I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 187: Phil makes his debut! Best chance!

"Don't worry, I will tell Batman about this immediately, and he will help us find out."

Anton replied.

After hearing this, George was relieved and smiled: "I feel relieved about Batman."


At Anton’s request, they got off the car in the building where the Clarion Daily was located.

It was night now.

The evening breeze blows, and the street lights are dim.


Eddie looked around, always feeling that one person was missing.

"Where's Phil?"


Anton pondered for a moment and waved his hand: "He knows that he will come back. Let's discuss the question about Justin Hammer first."


Eddie's eyes lit up: "You haven't said who the one who took Justin Hammer is!"


Anton said: "He was called Flint Marko. He was originally a street gangster, but because he escaped from the police after breaking out of prison, he accidentally broke into the physics laboratory of Hanmer and fell into the particle accelerator... Fortunately, Under the influence of radiation, he has the ability to control sand."

Strictly speaking, Sharen actually has two names.

William Baker is the Shaman’s real name, and he used to alias Flint Marko when he committed the crime.

But in the original version of the Spider-Man movie, Sandman still used the name Flint Marko.

Many later versions are basically changing the soup without changing the medicine, and the background is not bad.

In short, because he escaped from prison and escaped arrest, he was involved in an "experimental accident" and survived fortunately, as well as the ability to control sand.

In the world where Anton lives, he doesn't know much about the sandman Flint Marco.

But his memory was strengthened by the golden finger. After this incident happened today, he immediately recalled that a few months ago, at the request of Norman Osborne, the Arrow clone went to Osborne to help, and set off I saw a piece of information before.

The above is the detailed content about Hanmer. At that time, Hanmer was the infighting company of Osborne, and Harry was the biggest obstacle to regaining power.

Some news is mixed in the data.

After all, the information comes from Gaozhuo and Eddie.

Needless to say the former; Eddie of the latter, as the editor-in-chief of the Clarion Daily, may not get much inside information, but the news definitely grabs a lot.

At that time, Flint Marco was scrambled by Anton among the information-intensive materials.

However, there are so many people with the same name and surname here in Lao Mei. No one knows how many people Tom, Jack, and Tony represent.

Anton didn't take it to heart.

But now combined with the situation at this time, he is almost certain that this Flint Marco is the classic villain in the Spider-Man series, Sandman.

"Sandren actually got involved with Hanmer Company..."

Anton touched his chin and found it interesting.

Although the truth is still unclear, Anton can almost be certain that Justin Hammer was kidnapped by the Sandman, and it was a good show directed and acted by Justin.

Justin was purely to avoid arrest, to hide himself in the dark to remotely control Hanmer, and to find a chance to get rid of the crime.

The longer the delay, the better for him.

As for Sand Man, this guy is not a pure villain. In the original comics, Sand Man even changed his evil spirits to righteousness and joined the Avengers after a period of time. However, because of the inconsistency of ideas, the Sandman did not forget his original intention, and eventually quit the Avengers and became a villain again.

In the original movie version of the character, Sand Man is closely related to the death of Spider-Man’s closest uncle Ben Parker, but it is not the culprit. After being forgiven by Spider-Man, he also brought his sick daughter to the world. ".

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To some extent, the Sandman and Flint Marco are not purely bad guys.

But this is not important.

It is not a pure bad person, and it does not mean that the Shaman is an innocent person.

It's not a pity to die anywhere with this kind of stuff.

Anton’s current plan is to investigate the whereabouts of the Sharen and catch the "kidnapped" Justin Hammer.

If the Sandman dared to hinder him, he would not be merciful.

In fact, even if George does not speak, Anton will continue to investigate this matter with interest.

Justin Hammer was put in prison, which is quite advantageous to him.

The reason why the former wanted to direct and perform such a "kidnapping case" was naturally to protect himself, as well as to protect Hanmer.

The situation of Hanmer is basically the same as that of Stark Industries and Osborne.

Justin Hammer is the soul of Hanmer.

Once Justin is caught, Hanmer Industries, no matter how big it is, will definitely decline immediately.

Stark Industries and Osborne will relentlessly split the cake that originally belonged to Hanmer.

Business is so ruthless.

Especially now there is a newly established Wayne Company.

Although no one cares about Wayne Company now, Anton will never forget that he intends to build Wayne into the Wayne Group's ambitions.

This is an excellent opportunity for Wayne to step into the arms industry and **** the cake vacated by Hanmer.

If Justin Hanmer is completely sent to prison, Hanmer will collapse!

The huge cake that was vacated was enough to support Wayne's company.


When Anton thought about it, he turned to look at Eddie~www.NovelMTL.com~Uh, no! "

Eddie swallowed his saliva and wrote rejection on his face: "I'm ready to stay up late to work and write news about the Stark Industry Fair tomorrow morning... You won't let me investigate the truth about Justin Hammer's kidnapping, right? This is a thorny and troublesome thing, and it will never be done overnight!"

After a pause, he continued to cry miserably: "Anton, I don't want to lose hair anymore... For a man who is no longer young, hair is very important!"


When Anton heard Eddie say this, he also felt that hair is very important. He racked his brains and finally realized that he still has a younger brother, so he immediately said: "Let Phil come back quickly. He didn't always want to have a debut and become a superhero. Is it the stage of the world? This is the opportunity!"

After a while.

I don't know how many times Phil was forgotten late.

He looked at Anton and Eddie with a grievance: "Boss, editor in chief, you forgot me again, right?"

"How can it be!"

Anton and Eddie looked at each other and agreed, saying the same thing.

"Don't think too much!"

Eddie paused. Seeing Anton didn't speak, he said: "We just encountered some minor situations."

Anton Interface: "It's all solved!"

Eddie said again: "I am looking for you now, there is a trickier thing that needs you to do."

Anton is serious: "Don't you always want to make your debut as a superhero?"

Eddie nodded: "This is the best opportunity!"

Anton echoed: "You don't want to miss it!"

"What is it?"

Phil was suspicious, always feeling that he had been fooled.

But Anton and Eddie in front of him had serious faces, and did not show any troublesome expressions at all. Instead, they looked like the head of secret agents who handed out secret missions with superb speech.

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