I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 345: 9 circles overlap! No news from the research team!

As Anton said, no one is more suitable for this task than Xingjue.

After achieving the goal, Anton’s incarnation of Superman had no plans to stay with Carol, Nick Fury and others for a long time, so he left.

Although Anton uses his ontology to incarnate Superman, there is no need to cost Superman fan points, but today the earth needs him more than the universe.

Therefore, this time the journey of the universe ends here.

After that, Anton intends to use the Superman clone to be active in the universe for a short time, which is more realistic.

Before leaving, he gave Carol a communication bracelet. The bracelet was connected to the war fortresses in other galaxies. The war fortress was used as a transit point. The communication information sent by the Carols could be transmitted to the location in an instant. The hands of Anton of the earth.

You know, interstellar communication, if the distance is close enough, only in nearby galaxies, it's better to say.

Just like when Carol left the earth, he left behind an interstellar pager, the scope is limited to a few galaxies near the earth. If the galaxies are too far apart, it's hard to say. Maybe Carol can receive the news, but it will take longer.

In an emergency, the time difference is the biggest failure.

However, there is a fortress of war, and Anton can circumvent this risk.

After Carol and Nick Fury took over the bracelet, they saw Anton get up and leave the bar before they could speak.

"and many more."

Carol originally wanted to communicate with Superman more, but he saw Superman leave.


At the entrance of the hotel, Anton’s incarnation of Superman rose into the sky, broke through the dark clouds, and rushed into the starry sky in a flash.


The air flow oscillates.

Everyone at the door was dumbfounded.

This kind of individual power, looking at the universe, is also unique.

"So fast..."

Carol swallowed what he just wanted to say, staring in the direction Superman was away.

Seeing the speed of Superman, she knew firsthand that the strength of Superman's burst was almost beyond her reach.

This initial speed of take-off even surpasses some spacecraft with the ability to shuttle between stars.

It's not that this power made Carol feel inferior, but that this simple action exposed by Superman gave her a clearer understanding of Superman.

"This level of speed has surpassed you..."

Next to him, Nick Fury saw Carol lost in thought and smiled: "I once again understand why Batman has high hopes for Superman."

"Not only that."

Carol held up Superman's hand ring before leaving, thinking of the other party's instructions.

"He said, this communication bracelet can ignore distance and establish contact with him anytime, anywhere..."

There was a pause: "In the entire universe, there are only a handful of people who can do this."


Nick Fury seemed to realize something: "You mean, behind Superman, maybe there is a powerful cosmic power?"

Following that, an association occurred, and his face changed slightly.

"So to say."

He murmured: "Is this force related to the earth?"

"No, you don't understand."

Carol sighed: "Superman can beat Tyrant and Ronan one step ahead. Knowing that the power gem is on Morag, it is enough to show that he is not simple."

Thanos, the overlord of the universe.

Ronan, a radical in the Kerry Empire, is also a powerful figure in power.

Looking at the universe, few people dared to provoke these two guys, not to mention how powerful they are.

Superman can get them a step ahead and get key information about the power gem, plus the fact that the Justice League has already got two infinite gems...

Is Superman’s purpose really to avenge Thanos’ invasion of the earth?

This is the most disturbing place in Carol's heart.

If Superman has a different purpose, with the abilities that Superman now shows, and the numerous extraordinary individuals of the Justice League, how much power must be gathered in the entire universe to stop them?



Through teleportation, Anton returned to New York smoothly.

Located in the office of the DC company, I saw the scene I was familiar with, thought of what I had seen and heard in the universe just now, and smiled slightly.

At present, the layout of the reality gems and power gems has been completed, only the plot can be expanded, and two infinite gems can be collected in the bag.

By then, he will have more confidence to face the various changes in the future if he has got four infinite gems.

As for the remaining time gems and soul gems.

The former is relatively troublesome, Anton can't get it, and others won't get it.

the latter……

Need to sacrifice a loved one...

Anton will not take the initiative to find out, but he will always keep an eye on trends in this area.

Once someone gets the soul gem, he takes it away.

In any case, now that Superman controls the field, Anton's goal of collecting six infinite gems is not far away.

Thoughts turn.

Everything went on the right track, and Anton finally had time to rest.

He intends to go home first and have a good sleep.

Recently, all kinds of busyness, from the infinite invasion of the Skuru people, to the men in black, to the layout of the infinite gems, and the new project of DC company in the middle, the preliminary preparation of Thunder Shazan, Anton has not been for a long time. Relax.


Time is fast, and a week has passed.

During this period, all preparations for "Thunder Shazam" were completed, and the filming was officially started in the Los Angeles studio.

At this time, Anton did not pay attention to this matter, but came to Wayne.

Today's Wayne Company, even though it has only been established for a year, has completely replaced Hanmer's position in the arms industry.

Moreover, it is not just the declining Hanmer Company.

Previously, the Washington incident triggered by Hydra made the MARS arms company, which has occupied many foreign markets, been attacked and squeezed out of the world. The gold master behind the Cobra organization, the God of War factory controlled by Di Stro, is the largest in the world. One of the munitions production lines has also become a part of Wayne.

Wayne Company stands on the bodies of these big companies and rises step by step, which not only deepens the connection with the military, but also opens up foreign markets.

Today when Stark Industries withdraws from the arms industry, Wayne has become a well-deserved new giant.

Of course, Osborne also contributed a lot to the rise of Wayne.

After Norman regained his sanity, he gave up most of the interests of the arms industry in order to cure the family's genetic diseases.

In the eyes of outsiders, Osborne and Wayne are almost hooligans wearing a pair of pants.

The fact is almost the same.

