I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 205: Wonder Woman vs Rocky

  Chapter 206 Wonder Woman vs Rocky

  The palace is a very conspicuous place in Asgard.

  Out of the Rainbow Bridge, the tallest building you can see is the palace of Asgard and the residence of Odin, the king of the gods.

  Wonder Woman arrived at the palace and found that she was walking all the way, without encountering a guard.

  The huge palace was empty and silent. Except for her own footsteps, there was no extra sound.

  It is conceivable that Loki has found an excuse to dismiss the guards and let the Frost Giant King Lauphy come to Asgard so that he can enter the palace smoothly.

  Lao Fei is preparing to attack his old opponent Odin, the king of the gods.

  However, Lauphy never thought that it was not him who was really going to kill him, but his biological son, who was also his collaborator, Loki.

  Although Odin seems to fall into a vegetative sleep, he is still aloof and in control of everything.

   His eyes swept across the audience.

  Wonder Woman looks for the most magnificent place in the palace.

  Odin is now sleeping deep in the palace.

   is not hard to find.

  The most important thing is that Wonder Woman has found a frost giant walking around inside the palace.

  These people from Jotunheim have purple skin and look different from humans and Asgardians. They are obviously brought by the frost giant Lao Fei.

  Even if you can't find it, you can ask Odin from these people.


  The palace, the sleeping place of Odin.

   "It is said that you can still hear and see people and things around you... Then you must know that your death was handled by the Frost Giant King Lao Fei."

  Lao Fei leaned over and looked at the one-eyed God King Odin lying on the bed of gold, with a low tone and full of hatred and pleasure.

  A cone of ice condensed in his palm, just about to pierce Odin’s heart.


  A beam of energy hits Lauphy.


  Lao Fei flew out sideways, and the original tyrannical body burst apart under the energy rays that had been prepared for a long time.

   Half of his body was lying on the ground, and the parts below his legs had been extinguished by energy rays.

  But even so, as the Frost Giant King, his powerful vitality still made his brain sober. A pair of scarlet eyes stared at Loki, and his eyes were full of incredible.


  Lauphy gritted his teeth: "Why betray me?"

   "This is not a betrayal."

Loki raised the scepter in his hand and pointed it at Lauffy, who had lost any resistance, and said coldly: "I have never been from Jotunheim, I am from Asgard, and I am the king of the gods. Odin's son."

   "Remember, you were killed by the son of God King Odin."

  The voice fell.


  Loki’s scepter shot out an amazing energy ray, blasting Lauphy's body into countless sparks, leaving no trace of debris, completely dead, and annihilated into ashes.


  At this time, Odin's wife, the queen Friega, who was knocked down by Lauphy, got up from the ground and stepped forward to hug Loki excitedly.

   "You saved him!"

  Two people hug.

  Loki promised to Friga in front of him: "I swear to you, they will pay the price."

  The "them" here naturally refers to the Frost Giant, and the country of the Frost Giant, Jotunheim.

  Loki is undoubtedly a jealous bad boy.

  Because he was jealous of his brother Thor, he used tricks to make his brother commit a big mistake, angered Odin, and was demoted to a mortal, and then his father fell asleep and acted for the throne by himself.

  If the story ends here, Loki will be a maniac, and he is definitely a scheming villain.

  But unfortunately, the protagonist of this story is Thor, the **** of thunder, and Loki can only end in tragedy.

  In the original plot, seeing that his brother was coming back to take his "throne", Rocky was angry, and regardless of the consequences, sent the Destroyer to kill him, but he helped Thor regain his divine power.

  Loki knew that there was nothing to do, so he simply implemented the final plan.

Using Infernal Affairs to attract Jotunheim’s Frost Giant King Laufe, he killed him in the palace, in front of Odin’s sleeping bed, and used this as an excuse to declare war on Jotunheim and completely destroy Jotunheim, showing Own ability and authority.

  In this way, even if Thor returns, Loki's credit can be greater than Thor.

  He will replace Thor and become the hero of Asgard.

  And in this time and space where Anton is, Thor has not recovered his divine power, even if he returns to Asgard, he cannot stop Loki's actions.

  As long as Loki, according to the original plan, kills Lao Fei, saves his father Odin, and declares war on Jotunheim and destroys Jotunheim, the credit will be greater.

  After losing his power, Thor is even less likely to regain the throne from him.

   "What has been in my hands will never be given to you."

   Loki's eyes darkened.


  Suddenly, a crisp sound rang, echoing in this wide space.

  This is the sleeping place of Odin.

  Soldiers can only stand at the door, not daring to come in at all.

  Furthermore, Loki found an excuse to dismiss all the soldiers inside the palace. At this time, the only person who could walk into this area was Odin’s closest family.

  Tor, Friga, and Rocky himself.

  This is the voice of a woman. Obviously it cannot be Thor, so there is only one possibility left.

   "It's that woman."

Loki stared coldly at the entrance of the Sleeping Place, where a tall, graceful woman appeared slowly, and it was the guy he saw through the Destroyer’s perspective that prevented his actions and had an unknown origin. .

   "Break into the palace, you deserve death!"

  Loki's tone is low: "You have violated Asgard's taboo."

   "If I deserve to die, then you deserve to die."

Wonder Woman was holding Thor's Hammer in her hand and looked at Loki in front of her calmly, without changing her face, and said indifferently: "Loki, you have violated a bigger taboo, playing with conspiracies, killing brothers, cheating the king, and Your mother... my offense can be forgiven, but the wrong you committed is unforgivable."


  Friga glanced over the Thor's Hammer held by Wonder Woman, and then turned to stare at the son in front of him.

