I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 388: Flash movie! The idea of ​​time travel!

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of my role as a DC hero in Marvel!

Aliens settled on the earth, and the Men in Black organization entered a new stage, truly becoming the earth department that manages alien affairs.

Anton’s power goes further to a certain extent.

However, he is not interested in it.

When discussing with Z about aliens entering the earth, Anton made a suggestion that some aliens should work for the men in black.

This will not only ensure the surveillance of these aliens, but also make the risk less.

This idea is quite radical. Z pondered for a moment, saying that he would find another opportunity to discuss with the World Council and consider this proposal carefully.

He has no hope of Anton, the shopkeeper.

When Anton left, Z handed him a report about Jason Wann's situation.

"Since he was transferred to the Man in Black, he is very honest and doesn't seem to be a problem."

Z is a little curious: "Are you sure he is not a good person?"

"No problem, it's the biggest problem."

Anton flipped through the information in his hand and saw Jason Wann’s resume. His smile diminished slightly: “You are one of the few agents who have left the military’s secret service organization safely. You know better than me. None of the senior officers of the secret service organization are clean."


Z was a little stunned when he heard this sentence, but he understood very much what Anton had revealed.

"You are right."

Z nodded: "I was wrong."

"Well, I don't need this report. As I said, continue to stare at Jason Wann. If he does anything strange, report it to me immediately."

Andong said: "After today, I will check my mailbox regularly, and there will be no more cases of not responding to your messages."

"hope so."

Z shrugged noncommittal.


Time passed quickly.

The man in black is not responsible for the work of contacting aliens. He regularly checks Z's work report in his mailbox, grasps all the information, and knows it well.


The filming of Justice League vs. Avengers officially started.

The establishment of this film has aroused great attention.

Just by looking at the name, you know what this movie is performing. It is still exciting and full of curiosity.

The Washington incident made people realize the Hydra, a spy organization left over from the last century.

Hydra even turned the Avengers around. Iron Man and the US team, two highly anticipated superheroes, have also become puppets of Hydra, not to mention the S.H.I.E.L.D. that many people have now rejected.

After the incident, the relevant situation was revealed in an article in the Clarion Daily, but the details were not known.

It is conceivable that this film adapted from real events not only satisfies people's voyeuristic desire and curiosity, but also satisfies people's pursuit of superheroes.

Therefore, as soon as the project was established, it attracted great attention.

Even Anton’s new movie was not able to splash such a huge splash of water, and it was completely obscured by the establishment of this movie.

Of course, in the eyes of other people, the new film Anton will shoot is the most worthy of attention.

These people have figured out the routines of Anton, DC, or Justice League.

Once Anton’s new movie is projected, it means that there will be new superheroes within the Justice League.

The movie is just a promotion to the new members.


"The Flash, Barry Allen."


The Secretary of Defense, John Koehler, sat in his office and watched the analysis of the situation passed by his men. The content of the document was a personal introduction about the Flash.

"The fastest man in the world, even surpasses the speed of light, travels through time..."

"Through time, does this really exist?"

John Koehler doesn't know the truth, but he doesn't question the existence of Barry Allen in the slightest.

The Justice League has shattered people's illusions time and time again.

He has no reason to suspect that the Flash's existence is actually the Justice League, or Batman deliberately set up a puzzle.

The biggest question now is, when will the Flash appear?

Take John Keller and others' understanding of the Justice League.

Every time a new member of the Justice League shows up, it represents a new crisis to deal with.

Judging from the timing of the appearance of Batman, Steel Bones, Wonder Woman, Arrow, Shazam, Constantine, and other members of the Justice League, they were so precise that they did not miss any major events.

There is no doubt that this is the credit of the unknown intelligence channel behind Batman.

This time, it is very likely that Batman has foreseen some special circumstances in advance, so he intends to let the new members take this opportunity to show their faces before then.

"The fastest man...is faster than Pietro?"

