I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 364: See Colson again! The conspiracy of the 9-headed snake and the sword dragon!

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"So, you need to gather all the magic power to wipe out the sword dragon in one fell swoop."

Anton can fully understand the purpose of seeking assistance in the 13th district.

In the original plot, the sword dragon is the enemy of the old man. He once cooperated with the holy lord and was later betrayed by the holy lord. For revenge, Daolong also revealed to his father the spell to seal the Holy Lord. In a certain episode of Jackie Chan's Adventures, when facing the Holy Lord, Jackie Chan and others finally defeated the Holy Lord because of this spell.

However, this can't wash the sword dragon white.

No matter from the setting, or from the acting style, Daolong is a naked villain.

What's more, the abilities shown by the sword dragon in the plot also showed the level that an excellent villain should have.

Whether it was summoning the Sombra Corps, or turning the original Valon's subordinates into demons through Qi magic, or finally subduing the spell of the Holy Lord, they all showed a super high level, even stronger than the old man.

Had it not been for the inability of evil to defeat the law of justice, Jackie Chan and others would have been defeated long ago, and even died in the hands of the sword dragon.

Of course, as a qualified villain, the ending of the sword dragon is similar to that of the holy lord.

After the sword dragon was arrested and released from prison, in the process of fighting for the memory gem that can travel through time and space, the sword dragon was left in the past time and space forever, and never appeared again until the finale.

While thinking about it, Anton fully understood the purpose of Jackie Chan's request for help from him.

The appearance of the sword dragon brought great pressure to the thirteen districts.

Only the old man and the evil spirit knight Johnny can not give enough security to the thirteenth district. Therefore, they need the dark justice league to take action to wipe out the threat posed by the sword dragon in the thirteenth district with absolute strength.

"Yes, just as you said, we hope to concentrate all our strength and wipe out the sword dragon in one fell swoop."

Sheriff Black and Jackie Chan nod their heads.

"We have locked the approximate location of the sword dragon. After he left Los Angeles, he hid in the European continent. At present, we are collecting all the trails of the sword dragon through the World Security Council. If there is a situation, we will attack quickly."

Sheriff Black finished speaking and looked at Anton.


Anton nodded: "I will stay in Los Angeles and wait for news until Constantine and Shazam arrive here."

"Thanks a lot."

Jackie Chan is overjoyed.

In any case, the presence of Anton means that the Justice League, and even the assistants of the Dark Justice League, are paying attention to this matter.

Now just wait for them to find out the specific location of the sword dragon, then gather the people and kill them.

time flies.

A week has passed since Anton came to Los Angeles.

At this time, Thunder Shazam’s latest film produced by DC has been released for four days. It has won more than 200 million US dollars in box office worldwide, and it is expected that the final box office will exceed 1 billion.

There is no doubt that this is another super-gross superhero blockbuster.

After Anton’s comments on the original script of Thunder Shazan, the specific plot of the film has not changed much, but the small details are quite sincere.

Coupled with the excellent interpretation of the two main protagonists in the movie, a new Thunder Shazan was created in the form of a nonsensical comedy.

It's not accidental that this movie was so successful.

Anton is quite satisfied with this.

What makes him more satisfied is naturally Shazam's fan value, which has exceeded the redemption standard.

In the first time, he exchanged Shazan.

Looking at the Shazan clone next to him, Anton was a little surprised. The Shazan clone he summoned directly maintained the state of an adult after being transformed, and it seemed that he could not lift the transformation, that is, he could not return to the appearance of a teenager.

Of course, this is not a big deal.

Shazam can always maintain the adult state after transformation, and it will not affect Anton's actions.

It just so happened that Anton at this time received a message from the 13th district.

"Found the sword dragon, he is in Italy."

After receiving the news, Anton hurried to the 13th district.

Ten minutes later.

Anton, Johnny, Jackie Chan, Sheriff Black and others gathered in the 13th district.

"Johnny, long time no see."

Anton and Johnny said hello.

"long time no see."

Johnny nodded and looked at Anton with a hint of gratitude.

Of course he would be grateful to Anton.

