I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 404: Event in advance! The prelude to the twilight of the gods?

After the trouble caused by Ultron was over, Anton finally relaxed again.

With the help of the follow-up of this incident, the Wayne Company promoted Vice President Rodriguez’s supremacy, the Justice League and Iron Man Tony Stark reconciled, and even Shazam became the guardian of the New York Temple, although Ultron was not Completely wiped out, but for Anton, it is still full of gains.

"Finally I can rest..."

He stretched out on his sofa and let out a sigh of relief.

During this period of time, people who were inoculated with Ultron Chips gradually took out the chips from the back of their brains and returned to normal. However, the strengthening of their bodies under the action of the Extremis Virus did not follow the strength of the Ultron Chips. Take it out and go back weak.

This can be considered a blessing in disguise.

Stark Industries decided to disclose the patent and technology of Extremis Virus to the World Security Council after being thrown away.

Many people believe that the Extremis Virus is a product of human evolution.

After all, the Extremis Virus can help humans strengthen their bodies, breaking the limits of the human body at a speed surpassing the average rate, making everyone a person of extraordinary ability.

This point has been perfectly explained by those who have been vaccinated with Ultron chips and have undergone limited virus enhancement.

Without Anton’s orders, Wayne began to delve into the Extremis Virus under the orders of the old man and others.

They intend to develop independent medicines and make efforts for the evolution of mankind.

Of course, this has little to do with Anton.

The relationship with Anton is quite close, probably the new film of DC company, the post-production is completed and ready to be released.

"Justice League vs. Avengers!"

Anton was busy dealing with the follow-up influence brought by Ultron, and he really didn't pay attention to the film produced by Jim under his command.

So walked into the cinema.

The plot is modified from the Washington incident exposed by Hydra, the appearance of the Justice League is still shocking, and the Avengers are not weak.

Especially, there is really venom inside. A cameo by the little spider and others.

Needless to say the special effects.

Perfect in every aspect, the film’s first day box office broke the world record.

DC company has another masterpiece.

On the system panel that only Anton can see, even the fan value of Batman and others has greatly increased under the pull of this movie.

During the film's release, Anton asked Shazan to go around the temple in New York from time to time.

But the interior of this expensive house in Manhattan has been empty since Daniel left.

Anton has no means to contact Daniel, and can only wait for Daniel's one-way notification.

As for letting him take the initiative to find Kama Taj, that would be avoided.

Anton was anxious to hide from Gu Yi.

It is estimated that Gu Yi thinks so too, not wanting to have too much contact with Anton.

It is the best choice for the well water not to violate the river water.

Time just passed.

Tony's pursuit of Ultron has also made rapid progress.

He made a lot of noise.

In Houston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, in different locations in the continental United States, fighting broke out with Ultron's clone.

The scenes of these battles were filmed by netizens. By the way, the spokesperson of the White House, the Secretary of Defense, and even the current President Rodriguez asked them to arrest people.

Unsurprisingly, every time Lao Mei’s agents or members of the special forces arrived here, they were long overdue.

in addition.

It is worth mentioning that in the battle between Tony and Ultron, the latter faced the former's all-out pursuit, so naturally there was only one way to go.

Although artificial intelligence is powerful, it will eventually fall into a trap after being cut off from the networking mechanism and chased by its own creator.

However, Ultron's degree of difficulty is also slightly higher than Tony's estimate.

You come and I fight for several times, Tony rescued from Ultron's hands, Dr. Zhao Hailun who was brainwashed by Ultron.

Zhao Hailun was sent to the sewer laboratory by Tony.

Naturally, the cradle of regeneration has become a research project for sewer experiments.

Without Dr. Zhao Hailun, Ultron was in difficulty in creating and transferring the body.

Moreover, its source of vibration was also found by Tony.

Ulysses Crow.

Crow is an ally, or companion, of Eric the Leopard.

Through these two guys, Tony noticed something wrong. He found that these two people seemed to have a gold mine, and the gold resources in his hand were not even inferior to the government.

