Biquge, the fastest update I really will not act the latest chapter!

Jiang Ying calmly stared at Liu Tian for a moment or two, and then Liu Tianyi regained his gaze, and was quite reluctant.

"Okay, okay, did you sign me enough?" Mei Zihan interrupted. "My family's dear is very expensive. You can't sign for pants, so forget it."

If Jiang Ying wanted to enter the entertainment industry, he would have entered it as early as 800 years ago. Since Jiang Ying was unwilling to do it, Mei Zihan couldn't help others force him to do it.

Liu Tianyi only sighed, and continued to explain the importance of this company to the two.

"You want to know now that many entertainment companies are only one of the business of cultivating artists. They often have a good relationship with many investors, television stations and the like. It ’s not bad for TV shows, movies, investment and investment. The lead is drawn inside, and more often, if they can eat it themselves, they are willing to invest in a project independently. The reason why those stars are willing to sign the company is because they can't get some resources and can only borrow the company's ability . "

Many TV dramas will hand the script to many stars before the start of construction, and those who are willing to pick up will continue to discuss, and what is unwilling is just useless. However, it's impossible for ordinary TV drama characters to be played by someone. When choosing a star, they also cast a net extensively, focusing on fishing.

So the point is here.

Many stars are not incapable of playing this role, on the contrary, they are often evenly matched. An actor can get a role, often a combination of internal and external factors. The actor's appearance, acting skills, or performance experience with lines are all internal factors that determine whether or not the character can be obtained. Then, when the appearance and acting skills, or even the popularity, are almost the same, you must fight for external factors.

The company to which the artist is based, or the investor's gold owner whom the artist knows, or the artist himself brings funds into the group, etc., can be regarded as an important link of external factors.

These can be called the hidden rules of the entertainment industry.

Everyone keeps one eye closed and one eye closed. Those who are willing to play, even those who are not. Every year, there are so many handsome men and women who have sharpened their heads to come in. There is no shortage of you. Therefore, many impatient stars think that they can fly into the sky as long as they hold their thighs, which is obviously just a delusion.

"So Brother Liu, you mean, as long as I'm with the company, I have a lot of TV shows and movies to play?" Mei Zihan was able to understand Liu Tianyi's words.

"Almost that." Liu Tianyi didn't expect Mei Zihan to understand that there is a competition between the company and the company. He only needs to be in charge of acting, and the rest is his agent. Work.

"And many film and television companies themselves will also recruit some screenwriters. Many good projects are independently invested by film and television companies. Even if others want to plug in, they will not be able to plug in. It is a waste of opportunity. But there is also a good book of such good projects. The people in the company are staring. If there are really such big productions, you have to grab the stars from the company. "Liu Tianyi said very clearly," At that time, the opponent may come out to hack you. . "

"It's black and black, and you can't be red without being hacked." Mei Zihan was surprised by this. "As long as Jiang Ying understands what kind of person I am."

"Well." Jiang Ying responded softly.

Mei Zihan smiled very cheerfully, "I do have a deep foundation right now. If you really need a film company, you brother Liu will help me talk, I believe you will not be deceived."

Liu Tian raised an eyebrow. "You can rest assured that I have not been in the entertainment industry for less than you. Now everyone can see your potential. Those movie and television companies who look at people with a low eye and want to take advantage of it will be fine. The conditions of the home are very sincere. If it works properly, as a sincerity to sign with you, the film and television company will give you a very good resource at least, at least you can't get it now. "

"Oh, oh." Mei Zihan looked a little bit excited, her face very excited.

Jiang Ying looked at such a radiant Mei Zihan, and she also missed it.

He lived with Mei Zihan for less than a year, and has known each other for about three years. Three years ago, Mei Zihan was actually much more energetic than he was a year ago. At that time, Mei Zihan was quite motivated, and he would be happy to take on a few good little characters. But gradually, after Mei Zihan put the focus of life on Jiang Ying, this kind of self-motivated ambition faded somewhat.

Men's mentality of wanting a career and returning to the family is quite different. As a man, Jiang Ying can easily understand.

Mei Zihan, 26 and 7 years old, has realized that it is very difficult for her age to become popular, and it is even more difficult to make a transition. So he accepted the status quo and turned his attention to Jiang Ying. This kind of enthusiasm and sincerity soon moved Jiang Ying, and promised to live with him, but Jiang Ying liked it more, or the Mei Zi who rushed to him for a date after he had picked a flowerbed fine after class. cold.