However, on the surface it seems that Osborne is helping Wayne's development, but the actual situation is that Osborne is inseparable from Wayne.

"You came?"

Anton’s cheap old man has officially entered the Wayne company. John, who is about to inherit the mantle of the old man Jonah Jameson, smiled at Anton at the door and led him into the company.

On the way, a pair of admiring and admiring eyes projected on Anton.

Anton took it for granted.

If it were a year ago, he did still have some discomfort with these gazes, but after a year, he had long been accustomed to the appreciation and admiration from the people he didn't know.

This is not only an achievement created by Anton himself, but also a halo from the Justice League.

On the one hand, as a world-class director, his current reputation on the Internet has far surpassed Tony Stark.

After all, Tony, Iron Man, who was once a member of the Avengers, greatly disappointed the people who had high hopes for him.

On the other hand, as an official member of the Justice League, and in the eyes of the public, the only official member of a non-superhero, Anton is definitely the most special existence, there is no one.

Some people think that Anton does not deserve to be a member of the Justice League.

Moreover, they felt that the DC company under Anton's command was simply sucking blood on the bodies of many members of the Justice League.

But there are also many people who think that if there is no Anton, so many people will not have understood the story of the Justice League, if it were not for these wonderful stories, these heart-stringing hero cores, they would not be seen by the whole world.

Therefore, Anton deserves it.

This kind of controversy did not affect An Dong, but made his fame more widely known.

In any case, the current Anton is the most beautiful boy wherever he walks.


The two entered the office.

This is John's independent office, which is quite spacious and has adequate precautions.

At the door, Anton saw the long-lost John Wick.

Wick, once the killer king of the underground in New York, has now become the head of Wayne’s security department, and is personally responsible for the safety of Jameson and his son, the old man, and Anton.

To some extent, Wick has changed from a killer to a killer, and he has become a company executive, living a life he never thought of.

This changed the rest of his life.

In fact, Wick cherishes life now and has a great vision for the future, not to mention that his degree of loyalty to the Jameson family is absolutely unique.

"How is Helen?"

Seeing the long-lost Wick, Anton was concerned about what he thought of.

Helen, Wicker's wife.

In the previous life movie, Wick died because of his wife’s cancer and left him with a dog before he died, and because of that dog, he triggered a series of tragic stories, which has long been a movie star.

As the saying goes, there are three things that cannot be touched in the movie world.

Nim Lensen’s daughter, John Wick’s dog, Hannibal’s pension.

Of course, in this world, Wick's dog was touched by Anton early, so it changed Wick's life.

At least, in today's world, cancer is not incurable.

"With the help of life medicine, Helen is out of danger. The doctor said that if the medicine is taken for a long time, cancer can basically be cured..."

Wick nodded, grateful: "Anton, thank you for your help."

"You are welcome, we are our own now."

Anton waved his hand.


"You are here because of the experimental group that studies astrophysics that you invested in not long ago."

John took out the remote control and pressed the button.


The balcony became dark, and the whole room was out of reach.

However, the projection located in the hidden corner, shooting out light, showed a series of pictures in front of Anton.

Starry sky illustration.

Various starry sky maps.

All of them have never been discovered by the earth, and will not be seen on the earth.

This is the starry sky of another world.

"This is the information sent by the experimental team. To tell you the truth, I am very interested."

John spoke, staring at Anton.

Through these materials, he actually felt that this matter is not simple.

Before that, I thought that Anton was because of the leader of the experimental team, Dr. Beauty, Jane Foster, who was beautiful.

But now, John has changed his mind.

As an astronaut, he is also a highly educated person and has a lot more understanding of astrophysics than normal people.

Judging from the detailed information provided by Jane Foster and others, they are studying an amazing astrophysical phenomenon...

This almost reversed John's view of astrophysics.

"Nine realms overlap..."

John looked at Anton curiously: "According to the information, this is the idea you provided."

"Every many years, the nine realms in the eyes of the Asgardians will overlap. At that time, the spatial channels between each world will become unimpeded..."

John murmured: "It's like changing from a small road to a great road... the nine worlds are connected. Maybe this is the source of Asgard's definition of the nine worlds... how did you think of it?"

"This is very common knowledge in the eyes of Asgardians."

Andong Road.


John was even more curious: "If so, why study it?"

"Then you don't have to worry about it."

Anton looked at the projected information and slowly said: "You called me over, maybe it's not as simple as discussing the overlap of the nine worlds with me, what happened? Although I know that you have a little research and understanding of astrophysics, But now, you should not be obsessed with these things, right?"

"Very smart, worthy of being my son."

John narrowed his smile and directly pulled the image projected in front of him to the end.


He motioned to Anton to take a closer look.


Before Anton's eyes, one picture after another kept passing by.

Abandoned warehouses, dilapidated bridge holes, dirty and messy prisons, and so on, all have one thing in common.

That is the distortion of the picture.

It's not that the camera can't focus, but the scene taken by the photo, which itself is distorted.

He gradually understood what John was going to say.

"If you’re right~www.NovelMTL.com~ The Nine Realms overlapped, it was in an abandoned warehouse in the docks of New York...or, in a bridge hole in London, or even...the prison."

John said indifferently: "The space has not yet been completely stabilized, and the channel is not really fixed, so they cannot carry out continuous and stable research. Fortunately, the research team you invested in is still very powerful, and they have found a way to stabilize the space channel."


Anton raised his brows: "It seems that they didn't disappoint me."


John changed his words: "Next, is the key point I want to mention."

Anton's face straightened.

"The research team you invested in is too reckless. After they stabilized the space channel without complete preparations, they made their own claims and entered the world on the opposite side of the space to explore..."

John slowly said: "Until now, they have no news...Speaking of which, I really admire their courage."

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