I said I would turn back time

Chapter 278 Immortal Veins

mirror world.

Jiangyang Province.

Xia Guo is in the fixed gate stronghold of the mirror world.

Lin Xing came here after a confrontation with Xing Xiao.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in the laboratory, constantly checking the state of his physical body and sea of ​​consciousness.

Strength: 7.8+1.1 old man

Speed: 7.3+1.1 old man

Physical fitness: 8.2+1.1 old man

Spiritual Thought: 14.1+1.1 old man

Fairy energy: 1.0→1.2

"The immortal energy has indeed increased during this period, but it is still not enough..."

Just as Lin Xing was inspecting himself, the virtual image of Xingxiao on the side said: "Brother Lin, are you still planning to practice now?"

Xingxiao Xuxiang shook his head and said: "With all due respect, I know the temper and habits of that Taiqing Xingxiao combination very well."

"This man has a lot of pretensions, but he will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

"The reason he retreated just now was not because he gave up his plan to use force, but because your breakthrough to the third inheritance was beyond his expectation. If he had just fought with you in the hotel, he would not have been absolutely sure that he would be able to control it.伱.”

"But this by no means means that he has given up his actions."

"On the contrary, it will only make him attack more violently and swiftly next time."

"The current him, I'm afraid he is already linking up with the powerhouses of various factions, distributing benefits, and preparing for the next roundup of you, and it won't be too long."

"I think tomorrow will be the soonest, and the day after tomorrow at the latest. He will definitely make another shot."

"He will definitely have complete assurance and arrangements for this attack. I am afraid that the Great Bright Buddha, the leader of the Shenlong Gang, Bai Mei, the great elder of Zhou Tianhui, and Fairy Gushe of the Lingbao Sect may all take action."

"If there are so many masters besieging together, it is absolutely impossible for you today to confront head-on."

"On the contrary, just leave now and escape into the mirror world. It will be difficult for them to find you. The longer time passes, the stronger you will be and the greater your advantage will be. When you reach the peak of three passes, Even with four passes, it is completely possible to return calmly."

"So I suggest, brother Lin, that you go now, the farther you can get away from this world, the better."

And just when Xingxiao virtual image analyzed the situation and thought that running away was the best choice, Xiaolin Xing on the other side snorted coldly: "Why run away?"

"Since they plan to do something, I think it's better to do it first."

He chuckled and said, "We're going to kill them one by one in the dark now. Isn't this one-on-one and don't give them a chance to besiege?"

"Just kill him and let his blood flow into a river, so there are so many troubles."

Seeing that Lin Xing ignored him, Xiao Lin Xing urged again: "Did you hear that? Hurry up and do it. Can you still develop the immortal energy by practicing here?"

"Immortal qi is said to be unrestricted and unobstructed. If you are free and unrestrained, the immortal qi will be born on its own."

"He was threatened by someone, and he rushed into the other party's house and killed his whole family that night, so he was free and unrestrained."

"The unity of knowledge and action is much more useful than sitting here and practicing."

Although Xingxiao Xuxiang on the other side disagreed with Xiaolin Xing's last suggestion, he also nodded and said: "If you want the immortal energy to grow by itself, you have to have no family, no position, no right, no name, no teacher, no name. Unhindered, free and easy.”

"The best way is to break away from the existing forces and walk alone in the mirror world for a while."

"If you run away now, you will break away from Xia Guo and your former companions, which is exactly in line with the key to the self-generation of Sanxian's immortal energy."

"And after the immortal energy is strong enough, you can cast the immortal veins in your body and start preparing for the third pass to sublimate."

Just when the two of them persuaded Lin Xing one after another, they saw Lin Xing raised his left arm in front of him, and several sword lights slashed down, instantly chopping off his left arm shoulder-to-shoulder.

Looking at the mirror-like smooth wound, Xiaolin Xing and Xingxiao virtual images were slightly stunned.

Then seeing Lin Xing's action after pinching the broken arm with one hand, Xiao Lin Xing burst out laughing:

"Good job! This job is ruthless! Hahaha, how did you think of it? I didn't even think that the Liumi Immortal Alchemy could be used in this way."

Xingxiao phantom on the other side also showed a look of surprise: "You actually use the Liumi Immortal Alchemy to speed up your cultivation?"

He is very familiar with the practice of the third inheritance, but this is the first time he has seen Lin Xing doing this in front of him.

The practice of the so-called third lineage, although the various lineages of various schools and schools are different, but in general it is from human to non-human. Among them, some schools focus on resources, some focus on mind, some focus on root and bone qualifications, and some need to be passed down from generation to generation. Inherited things, some have to complete some kind of ceremony, some kind of symbol...

As for the specific cultivation path of Sanxian, he also learned from Lin Xing.

The first step is to strengthen the immortal energy, and the second step is to gradually penetrate the whole body with the immortal energy, thoroughly combine the image with the physical body, and finally create the immortal veins.

At this second step, the physical body is gradually transcendent, different from the mortal body, and it is considered that there is a foundation for the third pass and sublimation.

For example, the three masters of the Nine Gates Sect, no matter what their cultivation path is, they are no longer mortal bodies in the end. Compared with ordinary people, their body structure and various characteristics are vastly different.

