From the original stones, to spears, bows and arrows, muskets and artillery, to aircraft and tanks, and now aircraft carriers and missiles.

After generations of vigorous development, human beings have continuously developed and utilized their own wisdom and malice.

On the way to eliminate the same kind, the means of war and the power of weapons are constantly improved to the extreme.

But now, the strength of the individual's mortal body has long been worthless in front of modern weapons, and the bravery of the individual has been wiped out by steel and gunpowder.

Individual power is meaningless in the face of absolute money and power.

This is how it should be...

At least ten months ago, this was the consensus of the vast majority of humanity.

But at this moment, on a calm ocean.

Humanity's most powerful fleet has arrived here, and weapons that have gathered the essence of countless human wisdom are ready to go.

Tens of thousands of kilometers away, tens of millions of people tensed up and were fully prepared for the changes in the situation here.

And all of this is just for two people.

Two 'people' who broke human common sense and were able to seriously threaten the world situation with their individual force.

One of them, named Xingxiao, was already standing on the aircraft carrier deck, seemingly siding with the White Eagle Fleet.

The other person, named Lin Xing, was standing in the void, overlooking the entire fleet.

Countless soldiers in the fleet were also focusing on the two men at this moment.

No one knows what the outcome of the collision between what they represent, the greatest weapon in the world, and the highest personal force will be, but unease and tension have begun to creep through the ranks.


When Lin Xing heard Xingxiao's answer, a surging spiritual thought burst out around him.

Ling Nian brought up gusts of wind that blew in all directions, and also spread the voice of his next words throughout the entire world.

"Does the White Eagle Kingdom also want to be my enemy?"

The cold voice seemed to be without any emotion, and the strong coercion made countless soldiers break out in cold sweat.

After a moment of silence, an old man from the White Eagle Nation wearing a high-level military uniform slowly walked onto the deck.

He picked up the loudspeaker and shouted at Lin Xing: "The battle between the two has caused heavy losses in many countries and caused unrest in all walks of life around the world."

"We hope that the two of you can stop fighting, sit down and talk, and resolve the dispute in a peaceful way..."

Standing beside the old man, Xing Xiao looked at Lin Xing with sarcasm in his eyes, as if saying that everything is as I said, do you dare to go to war with the world?

And listening to the old man's rambling words, Lin Xing slowly lowered his eyelids, seeming to be lost in some kind of thinking.

At the same time, his figure slowly fell, and finally stood on the aircraft carrier deck with a clatter.

"You are right, this battle should indeed end."

Feeling Lin Xing's gradually calming figure and listening to what Lin Xing said, many soldiers of the White Eagle Kingdom secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The old man from the White Eagle Nation who was admonishing Lin Xing also relaxed a little from his tense nerves.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Xing was willing to end the battle with Xing Xiao and resolve the conflict between the two parties through conversation.

The black runes centered on Lin Xing's body and quickly spread towards the aircraft carrier at his feet.

Lin Xing opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a raging sword intent brewing in them.

"But it didn't end peacefully."

"This world has been peaceful for long enough, but for so long the whole world has become rotten, smelly, and corrupt."

And at the center of Lin Xing's eyebrows, a rune that looked like a burning flame suddenly appeared. It was the power of immortal energy.

"But thanks to you for sending so many weapons."

"With these, I will end this fight soon."

"Thank you for your contribution to this world."

The trace of immortal power in Lin Xing's soul has been restored to 70 to 80% in these two days of fierce fighting.

At this moment, he once again infused his pure Yang spirit with immortal energy, and his spell-casting ability also made another leap.

The range, speed, and effect of the Six-Secret Immortal Refining weapon increased crazily, and it enveloped the entire aircraft carrier in the blink of an eye.

When he felt the deck beneath his feet rise and fall like waves, the old man was suddenly covered in cold sweat: "No! Lin Xing! You can't..."

There was a loud rumble, and the aircraft carrier underfoot seemed to emit bursts of whine.

The old man screamed, and a large amount of blood spurted out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

The next moment, his whole body exploded like it was instantly disintegrated.

At the same time, similar scenes were happening in every corner of the entire aircraft carrier.

Each soldier exploded instantly like fireworks, forming clouds of blood mist that spread around.

You can vaguely see various human organs squirming in the blood mist.

On the aircraft carrier deck, huge holes suddenly opened up, and rows of missiles slowly rose from the holes with sword lights soaring into the sky.

Looking at the missiles flying into the sky, Xing Xiao laughed loudly: "Lin Xing, it seems that you are really crazy, and you lost control again, just like countless times in the past."

"Out of control?" Lin Xing shook his head, feeling his own will spread to the entire world with the infusion of immortal energy.

"You are wrong, Xingxiao."

