I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 230: Fierce battle! Little spider saves people!

The American team fell from the rooftop.

In a blink of an eye, he moved away from the rooftop, and about two blinks from the ground.

However, as a battle-tested Captain America, he has rich combat experience and knows how to adapt and make use of the surrounding environment.

With a twist of his waist, he instantly approached the wall of the building.


He waved the shield and inserted it into the wall abruptly, tearing a deep wound on the side of the building's surface, even revealing the steel bars inside.

The stone chips flew up and hit the US team's face, but there was no red mark left.

This practice greatly slowed the speed of his falling.

Until there was more than ten meters from the ground, the US team jumped, and the amazing force stepped on the ground into a deep pit.

Landing safely.


The US team breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the rooftop with a solemn expression.

At this time.

The surrounding Washington citizens really saw the reborn Captain America who had just appeared in the overwhelming news and was still hotly discussed by the world at this time.

"Really Captain America?"

"He is really resurrected!"

"Wait, didn't he join the Avengers of S.H.I.E.L.D....Who is this fighting against?"

"Look, there are steel bones and Iron Man in the sky..."

"Wait, isn't the figure on the edge of the roof of this building Wonder Woman?"

"Gosh, are the Avengers fighting the Justice League?"

The citizens looked dull and showed shocked expressions.

If they saw all the characters appearing on the roof of this building, they would be so surprised that they could not speak.

At this time, the conflict between the Justice League and the Avengers had just broken out.

Strictly speaking, the whole process just now took only a few minutes.

The citizens of Washington didn't realize until now that there is an incredible battle going on.

Both sides of the battle have terrifying lineups.

The Justice League has long been established and is gradually gaining ground in the hearts of the people.

And, it has just been established, but it has the first person to build spiritual civilization in the United States. On the day of its establishment, there is the Avengers that the world is concerned about.

The passing crowd exclaimed.

They saw that the situation was not right, and after a moment of stunned, they scurried away from this area one by one, fearing that they would run slowly.


Passers-by who were still far away saw the roof of this building that had been torn apart with a deep wound. There was a tall and beautiful figure with golden holy light shining from the whole body. Without hesitation, he jumped deeply from the edge of the roof. Jumped straight down.


These people looked stunned.

Of course they recognized this tall and beautiful figure.

There are not many female superheroes known to the public. In the original plot, the black widow that the public will be familiar with in the future has only been publicly seen once at the press conference established by the Avengers. Therefore, strictly speaking, now, There is only one female superhero.

That is, as soon as she appeared, her fame instantly resounded across the country, and even her autobiographical film works sold for more than one billion dollars, and she became the Wonder Woman of countless LSP dream goddesses.

Wonder Woman jumped down without preparation, is she so wild?

Worthy of being a god!


Under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes, Wonder Woman fell like a meteor, the speed continued to rise, and even produced a terrifying sonic boom, the loud noise exploded in everyone's ears.


Immediately afterwards, she fell to the ground, her long slender legs did not even have a slight bend, she forcibly stepped on the ground and collapsed for ten centimeters, and then a crater with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared instantly, a spider-web-like turtle crack road. Radiating in all directions.


"so horrible!"

The crowd in the distance saw this scene, their faces were pale, and once again realized what a **** is.

In their opinion, Wonder Woman's actions are out of the scope of humans!

Even Hill and other members of S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., who were far away in the sky through the monitoring of the whole city, were observing the battle scene, all in a daze.

Among them, Coleson sighed deeply.

He is the first person in S.H.I.E.L.D. to meet Wonder Woman.

At that time, when dealing with the Thor incident in New Mexico, the appearance of Wonder Woman and the destruction of technological creatures called "Destroyer" made him the first to realize what the power of gods is.

Even if I watch it again now, the shock in my heart has not diminished.

"Ready to support!"

Coleson took a deep breath, and first came back to his senses, and said to Acting Director Hill: "We can't expect the Avengers to be able to stop the Justice League. Batman's force is far beyond our imagination. Revenge The Alliance needs the Sky Mothership as support..."

"you are right."

Hill was silent for a moment, nodded, and instructed to go down: "Everyone is ready to dispatch, immediately go to downtown Washington, ready to support the Avengers."


The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents looked solemn.

From the picture just now, they clearly knew that they were about to face a fierce battle.

at this time.

Downtown Washington.

The battlefield of the Justice League and the Avengers.

When the US team saw the scene of Wonder Woman falling from the sky, their hearts sank and they were deeply aware of their lack of strength.

If all the members of the Avengers are assembled, the US team feels that there may be hope of victory.

But in the Justice League, there is more than one Wonder Woman!

The Justice League has more people than the Avengers!


The American team let out a sigh of relief, converging in shock.

However, even if he had confidence in himself, he couldn't feel that he could defeat Wonder Woman smoothly.

The power exposed by the opponent completely exceeds the recognition of the US team as a human being.

"The power of the gods..."

He gritted his teeth and squeezed the shield in his hand, revealing a firm look.


Wonder Woman snorted, her eyes indifferent, high above her.

"A mortal struggle!"


She was dispatched again, her figure like lightning, once again knocking the US team into flight.

The U.S. team flew upside down a hundred meters, knocked down more than a dozen street lights, and plowed the ground into a gully, without the strength to fight back.


Handing the US team to Wonder Woman, Anton, as a Batman, is quite relieved.

Although the US team has the strength to face anyone at a 50-50 level, it is still far from facing a **** level like Wonder Woman.

The transformation of the super soldier serum can at most turn the US team into a soldier watching the earth, and there is no way to deal with Wonder Woman, a god-level figure who has power beyond the earth level.

