I practiced with a cheat

Chapter 97 Qingxia God

Qingxia River?

Is this the Qingxia River?

Zhou Heng was stunned when he heard this, looking at the stone tablet in astonishment, his brows furrowed.

Since this is the Qingxia River, what was the river that I just crossed?

Zhou Heng immediately got on his horse, turned around and ran back.

But until he returned to Yuyang County, he didn't see any river again along the way.

It was as if his previous boat ride across the river was just a dream.

Very strange.

"What's going on? Did someone silently confuse the spiritual perception, or did someone powerful create a temporary Qingxia River out of thin air? But what is the purpose of doing this?"

Zhou Heng was shocked and confused. What he had just experienced was completely beyond his understanding.

How can such a large river, which is more than a hundred feet wide and cannot be seen at both ends, be deceived?

But the surging river water and turbulent waves are all extremely real, not like an illusion at all.

"What happened before?"

Zhou Heng was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat. What happened just now was really terrifying.

If it is man-made, it means that as long as the other party has malicious intentions, he will not even know how he died.

After some thought, he rode the bay red horse again, along this road, estimated the distance, and came to the place where he crossed the river last time.

This is a forest that is no different from the front and rear. The road is still a little muddy due to the previous rain. It seems that this place has always been like this. There has never been a big river, and there are no boats or boatmen.

Zhou Heng got off his horse, closed his eyes, and stood here for a long time.

Feel nothing.

It was as if everything he had experienced before was really an illusion, and there was nothing here.

"Could it be a natural phenomenon similar to a mirage?" Zhou Heng suddenly thought of a possibility and thought to himself: "It is said that the Qingxia River has changed its course many times in the past long years. Could it be what I saw before? , is actually the former Qingxia River?

"There were immortals and gods in this world, and there may be traces of ancient immortals anywhere in the world. It doesn't seem impossible that the traces of the Qingxia River were imprinted on them.

"But how to verify such speculation?... I wonder if such a legacy or imprint is considered something?"

Thinking of this, his mind moved, and after a slight hesitation, he used the only special skill card left in his hand on the void in front of him.

Disassemble the card!

"Disassembly card: can disassemble low-level things from high-level things without damaging the high-level things themselves."

Whether it is the traces and influences left by ancient immortals and gods in the past, or just the imprint of a natural phenomenon, as long as it is regarded as a thing, the disassembly card can successfully dismantle the thing.

Zhou Heng can temporarily feel at ease.

Because that means that his previous experience was not man-made, but was just affected by the legacy of some high-level things.

"Use the dismantling card!"

"Congratulations! You disassembled the spiritual object 'Qingxia Snake Scale' [Fifth Grade Zong] from the Time Brand 'Suppressing the Qingxia God' [Third Grade Tian]!"

"Qingxia Snake Scale [Zong Fifth Grade]: This is a small scale that fell from the original form of Qingxia God. It has a trace of Qingxia God's power. After use, it can summon the unconscious historical projection of Qingxia God in the fifth grade period. , exists for three minutes.”

It’s really something!

Zhou Heng was pleasantly surprised and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The originally depressed mood suddenly became much smoother.

Then he noticed the description in the system prompt.

Imprint of time!

Suppress Qingxia God!


This was a level he had never been exposed to before.

From a literal sense, it should be that a long time ago, there was a "Qingxia God" who was suppressed here.

Is this why Qingxia River got its name?

For some reason, some scenes from that era were imprinted with time and were "preserved".

For example, the surging Qingxia River and the boatmen ferrying on the river may be real scenes that happened here many years ago.

Zhou Heng must have come into contact with the "preserved" past scene before, and thus had a rather bizarre experience.

In fact, there are often similar stories in many folklore.

It can be seen that this is nothing special.

"It's okay, it's okay, it really scared me before." Zhou Heng patted his chest, straightened his breathing, and said to himself: "However, regarding the time imprint situation, it is best to consult someone.

"...Well, let's wait until we see Cheng Jiangjian next time, or after I pass the exam and officially join the Chunyang Sect."

His previous experiences were too incredible and terrifying.

Even if he wasn't really affected, he still felt lingering fear, so it was best to figure this out.

