I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 198: Wonder Woman is real!

  Chapter 199 Wonder Woman is real!

   "Ah, what's wrong?"

  Anton looked at Coleson with a dazed expression, completely confused, what is meant by our time may be running out?

  Leave it to the Chinese team, oh no, isn’t there a lot of time left to the earth?

  There is not much time left for Asgard!

what are you talking about?

Anton felt that he had completely crippled S.H.I.E.L.D. to a certain extent, but after the opponent became crippled, he used a wealth of experience to pull himself to the level of "mental retardation", turning himself into "intelligence." Need to recharge".

   "Loki has appeared! I'm sure he met Thor!"

   Coleson said solemnly: "If Ares is Rocky, we must not tolerate Rocky's casual activities on the earth, let alone let him start a war."

   "Ah, that's what you meant."

Anton touched his head and thought for a while and said: "Loki is indeed a big trouble. He is a great threat to the earth. Your idea is correct. But the current struggle between Loki and Thor is temporarily not involved. For the earth, what S.H.I.

  Asgard’s existence is only a temporary secret for SHIELD.

  After the Thor incident, S.H.I.E.L.D. will learn the full truth of the matter from the opponent or other places sooner or later, and Anton does not need to conceal it.

  Furthermore, Anton’s goal is the destroyer, and there is no conflict with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s goal of maintaining stability, and they even complement each other and can achieve friendly cooperation.

  The appearance of the Destroyer depends on human power, and it is estimated that it can only be solved by nuclear bombs.

  It is impossible to release a nuclear bomb.

  Unless it is a last resort, as in the New York War, when the entire New York was completely invaded by aliens, otherwise, the United States would never release a nuclear bomb in China.

  So, it is logical for Anton to attack on behalf of the Justice League and solve the Destroyer.

   Hearing Anton’s answer, Coleson pondered for a moment and asked: "So, Thor is a threat?"

   "Tor is not a threat."

  Anton’s words are succinct and concise: "His existence will cause trouble."

   "I understand a little bit!"

  Coelson didn’t understand, and couldn’t help asking: “You seem to know this thing well? What do you know, including Thor and Rocky?”

  "Before explaining this to you, you must first understand that the starry sky we are in is called the world tree."

Anton explained: "There are nine countries on the World Tree. The Earth is called Midgard by them. Because it is in the center of the World Tree, it is also called the Atrium. In addition to the Atrium, there is Asgard. Warnerheim, Alfheim, Niederweiler, Jotunheim, Hel Hades, Nifolheim, Moosebelheim are the eight kingdoms, or planets."

   "Wait, this is a mythological system! Is this all true?"

  Colson was surprised.

  The world tree system in Norse mythology.

During this period of time, he made up for Greek mythology, but under the advice of experts, he went to buy a full set of Nordic mythology and storybooks, and once again tragically read the night. The first thing he understood was the background of the world and what Anton mentioned. Setting is no stranger.

   "Of course it is true."

Anton nodded: "However, unlike what you think, magic can also be explained scientifically. The physique of human beings is indeed different from those of their self-proclaimed gods. They naturally control extraordinary powers, so Respected as a god."

There was a pause: "They used the world tree system to explain all the worlds under this starry sky. Because of the war thousands of years ago, the king of the gods of Asgard, Odin, ruled the nine realms, because humans are weak, The gods did not interfere with the thoughts of mankind, and blocked the Rainbow Bridge, which is the space passage...This is also the reason why the miracles disappeared for thousands of years, and the existence of the gods was regarded by mankind as the reason for fantasy."

  "Then, they suddenly appeared this time. Did they change their minds and want to rule the earth again?"

   Colson frowned, speculating on the opponent with the greatest malice.

   "On the contrary, the people of Asgard are above the top and have no idea about the remoteness of the earth."

Andong said: "Although I am not cold about their existence, it must be said that, except for some of them with extreme thoughts, many others are quite upright and proud of protecting the weak. Just like elephants do not deliberately trample on ants. , After humans destroy the order of the ecological circle, they will protect endangered creatures...Do you know what I mean?"

  Colson was stunned: "So... to the people of Asgard, humans are ants? Or, endangered creatures?"

   "You can think so."

Anton said: "As far as I know, Thor is here because he committed a big mistake and offended the king Odin and was exiled, so Loki is about to ascend to the throne. But Thor is Odin. His eldest son has always been the first successor, and he has been fighting for many years. He has a strong appeal among the people of Asgard. He is the uncrowned king. Once he recovers his divine power, he will be the strongest contender for the throne."

   "Understood, for the throne!"

Coulson finally caught the point and murmured: "Loki will kill Thor for the throne? So, Thor is not a threat. Maybe Loki will send someone to the earth to kill Thor because of Thor's existence... …This is the threat we are facing."

   "That's right, that's what it means." Anton nodded.

   "In this case, we can ignore Thor and let Rocky kill him." Coleson said, "This way, the crisis will naturally be resolved."

   "Colson, this is the earth, the kingdom of mankind."

Anton smiled, staring at the worried man in front of him: "You mean, let people from other worlds come and leave if they want. No matter what damage he causes to the earth, we just pinch our noses and admit it. …Is this the working style of SHIELD?"

  Speaking of this, he meant something: "The Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. will always wait until the earth is destroyed before being forced to take action. This is not in line with our Justice League's style of doing things."

   "I'm just talking about it."

   Coleson shook his head: “Of course we can’t do this. But if Rocky really does something ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ we must prepare in advance.”

  While talking, he thought of Wonder Woman again.

  "Anton, the last question, I hope you can answer me truthfully."

  Colson looked at Anton seriously.

  An Dongdao: "You said it."

  Coelson asked: "Wonder Woman, Diana Prince, is she a real person?"

   Judging from the current situation, "Zeus" has already appeared. If Wonder Woman is really a "weapon" left by Zeus, then it must be a real person.

  The existence of Wonder Woman can also explain why Anton and others know so much about the internal situation of Asgard in another world.

  An Dongdao: "Yes."

  Colson got the expected answer again.

  He couldn’t help but ask again:

"where is she?"

   "When the time is right, she will show up."

  (End of this chapter)

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