I really didn’t raise a dragon

Chapter 138 The strange transfer student

Listening to the head teacher's words, everyone was slightly stunned. Read 520 official website

At this moment, a pretty figure walked in.

"What a cute girl."

Ye Qianqian looked forward and suddenly said in surprise.

If you look carefully, you can clearly see a girl wearing the uniform of Canghai City High School.

Her face looks very delicate, and she also has twin ponytails, which makes her look very pure and cute.

"She transferred from Shangjing."

"My name is Zhao Shuangshuang."

The head teacher looked at everyone and spoke out at this time.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Shuangshuang. I am very happy to be in this class and spend my last senior year with you."

At this time, Zhao Shuangshuang also showed a very sweet smile and said to everyone.

Just looking like this, he looks like a cute ordinary high school student.

"Welcome, classmate Zhao."

The other students also said in unison at this time.

So...so kawaii!

Some of the otakus in the class had their eyes widened at this time.

Some girls were also a little surprised and helpless at this time.

In the class, Su Mengyao and Ye Qianqian were already very good-looking, but now there is another good-looking girl.


"Zhao Shuangshuang, please sit at the back of the group for now."

The head teacher looked at it, then pointed to the seat at the end of the group and said loudly.

She is quite tall, so sitting there for the time being does not affect the class.

"Okay, teacher."

Zhao Shuangshuang nodded and walked over directly at this time.

Su Mengyao, who was sitting in the fourth group, looked at Zhao Shuangshuang and suddenly felt a little weird.

She instinctively felt that the whole Zhao Shuangshuang seemed a bit... strange?

But I couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Mengyao, what's wrong?"

Ye Qianqian also said a little curiously.


Su Mengyao shook her head and looked at Ye Qianqian to stop talking nonsense.

After all, Ye Qianqian, who has been her best friend for so many years, also reacted at this time.

In terms of difficulty, this transfer student...isn't easy?

She was also a little surprised in her heart.

"This lamprey is probably the most powerful mutant creature along the coast."

At this moment, Lao Ma and Yang Yang also came to this area.

They carry a lot of tools on their backs.

At this time, Yang Yang also took out the vitality detection instrument dedicated to the special operations team from his backpack.

He began to walk along the coast, detecting the energy fluctuations of nearby life.

The display on the instrument also had numbers beating at this time.

But they are all single-digit changes.

This shows that what is detected now are basically ordinary marine creatures.

Even conches and the like can have life energy fluctuations.

"Why did it run away just now?"

Lao Ma couldn't help but speak out at this time.

He had just arrived here, and after hearing what had just happened, he was shocked and very curious about what had just happened.

"Maybe he was injured."

Sha Ying, who was standing here, thought for a moment and then said.


As soon as he finished speaking, Captain Li and others were stunned for a moment.

"Well, just speculation."

Sha Ying nodded slightly.

Ever since the giant lamprey appeared just now, it felt very weird.

It ambushed and failed to attack, and actually ran away!

If it were other mutated creatures, they would definitely attack relentlessly.

"Maybe he sensed the aura of my return to my ancestors."

Sha Ying thought for a moment and continued speaking.

However, this possibility is relatively low.

The mutant lamprey just now was obviously very powerful.

It is not comparable to ordinary mutated creatures.

"Then what should we do now?"

Although I don’t know why the giant lamprey suddenly ran away, the current situation is really troublesome.

Captain Li was also a little lost.

The current situation is really too complicated.

"By the way, when it rained heavily that day, was it the lamprey who was injured in the battle with the Black Moon Organization people!?"

Lao Ma seemed to have thought of something at this time, and immediately clapped his hands and said excitedly.


From this point of view, it can be explained that the members of the Black Moon Organization were eaten like this before!

"Those members of the Black Moon Organization happened to encounter the giant lamprey and wanted to take the marrow bone of the giant lamprey!"

"But I never expected that this giant lamprey would be so powerful and eat them all!"

"And the lamprey is injured now because of the wounds left from the battle at that time!"

At this time, Lao Ma became more and more excited as he talked.

He felt that he was simply a genius, and he had straightened out everything in one fell swoop!

"It seems... makes sense..."

Captain Li was stunned for a while after listening to Lao Ma's words.

If you explain it this way, it seems to really make sense.

But it seems like something is wrong.


"Those people from the Black Moon Organization cannot be dealt with by lampreys."

Just when Lao Ma was extremely excited, Sha Ying's words were like a basin of cold water poured directly on his head.

"Not a lamprey?"

"Well, according to your previous information, the sea water has not spread into the city. There are surveillance cameras along the coast. If it is found that it enters the city from the sea, it should be able to be photographed at the beginning."

"There is also a very important reason. If it entered your urban area, it would simply eat those members of the Black Moon Organization and then leave?"

"Besides, I don't believe that a lamprey would have such a high IQ to avoid surveillance."

When Sha Ying said this, his expression became serious.

After arriving here, he has read all the relevant files.

Although I didn't see the key video, according to the records, the creature lurking in the water deliberately avoided the cameras in the city.

Although the IQs of some mutant creatures are quite high, they are not high enough to know how to avoid surveillance cameras, right?

"What you said does make sense..."

After Lao Ma calmed down, he smiled bitterly.

"It seems like they are two different things."

He sighed.

I thought just now that I had discovered the right thing, but I didn't expect that I was back to the original starting point.

Didi didi——

At this moment, a rapid sound also came over!

"what sound!?"

Hearing this voice, everyone's eyes also looked to the left at the same time.

I saw Yang Yang standing over there, holding the vitality detector and his eyes wide open.

His body trembled slightly.

"How can this be……"

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