He gave up his favorite career, chose to start college again, and life became calm like standing water. Under such circumstances, Mei Zihan jumped in front of him.

But when he agreed to try with Mei Zihan, the vitality of Mei Zihan was not so obvious. He began to try to accept his ordinaryness and learn to be an ordinary office worker.

Fortunately, Mei Zihan still gradually found his ambition.

He will start to figure out the role seriously, will actively ask him if his acting skills are good, and will have a preliminary plan for his career. Of course, how can he exist in this plan.

The day that promised Mei Zihan was probably the most important decision he made in his life.


Liu Tian went to Xinghai Entertainment in the morning, Tianshan Entertainment in the afternoon, and Qunyu Entertainment at night.

Yes, Xinghai Entertainment.

They seem to have completely forgotten the injustice to treat Mei Zihan at first, but have offered quite favorable conditions, hoping to cooperate with Mei Zihan.

Sunshine Pictures wants to acquire Xinghai Entertainment. Recently, it has been moving frequently. Even the projects that have already started are frustrating, and the atmosphere is very bad.

It is impossible to say that the board of directors of Xinghai Entertainment did not have the heart to sell the company.

The entire Xinghai Entertainment Company, with the exception of the TV drama division, which is still making money, is almost all losing money.

The first is the investment business of Xinghai Entertainment.

The TV drama department made money and naturally asked for money to make money. Now that the IP is hot, they have also started to hoard copyright. Not long after buying these IPs, radio and television introduced new policies. Few of these IPs can be used. The rest must wait for the limelight to pass. Don't want to start up in a few years.

Then, some of the small-cost movies invested by Xinghai Entertainment lost money on the streets, almost losing most of their profits.

The second is the business of the artist brokerage. There are several artists who have died by themselves, stealing love, photos, photos of peony, and catching up as the primary three. In order to suppress these news, the company's ups and downs are not a small number of people, a lot of human owed, and some good roles of good projects have also been sent out as compensation.

After one after another, people at the board of directors had headaches when they saw the annual report. Now it is natural to be willing to take over.

But if you sell it, you don't know what price it is.

At present, the most profitable part of Xinghai Entertainment is the TV drama department. This is naturally a weapon for raising prices, but the rest are all points reduction.

Most of the artist contracts under their hands have not yet expired, and they will definitely be packaged and transferred to the new company. But it is embarrassing that there are not many decent artists in Xinghai Entertainment. The old ones are too old and the young ones don't have a few appearances. They can only find foreign aid.

Mei Zihan happened to be such a good foreign aid at a good price.

He has ratings, word-of-mouth television dramas, people who are still young and look good. A commercial blockbuster is coming soon, and he has a pretty good agent. In Xinghai Entertainment, there are many people who have a good relationship with Liu Tianyi. It is not impossible to talk about the conditions carefully.

Anyway, Xinghai Entertainment has made up its mind to raise the price and sell it to Sunshine Pictures. Even if the conditions offered by Mei Zihan are more favorable, it is worth it.

"Tianyi, we have known each other for many years. I was wrong about the last" Blood Pool Picture ". Please do n’t mind me." It was the lobbyist sent by Xinghai Entertainment this time, also Liu Tianyi. Friends who have known for many years.

"You got the audition for me, and the company didn't open it for you. What do you say?" Liu Tianyi smiled.

Public and private are still very separate.

"Even if we have known each other for so many years, we will not sell anything to you." A friend said, "Our company wants to sign Mei Zihan. I don't know what kind of requirements you have?"

"The conditions you gave before are really good, otherwise I won't come out to see you." The other party wants to talk about it, and Liu Tianyi is naturally willing to give a good face. "It just seems that the projects that Xinghai Entertainment currently counts have been set People, I wonder what kind of good gifts you can give? "

This question is about Mei Zihan signing a gift.

The quality of this gift actually represents the company's emphasis on Mei Zihan, and it must not be underestimated.

"Mei Zihan doesn't have gaps and ratings now. He won't be short of box office after the movie is released. What he lacks is commercial popularity and gossip value." Friends also know the current situation of Mei Zihan very well. It's very forgetful. They will forget it soon after the TV show movie is broadcast, but some interesting gossip and news can make them remember for a long time. "

"what do you mean?"