"I have never felt that there was a moment when I... saw my own thoughts as clearly as I do now, and implemented my will as thoroughly as I do now."

Lin Xing laughed: "Not only did I not lose control, but I gained unprecedented control over myself."

Lin Xing stretched out his hand, and the blood filled the sky like a torrent, pouring out from the numerous passages and gaps of the aircraft carrier and rushing up into the sky.

After excluding all flesh and blood life in the aircraft carrier, Lin Xing gently pressed down with his other hand.

An increasingly dull sound came from inside the aircraft carrier, and some drastic changes were taking place inside.

Immortal Qi: 1.5→1.6

At the same time, Xingxiao on the other side also burst out with anger again, and sneered: "You crazy dog ​​is always going crazy. Even if you don't have the courage to turn back time, you are destined to collapse in this life!"

And as the stars erupted again, waves of unpredictable will came to the world. In the blink of an eye, dark clouds rolled in the sky, lightning and thunder thundered, and a storm cloud formed on the sea.

Further away, cruisers, destroyers, and submarines that were also part of the aircraft carrier fleet fell into chaos for a moment after losing communication with the aircraft carrier.

But soon they received a new order and began to attack Lin Xing's position.

All kinds of naval guns and missiles aimed at Lin Xing's position and launched an offensive.

The shells tore through the atmosphere at several times the speed of sound, and the missiles headed straight towards the aircraft carrier with dazzling flames.

But whether it was artillery shells or missiles, as soon as they got close to Lin Xing, they were instantly covered with black runes, and then they all disintegrated and turned into a torrent of metal that filled the sky, surrounding Lin Xing like soldiers guarding him. .

The next moment, above the most powerful battleship in the world, a loud rumble echoed between heaven and earth.

Lin Xing, who was holding a black sword and surrounded by blood and metal flow, had once again collided with Xing Xiao, who was covered in starlight aura.

The whole world suddenly became gloomy, the storm roared, and thunder fell from the sky and struck Lin Xing.

At the same time, missiles flashing with sword light were fired towards Xingxiao's location.

The loud noise was not over yet, and the glaring flames had completely engulfed the top of the aircraft carrier, completely covering up the figures of the fighting parties.

But the flames are still burning, and two blurred afterimages have rushed out of the flames one after the other, tearing the atmosphere and pulling out a corridor like a vacuum.

The afterimages that were already indistinguishable to the naked eye flickered back and forth in the sky in an instant, accompanied by dazzling sword lights and terrifying storms.

The continuous sound of thunder shook the entire sky in a blink of an eye, as if thousands of thunderbolts exploded in an instant.

Countless soldiers stared dumbfounded at this scene, wanting to intervene but found that they had no way to do so.

"No, all weapons will lose control as soon as they get close..."

"The aircraft carrier still hasn't responded..."

"The headquarters asked us to fully support Xingxiao..."

The captains of each ship watched the war in front of them helplessly, and they no longer knew how to intervene.

"We still need to support Xingxiao? How can we support?"

"What the hell is going crazy up there?"

Under the Liumi Immortal Alchemy infused with immortal energy, all the modern weapons in the hands of the fleet seemed to have lost their effect on Lin Xing.

And at the next moment, something that shocked them even more happened.

"The Seahawk vertical intercept missile is out of control!"

"Why did the cruiser's anti-aircraft missile go into the air?"

"Captain! The launcher opened itself! We can't close it!"

As the battle range of Lin Xing and Xing Xiao continued to spread and change, the soldiers of the White Eagle Kingdom on the ships at the scene soon discovered that their weapon systems were gradually losing control.

Missiles shot up into the sky mixed with sword light, joining the battlefield like flying swords.

In just a short moment, thousands of missiles from the entire aircraft carrier fleet have been launched into the sky following Lin Xing's will.

The dazzling flames continued to explode in midair, like thousands of suns blooming in the sky.

The captain of the cruiser looked at the sky that had been engulfed in flames, and murmured, "This is no longer a battle we can intervene in."

At the same time, a figure fell from the sky like a meteor with dazzling starlight and air waves.

It was Xingxiao who was covered in blood and flesh, and had a beast head and an arm cut off.

And another figure wrapped in blood and sword light followed closely.

The two sides moved forward and backward, and in the blink of an eye they had rushed into the sea with a roar.

The entire sea boiled and surged instantly, as if some kind of giant sea beast was fighting fiercely under the water.

At this moment, many soldiers suddenly opened their mouths and looked in the direction of the aircraft carrier.

"Then... what is that?"

The bow of the aircraft carrier suddenly split apart, as if it had turned into the thighs of two giants.

Immediately afterwards, the aircraft carrier's tail also unfolded, turning into a pair of giant arms that covered the sky and the sun.

The huge metal creation covered with black six-secret runes is still expanding and skyrocketing in size...

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