  As a queen, she is not a fool, she was even an excellent warrior when she was young, and even a master of magic. Although he is getting old now and his strength is declining seriously, it is by no means undetectable at all.

  Because of her trust in Loki, she didn’t want to think about it. Now when she heard someone standing in front of her denounced Loki, and when she saw Loki’s expression, she showed grief.

Although    is only Loki’s adoptive mother, Frigga is better than Loki’s biological mother. At a glance, she can see that Loki’s expression is unnatural.

   "Mother, I will explain to you well."

  While Rocky spoke, his eyes were still fixed on Wonder Woman at the door.

  At the same time, he raised the scepter high, and the cutting-edge energy rays converged and exploded, slaying the Wonder Woman at the door fiercely.


  Wonder Woman leaped back, and the ground beneath her feet was cracked by the energy rays, stone chips flew up, and the entire palace shook a few times.

  But despite this, God King Odin was still lying on the golden bed, closing his eyes tightly, motionless.

  Wonder Woman stagnated in the air, her gaze passing by Odin in the palace.

   Seeing the look of this bad old man, he couldn't help but curl his lips.

  I always feel that this item is installed.


  Following, Loki flew out of the palace.

  He was not in a hurry to smash with Wonder Woman, because he guessed that Thor also returned to Asgard with Wonder Woman. The top priority is not Wonder Woman, but to go to the Rainbow Bridge as soon as possible to send a destructive energy beam to destroy Jotunheim.

  Only in this way can I explain to my father and mother, that is, Odin and Friega.

  Only in this way can he sit firmly on the throne.


  Loki glanced at the Wonder Woman in mid-air, rolled over and rode on the Pegasus outside the palace, and hurried to the direction of the Rainbow Bridge.

  Wonder Woman didn't want to give him a chance, waved the Quake in her hand.

   Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi!

  The thunder in the sky gathered on Thor's Hammer, smashed hard at the horse riding on the sky, and dashed forward, intending to get rid of Loki of Wonder Woman.

   "Damn it!"

   Loki gritted his teeth and cursed, bounced from the sky.


  The next moment, Thor's Hammer fell fiercely and hit the Pegasus he was riding on.


   Tianma let out a mournful cry, and instantly fell apart, and blood spilled all over the floor.


  Wonder Woman looked cold, and she said it was a pity, but she didn't keep her hands on her actions, recalling Thor's Hammer, urging Thor's power to the extreme, causing Thunder to attack Loki.

  Loki is not a good fighter at all.

  He is best at deceiving people's hearts and playing tricks, so he was named the **** of tricks.

  Of course, in addition to these, Loki is also very good at running away.


   Thunder bombarded down and hit Loki.


  Wonder Woman's eyes narrowed.

  Crack, click!

  Loki’s phantom was extinguished by the thunder, and the thunder hit the ground. The ground was shattered with Ka Ka, and the cracks in the palm of the hand spread all the way.

  The buildings near the Asgard Palace shook, which shocked many Asgardians.

  They looked up at the sky, very clear that this was the power of Thor.

  But when I saw the figure in the sky, it was not the Thor that I was familiar with before, but a strange woman in battle armor.

  People are sluggish.

"Who is that?"

   "Why does she have the power of Thor?"

   "Isn't she the illegitimate daughter of the king?"

  Asgardians are inherently brave and fearless of death. Even in the combat zone, they do not change their faces, and even have the heart to talk about gossip.

  Of course, Wonder Woman and Rocky in the battle didn't bother to pay attention to the thoughts of these people.


  Loki continues to produce illusions, avoiding the thunder attack triggered by Wonder Woman, and moving towards the Rainbow Bridge step by step.

  He knew very well that he would never entangle this woman.

  As long as he can complete the last step in the plan, he will be the final winner.

Wonder Woman stood in the air, watching the countless illusions created by Loki blocking her body, snorted, and threw Thor's hammer out, destroying most of the illusion, and then stretched her hands, guarding silver bracelets with two forearms. collision.

  Boom! !

  Under the eyes of the public, the terrifying divine power fluctuations pierced the entire Asgard people, making them look terrified.

  Such a terrifying divine power, I am afraid that only people with the blood of the **** king can have it.

  Who is this woman who controls the power of Thor?

  Everyone's faces remained astonished, and question marks appeared one after another on their foreheads.

   followed closely, the divine power fluctuations became stronger and stronger, they had no time to think so much, staring at the battle not far away, the horror on their faces turned to freeze.


  The shock wave of divine power exploded, like a huge wave on the surface of the sea, coming turbulently.

  The air ripples visible to the naked eye were turning layer upon layer like a huge wave, immediately flooding the countless Rocky phantoms in front of them.

   Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi!

  All the illusions of Loki were annihilated under the action of the divine shock wave.

  The body was exposed in front of everyone~www.NovelMTL.com~ At this time, Loki looked panicked and was knocked to the ground by the shock wave of divine power. The scepter in his hand also flew out, far away.


  At this time, the Thor's hammer thrown by Wonder Woman flew back to her hand.

  Loki fell to the ground, too late to make any response or action. The unnamed woman in front of him was about to be killed again, reducing the panic on his face and becoming extremely cold.


  Wonder Woman jumped up from not far away, and a huge circular pothole was stepped on under her feet, which is enough to see how powerful she is at the moment.

  Boom boom boom!

  The figure was killed in the air, shaking the air, the Thor's hammer in his hand burst out with dazzling electric light, and it slammed into the motionless Loki.


  Suddenly, another figure sprang out from nowhere, opened his arms, and stood firmly in front of Loki.

   "Wonder Woman, don't kill him!"

  (End of this chapter)

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