"It's not like we got nothing this time." Zhou Heng looked at the crystal clear cyan scale in his palm, which was only as big as a fingernail, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Being able to summon a fifth-grade projection, this can be regarded as a powerful fighter with a three-minute time limit. But who is this Qingxia God? Even the time mark that suppresses him has a third-grade Tiantian. How strong should the real body be?"

After entering Chunyang Palace in the future, you should be able to read some information and maybe find some clues.

Zhou Heng then put away the snake scales, patted the maroon horse below, and then galloped towards the Qingxia River that really existed.

After all this trouble, he no longer had any interest in rushing. He planned to return to Yuyang County to find an inn to stay, rest for one night, and start again early tomorrow morning.

However, when he thought about setting off tomorrow and passing by the place where the mark of time existed, he immediately gave up the idea.

Let’s cross the Qingxia River first.

The Qingxia River flows slowly.

Zhou Heng led the bay-red horse onto a passenger ship, and there were five people with him, three men and two women, all very young, in their twenties, dressed as people in the world.

They were together, and neither of them paid attention to Zhou Heng next to them.

Because at this time Zhou Heng was wearing a brown robe, with a beard stuck to his mouth, some dust on his face, looking dusty, and his hair was simply tied up with a rope.

He looked like a very ordinary passerby, probably around thirty years old.

For these young people who obviously want to make a career in the world and travel the mountains and rivers, such people have no communication value at all.

This is also what Zhou Heng wants.

His true identity is too eye-catching now. When the rankings come out next month, it will probably become even more explosive. There is no harm in hiding his identity as much as possible.

The three men and two women stood at the bow of the boat, talking and laughing with beaming faces.

Zhou Heng was standing at the other end of the boat with his horse, and he could hear the five people talking about a martial arts competition that was going to be held in Yuanhe Mansion in half a month.

It is said that the top fifty masters will appear. They are all very excited and have made an appointment to watch the fun together.

Between words, they also mentioned Zhou Heng from Huangtong Fucheng, with many words of admiration and envy.

Zhou Heng stood not far away, listening to their conversation, and suddenly felt envious of these people.

It seems to be a good feeling to travel together and travel together.

"It's a pity that this is the only horse around me." Zhou Heng gently stroked the maroon horse, and the horse snorted in response. It was unclear whether it was disgust or intimacy.

Then, he looked at the Qingxia River in front of him and his quite clear vision, and couldn't help but think of his previous experience.

At that time, the waves of the Qingxia River imprinted on it were turbulent, and the vision was dim and gray. It was as if the entire river was shrouded in a strange and depressing atmosphere, which was completely different from the Qingxia River now.

"I don't know how many years ago it was." Zhou Heng's heart moved and he came to the boatman who was ferrying him. He said in a hoarse and deep voice, "Boatman, do you know why the Qingxia River is called this name?"

The boatmen who ferry on the Qingxia River usually have a lifelong "dedication" and must know a lot about various things on this river.

"Ah?" The boatman turned to look at Zhou Heng.

He is an old man with white beard and hair and a kind face. He is not tall and a little stooped. He looks to be in his sixties or seventies.

"Young man, are you asking about the name of the Qingxia River? You are right to ask." The old boatman shook his head and said with a smile, as if he was telling a story to a child:

"It is said that a long, long, long time ago, there was no river here. Later, a big green snake wreaked havoc in the countryside, calling itself the Qingxia God. It ate many people and made the people miserable.

"The people here invited various experts, but none of them were the match of the Qingxia God. Finally, an old god passed by here to eliminate harm for the people. He suppressed the big green snake on the ground and let it rest. It turned into a big river, which is the Qingxia River."

"This river actually has such an origin." Zhou Heng couldn't help but be speechless when he heard this, and was shocked and confused.

He originally thought that the Qingxia God was suppressed in this river a long time ago. After an extremely long time, he should have died of old age long ago.

The Qingxia River has never behaved abnormally in recent years, which is enough to confirm this guess.

But now listening to the boatman's story, I found that it didn't seem to be the case.

This entire river is actually transformed by the Qingxia God.

Now that the river is still flowing, does that mean God Qingxia is still alive?

If the Qingxia God is still alive and the Qingxia River is still so stable, does it mean that the "old god" who suppressed the Qingxia God is still alive?

Was the boatman in Mark of Time still alive at that time?

