I said I would turn back time

Chapter 137 Countermeasures of all parties: drastic changes in the world

In the ward, Bai Yiyi skillfully controlled the puppet girl. Seeing that the girl could jump, run, and punch without any problems, she felt relieved.

Then she began to check whether the puppet's body was damaged.

I saw the cat doll getting into the puppet girl's clothes. She turned around to see if there was any damage.


"It's okay, okay, there's nothing wrong with my hands and feet, there's no broken skin on my body, and my face is as beautiful as before."

But just after she breathed a sigh of relief, Bai Yiyi suddenly became nervous again when she thought of the consciousness that had entered the puppet's body.

"Isn't that thing still there?"

Thinking of this, Bai Yiyi first spoke to Lin Xing and Jing Shiyu in the ward, and then under their care, she planned to use the magic of magic to check the situation inside the puppet.

And as her thoughts came to her, the situation inside the puppet's body instantly came into view.

The consciousness that made Bai Yiyi extremely nervous lay quietly in the puppet, looking as if it was dead.

Just when Bai Yiyi was curious about what the current situation of this consciousness was and wanted to take a closer look.

She found that as her idea emerged, the consciousness seemed to be attracted to her by an invisible force, and then...

It was like a gurgle sounded in Bai Yiyi's heart.

She actually felt as if she had swallowed that consciousness into her stomach in one bite.

Then Bai Yiyi discovered that her spirit, which had been weakened by the magic of possessing spirits, suddenly became much more energetic after swallowing this consciousness.

Not only that, she also found that with this swallowing, a large amount of information began to appear in front of her eyes, which turned out to be various memories.

"This is... my past?"

She found that she could actually browse through the memories that she had just swallowed.

After reading a little bit, Bai Yiyi discovered that it was filled with memories from when she was born.

Many of them were the first time she had seen them, and she had no memory of them at all.

In the ward, Lin Xing looked at the puppet girl in front of him and asked, "Master Bai, are you okay?"

The puppet girl blinked her eyes and actually showed a smile.

Although the smile still looked a little stiff, it also surprised Lin Xing.

And in the tone of the puppet girl's next words, there was also a hint of emotion and ups and downs that had not been seen in the past.

Bai Yiyi: "Hehehehe, good disciple, Master, I have become more powerful again."

Jing Shiyu suddenly asked from the side: "Who is the next head of the Taiqing Sect?"

Bai Yiyi said confidently: "Although I'm not sure who is left in the Taiqing Sect now, I think it should be me."

Lin Xing asked: "Master Bai, what do you think is your strongest point?"

Bai Yiyi thought for a while and said: "Before I was taken away, it was obviously my amazing strength and beauty.

As for being taken away from me and left in this doll's body, that is the wisdom that constantly bursts out from the depths of my soul despite my lack of strength. "

Jing Shiyu and Lin Xing looked at each other and felt that there was nothing wrong with the puppet in front of him.

Bai Yiyi had already continued: "I'm halfway through what I'm saying to you, why are you suddenly asking me questions?

Let me tell you, I have swallowed that consciousness and regained my past memories. "

A stiff and proud smile appeared on the face of the puppet girl: "Now, not only do I have this indestructible and unparalleled body, but I have also awakened all my memories. How powerful and terrifying will I be in the future?" , even I can't even imagine it myself."

Lin Xing asked curiously: "Have you recovered your memory? So now you remember everything about the Taiqing Sect?"

Bai Yiyi proudly said: "Of course."

Lin Xing asked: "Then do you know about the Feathered Reincarnation Chapter?"

"Of course." Bai Yiyi agreed while frantically flipping through the memories left by the consciousness just now.

"Where is it? Where is the part about the Feathered Reincarnation Chapter?!"

"Why can't I find it?"

Lin Xing asked: "Can the Feathered Reincarnation Chapter help me eliminate the additional memory effects caused by turning back time?"

"This...this...the situation is a bit complicated." Bai Yiyi said while frantically flipping through the memories: "I have just recovered, and my head is still a little messy. Please wait for me to take a rest and think about it."

Lin Xing recalled how he was troubled by redundant memories, nodded and said: "I understand, Master Bai, please take a good rest first."

After asking Master Bai to take a good rest, Lin Xing chatted with Jing Shiyu for a while, and the other party's new mobile phone kept ringing.

Lin Xing thought that the other party might be even more busy in the future to deal with the cooperation between the two worlds.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, after confirming that there was nothing wrong with Lin Xing, Jing Shiyu went out for another meeting, and by the way, he had to deal with many matters related to cooperation between the two worlds.

Lin Xing was lying on the bed. He had no intention of practicing his skills for a moment. Instead, he turned on his mobile phone and browsed the Internet.

This time, there were successive battles in Qingtian City, from the initial assassination to the kidnapping, to the two encounters with the woman in white.

