"Doctor, how is he?"

Captain Li also spoke up at this time. read

"The wound on the arm is infected and the situation is a bit serious."

"It should be amputated."

The attending doctor also spoke directly at this time.

"His wound, what kind of wound is it?"

Captain Li said subconsciously.

Now, he seemed to have thought of a possibility.

"Same as the guy who was bitten by a lamprey last time."

The attending doctor also continued to speak at this time.

At this time, he was also a little curious. Previously, a man was brought here with wounds like this on his legs.

This kind of wound was very weird. If someone hadn't said it was bitten by a lamprey, he wouldn't have known how the wound was caused.

"Lamprey again?"

Listening to the attending doctor's words, Captain Li also had a headache.

Sure enough, it was related to lampreys again.

"Notify his family first, and let's go to the beach first."

Captain Li also left here directly at this time.


Why the lamprey again.

"Looking at it now, we must not let anyone get close to the coast!"

Soon, Captain Li arrived at the coast.

Now this coastline is all blocked.

Many federal police officers are on this coast.

"Captain! That ship has just been brought ashore!"

Captain Li's car stopped not far away, and as he got out of the car, a federal police officer ran over not far away.

"Found the ship?"

Hearing his words, Captain Li was also slightly startled.

At this time, he subconsciously looked towards the seaside in front of him.

If you look closely, you can clearly see a fishing boat that has run aground on the shore.

Just appeared.

"Let's go! Go take a look!"

Captain Li rushed over without any hesitation at this time.

The fishing boat sank?

It seems that there is a lot of bad luck...

"Huh? There's a boat?"

It was only around seven o'clock in the morning. Ye Qianqian was eating white steamed buns while walking on a road here with Su Mengyao. She looked at the scene in front of her with a look of surprise in her eyes.

Originally, this road was still some distance from the coast, but now as the sea level continues to rise, it feels very close now.

Su Mengyao looked at this scene and stopped immediately.


I seem to have seen this ship before, but why is it suddenly stranded here?

"Mengyao, look! There is a corpse here!"

And at this time, Ye Qianqian seemed to see something and suddenly exclaimed.


Su Mengyao was startled. At this time, she looked over there and could clearly see that as the sea water washed away, corpses appeared from the side of the boat.

"Two students over there, get out of here quickly! It's dangerous here!"

The federal police officers who were there at this time also clearly saw Su Mengyao and Ye Qianqian standing here, and they suddenly shouted.

"We'll leave right now!"

Ye Qianqian also said loudly at this time.

She must have calmed down like this, walking slowly while looking at the situation over there.

"Their bodies were also washed up."

At this time, Captain Li also walked to the stranded fishing boat.

He looked at the bodies of the people beside the fishing boat, and his eyes widened.

If you look closely, you will see that there are many bite marks on these people's cheeks and exposed arms.

These bite marks are so densely packed that just looking at them makes people feel a little numb.


Captain Li also gritted his teeth at this time.

The rest of the federal police were a little numb when they saw this situation.

Now all these corpses are white, and there is no blood in the wounds.

It was as if all the blood had been completely sucked away.

"The bottom of the boat seems to have been bitten by lampreys."

"There are many circular holes."

The other staff also saw the situation under the bed and suddenly said in surprise.

The bottom of this boat is so thick that it is broken.

"First, salvage their bodies."

Captain Li also said in a deep voice at this time.


Soon, two members of the federal police tried to lift one of the bodies first.

But when they first encountered the corpse, they felt a little weird.

"Why are these arms so soft..."

At this moment, something suddenly seemed to be moving inside the corpse.

"There's something!!!"

Both of them clearly felt it and subconsciously spoke out.

The moment they finished speaking, the corpse exploded.

In an instant, a large number of black figures rushed out!

This sudden scene simply frightened everyone.


Among these carcasses were a large number of lampreys!

And at this time, he rushed out directly from the corpse!

"Get out of the way!!!"

Captain Li also roared angrily at this time.

He raised his foot and kicked it, sending a lamprey eel flying straight away.

Bang bang bang——

At this time, with a dull sound, the corpses of the other people also exploded at this time.

A large number of lampreys surged out from the carcasses.

"Get away!"

The two federal police officers just now were caught off guard and had their clothes bitten by several lampreys.

Fortunately, they were wearing special federal police uniforms, which were very thick and hard.

Although lampreys have terrifying mouths, their teeth are relatively short.

There was no bite on the body for a while.

But this lamprey is very smart and wants to crawl onto their necks.

Frightened, they quickly grabbed the bodies of the lampreys and threw them away.

Bang bang bang——

At this time, Captain Li had already started to take out his pistol and shot directly at the lampreys with the names of those places!

Some lampreys' heads were shot straight away.

The other police officers also reacted, pulled out their pistols and started shooting.

But there are quite a few of these lampreys!

Just relying on pistol shooting will not solve the problem at all!

And there were some lampreys, surging directly towards the front!


Ye Qianqian and Su Mengyao, who were standing there looking at the scene just now, had their eyes widened.

The scene where the corpses suddenly exploded and a large number of lampreys rushed out was simply too shocking.

"Be careful!!!"

Captain Li's eyes widened when he saw the lampreys washing up on the shore and heading towards the walkway out of the corner of his eye.

Because he now discovered that there were two girls from Canghai City High School in that aisle!

Oh no!


The two lampreys seemed to have sensed Su Mengyao and Ye Qianqian on the walkway in front.

Their bodies suddenly flew up, and their sucker-like mouths were about to bite their bodies!

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