From Anton's point of view, although Wonder Woman could not reach the Heavenly Father level, she was also far beyond the Earth level, at least able to be next to Ya Heavenly Father.

In his record, a head hammer can fight Superman anyway.

Pay attention to the public account: Book Friends Base Camp pays attention to cash and coins!

Thoughts flashed.

Anton cast his gaze on the battlefield in front of him.

The battle between the four little turtles and the black widow and Hawkeye was a little anxious.

Black Widow and Hawkeye were injected with Extremis Virus, not only the body can release thousands of degrees of high temperature, but also the self-healing ability is amazing.

Although the little tortoises have thick skin and thick flesh, they can only suppress these two people, and it is difficult to cause a strong blow to these two people.

Among the members of the reunion, the other two belong to the battlefield of Otto and Rumlow, and they seem to be far less anxious than Black Widow and Hawkeye.

In the battle between Otto and Rumlow, there was a tendency to fall to one side.

Rumlow used his own power to deal with Daredevil and Venom, but he couldn't handle it.

He has been abused to the utmost utter misery.

As the captain of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s rapid response force and a member of the Hydra hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D., Rumlow's ability is actually not weak.

The main reason is that he has a cheap mouth, and it's okay to be a Daredevil alone, but the venom was attracted to chase him and beat him.


Rumlow crashed into the entrance attic of the roof and was buried in the ruins by the rubble and bricks, unable to get up for a long while.

Facing the joint attack by Venom and Daredevil, no matter how advanced his equipment is, it is impossible to reverse the situation.

As for Dr. Octopus Otto, this one is also unlucky.

He chose his old enemy Spider-Man, but he didn't expect that there were too many Justice League people.

Arrow looked around and found that he had been missed and was furious.

After thinking for a moment, decided to fight against the little spider.

Don't forget that Dr. Octopus made his first appearance on the Manhattan Bridge in New York.

Arrow and Steel Bone once beat Dr. Octopus once. Although Arrow only beaten him with soy sauce in that battle, he didn't mind to beat him with soy sauce a second time.

After the battle broke out, Little Spider and Dr. Octopus both changed their positions and scurried back and forth on the walls around the building, shocking the office workers inside the building with fearful shouts.

They recognized the identities of these two people.

They are all guys who have appeared before and made a big splash in New York next door.


Doctor Octopus!

Needless to say, Spider-Man, a member of the Justice League, has appeared in the Daily Horn many times and has been reported by many New York media.

Dr. Octopus, Otto, followed the recent hot Avengers news and broke into the public eye again.

"In the end what happened?"

"What did Spider-Man fight with Doctor Octopus?"

"There were Captain America and Wonder Woman just now...Did the Justice League really go to war with the Avengers?"

"Aren't they all superhero groups?"

"God, who can tell me what happened?"

The battle between Little Spider and Doctor Octopus also fell into the eyes of the onlookers not far away, making them shocked.

At this moment, the battle between the Justice League and the Avengers is already a real hammer.

Although the battle on the rooftop has not yet fallen into the sight of the public, just from the current situation and what they have observed, one can know that Wonder Woman and Captain America, Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus, Steel Bone and Iron Man, The three sides of the battlefield have been united.

They beat you to death around this innocent building.


The public saw another figure joining the battle.

Green Arrow shoots an arrow with a suction cup arrow. Under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes, he arrives on the roof of another building, bent his bow and set his arrow, aimed at Dr. Octopus, and released the big hand holding the arrow tail. .

Whoosh whoosh!

Arrows flew out one after another, hitting the joints of Dr. Octopus's robotic arm.

Click, click, click!

An astonishing fire broke out in the building instantly.

Dr. Octopus's mechanical arm was attacked by the explosive arrow, and instantly emitted black smoke that was not too strong, but not to be ignored.

"Damn it!"

Otto's face changed, and he manipulated the slightly injured mechanical arm, intending to change the position to avoid Green Arrow from shooting cold arrows.

But he greatly underestimated the ability of Arrow.

Whoosh whoosh!

Another arrow came through the air.

This arrow was loaded with an acid arrow. After hitting the robotic arm, the arrow spewed out an astonishing concentration of strong acid, which immediately corroded the robotic arm that was broken by the explosive arrow.

Although Otto's robotic arm may have added vibrato as a material, as long as it is metal, it will react to acidic substances.

Even Zhenjin and Edman Alloy are no exception.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi!

Otto's mechanical arm had a problem with its circuit, and it immediately didn't work well. The front end of the arm, like the opening and closing of five fingers, became soft and weak.

Click! Click!

At the same time, the fierce battle broke the wall where the robotic arm was firmly fixed, like a paper screen, which was immediately torn by the arm, causing Otto to lose his focus.


Otto's pupils shrank and fell feebly from mid-air to the ground.

His situation is no different from the previous US team.

However, Otto is far from having the resilience of the US team. In addition, the mechanical arm is corroded by the strong acid of the Arrow, and the mechanical arm is not effective at all times.

"It's over!"

Otto closed his eyes, as if seeing death coming.


Just when he was about to fall to the ground, UU read www.uukanshu. Com a cobweb fell from the air and hung him between the two buildings.


Otto opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

His body shook up and down following the force of the cobweb, and the pictures and characters in front of him were also gradually becoming clear in the shaking of his vision.

At this time, I saw Spider-Man stepping on a spider silk between the two buildings, making a classic Spider-Man Asian squatting posture that most Europeans can’t do. Someone is walking in a cloud and maintains an amazing balance. , And then spread his hands on him full of leisurely sentiment.

Seems to be saying,

Take a moment, brother!


On the rooftop of another building, Arrow saw this scene and smiled with emotion.

Little Spider's way of saving people didn't surprise him at all.

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