I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 393: Tony's new plan! The combination of Extremis Virus and Ultron!

The Flash movie is still in simple post-production.

The Flash movie before Anton Crossing didn't go online, and he couldn't give accurate guidance, so he simply gave the post-production work to more professional people, and only needed time to check the progress.

Calculated by time, it will take more than half a month at most to see the Flash movie in theaters.

During this period, the filming of the Justice League vs. The Avengers also came to an end.

DC work is busy again.

Anton used to be the shopkeeper, so he went to the horn daily upstairs to be lazy.

At this time, Eddie is tracking and reporting on Stark Industries.

According to his understanding, after Tony concluded negotiations with the White House and the military, in the name of Stark Industries, he submitted a lot of technical information about Iron Man armor and Iron Man soldiers to the military. At the same time, he found out that Tony had recently The ultimate goal of tilting resources towards Ultron.

"Wait, you mean..."

Anton was a little surprised, staring at the editor-in-chief of Clarion Daily: "For Ultron, Tony has started a new layout?"


Eddie's face was solemn, and he nodded earnestly: "Things are getting more and more troublesome, and Tony's ideas are even crazier than we had previously expected."

An Dong was taken aback, frowning slightly: "What do you know?"

"My informant within Stark Industries reported to me personally. Recently, Tony Stark, who was re-appointed chairman, established a new project."

Eddie said: "This project is based on the Extremis Virus researched by Aldrezi Kilian."

"Extreme Virus, why is it related to the Extremis Virus again?"

Anton is getting more and more inexplicable.

However, Tony set up a new project to study the Extremis Virus, which really surprised him.

Tony's actions seem to have nothing to do with his previous thoughts.

Does Tony need Extremis Virus?

Obviously not needed.

He possesses the top wisdom of mankind and the armor he has built by himself. Whether it is intelligence or combat power, he is at the top level of the earth.

Don't even think of Tony being hung by the Justice League, but Anton is a shameless coercion. As a traverser, he has a considerable degree of understanding of everything. Tony is actually not comparable to him.

Being able to fight the Justice League to this level is actually quite powerful.

"When Tony was a member of the Avengers before, he helped S.H.I.E.L.D. perfect the Extremis Virus, and transformed Hawkeye and Black Widow. For him, Extremis Virus has nothing worth studying."

Eddie said: "However, as far as I know, Tony is interested in the therapeutic effects of the Extremis Virus on the human body, just like the limb regeneration medicine made by Wayne... Into the human brain, use the transformation effect of the Extremis Virus on the human body to make the human body perfectly accept the Ultron chip. At that time, everyone will no longer need a mobile phone and everything, and a new era will be ushered in."

After a pause, he looked at Anton and slowly said, “Although this project is not a particularly big secret within Stark Industries, I think news will come out soon, even with Tony’s financial resources and Fame, there will soon be volunteers who are willing to become Tony's guinea pigs and experimental objects."


Anton was taken aback, thinking of Eddie's words in his mind, suddenly shuddering.

He understood why Eddie's face was so solemn.

The carrier of Ultron and the technology chip are implanted into the human body, so that humans can throw away their mobile phones and transform their brains into a computer, just like a super low-profile version of steel.

This may be human evolution, but Tony's goal is obviously not that simple.

According to their previous guesses, Tony intends to allow Ultron to integrate all human data, manipulate and predict all human actions and thoughts, and eliminate objects that are harmful to society or potentially harmful, and achieve the goal of maintaining world stability and peace.

The idea is good, the approach of almost dictatorship makes Tony seem unsympathetic, even extreme, and annoying.

In particular, Tony's dictatorship and self-confidence gave him a very strong confidence in the Ultron he created.

He believes that Ultron cannot be out of his control.

However, only Anton knows that Ultron is absolutely unreliable and 100% will become a pest that will endanger the earth in the future.

