I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 348: Conjecture about Odin! The dark elf attacks!

Anton brought Jane Foster to Thor.


Thor looked at his old friend from the earth with a little surprise, gave a light hug, and then stared at the Superman beside Jane Foster with a surprised expression.

"Are you... Superman?"

Since Asgard has established contact with the earth, and the earth is no longer the barren and weak planet thousands of years ago, even if Thor is located in Asgard, he often receives news from the earth, so he doesn’t treat Superman. No stranger.

The information about the earth is the situation mentioned by Heimdall in his routine report.

It is worth mentioning that in the timeline of Thor’s first plot, the Rainbow Bridge was not destroyed due to Wonder Woman’s intervention, nor did the Nine Realms cause Asgard’s brief loss of contact. Because of his rebellious mood, Thor is not as busy as Thor 2’s original plot, and he goes around fighting to quell the chaos.

He has more time to understand information from the earth.


He has not been one of the most important information figures he has received from Heimdall's intelligence during this period of time.

He reviewed the battle between Superman and Super Skuru afterwards.

The leader of the Super Skuru, Carter, was a little surprised by his combat power, not to mention the Superman who easily solved Carter.

And according to Thor's superficial understanding of the Justice League, Superman's power must still be in the limelight in Asgard, pressing Loki on the Wonder Woman who rubbed on the ground.

After meeting now, Thor confirmed his conjecture.

Because he could clearly perceive that the man in front of him seemed to have a blazing sun in his body.

"first meet."

Thor himself is a fighting madman. After seeing Superman, he couldn't help but see the joy of hunting. According to the etiquette of the earth people, he stretched his hand and planned to shake hands with Superman.

Anton saw Thor's fighting eyes and understood.

The two shook hands.

Jane Foster watched the two greeting each other, always feeling that they seemed polite in front of them, but they smelled like fire.

Immediately afterwards, Thor and Anton shook hands together while exerting force.


Thor felt the terrifying power from Superman's palm, and his face changed slightly.

Superman didn't change his face and looked at him with a smile.

Soon, Thor's arms were showing blue veins, and a layer of fine sweat appeared on his forehead. He gritted his teeth, his face was slightly savage, and he was obviously going all out.

On the other hand, the Superman on the opposite side understates, the smile on his face is even stronger.

Jane Foster then realized that they were fighting each other.

Thor is behind by more than a lot.

Still superhuman fierce.

Man childish game.

She was a little helpless.

not far away.

Heimdall, who led Anton and Jane Foster to Thor, his face was slightly solemn, and his eyes fell on Anton’s incarnation of Superman. The Adam’s apple rolled, recalling the outbreak of the battle between Superman and Super Skuru at the time. A powerful force sweeping the earth.

With this level of power, let alone looking at the earth, even in Asgard, it is almost difficult to find someone who has the strength to fight him.

Fortunately, Superman is a strong man on the earth, and now the earth and Asgard have a good relationship, and Superman can't come to trouble Asgard.

Moreover, today's Superman has to ask for Asgard.

Thoughts flashed.

Thor and Superman have decided the winner.


Thor's palm joints exploded, and he was almost deformed by the huge force from Superman's palm, and the distorted expression on his face could not be concealed.

Even Heimdall and Jane Foster started to feel pain in Thor's hands.


At the last moment, Thor still did not verbally admit defeat, but he pulled his hand back, converged his distorted expression, returned to normal, and nodded to Superman in front of him seemingly calmly.

"Welcome to Asgard. I already understand your purpose. Come with me."

As he spoke, he turned and walked forward with his right hand on his chest, blocking Anton and Jane Foster’s eyes through his body, shaking uncontrollably, and taking a deep breath, alleviating the feeling of frustration in his heart. The horror of superhuman abilities.

After this brief confrontation, he had to admit that the power of Superman was beyond his reach.

This is a feeling he has almost never felt before.

Not long ago, even if Wonder Woman showed abilities far surpassing him in front of her, depending on the identity of the other party as a Protoss, Thor can still say that he inherited Asgard’s most noble blood, and sooner or later he would be able to fight. Catch up with Wonder Woman...

