I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 221: response! Pierce and the black braised egg!

"Proactively declare war?"

Eddie was startled, but soon showed excitement.

Just from Anton's mouth, he already knew the existence of Hydra, and also knew what kind of underground empire Hydra has built in the underground world due to the mistakes of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The underworld empire built by Hydra and Jinhe is completely different, and they are completely two concepts.

Although Jin Bin's power is huge, he can only be regarded as the overlord of the countryside compared with Hydra.

The Hydra is the naked regent of the empire.

The size of the two is different by many times.

"Anton, you have to think clearly."

Eddie curbed his excitement, and solemnly said: "If Hydra has such a huge power as you said, and even has established bases abroad, then the pressure we face is not only from the chaotic Aegis. Bureau."

He is not afraid of Hydra.

When he was an ordinary journalist, he dared to strengthen the Life Foundation, and his courage was by no means inferior to anyone.

To remind Anton at this time is purely out of various considerations.

"I do not care."

Anton’s sharp eyes made Eddie fully aware of his determination.

He slowly said: "If you want to fight, you have to beat the other party to the pain! Otherwise, the other party will always feel that we are just the little ones who let them ravage... Eddie, the Justice League has been established for so long, and there has never been a joint operation. This time, let us announce to the world that a new era is coming."

"Okay, I cooperate with you!"

Eddie nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "Just like you said, muddy the water thoroughly! I'll write the manuscript and expose the Hydra first!"

"Move fast."

Andong said: "Tomorrow, I will let the name Hydra spread throughout the world."

"no problem."

Eddie nodded earnestly and patted his chest: "Exposing the evil forces, this is my specialty!"


After several months, Batman appeared again.

All New Yorkers got excited.

Especially when everyone heard that they led the members of the Justice League to defeat the dark forces, they cheered for Batman and others on the Internet.

At the same time, someone posted photos of Wonder Woman on the Internet, which triggered a new wave of discussions.

At the door of Wayne's company, Wonder Woman abused the electric guys.

At New York Airport, Wonder Woman is standing next to Batman, shining like a star in the night sky.

Countless people can't wait to lick the screen.

If they knew, all the superheroes who appeared tonight, regardless of men and women, were actually one person...

That scene will definitely be very interesting.

It is worth mentioning that Batman reappeared in New York, assembled the three heroes of the Justice League, and thwarted the news of the evil forces. It did not cool down as the night deepened. On the contrary, countless people stayed up all night to refresh the relevant news, hoping to See the official answer.

In order to keep up with this enthusiasm, countless media have to think about breaking their heads, but they can still be seen by others. All the information is made up indiscriminately.

Most people freeze web pages in one interface.

The official website of the Daily Horn.

As a dedicated platform for Batman’s speech, Clarion Daily, everyone only trusts the news of Clarion Daily.

Of course, Eddie did not disappoint everyone.

He quickly issued a statement.

It means that I have contacted Batman and are sorting out the information. Early tomorrow morning, the ins and outs of the entire incident will be announced.

Although people are itching to know the truth, they also understand that this is definitely an explosive big news.

At the same time, another news has attracted the attention of many people.

[Anton shows his talents, a 3-minute video tells you why he became the spokesperson of Batman]

[This is Anton Jameson you can’t imagine]

[In the Colombian banquet attack, Anton took action and saved more than 100 people at the banquet]

Several absolutely true reports, plus a short 3-minute video recorded in the banquet hall, instantly detonated the Internet.

In the banquet hall of Columbia University, several mobs shot suddenly, and the banquet hall was in chaos. Anton shot quickly and moved around. Although he did not have a weapon to fight back, he used the most common tool to kill the gunman in less than two minutes.

This video should have been blocked by the police and should not have been published, but the superb media still got this video. In addition, the media interviewed the survivors who witnessed this scene, and from their mouths, they heard the gratitude and admiration of these people for Anton.

The popularity has skyrocketed, not inferior to the Batman news.

In other words, this news also has a certain connection with Batman. After all, in most people's perception, Anton is the spokesperson of Batman, and they belong to the same group.

Before, many people did not understand why Batman chose Anton as his spokesperson.

They reversed the order completely.

In the eyes of these people, it is not so much that Anton filmed Batman, it is better to say that Batman, who has not yet debuted, found Anton and asked Anton to film Batman.