Of course, this statement is just told by the old boatman. Compared with the historical truth, it is more like a short story passed down by word of mouth. It may not be true, but it is enough to make Zhou Heng have many guesses.

"Haha, old boatman, the story you told is really interesting. What kind of big snake can turn into such a long Qingxia River?" A light female voice came, and a girl came over.

This is one of the five people on the bow on the other side.

She was wearing a red dress and looked about eighteen or nineteen years old. She had a pretty face, fair skin, and a slim figure. She had a delicate scimitar on her slender waist.

The whole person seems to have a lively and lively temperament.

"Haha, that's a good question, girl. However, this is a story passed down by boatmen orally. How could the old man know so much?" The old boatman shook his head and continued rowing.

The little girl didn't care and looked at Zhou Heng aside.

She didn't care about this person at first.

After all, he was dressed in ordinary clothes and didn't look like an expert. But just now she noticed the bay red horse and felt that it was not something ordinary people could have.

This made her a little curious about Zhou Heng.

"Hey, uncle, I see there are weapons in your package, so you should know martial arts, right? Are you also going to Yuanhe Mansion to watch the martial arts competition?" The little girl was a little familiar, and smiled: "My name is Sheng Xinrou, what's your name, uncle?"


Zhou Heng was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then he suddenly realized his current outfit. He shook his head and said, "I am not good at martial arts, and I am not very interested in martial arts competitions."

"Rou Rou, come back soon, don't talk nonsense." At this time, the woman on the other side of the bow waved to Sheng Xinrou and asked her to go back.

"Even if you are not good at martial arts, you can still watch people compete. This competition is very powerful, and I strongly recommend it." Sheng Xinrou said with a smile, and then returned to the bow on the other side.

As soon as the little girl returned to that side, she was immediately pulled aside by the woman and whispered in a low voice.

Zhou Heng had a strong hearing ability and could hear what they were saying.

"Rou Rou, you have little experience in the martial arts world, so you don't know what people like that uncle are like. They are usually sad people who are unsuccessful in the martial arts world.

"These people are not good at martial arts. Maybe he also yearned for a happy life of revenge and riding a horse like us, but after some adventures and setbacks, he realized his level.

"You see, he even put his weapons in the package. It's obvious that he has lost heart. If you go to someone and say that there is a martial arts competition, it's almost like exposing people's scars, which will offend people."

The woman persuaded Sheng Xinrou earnestly.

The little girl seemed to understand, tilted her head, glanced at Zhou Heng, and whispered: "In other words, this uncle is not good at martial arts, and suffered a beating in the martial arts world. Now he is most likely to give up his sword and go home to farm?"

"Don't say it!" The woman quickly covered Sheng Xinrou's mouth, and just saw Zhou Heng's eyes looking at her, so she could only smile awkwardly helplessly to apologize.


At this moment, the boat passed a reed marsh and stopped at the ferry.

The boatman smiled and said, "We've reached the shore."

Zhou Heng led the horse down the boat, and Sheng Xinrou and others also got off. They lowered their heads and tried to avoid Zhou Heng as much as possible.


At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the center of the Qingxia River behind, full of panic.

"Oh no, a boat capsized, people fell into the water, and it was in the middle of the river, and there were no boats around!" The boatman turned his head and looked back, exclaimed, and hurriedly boarded the boat to row over to save people.

Sheng Xinrou and others also changed their expressions slightly, looked at each other, and were ready to jump into the river to swim over to save people.

But at this moment, they saw from the corner of their eyes that the "uncle" suddenly jumped and jumped to the reed marsh on the river bank.

Then the "uncle" turned in the air, broke a long section, and threw it into the river, allowing the reed to slide on the river at a very fast speed.

Then, he landed squarely on a cut of reeds, and rushed towards the place where the boat capsized with the cut of reeds, as if riding the wind, faster than all the boats.

Crossing the river with a reed!

On the shore, Sheng Xinrou and others who were about to enter the water were stunned, opened their mouths wide, and looked at the figure flying on the river in disbelief.

What happened to the martial arts that you said were not strong?

What happened to the sad man in the rivers and lakes! ?

That's it? ?

Thanks to: Wang Meiren Xi Tian Yi Fang., Fengyu Jinling, Missile Father, Demon King Lelouch, Shuang Ge Wuwei for the rewards~

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