If it is true as Eddy said, Tony intends to use the Extremis Virus to create a Ultron chip implanted in the human body, turning the human brain into a computer, and the entire human society will be controlled by Ultron.

When Anton thought about it, he thought of a science fiction movie from a previous life.


The world of Terminator, the future Skynet, is because artificial intelligence is out of human control, and eventually mechanical civilization replaces human civilization. Human beings have become the remnants of the previous era and are lingering under the pursuit of mechanical civilization in the new era.

In Anton's eyes, this is the future Tony is building.

In Tony's eyes, what he saw was a great era in which he could receive messages efficiently and quickly without even speaking.

"Tony really gave me a surprise."

Anton pondered for a moment and sighed a long sigh: "I have just gotten off for a few days, so why is there such a big trouble again?"

"Since we have all received this information, it doesn't make sense that other people have no news at all."

Anton turned his head and said, "As far as you know, what is the attitude of the White House and the military toward Tony's new research?"

Although the human body is implanted with Ultron chips, although there are advantages, the disadvantages can also be imagined.

It is impossible for the White House and the military to trust Tony blindly.

The president’s think tank involves all walks of life, and it must interpret the pros and cons clearly enough that there is no need for Anton to come to the door to specifically emphasize it.

"It seems to be on the sidelines."

Eddie said: "However, there is news that Tony had some agreements in the previous negotiations with them. It is hard to say, in my opinion, it is all false news..."


Anton nodded: "I will contact John Koehler in a moment to ask about this, and you will continue to follow up the report. I don't need to remind you what to do."


Eddie nodded.


After a while.

Anton hung up the call with John Koehler, frowning gradually.

Although John Koehler admitted to knowing Tony’s plan, he did not disclose the specific measures within the White House and the military. He just said that he is watching and does not support or oppose it. He also said that Tony Stark is not so radical. It is carried out after the government permits and certification.

In other words, the procedures are complete, and what Tony likes to do, the White House has no reason to stop.

It would be unfair to Stark Industries and Tony to stop Stark Industries’ research based solely on reasons that might cause harm in the future.

After all, Wayne’s research on new weapons also has the same reason to be stopped.

Anton sneered thinking of John Keller's words.

After the battle between Tony and the US team, in the Washington Special Forces Headquarters incident, the Justice League represented by Anton and the military represented by John Koehler officially ended the previous honeymoon period.

John Koehler knew that Anton deliberately did not answer the phone, giving Tony time and opportunity to kill the Winter Soldier, and completely tore his face with the American team.

Even behind the whole incident, there may be an invisible big hand controlling it.

This big hand is Batman's will.

Although Tony explained that he obtained the truth about the death of his parents from the database of Hydra's European base, John Koehler always felt that there was no such a coincidence.

He also investigated the information in Tony's mouth after the fact, and he can indeed infer that the Howards' death was not an accident, but it also requires multiple sources of evidence to be aggregated to prove it, otherwise, it would seem a bit one-sided.

Of course, the incident is over, and John Koehler will not go back and turn over the old accounts.

In terms of his current status and political wisdom, it is the most thankless thing to go through old accounts with Tony or Anton and others.

Therefore, it is enough for both parties to know well.

This is also the biggest reason for John Koehler's recent indifference.


Anton shook his head.

The military and the Justice League represented by John Koehler ended their honeymoon period. Although there will not be constant conflicts in the future, they will not be able to return to their original state.

A large part of the trust between the two parties is missing, and it is almost impossible to make up for it.

"Fortunately, I still have a hole card."

Anton sneered, pressed a new series of numbers on the phone, and pressed the dial out button.


After the phone rang twice, it was quickly connected.

"Hello, this is Rodriguez."

A steady voice came from the other side: "There are very few people who know my number. Who are you?"

"Mr. Vice President, this is Anton Jameson."

Andong said: "I'm sorry to disturb you at this time, but there are some things that I have to verify with you, otherwise, I will have trouble sleeping and eating."