To others it might be just a few days, but to him it felt like years.

He planned to go online in the real world in the next few days to regain his mental state first.

Lin Xing casually swiped a few news about food, new games, and movies being criticized. Thinking back on the various tragedies in Qingtian City, he couldn't help but lament the peace of the world.

But along with the comfort shown by this peace, there was a trace of worry in his heart.

"A lot of people may die next. I don't know what the official plan will be."

In the next few days, Lin Xing chatted online, watched videos, changed forgotten passwords, and re-adapted to the modern society.

Jing Shiyu, on the other hand, is busy every day and seems to have a lot of work to complete every day.

After Bai Yiyi devoured that consciousness, she found that her consciousness was much stronger all of a sudden. She used the magic spell to control the puppet for five minutes, and kept going in and out of the puppet every day, either training the puppet, or Looking through the newly acquired memories.

Lin Xing was surfing the Internet that day, and a video he came across suddenly caught his attention.

In the picture, there is a figure running at high speed on the road, overtaking several cars in a blink of an eye, and finally jumping lightly, onto the roof of the roadside, and disappearing into the vast night.

The person who recorded the video said that he took it on the street yesterday and that it was a person with super powers that he saw with his own eyes.

But apparently none of the users who saw this video believed it, and just left messages saying that he did a good job with the special effects.

But as soon as Lin Xing saw the video content, he saw that the figure should be a warrior from the Mirror World.

He thought to himself: "Have people from the Mirror World begun to come over in larger numbers?"

During this time when the world seems to be calm.

In the mirror world, an explosive news was like a storm sweeping the world, with Lingxi Province as the center and spreading to the entire world.

Taiqingmen, one of the nine sects, was razed to the ground overnight.

The first people who heard the news found it unbelievable and thought it was a rumor. Most people didn't believe that an existence as powerful as the Taiqing Sect could be wiped out in one night.

But as more and more detailed news comes from different channels, more and more people in the world gradually believe in the authenticity of this news.

Fear, uneasiness, nervousness, curiosity, excitement... all kinds of emotions permeated the air, and various related gossip began to spread.

There are rumors that on the day when the Taiqing Gate was razed to the ground, fire rained down from the sky, which was the punishment of the gods on the Taiqing Gate.

There are also rumors that there was a giant dragon spitting fire rain from the sky and burning down the entire Taiqing Gate.

There are also rumors that the Taiqing Sect offended a certain powerful man and the entire clan was wiped out.

In short, as the news of the Taiqing Sect's destruction spread throughout the world, all kinds of rumors were flying all over the sky, and people in the world were panicked for a while.

It was under such circumstances that some special gossip began to spread.

The original source of the news seemed to be the Nine Sects, or rather a certain big boss among the eight current sects.

But later, more relevant information continued to flow out from the eight sects and even other weaker sects, spreading wider and wider in the world.

That is the secret method of the Immortal Sect and the rumors of the secret realm.

Immortal sect secrets are actually spread among many sects, but most people don't pay attention to this thing.

Because many years ago, the Immortal Sect's secret method had been used by many people and proved completely useless.

But now many rumors about the Immortal Sect's secret method being effective again are spreading in the world.

Even the specific content of the Immortal Sect's secret method seems to be secretly promoted and spread by several different forces.

And the rumors about the secret realm behind the door that is full of gold, filled with mountains of rice and meat forests, and rare treasures are becoming more and more widespread.

At the same time, as the news spread, all the major forces in the world also took action.

In a certain mountain peak in the northwest.

In a temple of Tianyi Sect.

After Xuan Zhenzi came back from Dongya Mansion, he practiced the flying sword every day, thinking that he would never let someone take the sword away next time.

Soon after, he also received various news from the world, as well as various intelligences within the sect, and a lot of curiosity arose in his heart.

"Oh? Is the secret method of the Immortal Sect effective?"

Xuan Zhenzi thought about it, and suddenly snorted coldly in his heart: "This news has spread all over the world in a short period of time. How is it possible to say that there are no black hands behind the scenes to fuel the flames?"

"Is there any danger in this fairy gate? That's why we need to trick so many cannon fodder into sending it?"

But soon Xuan Zhenzi discovered that even the leader of the Heavenly Will Sect was spreading these news secretly, as if he was bewitching all kinds of refugees, bandits, and scattered people to go to the secret realm.

Xuan Zhenzi became more and more puzzled: "These old things are really good. They have been sneaking around for a long time, and they all want others to find the way. Then I can't be anxious."

Zhao Tianlong was lying on the bed, his cheeks seemed to be getting thinner.

Ever since he was exorcised by Lin Xing that day, his body has been getting worse day by day. His originally strong body now looks like it has turned into a thin bamboo pole.

The worsening of his illness made him lose interest in all kinds of news from the outside world, and even the demise of the Taiqing Sect only surprised him a little, and he stopped paying attention.