"Sanxian... should first strengthen the immortal energy, then build the immortal veins, and finally open the third pass and sublimation."

In the observation of Xingxiao's virtual image, Lin Xing cut off his arm, and then began to refine the severed arm with the Liumi Immortal Alchemy, just like Xiao Linxing's corpse refining back then.

Daodao black runes symbolizing the six secrets spread on the broken arm, invading the skin, muscles, bones, blood vessels...

Although the appearance of the entire arm has not changed drastically, its essence is very different from the original broken arm.

"Now Lin Xing actually uses the Six-Secret Immortal Refining Technique to... directly transform his physical body?"

"Refining the body like a magic weapon?"

"The goal of his transformation is...immortal veins?"

Observing Lin Xing's skillful work, Xingxiao Xuying thought: "What kind of method is this? You are so familiar with it. I'm afraid you didn't think of it recently, right?"

Hearing Xingxiao Xuying's question, Lin Xing also nodded and asked a question: "Don't you two know how to create this pseudo-immortal vein?"

"Truely use the immortal energy to penetrate the whole body and integrate the image and the physical body. The immortal veins created in this way can accommodate the four types of three-pass sublimation."

"The pseudo-immortal vein is much weaker and can probably only accommodate two types of three-pass sublimation."

"But this is also a good quick fix. First, create pseudo-immortal veins to increase your strength, and then slowly strengthen the immortal energy. You can also gradually transform the pseudo-immortal veins into real immortal veins."

Seeing that neither Xiao Linxing nor Xingxiao Xuying knew this, the memory of this pseudo-immortal vein reappeared in Lin Xing's heart.

After he entered the third inheritance and recovered a large number of training memories, the method of creating this pseudo-immortal vein also appeared in his mind.

It's just that after he broke through, he encountered changes in Xinke City. A series of events left him no time to digest these memories, let alone the opportunity to try the method of creating this pseudo-immortal vein.

"Even Xiao Linxing and Xingxiao don't know how to create this pseudo-immortal vein."

"Where did I get that?"

Lin Xing shook his head, putting aside the currently unanswered questions for the time being, and refocused on the broken arm in front of him.

And just in front of the observation window outside the laboratory, many staff members watched in shock as Lin Xing chopped off his arm.

"What is Lin Xing doing?"

"Should we call the therapy team?"

"It doesn't seem necessary?"

The staff all looked at Bai Yiyi, wanting Lin Xing's master to make up his mind.

Bai Yiyi was also shocked when she saw this scene: "Lin Xing is already practicing like this now? He cut off his own hand to practice?"

Suddenly thinking of the process of being commanded by Lin Xing, Bai Yiyi's heart tightened: "Lin Xing is playing so hard now, he won't take apart my master and use it in the future, right?"

However, facing everyone's inquiries, she still said calmly: "It's okay, this is a normal cultivation process."

After a moment, Lin Xing pressed the broken arm back again.

Under his control, the severed arm covered with black runes was like a living creature. As the wound squirmed, it seemed to grow back again, without any visible wounds.

And as the broken arm was put back together and became a part of Lin Xing's body again, the six secret runes on it instantly collapsed.

But when Lin Xing tried to raise his left arm, he found that his left arm was a little out of control, and he shook his head helplessly.


Bai Yiyi on the other side took out the cat doll and squeezed it gently. An explosion came from Lin Xing's chest, and his body was instantly engulfed in fire.

When Lin Xing came to his senses, his left arm was still well connected to his body without any damage.

If Lin Xing uses his own grievances as an opportunity to take the initiative to jump in time like the last Xinke City mutation, it will allow Xiao Lin Xing to further integrate and influence each other with himself.

But going back in time by being killed in this way will still be the same as before, and it will not accelerate Xiaolin Xing's influence on him.

So after going back in time, Lin Xing cut off his arm again and used the Six Secret Immortal Refining to refine the broken arm.

Although Lin Xing has the memory of how to create pseudo-immortal veins, he still needs practice to operate it skillfully.

Especially when it comes to the transformation of one's own body, any slight mistake may cause huge problems.

Although Lin Xing also learned from Xiao Lin Xing in refining flesh and blood, their requirements for precise operations were quite different.

Refining corpses is nothing more than using flesh and blood as weapons to move and pile them roughly, but pseudo-immortal veins are about completing precise structures to free the body from the limitations of the mortal body.

So at this moment, Lin Xing wanted to refine his body, so he planned to do a lot of practice first.

Fortunately, what he lacks most is time for this kind of practice.

And his first training goal is to repair his left arm.

Just like this, Lin Xing went back in time again and again, practicing from the most basic refining, to the repair of flesh and blood, to reorganization... He felt that it took him no more than eight months. , Only then can the relevant memories of the pseudo-immortal veins be truly integrated.

Then he began to cut off his right arm for practice.

Because of the previous practice with his left arm, he felt that it took him just over a month to become familiar with everything about his right arm.

Next came the legs. Lin Xing spent ten sleepless months. Not only did he memorize the structure of the legs by heart, but he also knew the process of creating each pseudo-immortal vein on his left leg.

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