When John Koehler saw the super powers of the Flash Barry Allen, he subconsciously thought of the two super powers that the military had just absorbed, Wanda and Kuaiyin.

The two men have confirmed that they want to join the special forces, and are now undergoing special training in the army to master some of the skills that soldiers must master.

The Flash's abilities are similar to those of Quicksilver.

Do not.

It should be said to be exactly the same.

The difference is that the data shows that the Flash's speed can be fast enough to travel through time and space.

Kuaiyin couldn't do it.

"Since the Flash can, so can Fast Silver, but it needs more exercise to develop its abilities to the greatest extent."

John Koehler pondered.


the other side.

A special training site for special forces somewhere in the United States.


A silver lightning was shuttled across the desert.

The scientific research personnel inside the base are collecting information in all directions, and obtaining enough data from this silver lightning to realize the next step of research and analysis.

Whoosh whoosh!

A few minutes later, Kuaiyin returned to the base out of breath, looked at the scientific researchers who tested his abilities, and asked, "How is it, is there an increase in speed?"

"175 miles per hour, congratulations, 15 miles per hour faster than the last test."

Someone shrugged: "However, it seems that this is already your limit. From other data of your body, you can run at this average speed for about four hours with sufficient energy reserves, and then Slow down to replenish the energy storage of the body."

"You should be able to develop more abilities, such as generating enough airflow at the speed of your legs to achieve a short-term flight... Of course, to do this, you also need to increase your speed."

Having said that, several researchers glanced at each other, and someone said: "Pitro, have you read the news?"

"What news?"

Pitro was taken aback, then reacted: "You mean the Flash?"

Although the news of Anton’s filming of The Flash was overshadowed by the popularity of the Justice League vs. The Avengers, the news still spread all over the streets.

This is the fame that DC Corporation has today.

As one of the few companies backed by the Justice League, people's attention to DC, Clarion Daily, and even Wayne has never been reduced.


The man nodded: "According to the information we extracted from the story published by DC, the Flash's speed is about 1,200 miles per hour, which is less than Mach 2, which is about 7 times your speed. However, this is only our estimate. The normal speed of the hero..."

"7 times...this is just normal speed..."

Quick silver stayed for a while.

Although he didn't need to guess that he had a very high gap with the Flash with similar abilities, he didn't expect the gap to reach such a high level.

The normal speed is already 7 times your own limit speed, so what about the opponent's abnormal speed?

How fast will the limit speed be?

"If it is true, as in the story, the Flash's maximum speed can exceed the speed of light, even several times the speed of light, and travel through time at will, then he is already a god-like existence, and he can no longer be treated with human eyes."

Seeing that Kuaiyin was hit hard, the researcher comforted: "Since you and his abilities are so similar, what he can do, you can also do it. The top priority now is to increase your speed to Mach level. , We already have some ideas."

"what idea?"

Kuaiyin asked.

"Use isotopes to upgrade your abilities. According to our estimation, as long as you can successfully upgrade, your speed can be increased to between Mach 4 and Mach 5. At that time, even if you face the Flash, you will be able to compete with him. Down."

The researcher said: "As for surpassing the speed of light, this is not imaginable by humans at all. I don't think even the Flash can run at such a speed casually. Therefore, you have the possibility of defeating him."

"it is good."

Kuaiyin nodded: "Let's start now."


In addition to Kuaiyin, Wanda also conducts its own individual training at the nearby training base.

In the absence of the blessing of spiritual gems, she only mastered Chaos Magic.

Specifically, it lies in mind control and modification of reality.

The current Wanda has not touched the side of modifying reality at all. Even in the original plot, Wanda developed the ability to modify reality in addition to the ability to modify reality and created Xijingzhen after the final battle was hit hard.

Before that, Wanda had only the superpower of mind control.

To exercise this ability, you only have to constantly control things, increase weight, and in various situations, exercise and adapt with one mind and two purposes, or even multi-tasking.

