I practiced with a cheat

Chapter 166: Martial Arts School Matters, Family Matters

"What is the choice?" Lin Cang walked over and asked with concern on his face. The slightest expectation in his heart was swelling, but he was not sure.

As a middle-aged man who supports his family by teaching in a martial arts gym, it is actually a very risky thing for him to choose to stay in the Longxing martial arts gym, and the pressure he endures is also very huge.

In recent days, the atmosphere at home has obviously changed.

Although his wife seemed to wholeheartedly support his decision, Lin Cang had seen her secretly wiping tears more than once, but she never expressed her grievances.

This made Lin Cang feel like a knife.

The children are also sensible and no longer clamor for snacks and toys as before.

Lin Cang looked uncomfortable and felt congested.

But he won't leave.

The reason why I chose to stay.

First, the owner of the museum, Lei Xiuyuan, was kind to him, and he did not want to waste this kindness.

The second is that he has some expectations for Zhou Heng.

Lin Cang hoped that Zhou Heng could get back the authorization of the Changxing Sect, and then use his identity as the true successor of Chunyang Palace to resolve the conflict with the Changxing Sect.

In this way, all the current difficulties of Longxing will be easily solved, and it may even develop better in the future.

After all, Zhou Heng is a true disciple of Chunyang Palace. Even if he is just starting out now and has no status, as time goes by, with his talent and strength, he will definitely occupy a place in many powerful positions in Chunyang Palace.

At that time, the Changxing faction will definitely follow suit.

Of course, even if Zhou Heng didn't bring back any good news, he would continue to stay in Longxing until it closed to repay Lei Xiuyuan's kindness to him.

As for family expenses, I can only earn some money by finding another part-time job.

In fact, the income is not less than before, but it is unstable.

So it makes the family uneasy.

Wait until Longxing really closes down before making plans again.

"Yes! Yes! Zhou Heng, stop showing off!" Yu He urged, "As I said just now, if you need money, I'll take care of it here!"

His family has money, he has enough food and clothing, and he can't spend it all in a lifetime, so he stays here purely because he and Zhou Heng are good friends. As for what happens to Longxing, he actually doesn't care much.

But he would still be happy if Longxing returned to its original lively state, or became more lively. After all, he likes movement rather than silence by nature, and it is better to have more people than less people.

Moreover, Zhou Heng was obviously very concerned about Longxing's affairs. In his opinion, as a friend, he had to help no matter what.

But after thinking about it, it seemed that all he could take out was money.

This life is really sad. It seems that only money is left in his body. Alas... Yu He couldn't help but feel a little bitter.

"The gym owner and Master Lin must have guessed it." Zhou Heng said with a smile: "Yes, I want Longxing to become a subordinate martial arts gym of Chunyang Palace, so that the basic martial arts of Chunyang Palace can be taught.

"From now on, Chunyang Palace will send someone to conduct an assessment every year. Those who pass the exam can be directly promoted to the outer courtyard of Chunyang Palace, and there will also be various rewards and benefits."

"Chun, a subordinate martial arts school of Chunyang Palace!!" Lei Xiuyuan exclaimed.

Although he had some speculations in his mind before, but now that he heard Zhou Heng say it with his own ears, he couldn't help but feel boundless joy and excitement in his heart.

The martial arts gym affiliated with Chunyang Palace, the martial arts gym affiliated with Chunyang Palace!

That is Chunyang Palace!

The Supreme Immortal Sect that has been inherited since the age of mythology is one of the most powerful martial arts sects in the world today, one of the three Taoist sects, and a top power with a first-level god!

Can Longxing, a dilapidated martial arts gym nestled in a small city, actually become a subordinate martial arts gym of Chunyang Palace?

This, this, this is just like a dream.

If his father knew about this, he would definitely not sigh all day long... Lei Xiuyuan was happy in his heart.

"Chun Yang Palace's subordinate martial arts hall, Chunyang Palace..." Lin Cang's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing Zhou Heng's words, just like a person who was confused and walking in the darkness suddenly saw the sun, suddenly saw the light!

"So powerful!" Yu He was also pleasantly surprised and said with a smile: "Brother, this is so powerful. Longxing will take advantage of you in the future. Well, I think we should expand the scale. Now we only have one room. It will definitely not be enough in the future.”

"That seems to be the case." Zhou Heng agreed, but he still shook his head and chuckled: "However, at that time, we don't have to pay for land or houses ourselves, Fucheng Yamen and Buwusi will definitely catch up. Let’s do it.”

Once a top martial arts master like Chunyang Palace opens a subordinate martial arts gym, countless people will flock to it. There is no need to have the slightest doubt, this is definitely going to happen.

This can be seen from the prosperity of several martial arts schools affiliated to the Five Elements Sect.

Moreover, because Taihua Mountain is too far away from Pingzhou, there is no Chunyang Palace martial arts hall in Pingzhou and nearby Xuanzhou and Fengzhou.