Eighty percent of the sources of vibration on the black market come from the team of these two people.

Although surprised, Tony didn't take these two people to heart. For him, the task at hand is definitely to hunt Ultron.

After giving the information of the two men to the Justice League, Tony ignored it.

Anton looked at the message sent by Tony and didn't care, and he passed the two people's messages to the World Security Council.

Take it as the sincerity of the Justice League.

As for whether the World Council will find Wakanda, who has been hidden behind the world for a long time, through the existence of these two people, it has nothing to do with him.

This will probably be the task of SHIELD.

Hydra has been scattered all over the world after being wiped out at the bases in the United States and Europe, becoming homeless dogs.

Although there is still a certain threat, it is no longer the primary tracking force of SHIELD.

It's better to let these two people find something to do for S.H.I.E.L.D., lest S.H.I.

Now, after the former Vice President Rodriguez succeeded in taking office, the United States has officially entered the era of Batman.

The Secretary of Defense, John Koehler, knew very well how much the Wayne Company, or the Justice League behind Wayne Company, helped Rodriguez during and after the Ultron Incident.

Therefore, John Koehler is very honest now and dare not to have extra and useless thoughts like before.

This is very comfortable.

It is rare for Anton to enter a happy stage where no one is disturbed.

The troubles are supported by others, and he lives a real rich life.

Until a troublesome guy came to the door.


DC Corporation.

Anton, who was wasting his life in the office as always, saw Betty knock on the door of his office.

"what happened?"

Anton is curious: "Is there any report or contract that I need to sign?"

"Do not."

Betty said: "Someone wants to see you."


Anton is even more curious: "I haven't made any appointments lately. If it's a reporter or media who wants to interview me, you have to let them know that I am the boss of Clarion Daily."

"He said it was your old friend."

Betty said, and paused: "Besides, he is holding a hammer in his hand. It looks like he is indeed your old friend."


Anton instantly understood the identity of an old friend who wanted to see him.

"Let him in."

"it is good!"


Thor walked into Anton's office, dressed in modern clothes, with a toy-like hammer in his hand.

"Tor, please sit down."

Anton looked at the visitor, quite puzzled, but the surface work was not leaking.

"I don't understand why you came back to find me."

He said lightly: "If I remember correctly, we don't have any friendship, do we?"

It is true that Wonder Woman and Thor had a few pleasant meetings, but Anton, as the main body, and Thor were limited to the duration of Thor's death, and they did not even meet each other much.

Therefore, Anton did not understand why Thor would find himself.

"Yes, we don't have much friendship."

Thor nodded, not caring about Anton’s indifference, and said frankly: “I don’t want to see you, I just want to find Wonder Woman, Diana Prince through you, I want to seek her help, or, The help of the Justice League."


Andong said: "Is there anything you need the prince of Asgard to seek the help of the Justice League? For Asgard, the earth should not restrict you."

"About my father, Odin."

Thor narrowed his smile and said solemnly: "My father is missing."


Anton was taken aback.


In the plot of Thor 3, after Odin disappeared and died of old age, the sealed Hela set off the dusk of the gods, and Asgard perished as a result. The remaining Asgardians came to a certain seaside of the earth and established a small town……

Anton is definitely not unfamiliar with this plot.

But it came so quickly that Anton was a little unexpected.

"I originally went to the earth to find Loki who had escaped, but I received information from Asgard a few days ago that my father is missing."

Thor said in a deep voice: "At the same time, my mother told me that my father had left Asgard because of Alzheimer's disease, and she could not find the current position of the father, but said that the father may be in any of the nine realms. Place. After all, with my father’s ability, where he wants to go, very few people can really stop him."

"I understand."

Anton nodded: "You want us to mobilize the power of the Justice League to help you find Odin."