Her training is much boring than Kuaiyin.

But Wanda enjoys it.

This kind of life allows her to feel the enhancement of her own ability in the subtleties, and at the same time, it also gives her the possibility of revenge.

Interval between exercises.

She turned on the tablet computer in her hand and saw news about Stark Industries and the media's follow-up shots of Tony Stark, and she unconsciously sneered.

Today's Tony Stark, despite the victory in the confrontation with the US team, the disappearance of the US team has become a tacit secret of all parties, but Tony actually paid a huge price for this.

Under the aggressiveness of the military and the government, he had to hand over important data about the manufacture of armor, and promised to provide the military with an astonishing number of Ark reactors to support the military's research on Iron Man armor.

Although this is not a hollowing out of Tony's hole cards, it also allows Tony's role in the military to be infinitely compressed.

Once the US government has truly mastered the manufacturing technology of the Iron Man soldiers, Tony will be thrown up mercilessly in an instant, becoming a typical example of the US government crossing the river to demolish the bridge.

Tony actually understands this.

However, in order to protect himself, he had no choice but to do so.

In Wanda's view, this gave their siblings a chance for revenge.

As long as the U.S. government has completely mastered the manufacturing technology of Iron Man soldiers, they will find some reason and start with Tony. It has nothing to do with the overall situation. The military will definitely turn one eye and close one eye, and even to some extent, they can get it. The help of the military.


at this time.

Anton, who is as far away as Los Angeles, is busy with his own movies, ignorant of all kinds of speculations and changes in the world, and doesn't care about it.

The shooting of the Flash movie is coming to an end.

After the movie is released, the Flash will also meet the redemption standard. At that time, he had another hole card.

[Flash fan value: 31 million]

Anton glanced at the system panel, a smile appeared unconsciously on his face.

After so long, under the previous accumulation, the Flash is no longer a whiteboard hero.

As early as the stage of preparing to shoot the Wonder Woman movie, the Flash TV series was broadcast first, and the first wave of fans was circled.

In addition to the various works that DC had continuously launched, in the past two years, the Flash has naturally attracted a large number of fans, making the fan value rushed to 30 million, and now it has reached 31 million.

The standard for redeeming the Flash is 50 million fans.

After the movie was released, the remaining 19 million were circled, and it was simply a matter of hand.

Anton doesn't worry about whether the effect is insufficient.

With the current attention of DC and Justice League, there is no problem of failure.

"After the Flash is exchanged, you can try time travel... see if I can reach other timelines, or if I can break the barriers of time and space, and let me reach other worlds, not the world of Marvel... "

Anton groaned, a trace of heat in his eyes.

With the power he has now, there is actually not such a strong demand for the Flash.

Is the Flash very strong?

not at all.

Isn't the Flash strong?

Killing the flash to sacrifice to the sky, this is not empty talk.

In general, the power of Flash lies not in his combat effectiveness, but in his ability to continuously create story lines and organize settings.

As long as the story is not round, let the Flash sacrifice himself and restart the timeline.

This is what Anton needs for the Flash.

He wanted to pass the Flash, take a look at the scenery of other timelines, and make a necessary attempt.

Through the ability of the Flash to travel through time and space, can he go to other universes?

The universe that does not belong to Marvel~www.NovelMTL.com~ If the Flash can really do this, can he return to Earth, the hometown in his memory...

Anton's breathing accelerated, and he yearned for it.

Although I am used to this world, no one wants to go home and see.

"By the way, the research of the sewer laboratory is also underway..."

Anton then thought about it. The Hulk, Mr. Fantastic, the generation of Ant-Man, Dr. Lizard, these few famous Marvel smart people gathered together, and they have been studying time travel for some time.

With the help of Hank Pym, a generation of Ant-Man, Pym particles are no longer a rarity.

Presumably, a few people's research will produce new results soon.

I don't know if the time travel they have researched is the same thing as the time travel of the Flash.

Anton was curious.

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