Until that day, news came from the Shenlong Gang that he was asked to lead all his disciples and troops back to the Shenlong Gang headquarters.

At first, Zhao Tianlong thought someone was taking advantage of his illness to take away his power.

But later, according to the information obtained by his subordinates, not only Zhao Tianlong, but also the leaders of various Shenlong Gang territories had received similar information.

Even the leader of the Shenlong Gang, who had been in seclusion for many years, came out of seclusion and directly summoned all the disciples of the Shenlong Gang to gather.

This move by the Shenlong Gang, one of the nine sects, immediately caused a huge impact in several southeastern provinces. Countless gangs, sects, and generals were looking around to find out what happened.

Jiangyang Province, Daguangming Temple.

It has been more than a month since Kong Chan returned to the temple.

As an abandoned disciple of Daguangming Temple, he thought that he might not be able to enter the temple even if he came back.

Unexpectedly, several senior brothers said that he would be useful next and brought him in.

Next, Kong Chan found that the entire Daguangming Temple was constantly sorting out scriptures, packing bags, and even moving Buddha statues in various halls.

And every time Kong Chan asked his master where he wanted to move the Daguangming Temple, the other party always smiled and said nothing, saying that the time had not come yet.

It was not until the news came that the Taiqing Sect had been wiped out that he and other disciples were summoned to appear in front of their master.

"What I want to teach you today is the secret method of the Immortal Sect."

"Some of you may have seen this method before, but today I will learn it carefully."

"But remember, don't use this secret method easily without the abbot's permission."

Kong Chan looked at the content of the Immortal Gate's secret method and said in disbelief: "Master, could it be that our Daguangming Temple is going to pass through the Immortal Gate and go to the secret realm next?"

Some disciples were also shocked: "Are we going to abandon the foundation of Daguangming Temple for so many years?"

"Master, what do you mean?"

"What exactly is the abbot's plan?"

Listening to everyone's questions, the master smiled slightly and said: "The abbot has made contact with the people in the Immortal Sect and was invited to go to the secret realm to spread Buddhism."

"This move is to spread Guangming Buddhism throughout the world. It is also related to the rise and fall of our Daguangming Temple in the next thousand years. It determines who is the authentic Buddhist dharma in the world between our temple and Shilin Temple."

"Everything has been arranged in the abbot's mind. Disciples, just wait patiently for the opportunity."

In a town in Lingxi Province.

Du Chuang of the Evil Slayer Sect was sitting in a teahouse with his disciples.

Ever since he experienced the night when the Taiqing Sect was wiped out and lost contact with his senior brothers and sisters, Du Chuang's face was full of gloom.

At this moment, an old man sat in front of him and said, "Tell me, what exactly did you encounter at Taiqingmen?"

Du Chuang looked at the old man in front of him and was slightly startled for a moment, then said excitedly: "Master? Are you out of seclusion?"

"It's not just me." The old man said coldly: "Even the sect leader woke up from the coffin. Damn, after pretending to be dead for so long, I really thought he was beaten to death by the evil sect's people."

Du Chuang was shocked again when he heard the news: "Sect Master..."

The old man waved his hand and asked Du Chuang to first tell what happened to the Taiqing Sect.

After listening to Du Chuang's story, the old man sighed: "Oh, the war is about to begin, and I'm afraid that all life will be ruined again."

Du Chuang asked: "Master, the things that have been circulating in the world recently..."

The old man sighed: "There must be evil sects behind this matter. Among the major forces in the world, there is probably no one who wants to promote a war between the two worlds more than they do. They just want the world to be devastated and resentment spread everywhere, so that they can do it as soon as possible Just more evil spirits.”

"The great catastrophe is approaching, and I, the Evil-Destroying Sect, must slay evil spirits and eliminate evil spirits."

Taihe Mountain.

Tian Jizi walked among the empty halls.

A voice came from his headset: "Master, how are you?"

Tian Jizi said lightly: "What a pity. I can be sure that there is at least one three-pass master in good condition among the Taihe Sect."

"If this person is allowed to live until his spiritual power is revived, he will definitely be in serious trouble."

"I didn't expect that the Taihe Sect would disperse all their disciples and send their disciples all over the world."

"If these guys really focus on hiding, even we will have a hard time finding them."

A voice came from his headset: "Then Master, will they go to the present world?"

Tian Jizi mused: "I hope, if one of them goes to the present world, the chance of finding him will be greater."

Just as more and more forces in the mirror world took action, they chose different strategies. Many things have also happened in this world.

The mobilization of the army, the police...

The transfer of a large amount of materials...

Adjustments in the official sector...

Accelerated construction of fixed gate base...

Various secret and huge changes, the entire world is undergoing drastic changes in places unknown to many people.