This means that as long as Longxing becomes the martial arts academy affiliated with Chunyang Palace, it will become the only martial arts academy affiliated with Chunyang Palace in several nearby states and tens of thousands of miles around.


It is completely conceivable that Longxing will be unparalleled in the future. That is the real Longxing.

The emergence of such a martial arts school within one's own jurisdiction is a real political achievement for both the Fucheng Yamen and the Buwu Division, and even the county and city Yamen will probably give strong support.

As long as this thing starts, there will definitely be a large group of people who want to make this thing successful.

This represents the common interests of everyone.

"But, as far as I know, authorizing a martial arts school to teach basic martial arts and become a subordinate martial arts school of the sect is... not a power that ordinary true disciples can have."

Lei Xiuyuan suddenly spoke. After the initial surprise and excitement, he gradually calmed down and noticed such an extremely serious and critical problem.

Does Zhou Heng, a true disciple who has just been worshipped in Chunyang Palace for a few months, really have the power to authorize the martial arts school?

This... seems unlikely.

Lei Xiuyuan's words were like a basin of cold water suddenly poured down, which made Lin Cang, Yu He and others sober up all of a sudden.


Does Zhou Heng have this power?

He has only been a disciple for less than three months, so he should be just an ordinary true disciple.

Can this be done?

"What the owner said just now is right. Chunyang Palace does have such restrictions on the authorization of disciples to martial arts schools." Zhou Heng nodded, and Lei Xiuyuan, Lin Cang and others turned pale.

But then he added: "However, this is only a restriction for the seventh-generation disciples, the sixth-generation disciples are not subject to this restriction. I also asked the headmaster about this before I went down the mountain. I am not restricted and can authorize the subordinate martial arts halls on my own."

"Ah, you can authorize the subordinate martial arts halls on your own?" Lei Xiuyuan's expression became extremely wonderful when he heard this. He was stunned at first, then happy, and finally extremely shocked. He widened his eyes and looked at Zhou Heng in horror. "You, what did you say just now? The sixth-generation true disciple, what do you call the headmaster of Chunyang Palace? Call, call me senior brother?"

"I, did I hear it right?" Lin Cang stuttered a little, and was almost speechless because of shock. He stared at Zhou Heng in a daze. He even couldn't believe that the young man standing in front of him was the apprentice he had taught martial arts for two years.


This is incredible!

Five months ago, Zhou Heng was just a junior apprentice who barely touched the ninth rank!

Now that only a little time has passed, he has become not only a true disciple of Chunyang Palace, but also the sixth generation, the junior brother of the Chunyang Palace master, Yan Shouyi, the number one "Zhengshi Zhenyang" on the contemporary Tianbang? !

This world is too crazy.

Yu He was also a little confused, thinking that his good friend might have already flown to the sky, and his progress was really too fast.


"Chunyang Palace master Yan Shouyi accepted a disciple, theoretically I should be the disciple of the fifth generation of Chunyang Palace master Chen Dongxuan." Zhou Heng bowed in the direction of Chunyang Palace, as an apology for calling the master by his name just now.

Then, in order to make Lin Cang and Lei Xiuyuan feel completely at ease, he took out the waist card of Chunyang Palace again.

This made Lei Xiuyuan, Lin Cang and others fall into unprecedented shock.

Zhou Heng became the junior brother of the current master of Chunyang Palace and the disciple of the previous master. This was really beyond their imagination.

No matter how bold they were on weekdays, they probably couldn't imagine such a level.

But now it has become a reality!

"Please accept my greeting!" Lei Xiuyuan bowed and saluted Zhou Heng, saying: "Don't stop me, it's not just me who is paying respects, it's Longxing Martial Arts School that is paying respects."

"Also accept my greeting!" Lin Cang also saluted Zhou Heng, saying: "Longxing has been reborn because of you, you deserve this greeting, you deserve it!"

Zhou Heng originally wanted to use his internal energy to stop him, but since Lei Xiuyuan and Lin Cang had already said so, he withdrew his hand and did not stop him.

After the two of them finished saluting, he bowed and said: "Master Lin, please stand up, you are so suddenly sad and happy, it is easy for your internal energy to surge. Why don't you go home and rest first, and I will handle the authorization of the martial arts school, how about it?"

"How can this be possible?"

"No, you authorized Longxing, which is a great favor, how can I let you bother to handle the procedures?"

Lin Cang and Lei Xiuyuan shook their heads quickly, they felt very sorry.

"The General Manager Qian of the Buwu Division was promoted because of me, so it's more convenient for me to go to him to do things." Zhou Heng smiled and said, "Besides, Master Lin, the owner, you have been depressed for so long, you should really take good care of your spirit.

"After all, when Longxing is reborn and hangs the sign authorized by Chunyang Palace, you will still need to run around and take care of it with all your heart. That's when you really need to worry."

