abilities of a symbiote... Moreover, that armor is like a dead thing, not like a living thing. , Osborne probably mastered the method of controlling the symbiote."

"That's it... It seems that Osborne has accomplished what the Life Foundation did not accomplish."

Anton quickly understood the context of the coming.

He has not forgotten that the Life Foundation was taken over by Osborne Corporation early.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. got involved after the collapse of the Life Foundation, it is clear that S.H.I.E.L.D. can only negotiate with Osborne and cannot interfere with the specific operations of Osborne.

Experiments on symbionts are still continuing.

It's just that this experiment on alien creatures has moved from the illegal stage to the regular stage.

It seems that after Osborne took over the symbiote experiment from the Life Foundation, relying on Osborne's huge talent system and biotechnology advantages, it finally developed an effective strengthening route.

The biological armor Harry showed on the stage was undoubtedly the most irrefutable evidence.

Yes, biological armor.

Anton clearly realized what the black armor Harry was wearing at this time was.

Judging from Harry's calm performance, the symbiote at this time has a high probability of losing its self-awareness and has completely turned into a tool.

This set of biological armor is the best weapon made from the "corpse" of the symbiont.

"As a large company, Osborne is willing to take on more social responsibilities...it is our duty to maintain peace and social stability."

"After a long discussion, we established a special department."

"This department will work with the New York Police Task Force, and I, Harry Osborn, will join the New York Police Task Force as the chairman of the Osborne Company and the leader of the special department. The special adviser of the task force is involved in the daily work of the task force... just like those turtles that everyone likes."

After the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles joined the task force, their fame increased, and they were recognized by the citizens of New York as quickly as possible and became a recognized mascot in New York.

For this reason, the task force of the New York Police Department even changed the task force's beacon to a black figure.

Of course, this is not the point.

At this moment, Harry was in the air, speaking while keeping his head down, looking down at everyone in front of him.

However, his attitude does not appear to be superior.

The tone is rather sincere, and it feels very sincere.

After a pause, without waiting for everyone to speak, Harry continued: "To some extent, I will become a new superhero to serve everyone, but I am not a volunteer policeman, but can participate in the police station. Police consultant for the team’s law enforcement."

"Police consultant, involved in law enforcement... the new superhero?"

The people looked at each other.

It was the first time they witnessed the birth of a superhero on such a formal occasion.

As for Tony Stark, who declared himself Iron Man on similar occasions, he could not be counted among them.

The press conference is not the place where Iron Man was born.

There are photos as evidence.

The road outside the Stark Industrial Headquarters building is widely recognized as the birthplace of Iron Man.

In the photo, Tony Stark, as Iron Man, was rubbed against the ground by the Iron Overlord.

Until now, many people still keep these color photos from the front page of Clarion Daily.

Tony's black powder is a hand-made one to make a joke of Tony.

At the same time, including Anton, Tony, Justin Hammer and others, they all showed incredible expressions, which were expressions beyond self-knowledge.

Honestly announced that he will become a new superhero, and has already cooperated with the New York Police Department to participate in the police law enforcement...

This is too beautiful!

In this comparison, the other superheroes are all miscellaneous, only Harry quietly mixed into the regular army.

Justin's face was a little distorted.

Of course he understood why Harry would announce the news in full view.

Isn't it because Tony Stark became Iron Man, which attracted the attention of countless people, and drove the stock of Stark Industries to rise, and Stark Industries benefited a lot from it?

Obviously, Osborne intends to do the same, launching a superhero representing Osborne to attract attention.

Among the existing Osborne members, Harry is of course the most representative!

Justin looked at the expressions of the audience, his expression even more distorted.

Obviously, Osborne has succeeded!

After today, the Osborne Company will receive a lot of attention.

He cannot predict what will happen later, but as long as Osborne can maintain this level of attention, and Harry promised to truly participate in the enforcement of the New York Police Task Force, strengthen the crackdown on criminals and publicity, Osborne Just like Stark Industries, it can remain invincible for a long time.

At this moment, the pressure on Justin Hammer from the Osborne Company has surpassed Stark Industries.

After all, Stark Industries withdrew from the arms industry.

Looking at what Harry did, Osborne did not intend to shrink its arms business. Instead, it wanted to take the initiative to promote Osborne’s weapons in the form of superheroes in front of the police, the military, and even the public~ www.NovelMTL.com~ It’s a clever thing..."

Justin looked cold, staring at Harry on the stage, his eyes like a knife: "Little bunny, I underestimated you!"

Anton and Tony also quickly realized Harry's true purpose.

Being a superhero is just a way to achieve an end, not for justice and peace as Harry said.

To be honest, for the sake of justice, among the existing superheroes, about only the naive and romantic little spiders fit this feature.

Anton touched his chin and changed his impression of Harry.

From the beginning of the Clarion Daily News to the present, in just half a year, this young man has become old and cunning.

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No wonder Norman had confidence in his son when he was sober.

Then again.

If Harry were going to be a superhero, what nickname would he give himself?

It can't be the second-generation Green Goblin, right?

Anton was lost in thought.

Harry didn't announce his nickname right away, and it seemed that he had no plans to take the nickname.

After introducing Osborne’s plan and his plan to make his debut as a superhero, he began to promote Osborne’s latest technology and the defense products that key companies will launch next.

The so-called national defense is naturally munitions.

This made the face of Justin in the audience even more ugly.


"Even if you do, Osborne will still be left behind by Hanmer... in the future, it will be Hanmer's world!"

Justin didn't panic, but smiled with a win-winner.

His hole cards,

Beyond everyone's imagination.

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