"Our ace artist Jiang Luoxing of Xinghai Entertainment is the sincerity of our company." The friend laughed. "We can sign a two-year contract with you to make Mei Zihan and Jiang Luoxing become nominal male and female friends. During the period, the marketing hype expenses required by the company will be settled by the company, and they will be peacefully separated after two years. As long as the bottom line is not violated, I guarantee that Mei Zihan's popularity and commercial value will double several years later, and Mei Zi will never be damaged The image of Han. "Friends are full of confidence.

This is a very common method in the entertainment industry, and it is also a very effective method. I do n’t know how many third- and fourth-line artists have become hot search because of the announcement of love break-ups, which greatly enhance the value of both parties. It's not bad, it's a pretty good thing for both men and women.

Jiang Luoxing of Xinghai Entertainment is a front-line artist and a popular flower.

At the beginning, the female star Zhen Xianxian who starred in "Drunken Dust" was also a popular flower, but compared to Jiang Luoxing, it was still a little worse. Jiang Luoxing not only has outstanding performances in modern and ancient idol dramas, but also a very good singer. After a period of time, he can release a new song and hit the charts.

Today, Jiang Luoxing is the most profitable artist in Xinghai Entertainment. Her contract with Xinghai Entertainment is exactly two years away.

Of course, Xinghai Entertainment is not willing to let go of such a profitable artist. The length of her contract also directly affects the valuation of Sunshine Pictures. Now if it is a male and female celebrity bond and a positive public image, the value will only be higher. At the beginning, Xinghai Entertainment also wanted to find a fake boyfriend for Jiang Luoxing in the company, but he was rejected by Jiang Luoxing. When trying to mention Mei Zihan's name, Jiang Luoxing's attitude on the contrary was ambiguous, as if it was the default.

Originally, Xinghai Entertainment was also planning to take away the resources of a male artist who had recently caused trouble and let Mei Zihan be a signing gift. However, Jiang Luoxing's attitude made the top thoughts different.

If Mei Zihan is willing to co-produce with Jiang Luoxing, it will definitely be a hot topic, and they will be able to temporarily tie both people together.

After all, the emotional life of Jiang Luoxing, 29, has been speculated by major reporters. Although Mei Zihan is younger, his ratings and commercial box office are in hand. He is not following the idol traffic route of girlfriend fandom. The falling star joint hype is definitely not lost.

Those who came as lobbyists also really felt that the conditions given by the company were very reliable, and this was what Liu Tianyi said with confidence.

After all, this is Jiang Luoxing.

Unexpectedly, Liu Tian was caught by the drink as soon as he heard what he said.

"Khekeke." Liu Tianyi coughed a lot, and his face turned red.

"What's wrong, is this news so scary?" A friend quickly gave him a cup of warm water and helped smooth it.

Liu Tian glanced at his friend gloomily.

When he took Qiu Yunkai before, why didn't anyone mention such a condition?

Jiang Luoxing is a popular little flower now. If Mei Zihan can borrow her east wind, then the exposure and topicality will not increase sharply? Moreover, Jiang Luoxing has also started to shift his focus to movies in the past two years. The public's evaluation has always been very high. As long as it is not the kind of deliberate hype and scandal, it will be beneficial to Mei Zihan's image.

From the beginning to the end, Mei Zihan only needs to accompany him on a trip to take pictures. Maybe even intimate photos are just small scales like faces, and the rest is done by the company.

This kind of sincerity can be said to have really been done.


"Sorry, no." Liu Tian refused such a good offer with heartache.

If Mei Zihan was not with Jiang Ying, he would definitely help Mei Zihan to come down.

This is Jiang Luoxing, Jiang Luoxing who can get everything!

Even if Mei Zihan is a bend, it's okay to cooperate with the hype. Or even if Mei Zihan's boyfriend is not Jiang Ying, but another slightly more ordinary person, Liu Tianyi can be confident that they can persuade two people for a harmless hype.

Which film emperor has no love history?

And after the hype, Mei Zihan can remain hot after she is single, and it is also good for Mei Zihan to cover up his sexuality. No matter how you think of it, it's all profitable.

However, Mei Zihan's boyfriend is Jiang Ying.

He is not only Mei Zihan's boyfriend, but also Mei Zihan's acting teacher. He is also an important thigh after Mei Zihan rushed to the world.

Jiang Ying really can't offend. If he knew he agreed to such a condition, the consequences would hardly be imagined!

Liu Tianyi was not Mei Zihan, and Jiang Ying could not be sorry.

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