Without Anton, he would have become the lord of hell, a puppet under Mephisto's hands.

For him these days are moments that change his life.

After experiencing the last demon incident, Johnny realized that his identity seemed to carry certain missions, so he ignored the dissuasion of his friends and quit the entertainment circle and became a special consultant for the 13th district.

At the same time, he is also a member of the Dark Justice League.

In the process of performing tasks for the 13 districts and solving related mysterious cases, he also cooperated with Jackie Chan, and became a life-and-death friend with Jackie Chan.

Although life now is not as busy as before, it makes Johnny feel fulfilled.

The most important thing is that he also found his first love.

These starting points are all related to Anton’s advice.

Therefore, he has no reason not to be grateful to Anton.

"Anton, where are Constantine and Shazam? We have already determined the location of the sword dragon. Only if Constantine and Shazam are in place, we can immediately set off and annihilate the sword dragon and his gang in one fell swoop..."

Sheriff Black looked at Anton.

While talking, he was interrupted by Anton raising his hand. After that, he only heard Anton say: "Go straight to Italy now. Constantine and Shazam are already in place."


"In place? When?"

Jackie Chan and Sheriff Black looked dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense, I said they will be there when they arrive."

Anton pretended to check the time on his watch, and shrugged to everyone who looked at him: "Maybe, they might arrive in Italy before us."


What else can Sheriff Black do?

Since Anton has said so, they have no other possibility besides choosing to believe it.


A group of people set off quickly.

Including Anton, everyone boarded a special plane in the 13th district and departed from Los Angeles to Italy.

It's worth mentioning that even Xiaoyu followed up with a faceless expression.

Originally, Jackie Chan did not agree that Xiaoyu would follow him and the others to perform tasks, but Anton found it interesting. Under Anton’s persuasion, Xiaoyu successfully boarded the plane to Italy.

This makes Xiaoyu have a good impression of Anton.

"Anton, don't worry, I will protect you."

Xiaoyu patted his chest.

She said: "I am the Queen of Shadows."

"Well, I'm relying on you to protect me, Her Excellency Queen."

Anton laughed blankly.

In the cartoon of the original plot, Xiaoyu is indeed the one who can turn things around. In this regard, even Jackie Chan and Dad can’t compare to her.

Moreover, the twelve charms seem to prefer Xiaoyu, and they can often give Xiaoyu a supernatural power.

While talking, he glanced at the schoolbag that Xiaoyu was carrying.

Xiaoyu shrank her neck subconsciously, as if her actions had been discovered by Jackie Chan. He gave a guilty look at Jackie Chan, Dad and Sheriff Black, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the three of them didn't pay attention to him at all.

The twelve charms are treasures of the thirteen districts, and will not be used until the critical moment.

This time, the thirteen districts united with the Dark Justice League to dispatch all of them to deal with the sword dragon, which is naturally a critical moment.

Therefore, Sheriff Black and others took out twelve spells.

But it was impossible for them to think that the twelve charms in their hands were fake.

The real twelve spells were actually dropped by Xiaoyu a long time ago.


Joy and tension were suppressed in Xiaoyu's heart.

She knows that this time, members of the Dark Justice League will assemble after arriving in Italy, and in the process, she must show her skills and strive to receive an invitation from the Dark Justice League to officially join the Dark Justice League.

Speaking of it, although Xiaoyu knows a lot about the Dark Justice League, she is not a member of the Dark Justice League.

Jackie Chan is a member of the Dark Justice League.

Xiaoyu is just Jackie Chan's helper.

As a bear kid with big dreams, it is of course impossible to accept the fact that he is just a little helper.

Really joining the Dark Justice League, getting the Dark Justice League, and Constantine's approval, is the future Xiaoyu wants to achieve.

A few hours later.

The plane landed at Milan International Airport, Italy.

Their destination is Valletta Aosta, a small town in the north of Italy.

This place is located in the northwest of Italy, bordered by France in the west and Switzerland in the north, which is considered to be the border area of ​​Italy.

It does not take much time to travel from Milan to this small northern city.

As the group of people just got off the plane, Anton's eyes suddenly condensed, and he saw a guy with a touching hairline standing in front of their plane and making an inviting gesture to them.