Therefore, Anton, the prodigal son of New York, can change his life and become a truly successful person in the eyes of countless people.

With the appearance of this video, these people saw the shining points on Anton.

The ins and outs of Batman carrying the Justice League to block terrorist organizations have not been announced yet, and Anton has first become the focus of everyone's attention.

Everyone summed up all the things that happened tonight, and suddenly realized that Anton's move this time was absolutely unusual.

Perhaps, it was ordered by Batman.

In other words, the attack at Columbia University has a high probability of being related to the terrorist organization that Batman tried to deal with.

People don't know that they guessed part of the truth.

Of course, they lacked key information, at best they could only guess the fur.

The most important thing is that these wildly speculating netizens don't know that tomorrow, the truth announced by the Horn Daily will be somewhat explosive. This is news at the level of shaking the ground.

This truth will shake the world.

Especially in the old American homeland, there will be a frenzy of horror.



News from New York was transmitted back to the headquarters of SHIELD as early as the first time.

Pierce's face was very ugly.

In the past few hours, such a reversal took place, which Pierce could not imagine.

The Cobra organization failed.

The New York Occupation Plan was wiped out in the Hydra incident archives as soon as it took off.

He knew what he would face next.

Batman will get revenge.

But how will Batman get revenge?

Pierce could not imagine.

He has a terrible headache.

At the same time, he is very clear that there is absolutely no possibility of peace talks on this matter.

With Batman's personality, even if the Hydra suits softly, it is impossible to accept a settlement.

"The cobra...what a bunch of rubbish!"

Pierce looked ugly.


He received a call request.

Crossbones, Rumlow.

Pierce connected, curbed his irritability, and asked in a deep voice: "Rumlow, how is your situation there?"

"After completing the mission, Rex has been arrested by us."

Rumlow said.

"Good job, bring him back."

Pierce said: "But, you can't let him talk nonsense, do you understand?"


Rumlow answered, then hung up the call, looked in front of him, kneeling on the ground, Rex wearing a metal mask, his eyes cold.

at this time.

They are located next to a beach, surrounded by rolling vehicles, bullet shells all over the floor, and burning marks left by the bombs exploding.

A corpse in a sophisticated battle suit fell on the edge of the beach and was swept away by the tumbling waves from time to time.

These are Rex's men, the only remaining soldiers of the Cobra organization.

However, these soldiers all became corpses.

In other words, only the commander of the Cobra organization, Rex, was left, and he was facing annihilation.

"Rumlow, what are you going to do?"

Rex lifted his head slightly and was pushed to his knees. His face under the mask was very pale, and his eyes revealed a look of fear.

He expected that Hydra would unload the mill and kill the donkey, but he didn't expect this scene to come so quickly.

Half an hour ago.

As soon as the combat team he sent out confirmed the news of the loss, Rex had an ominous premonition and hurriedly fled the base camp.

However, the Hydra people move faster.

He didn't even run two hundred kilometers away, so he was caught by these people. The men who followed him are now corpses, and only himself is still alive.

And being alive... makes Rex panic even more.

He is very clear about the identities of these people in front of him.

It is nominally affiliated with SHIELD, but in fact, it is indeed a member of Hydra.

Because the Cobra organization was formed under the support of these people.

"Rex, you disappoint us."

Rumlow opened the small box handed over by his men next to him, and took out an injection from it.

"But rest assured, we won't kill you... This thing is the latest type of medicine, it is addictive, and it can make people have very strong illusions. After a shot, you will forget many things... Although you let us Very disappointed, but you can at least make a difference..."

He spoke slowly, piercing Rex's neck with a needle.

"Do not!"

Rex struggled hard, with a desperate face: "The cobra is still useful, I am the commander of the cobra, you can't do this to me!"

"He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He)

After a few blinks, Rex began to roll his eyes and his brain drifted up, as if he was in heaven, with his hands on his throat, his face was blue from suffocation, but he was unaware of the pain.

"Take him back to the headquarters, watch, don't let him smash yourself to death!"

Rumlow saw Rex fall to the ground, his body convulsed, but his face showed a happy and cheerful expression, he sneered and waved to his subordinates beside him.


The man nodded and handcuffed Rex to the car.

About two hours later, the convoy drove into downtown Washington and arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

It is early morning.

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters is still brightly lit.

Rumlow took the elevator, walked outside the office of the Secretary-General of SHIELD, knocked on the door, and came to Pierce.

