Chapter 29 fifteen

“Uh… that’s what…”

“I’m just curious. The other men are struggling to talk to them somehow. And last time I spoke to you first. Self-esteem.”

If it was a princess soldier, it would be a princess soldier, but I understand.

Because there are many people who are anxious to approach Seong Da-kyung in any way.

As Da-kyung Seong just said, there must have been something that you did first.

But I’m also a little embarrassed…

‘It’s not that I didn’t, it’s that I didn’t.’

look at that arrogant side

It’s hard to even look right.

But from Seong Da-kyung’s point of view, that was not the case.

Anyway, I think I’ll have to walk first to talk.

“How have you been these days? I was busy preparing for guerrilla.”

“At a time like this, you’re good to talk again.”


“I was busy preparing for the teaching assistant.”

“Oh, you’re a teaching assistant.”

I actually knew.

“Yes, I did last year.”

“How about you, assistant? Is it worth it?”

“Yes, it was fun. You can legally just roll people you don’t like.”

“okay? I don’t have to worry about that.”


“Because I don’t think I’m going to ask if I didn’t talk to someone I didn’t like.”

“Hey, when did I ask?”

“You were turning the gun.”

“Hey, that’s because the body went back, so they went back together!”

Under the light of the post, Seong Da-kyung’s face is revealed.

stuttering to the end there.

Seong Da-kyung has that side too.

“It’s a joke, a joke.”

“Is it okay? Dojin-san is also added to the list.”

“What list?”

“It’s a list of people I don’t like.”


“I was wrong…”

“It is already late. There is no turning back.”


“Then, I’ll see what you’re doing or see.”

“What can I do?”

“If you see me in the future, please say hello.”

“Oh, that’s easy. I am.”


“Is it important for me to talk to Da-kyung?”

“It’s important.”

“Why is it important?”

“Because all the other men are.”


This is a really serious last stage of Princess Disease.

Of course, like I said before, it makes sense.

But even considering that, I can’t quite understand this…

“okay. In that sense, hello?”

Even if you go, you have to live first.


“Where do you live?”

“Da-kyung Seong, who lives in the 3rd company. Where do you live?”

“I’m Dojin Choi, who lives in the 1st company. You are very well received.”

“I am a warm and friendly person.”

“Oh, did you?”

“What? What is the reaction that seems to have mixed meanings of that negation?”

“Hahaha. It doesn’t mean negation. It looks just like that on the outside. Warm and friendly.”

“Do you really think so?”


Not at all.

“Yes. It really looks like it.”

“You know it’s all lies, right? It feels like a cold wind is blowing when I talk to you, and I do that every day, but people.”“Who wears a haircut like that…”

Seong Da-kyung bursts out a small laugh at the word mang-haired.

You are a person who smiles better than I thought.

By the way, Seong Da-kyung must have known what other people thought of him.


Isn’t it weirder not to know?

Haha, it’s weird that you don’t know what’s going on around you like that.

“Isn’t that why you didn’t even talk to Dojin-san?”


“You must be the type of person who can’t lie.”

“My motto in life is to be sincere when dealing with people.”

“Ah, I’ll admit it if that’s the case.”

Seong Da-kyung responds with surprise.

You’re showing a lot of variety today.

“But why did you ask why you didn’t say anything when you knew you looked like that?”

“Do you think Dojin is slightly different from other men?”

“What do you think is different?”

“You didn’t ask for my number.”


“You didn’t ask me for my number while we were talking to each other that day. I did it because I wanted to talk too.”

“Is that just talking about passing the promotion exam?”

“That’s good.”

What are you talking about?

“Are you speaking a foreign language now?”

“I do not know. Anyway, there is something like that.”

What is it… Ah.

Whatever I said, if I had been in the same place, all the other guys would have been flirting, but I didn’t?

Looking at it now, Seong Da-kyung is like that.

Rather than Seong Da-kyung being arrogant, the surrounding environment seems to have made Seong Da-kyung like that.

I was the only one who looked at Seong Da-kyung from that perspective.

‘But I never really thought of asking for my number.’

It would have been different if it had been before the return.

Because he was twenty at the time.

‘Cause it’s all good if you’re pretty

That’s how I got the call from my ex-girlfriend who transferred from Officer Hunter.

Even now, of course, we are the same 20 years old.


‘I’m 20 years old, having experienced life up to the age of 30.’

Someday I realized

When it comes to meeting people, looks aren’t everything.

Seong Da-kyung is really pretty to look at, but that’s why he doesn’t seem to have thought of asking for his number at all.

‘Regression changes not only your abilities, but also the way you live your life.’


Time passed quickly.

It’s Friday night.

The strike really came right in front of me.


I haven’t even started yet, but I can already feel the muscle pain in my neck and limbs.

Second Lieutenant Young So-jin spoke briefly.

“From next week on, it’s guerrilla, so let’s all take good care of our bodies so that we can train well.”


take care of your body

Actually, that doesn’t mean much.

This is because, even if you are fine, when you go into a gait, you get headaches, toothaches, and a lot of different patients.

Our squad also has Kim Oh-cheol over there.

Another day passed like that.

And the weekend came.

Normally, it would be normal to go to bed and spread out, but everyone is busy packing their clothes in advance.

From basic combat supplies to toiletries, raincoats, guns, etc., there is no end to putting them in.

“Guys, don’t miss out and take good care of it.”


“What is more important than battle materials is what you have in your hands now.”

“all right.”

More important than combat materials.

it’s food

Rice seasoning, chocolate bar, jelly, caramel, etc. You can eat it not only on the march, but also at the guerrilla field.

Even the executives don’t really touch it.

This is because, unlike general military officers, it is the norm to wrap the hunter army’s military commander so that they can live in the dungeon.