During this period of time, three consecutive vicious cases aroused public opinion on the Internet.

"A series of home invasions and robberies suddenly occurred in Nanhai City, and three young women were brutally cut to death..."

"The murderer of the largest serial murder case in the history of White Eagle Country was shot to death..."

"A serial murder occurred in Sakura Country: 5 people were hacked to death while walking alone at night..."

Three consecutive vicious cases around the world have caused huge repercussions both online and in reality.

Just because such a serious case has not happened in this world for too long, there are still three at once.

Lin Xing looked at the social news on the Internet with a solemn expression, but knew that all this was just the beginning.

Even these cases that have been hotly discussed on the Internet are only widely discussed because they are dead.

Judging from the results of his intensive surfing these days, more cases of assault and theft are occurring in various places.

The next case may even be happening already.

This kind of thing will not decrease, but will become more and more intense.

With the outbreak of a large number of vicious incidents, the number of people going out at night has begun to decrease slightly, and the sales of self-defense tools have increased slightly.

Even when Lin Xing recently re-purchased ruler supplies, he found that the price had increased.

Various discussions and debates are constantly taking place on the Internet, and many people are exclaiming what is wrong with this society.

However, most netizens still regard these things as accidental events and are completely unaware of the changes in the world.

At the same time, more superhuman beings, superpowers, martial arts... videos containing elements of extraordinary power were spread online.

However, except for the parties involved who swore that this was what they saw with their own eyes, the vast majority of netizens do not believe that there are so-called extraordinary powers in reality, and only think that these videos are special effects.

Lin Xing saw another video in which a warrior jumped from a tall building and then disappeared into the street.

"Jumping down from such a high height, I'm afraid this is a warrior who has mastered the power of sublimation."

Thinking of this, Lin Xing forwarded the video, hoping to remind netizens to go out less recently, or to pay attention to safety when they go out.

Of course he knew that if he forwarded this, most netizens would definitely not believe it.

But even if only a small number of people choose to believe, it is a good thing that one less person will be killed by the strong man in the mirror world.

Just as Lin Xing expected, as he forwarded and reminded people of superpower crimes on social media, most of the users who commented on his account laughed and questioned.

"Yes, yes, there are many superpowers in this world. I am a poor person. I can spend my salary in one day."

"The recent cases are very serious matters, please don't use them as jokes."

"Looking at the videos he forwarded, it seems that this person really believes in superpowers."

However, although Lin Xing felt that he would be questioned a lot, he found that his comment area was filled with all kinds of encouragement and kind thanks.

"Thanks for reminding."

"That makes sense."

“Like and retweet.”

"Oh, I still think too badly about people." Lin Xing shook his head: "There are still many good people in this world."

Just as public opinion continued to ferment and various gossips and even rumors began to spread, a piece of news simultaneously reached the top of the trending searches on all major domestic platforms.

"At six o'clock tonight, the official spokesperson will deliver an important speech, which will be broadcast live on all TV platforms and Internet channels."

Lin Xing thought to himself: "Is it finally about to start?"

That night.

Under the anticipation, curiosity, nervousness of countless people... under various moods.

The official spokesman appeared on the television.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends, good evening everyone, I am the press spokesperson for this press conference..."

In a nursing home.

Niu Yihu, who was still in a bandage, was watching the screen on the TV seriously.

"We will explain the recent vicious cases around the world, as well as the long-standing rumors about extraordinary powers that have been circulating in all walks of life in the next press conference..."

In the office in Building C.

Lu Ming stood melancholy at the window, looking at the lights not far away.

The voice of the spokesperson continued to come from the computer behind him.

"About ten years ago, we learned about the existence of the mirror world, which is a world that is extremely similar to ours in terms of environment and geography..."

In the conference room.

A large group of staff members who were resting were also holding their mobile phones and watching the content of the webcast.

Jing Shiyu also held his own mobile phone, and thought to himself: "Before the inspiration came, this world was indeed stronger, much stronger."

The voice from the mobile phone: "The aborigines of the Mirror World have extremely unstable mental states and are extremely aggressive due to environmental reasons..."

Jing Shiyu frowned: "Is there any?"

In a certain hospital.

Chu Qingxin gradually opened her mouth as she watched the live broadcast on her mobile phone.

"Local residents possess the power called craftsmanship, which is manifested in the following forms..."

After Chu Qingxin was stunned for a while, she said in shock: "Is it all true? Is it all true? No wonder his parents were driven away as soon as I found out..."

In the ward.

Lin Xing, Zhao Wanxi and Bai Yiyi looked in the direction of the TV together.

“In view of the dangers posed by the indigenous people of the Mirror World and the risks posed by the special nature of the connection between the two worlds, we have to announce with a heavy heart that we will take all necessary measures to protect the lives and property safety of people across the country. …”

This night, witnessed by countless people, the world ushered in a new era.

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