"Is it all done?"

Pierce's face was calm.

"Yes it is."

Rumlow nodded.

"Stop Rex in the uppermost prison of the prison. The meeting will begin soon. We will use him soon."

Pierce got up and walked to the conference room.


This meeting was convened by the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury.

The reason for this meeting is of course because of news from New York.

Batman led the three justice league superheroes to fight and thwarted the conspiracy of terrorist organizations.

S.H.I.E.L.D. does not know the internal entanglements in this middle.

However, on the surface, Nick Fury has already investigated clearly from the eyeliner inserted in the police station, as well as in the underground world, the interior of the Continental Hotel.

At the meeting.

"The Cobra Organization!"

The black halogen egg said: "The culprit is the terrorist organization Cobra. They want to destroy New York with nanoworm warheads and make New York fall. Since the target is New York, the opponent who cannot escape is naturally Batman... Fortunately, Batman solved this. Thing."

"However, SHIELD cannot relax its vigilance."

His face was ugly: "S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't get any information about such a dangerous thing in advance. MARS's planes were equipped with nanoworm warheads flying around in the sky above our heads. We didn't have any defense! This is Aegis. The mistake of the game!"

"Nick, there is one thing I want to talk about."

Pierce interrupted suddenly: "S.H.I.E.L.D. is not unaware of the Cobra organization."

"Pierce, you know what I mean, that's not what I want to say."

He said: "Cobra is indeed a terrorist organization that S.H.I.E.L.D. has long been concerned about, but what I want to say is that we have been in the dark from beginning to end regarding their action against New York. It shouldn't happen."

"It makes sense."

Pierce nodded: "I agree with you."

"So we need to change."

The black braised egg said solemnly: "The current SHIELD needs new power to help us better deal with these crises."

As soon as this word came out, the audience was silent.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is headed by the director, as a multinational organization, it has received different voices from the World Security Council.

However, these voices are generally not louder than the director.

"how do you want to do it?"

Soon, Pierce broke the silence and smiled.

"Set up a special combat team, just like the Justice League established by Batman. We need to find people with extraordinary abilities, whether it is a scientist or a supernatural person. We need their power to help us eliminate evil and... …To deal with an alien crisis like the one encountered in New York not long ago."

Hei Hao Dan officially put the Avengers as a proposal and showed it to everyone.

He said: "I'm going to call it... The Avengers."

This sentence did not exceed everyone's expectations.

The situation regarding the Avengers has long appeared in the documents on their desks, but the black bitter egg has not been formally filed and submitted for review.

This time, it is considered that Hei Hao Dan formally proposed the concept of forming a superhero team, and is ready to be recognized by colleagues before submitting it to the World Security Council for deliberation.

Pierce flipped through the documents in front of him and asked: "Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Doctor Octopus, Captain America... Are these the candidates you think?"

The black braised egg nodded: "Not bad."

Pierce closed the folder in his hand and smiled: "In addition to them, I have a recommendation."


The black braised egg frowned.

Pierce said: "Brock Rumlow, S.H.I.E.L.D. rapid response special forces captain, his ability is not inferior to Hawkeye. I think he is also qualified to join the Avengers and become a member of the superhero squad."

"I have no objection if he wants to."

Heibaodan thought for a while and answered.

Of course he knew Brock Rumlow, and even before forming the team, he had seriously considered Rumlow, and finally ruled it out due to certain factors and chose the Black Widow and Hawkeye he trusted more.

At this time, since Pierce mentioned this matter, he doesn't mind selling Pierce's face.

After all, as the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Pierce is now the secretary-general of S.H.I.E.L.D., and has more in-depth exchanges with the World Security Council.

With Pierce's participation, the formation of the Avengers will get more help.

"That's good, I will discuss with him."

Sure enough, Pierce nodded in satisfaction.

The next moment, the two of them looked at each other, and they understood what an old man could only have.

After a while.

The meeting is over.

"Does anyone have any questions?"

The black marinated egg looked around.

Pierce raised his hand to signal: "There is something, I want to talk about it."

The black braised egg said: "Please speak."

"Regarding the Cobra, we actually received some information before today."

Pierce said, "After the news from New York came back, I asked Rumlow to lead the team immediately. Things went smoothly unexpectedly. We arrested the commander of the Cobra organization, Rex."