You can’t invite chefs to a place full of monsters and traps, right?

I finished packing my clothes only after I stuffed all the food into the pockets called pockets.

Of course, there is something more important than this food.

Just then, the squad leader spoke about him.

“When everyone is all wrapped up, take a break. You have to stock up on your stamina as much as possible so you don’t fall behind.”



Obstacle dungeons that require a high center of gravity and agility and trench dungeons that require extreme strength are ultimately derived from physical strength.

It’s easy to stock up.

just get some rest

But I always went to the training room.

Not to mention guerrillas, I’ve been training for 10 years, such as cold weather, battalion tactics, and national defense.

That doesn’t mean you’ll be there all day.

‘Let’s do it for three hours in moderation.’

I don’t know if three hours is appropriate, but anyway.

If you think of it as a concept that relaxes the body, it may produce a better effect.

Saturday passed so quickly.

And the guerrilla attack was only a day away.

The unit was almost like a portrait house.

“Hey, it’s already tomorrow.”

“I hope the sun doesn’t rise tomorrow…”

“Isn’t it raining?”

“I’m not coming. If the march was canceled due to a flood, there would be no wish.”

“That’s it.”

Nothing will be canceled

It’s not because the sun is shining, let alone raining tomorrow.

‘There are cases where it is postponed and rescheduled later, but there is no case of canceling it at all. I don’t know if the city suddenly overflows with monsters.’

The seniors whined for a long time after that.

The successors will be the same, just not talking.

If it had been before the return, I wouldn’t have been any different.

But now…

‘Something you want to do right away.’

Some treasures hidden in the range.

because I want to find it.


Monday at 4 am.

The trumpet sounded a little earlier than usual.

Oh, it’s not a little early at 4 in the morning.

come a lot

But I can’t help it.

From this time on, it’s because it’s the 1st day of guerrilla.

“The rice doesn’t go down my throat.”

“Eat it anyway. When I go on a march, all I have to do is chew a chocolate bar or something.”

I ate the rice as if it was stuffed, and immediately changed into battle uniforms.

Then, carrying the pre-packaged military uniform, he left the dormitory.

Seeing the comrades lining up to go down to the training ground, wearing the same military uniform, makes me feel uncomfortable.

It’s the same thing that you can’t get used to even after 10 years.

“Put the line straight!”

“Dude, come inside!”

“Everyone, straighten your shoulders!”

As we descend to the training ground, the shouts of the executives resound incessantly.

It’s a battalion-level training, so it’s hard to keep order because all the companies are gathering.

Since there was a battalion commander’s announcement soon, the officers were busier than ever.

Has it been 10 minutes?

The battalion commander appears above the four columns.

Anytime you look at it, the pose is no joke.

Even if the ogre jumps out right now, it seems like it will be cut with a single knife.

“Gift is a very good training that makes the body and mind of the hunter stronger. In fact, there are a lot of cases where stats and skills go up dramatically while being attacked.”

That’s correct.

only rare

very very rare

“It is the heart of this battalion commander to hope that our battalion members will also work hard to achieve such a result.”

“I will work hard!”

“Yes, yes. by the way You don’t have to do that until it hurts your health. The most important thing in any training is health, health. Do you understand?”

“all right!”

it’s healthAs I remember, no one had any health problems in this guerrilla, except for the scoundrel.

‘There is a safety problem.’

no need to go far

Now from this march, the problem arises.

“Then let’s go!”


A huge shout resounded in the training ground.

And with the battalion commander in the lead, all the battalion members carefully exit the training ground.

The march to the guerrilla field had begun.

The distance is about 20 km.

If it’s short, it’s short.

However, various unfavorable conditions, such as the sweltering heat of July that come even at dawn, the weight of the full army that weighs on the shoulders, and the winding mountain road that will soon be climbed, torment the hunters.

The fact that most of the roads are forbidden areas ravaged by dungeons and gates is also big.

“Close to the left!”

“Close to the left!”

“Close to the right!”

“Close to the right!”

The procession left the parade ground and moved along the sidewalk.


I think it was around there.

I opened my sight in the distance.

In the distance, a road with beautiful trees on both sides is revealed.

Very beautiful scenery to see.

But that’s where the safety issue comes in.

“To go to such a romantic place with full arms…”

“How come it seems to be getting more and more beautiful over there?”

I can hear the seniors muttering from behind.

It is natural to think that way.

It’s not even a forbidden area, and there’s never been any monsters there.

It’s been decades since dungeons and gates appeared.

“Move quickly!”


After a while.

One by one, they begin to step into the path.

it’s still ok

They also have a sense of nun, so they don’t argue with who the battalion commander belongs to.

Then when our platoon passes by…




Expose the body that was hidden in the tree.

An ax flashing in its reddish eyes.

It was a red goblin.

“It’s a Red Goblin!”

“Emergency has occurred! A Red Goblin Appears While Moving!”

The report was quick.

But I couldn’t even deal with it.

Because it takes a few seconds to grasp the situation, and a few more seconds to take off the coat and twist the sword.

Besides, it’s totally unexpected.

Only the soldiers, of course, the officers were different.

They immediately cut off their heads from those closest to them.




By then, I had already defeated the fifth.

No matter how fast the executives are, they cannot be faster than knowing and reacting in advance.

The situation was quickly settled.

A few soldiers were cut by their axes, but it wasn’t serious.

Rather, he liked the march.

‘I don’t like it. Anyway, do it again later anyway. At least as far as the march.’

I looked around.

The corpses of red goblins with their tongues sticking out are rolling around.

Hang on, all I got is a gun…

There was no need to count.

Someone was talking about him.

“The executives caught five or six, but it’s amazing to catch 15 by yourself…”

was the battalion commander.

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