Thor nodded: "I will return to Asgard soon to preside over the overall situation. I can't continue to find the trace of the father on the earth. I hope you can help me with this. After all, Asgard and Wonder Woman have a good relationship. Since the heroine is a member of the Justice League, I think..."

"Do not worry."

Anton nodded: "We won't let the king of the gods run around the earth."

He said, looking at Thor in front of him, curiously said: "Speaking of which, the king of the gods can also have dementia, which makes me a little eye-opener."

"Because my father is dying."

Thor was silent for a moment and did not shy away from this topic, saying: "Death is the ultimate destination for both man and god. Although my father is the king of the gods, he is too old to escape this fate. In addition, the previous years of fighting have caused the accumulation of hidden physical injuries, and the inability to control the divine power in the body after old age causes the body to weaken in all aspects...In fact, Alzheimer's is a sequelae."

There was a pause: "If Wonder Woman had mentioned to you what happened in Asgard, in fact, as early as the dark elves invaded, my father could hardly control the divine power in his body. But during the dark elves fighting, he I had to urge my divine power, which caused my body to worsen..."


Without waiting for Thor to continue, Anton nodded suddenly and said, "I will let someone help you stare at the earth."

"Thanks a lot."

After saying this, Thor waved the Thor's Hammer and flew out of the window.


He turned into a flash of lightning and rushed into the sky, attracting a lot of attention from the outside world.

Click! !

But Anton only saw that Thor smashed his window, squeezed his fist suddenly, and walked out of the window quickly.

"Hey, can't you just watch when you go out?"


At the door, Betty just opened the door, saw the window in a mess, was silent for a moment, and spread her hands.

"Maybe you want to sit down at the daily horn newspaper upstairs."

Betty said: "Your windows must be repaired tomorrow."

"you are right."

Anton agreed.


Anton walked upstairs, thinking about what Thor had just revealed.

Odin's strength has always been a mystery in Marvel.

In terms of setting, Odin is not inferior to Gu Yi in the slightest, but from the reality of the original plot, Odin has always been a strong person in the outside world.

As far as Anton is concerned, Odin is old after all.

Although it is a **** in name, it cannot escape the fate of mankind in reality.

Alzheimer's disease!

It's a ridiculous noun.

"Because when the dark elves invaded, the body deteriorated rapidly and caused the body to collapse in advance, so Alzheimer's occurred..."

Anton clarified his thoughts, with some emotion.

Odin is really old.

One shot, it consumes life.

Then again, if Odin is dead, does it mean that the plot of Thor 3, Ragnarok, will proceed ahead of schedule.

In other words, Hela, the goddess of death, will escape from the seal set by Odin, occupy Asgard, kill those Asgardians who disobey her, trigger the twilight of the gods, and intend to dominate the universe...

To some extent, Hela is actually a figure not inferior to Thanos.

After all, the name Goddess of Death is not something anyone can afford.

In the comics Thanos is the death licking dog of the goddess of death.

Fortunately, Hela, the goddess of death in the movie, and the goddess of death in the comics, are two people at all.

This allowed Thanos to get rid of the fate of licking the dog and became a philosopher in the eyes of the public.

Calculating the time a bit, Anton intends to stare at Asgard at all times, and can keep in touch with Asgard through official channels.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he does not need the Asgardians to settle on the earth ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ the earth should be the territory of mankind.

Judging from the energy currently held by the earth, if Thor and others came to live on the earth after the destruction of Asgard, it would be a troublesome thing.

It is better for Asgardians to stay in Asgard honestly.

"It is estimated that Wonder Woman is a little bit pressured on Shanghai Ra, but it is estimated that Superman fights Heila, it is probably a matter of one punch, and then it will be a sum of justice in the account."

Anton laughed and muttered to himself.

"Now, the infinite gems are about to be gathered, and we should also consider how to get the other half of the conditions, the 100 million justice value, as soon as possible..."

He has never forgotten that there are two conditions for redeeming Batman's Ultimate Battle Armor.

One is 100 million justice.

Another additional condition is six infinite gems.

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