"What? You caught Rex?"

The black braised egg was taken aback.

"Not bad."

Pierce smiled slightly: "Rumlow has brought him back to S.H.I.E.L.D., and I think you should want to see him."

At the meeting, everyone looked at each other.


Hei La Dan and Pierce saw Rex, who was held in the internal prison of S.H.I.E.L.D., with a dull expression and an ugly expression.

"We have tortured him."

Rumlow stood beside the two black marinated eggs, and said solemnly: "But according to our observation, Rex has lost most of his memory, and I don't know if I ask three questions."

Hei Baodan's face was sullen, feeling that things were getting trickier.

"In that case, I will find a way to contact Batman to figure out the ins and outs of this matter." He sighed, "Pierce, Rumlow, thanks to you this time, S.H.I.E.L.D. has saved a trace of face."

"you are welcome."

"Rumlow, don't let Pierce and me down."

The black braised egg took a deep look at Rumlow, then turned and left.

Seeing this, Pierce patted Rumlow on the shoulder, meaning: "Don't let me down."

"I will do my best."

Rumlow saluted.


After parting with Pierce, the black marinated egg came back to his office.

Here, he met Coleson.

"Director, we did receive relevant information about the Cobra organization recently, but we are busy establishing contact with Asgard these days and have ignored this matter."

Coleson was quite guilty: "This is our mistake. We didn't expect that this matter would make such a big deal."

"It's all over, so don't talk about it."

The black braised egg waved his hand: "What did Anton say?"

"Anton didn't answer the phone."

Coleson said: "It seems that he refused to communicate with SHIELD."

"In other words, Batman refused to communicate with SHIELD..."

The black halogen egg has an ugly face, almost certain: "Sure enough, the Hydra people are doing a ghost!"

He is not a fool.

From the very beginning, Hei Baodan knew that behind this incident, it was not just the Cobra organization.

Cobra will not suddenly have the idea of ​​destroying New York with nanoworm warheads for no reason.

Behind this incident, there must be someone pushing it.

And the purpose of the black hand behind the scenes to promote this matter, mostly lies in Batman.

The black braised egg pondered for a long time.

Thinking of everyone's expressions and responses at the meeting, and thinking of Pierce, frowned slightly.

He could not tell who had the problem for the time being.

However, think about it from another angle.

In this meeting, in addition to myself, the guy who showed the most confidence and was least likely to be a bad guy was actually the most likely bad guy.


The black braised egg muttered, and a complex color appeared in his eyes: "Will it be you?"


Pierce is his superior.

Even, his success in becoming the director of SHIELD is related to Pierce's support.

If Pierce would be a member of the Hydra lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D....

Then, the black braised egg will not only regret that she has lost a close friend, but will also despair of S.H.I.E.L.D. from the heart.

This is the real rotten to the roots.

"Director, what should we do now?"

Coulson asked.

He saw that the current situation was extremely complicated.

Batman has resistance to S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., and what Anton showed is that Batman began to refuse any communication with S.H.I.E.L.D. In other words, does it mean that S.H.I.E.L.D. is not saved in Batman's view?

"Don't move for now, let's see what Batman does."

The black marinated egg pondered for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "If this thing is really driven by Hydra, with Batman's personality, he will not let it go. When Batman and Hydra fight, Hydra will definitely It will show its feet. At that time, we can naturally find the opportunity to distinguish clearly who is the scum of Hydra within S.H.I.E.L.D.."

"But will SHIELD be implicated in it?"

Cole hesitated: "Batman would not have thought that we were deliberately releasing the water. Doing so is likely to offend Batman."

"do not worry."

He said: "Batman was not the same with us. In order to catch the **** hiding in the dark ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ even if you offend Batman, it is worth it."

Coulson was silent.

As the right arm of the black braised egg, he understands the meaning of the black braised egg very well.

In any case, Batman is a superhero. Therefore, even if Batman is hostile to S.H.I.

After all, no matter what, S.H.I.E.L.D. represents a justice law enforcement agency.

The purpose of both parties is to make the world better.

However, all the judgments of Hei La Dan and Coleson are based on Batman's way of thinking as a superhero.

In fact, according to the "Batman" movie filmed by Anton, their judgment on Batman is indeed correct.

However, they do not know the key information.

That is the Batman of this world, not Bruce Wayne at all, but Anton Jameson.

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