Anton turned his head in surprise, looked at the person in charge of the 13th district, Sheriff Black, and asked, "How come the people from SHIELD come here to pick us up?"

"Huh? Didn't I tell you?"

Sheriff Black said: "It was S.H.I.E.L.D. that helped us find the Sword and Dragon. If there is no intelligence from S.H.I.E.L.D., we still can't know that the Sword and Dragon is hidden in a small town in northern Italy."


Anton did not expect that this matter could be related to SHIELD.

It was SHIELD that found the sword dragon? !

He frowned slightly, recalling that his group was about to go to the northern Italian town, and suddenly recalled that the base of the remnant of Hydra in Europe, the base of Baron Strak, seemed to be in a certain town in Europe.

However, the movie did not clearly indicate where the Baron Straker's base was, so Anton also subconsciously ignored this question.

Until now, seeing Coleson standing in front of him, combining the two, a thought came to his mind.

Daolong, won't hook up with Hydra, right?

Then again, Daolong is indeed a troublesome spirit.

In the original plot of The Adventures of Jackie Chan, the sword dragon and several villains appearing in The Adventures of Jackie Chan have been connected.

For example, the sword dragon turned Wallon’s original subordinate into a demon under his control, and once cooperated with the holy lord to fight for spells, and was finally deceived by the perfidious holy lord against the water, and, with the original commander of the Sombra Corps, the ghost Shadow Demon King Tara, had a clear conflict...

Looking at it this way, it seems that it is not impossible that the sword dragon and the great villain of the Marvel world, the Hydra have a connection.

Otherwise, why does the sword dragon have to hide in Europe instead of continuing to hide in the United States?

In addition.

The reason why the sword dragon came to Europe from the United States under the close investigation of the 13th district, it must also have an inseparable connection with the Hydra.

"Hello, when we meet for the first time, my name is Phil Coleson and I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.. This time, the World Security Council has ordered your actions against the sword dragon, and S.H.I.E.L.D. will cooperate in all aspects."

Coulson met with everyone, first greeted briefly, and then looked at Anton, who had been missing for a long time.

"It's not surprising to see you here."

He smiled and said: "Anton, the mystery of the Justice League, I can't understand now, which hole cards you still hide."

"I'm the opposite of you. I was surprised to see you here."

Anton shrugged: "Also, I advise you not to think about things that you cannot understand, so that you will have a good time. For example, I can't understand the meaning of the existence of SHIELD. It is worthy of joy. The thing is, you are staying in Europe now, I don’t need to see you, and naturally I don’t need to understand you, which is very pleasant."


Despite being ridiculed by Anton, the good-tempered Coleson didn't care.

He knew that due to some of Nick Fury's previous practices, Anton, and the Justice League behind Anton, had long been unhappy with SHIELD.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. had not withdrawn from the United States, it would not face the Justice League. In terms of the various incidents that have occurred in the United States during the recent period, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have been hit by the Justice League to autism.

"Get in the car, we have prepared all the equipment you need and can only reach the destination."

Coleson made a gesture.

A group of people took their seats in front of the car sent by SHIELD.

Inside the leading car.

Coleson briefed everyone around him.

"Now let me explain to you what you will encounter."

"The northern Italian town you are going to, Valletta Aosta, is not as simple as you think."

"That small town has long been infiltrated. UU Read www.uukanshu.com, especially the Bud Castle in the small town, is full of enemies."

"So, what you have to face is not just a sword dragon, but also a whole group of terrorist forces with super-strong armed forces."

During the conversation, Anton asked questions, interrupting Coleson's introduction.

He asked: "Is it Hydra?"

"Yes it is."

Coulson glanced at Anton, not at all puzzled by Anton's question.

In other words, in Coulson's view, as a mysterious Justice League member, it is normal for Anton to know such information and even speculate on it.

"It's Hydra."

Coulson nodded: "In our intelligence, the sword dragon has become a distinguished guest of Hydra. They seem to be plotting a major event. Having said that, I think that the major event in their eyes should be related to the one that endangers the world. The terrorist attack is almost..."

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