When the topic was put on the future development of Longxing, Lei Xiuyuan and Lin Cang had no way to refute it.

However, Lei Xiuyuan was silent for a while, and then he seemed to have made up his mind. He looked at Zhou Heng and said seriously, "You have done so much for Longxing, I really can't think of what I can do to repay you.

"How about this, when Longxing is reborn, you will be the owner of the hall, you have the final decision-making power on everything in Longxing, and you will take 90% of the annual income. How about it?"

Zhou Heng subconsciously wanted to refuse after hearing this.

Because he helped Longxing just to repay Lin Cang and Lei Xiuyuan for their care for him in the past, and this favor was just a piece of cake for him, and he never thought about asking for anything in return.

At this time, Yu He secretly pulled Zhou Heng's clothes and whispered: "After Longxing hangs the sign of Chunyang Palace, the number of apprentices will definitely increase sharply, and the tuition fees can also be increased. The annual income will start from tens of thousands of taels.

"And this is definitely just the initial income. In the future, if the martial arts are run well, the name is established, and the scale continues to expand, recruiting more apprentices, that will be a gold mine of hundreds of thousands or millions of taels a year!"

"Making money like this..." Zhou Heng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Okay, I agree to be the owner of the museum, but 90% is too high, let's just 60%.

"I suggest you and Master Lin each take some of the remaining 40%, and distribute the rest to Yu He and the other apprentices who choose to stay. How about that?"

There is no way, he is short of money now.

Taoist spells are just money-burning stuff. There are ten levels of Yinghuo Shouxin spell in total. Before the proficiency reaches the fifth level, special materials need to be consumed every time it is cast.

Although it does not consume gold as simply and straightforwardly as Palm Thunder, it does consume specific seventh-grade spiritual materials, which is more expensive. Each consumption costs at least a thousand taels of silver.

The wealth he had saved before could not afford to be burned like this.

This cultivation is not just about eating the wind and drinking the dew. Many places require money. Don’t you see, immortal sects like Chunyang Palace have a large number of industries in the human world, almost monopolizing the jewelry and medicinal herb industries.

Those who are disciples must have their own property after all.

Being the "boss" of a martial arts gym seems like a pretty good choice.

As for the initiative to reduce the profit margin, it is because what Zhou Heng wants is a steady flow of money, so that everyone can make money so that they can earn longer, earn more, and achieve win-win cooperation.

Regarding Zhou Heng's idea, Lei Xiuyuan, Lin Cang and others all felt that Zhou Heng's share of only 60% was still too low.

Finally, they discussed it with Zhou Heng, used various reasons to explain Zhou Heng's importance, and finally persuaded Zhou Heng to increase his share to 80%.

After discussing the future matters, the next step was to sort out the current matters. Lei Xiuyuan and Lin Cang followed Zhou Heng's advice and went home to rest and recuperate, while Zhou Heng went to Buwusi.

As Lin Cang walked home, he felt refreshed and all the depression of the past few days was gone.

The nearly month-long wait was so worth it!

His pace quickened, wanting to get home as soon as possible and tell his wife and children the good news.

Let them no longer have to worry or feel uneasy about it.

However, before Lin Cang could reach the front door of his house, he saw a woman who looked to be in her thirties carrying a large burden, a cloth bag in her left hand, and holding a seven-year-old boy in her right hand, hurriedly facing her. Come.

She is Lin Cang's wife.

Lin Cang's expression changed when he saw this, and he asked in surprise: "You, what are you going to do?"

"I, I plan to go back to my parents' home..." The woman lowered her head and whispered: "After all, I haven't been home for a long time. Why don't I take my child back to see her."

"Why don't you tell me when you go back to your parents' house and let's go back together," Lin Cang said.

"I...I left you a message at home." The woman whispered.

"Dad, Mom wants to work hard, weave and sew clothes and embroider for people, and earn some money to support the family." The little boy grabbed Lin Cang's clothes and said, "She thinks you work too hard on weekdays. In the future, I have no time to spare, so I just want to make more money while I can still make money..."

"No, don't talk nonsense. I, I'm just taking you back to your grandma's house!" The woman hurriedly pulled the child and whispered: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"No, you don't have to go." Lin Cang took a deep breath, feeling extremely heartbroken and his nose was a little sore. He took the bag from the woman's hand and held her hand. His voice trembled slightly and he was serious. Authentic: "Longxing, you are alive. You no longer have to be wronged, and you no longer have to worry."

"Alive, alive? Longxing, alive?" The woman was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and then she shed two lines of tears. She covered her eyes and choked in a low voice.

"Then this family is finally alive... Wuwu."

It’s a big chapter of 4,400 words, and there is another chapter that will be written around two o’clock in the morning. It will explode with 10,000 words tomorrow, not counting the number of words in the chapter in the early morning.

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