But compared to Superman, who was far more powerful than Wonder Woman, he suddenly lost such confidence.

Behind the three.

Heimdall watched the three of them go away with a strange expression.

His eyes can see everything, and of course Thor's small movements can be seen.

In fact, not only him, but even Jane Foster, an ordinary person with no special ability, was aware of Thor's actions.

"Hope Thor can gain extra..."

Heimdall sighed again, turned and left, returned to the center of the Rainbow Bridge, and continued to guard the entrance to the Nine Realms of Asgard.


Anton and Jane Foster followed Thor, and successfully came to the palace and saw Odin on the throne.

"Father, my friend needs your help."

Thor walked into the hall and saw Odin's gaze flashing across him instantly, locking onto the Superman behind him.

Thor is not surprised.

The power of superman can naturally get the face of anyone, including his father, the king of the gods, and Odin.

"first meet."

Similarly, Anton also locked Odin on the throne at a glance, and stared at the latter, feeling a touch of pressure like never before.

"His Majesty, hello."

He said: "I am Clark Kent, nicknamed Superman, a companion of Wonder Woman."

"I know."

Odin nodded: "I can feel that you and Wonder Woman, Diana Prince are of the same origin, and you have the same outlandish aura on your body."


Anton was taken aback, and then realized that Odin was talking about the multiverse in the ancient mouth.

Odin's level is similar to that of the ancient one.

It is unreasonable that Gu Yi could perceive the multiverse. As the king of the gods, Odin knew nothing.

But Anton didn't care.

The multiverse thing, placed in the Marvel world, is the answer that can explain everything.

"I won't say anything more, Your Majesty, we are here for the ether particles." Andong said, "We hope you can help and strip the ether particles from the lady next to me."

"Sorry, I can't do it."

Odin shook his head: "Asgard can't do this."


Thor and Jane Foster were instantly astonished.

"The dark elves were defeated by the Asgardians, and the etheric particles were also sealed by you. Why didn't you have the method to strip the etheric particles in her body?"

Anton frowned slightly, looked up at Odin in front of him, and waited for Odin's answer.

But in fact, no one knows that Anton's heart at this time is actually very calm. He had long expected Odin's answer.

In the original plot of Thor 2, Thor takes Jane Foster to find Odin, but Odin said that in Asgard’s magic book recording major events, there is no way to strip out the etheric particles in Jane Foster.

With the development of the plot, the person who finally stripped the etheric particles from Jane Foster was the leader of the dark elves, Malekis.

At the same time, the original plot did not mention or indicate the method of extracting ether particles from Jane Foster's body.

In other words, in a short period of time, excluding his own research, the person Anton could find was not Odin at all, but the leader of the dark elves, Malesky.

The reason why he brought Jane Foster to Asgard was simply trying to see if he could just solve the problem simply, or, in the original plot, Odin, the king of the gods, was Not to have reservations about his son.

After all, the person who defeated the dark elves and sealed the etheric particles thousands of years ago was Odin's father, the last **** king, Boll.

Odin can be regarded as inheriting all of Bohr's inheritance, and even opened up territory, almost laid down the entire Nine Realms, and became the true king of the gods.

As an absolutely great being, Odin shouldn't be unable to find a way to strip away the etheric particles.

Judging from the plot of the previous life, Anton had some doubts. Odin was simply because Thor fell in love with an earth mortal woman and refused his blind date arrangement, so he didn't want to save Jane Foster at all.

It's just not saved by death. What is this for Odin, who has been fighting on the battlefield and dedicated to training his son to become a qualified king of the gods?

Now it seems that I am thinking wrong?

Anton's thoughts flashed.

Odin in front of him spoke and answered the three people's doubts.

"Ethereum particles are very dangerous things. The more detailed they are recorded, the more they will evoke the feelings of people in people's hearts."

Odin said lightly: "So, after my father sealed the ether particles, almost all information about the ether particles was erased, and only the dangers of the ether particles were kept to remind future generations. Thousands of years passed, almost all people who knew about the ether particles died. ..."

"so what should I do now?"