"Please say, if I know the answer, I will not hide it."

Rodriguez was very calm.

He had a foreboding the arrival of this day.

As early as his daughter was cured of her disabled legs because of Wayne's limb regeneration medicine, he received a large amount of political donations secretly provided by Wayne's company, and the two sides established an absolute ally.

A platform built on profit is extremely reliable most of the time, almost terribly reliable.

The reason why John Koehler ended his honeymoon with the Justice League represented by Anton is because the military is planning for its own interests and neglecting the Justice League.

Rodriguez's dialogue with Anton is so simple because the former is for himself, not for the United States.

This is also a politically correct plan for Vice President Rodriguez.

This president will step down next year. In the election at that time, Rodriguez will also have a chance to take office if there is support from a giant-level consortium.

What he has to do now is to seize all the energy that can be used to increase his hole cards for his participation in the election next year.


The conversation between Anton and Rodriguez ended.

When hanging up the phone, Anton took the initiative to give a promise, saying: "Rodriguez, maybe I should call you Mr. President next year. Good luck."

"Thanks a lot."

After speaking, Rodriguez smiled when he heard the busy tone on the other side of the phone.

But Anton who just hung up the phone, his face became more and more ugly.

The news he just received from Vice President Rodriguez is enough to prove that the White House and the military actually support Tony's actions against Ultron chips.

Although there is no support or opposition on the surface, isn't this attitude of letting it develop just as implicit support?

This method commonly used by politicians is commonplace.

Although Anton had predicted this from John Koehler's attitude, Rodriguez's words still surprised him.

"Tony not only submitted the Iron Man armor and the technical information of the Iron Man soldiers, but also gave us all the existing fifty Iron Man soldiers. The premise is that the latest research of Stark Industries needs to be obtained from the government and the military. Escort."

Rodriguez said: "Of course, Tony promised that the military can be the first to try Stark Industries' latest research, which is the Ultron chip."

"What is the role of the Ultron chip?"

Anton thought for a while and asked a key question: "In Tony's vision, what will happen to the human body after the Ultron chip is implanted in the human body?"

"Humans will gain the computing power of computers, and at the same time, humans will get rid of mobile phones and other objects and can browse the Internet with their brains alone. This is the most obvious change to human society."

Rodriguez paused and said, "But the point is actually not that. After the fusion of Extremis Virus and Ultron Chips, the brain can use the Ultron Chips to control the free movement of Extremis Virus in the body. On the one hand, the Extremis Virus can make the human body move freely. Stay away from most diseases. On the other hand, the extremity virus controlled by the brain can greatly enhance the human body. It can accelerate the breaking of the limit of the human body, so that human beings have extraordinary speed and power, just like a superhero."

"Like a superhero..."

Anton caught the keyword and sneered: "So, this is the key to the White House and the military's decision to acquiesce in Tony Stark's development?"


Rodriguez nodded and sighed again: "You should know better than me, how strong the desire for transcendence is now in governments and the World Council. Superheroes can’t bring them a sense of security, but they can only truly control themselves. The power in your hand ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is yours."


This conversation allowed Anton to thoroughly see through the current situation.

Tony Stark relied on the World Council nations, or the United States’ worries about superheroes, to expand his own advantages and further develop his plan.

Once the Ultron chip is really researched and used in practice, it is difficult for Anton to imagine what the future will be like.

In particular, from the exchanges with Rodriguez just now, Anton clearly knew that the first batch of volunteers were not ordinary volunteers recruited by Stark Industries from outside, but the military will give Stark A ten-person special team provided by the industry.

If it is really effective, these ten people will expand to a hundred, a thousand, or even ten thousand people.

If Ultron generates consciousness, these humans with Ultron chip implanted in their brains will all be controlled by Ultron and become Ultron's slaves.

This is much more terrifying than Reunion 2 in Anton's memory.

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