Thor's face changed slightly.

Although he and Jane Foster did not develop a lover relationship in the previous life because of the sudden birth of Wonder Woman, the ambiguous phase of the Earth period is not fake.

The favorability is here, and Thor naturally cannot watch Jane Foster being eroded by ether particles.

If the etheric particles are attached to the body of the strong, they can strengthen their abilities.

However, the etheric particles will continue to absorb the vitality of the possessed.

The strong naturally have their own methods to provide a steady stream of vitality for the etheric particles to absorb.

Jane Foster can't.

Fortunately, the contact between Jane Foster and the ether particles is not long. At this time, the ether particles in her body are extracted, and it will not cause harm to her body. However, it is conceivable that once the time is too long Long, the result is hard to predict.

"How to do?"

Jane Foster was pale and looked at Superman and Thor: "Am I just waiting to die?"

"Don't worry, we still have a way."

Anton was very calm and calmed Jane Foster, saying: "There are the top scientists on earth in the Justice League. I think they can find a way to solve your distress...Of course, we need time. But you can rest assured. Before your body has a problem, they can definitely solve the problem."

This sentence sounds reliable, but Anton doesn't think so at all.

He thought of the dark elf leader, Malesky.

If you are not mistaken, Malesky has awakened with all the dark elves, rushing towards the etheric particles...

While thinking about it, Thor next to him agreed.

"I will help you too."

He patted his chest: "Asgard has the most advanced magician team, and we will also find a way for you."


Jane Foster heard Thor and Superman's assurance, and was a little relieved, but the big rock hanging in her heart never let go, and the anxiety remained.


the other side.

The center of the Rainbow Bridge not far from everyone.

A group of strange-looking outsiders with weapons invaded Asgard.

This group of foreign invaders were not Heimdall at all, and the opponents of the Rainbow Bridge guards were easily resolved by Heimdall and others.

Randomly, Heimdall looked at this group of easily subdued foreigners who had never seen them before, with expressionless faces and a cold tone, and ordered the guards around him, "Put them in jail and torture them severely. You must know. Who sent them."


The remaining guard nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Heimdall frowned slightly as he watched the group leave.

Looking at the back of these people leaving, he always felt something was wrong. With this little power, how could these people dare to invade Asgard?

Who gives them confidence?

Although during the thousands of years that Asgard ruled the Nine Realms, foreigners would want to invade Asgard almost every once in a while, but these people all walked through the illegal entrance, that is, the space crack , Or it’s going all out to walk the cosmic channel...

How could anyone be stupid enough to attack the entrance and exit of the Rainbow Bridge, the tightest guard in Asgard?

Although the Rainbow Bridge Center is the easiest entrance, it is also the most prone to failure.

After all, the Rainbow Bridge is not only a transmission device, but also a star destroyer.

The guards here are not only elite, but in the entire Asgard territory, they are only less than the palace, and more than other places.

The outsiders who choose this place as an invasion point are either unplanned idiots or reckless guys who have no knowledge of Asgard...

While thinking about it, Heimdall didn't take it too seriously, and it is not ruled out that some people have problems with their brains and want hard steel for their heads.

Such people have also encountered many during the years when he guarded the Rainbow Bridge.

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something, suddenly raised his head and looked at the **** team located on the Rainbow Bridge not far away, his face changed wildly.


As soon as the voice fell, I saw the guard escorting the intruder, who was counter-killed by the intruder who got out of control.

Heimdall drew the sword~www.NovelMTL.com~ his eyes were splitting.

After all, the two sides were still separated by a certain distance, and he could not reach the location of the other party in the first time.

Therefore, I can only watch the other side and take out a magical creation from his arms.


The other party activated this magical creation.

Turning his head, he gave Heimdall a grinning smile.

At this moment, the other party recovered his true colors, and Heimdall finally realized the other party's true identity.

Dark Elf!

They are the masters of the dark elf race, the dark world, and Wat Alheim that have long disappeared, and are even considered dead by Asgard.


Heimdall's inspiration suddenly appeared, and his brain went blank: "They want to destroy the Rainbow Bridge?"

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