In the endless light, a figure that was extremely dazzling even under the blazing sun rushed straight towards him, shattering the divine light in the sky with one punch, and the next punch had already penetrated his body.

Amidst the roaring sound, a huge explosion once again engulfed the battlefield.

And the dazzling figure of Haoliu Tianxian stepped on the scorching sun and walked towards him calmly again.

Looking at the opponent's indestructible body and invincible thoughts, tension, fear, panic... and other emotions kept flooding into his heart.

"It's too strong, it's impossible to win."

"Under Da Luo's golden nature, his body, his mind, his soul... are all invulnerable. No matter how strong or fierce the attack is, it will not be able to damage him at all."

" just can't be damaged at all..."

Generally speaking, no matter how powerful the body protection method or magic weapon is, it is said that it is an indestructible defense... but it will be damaged by attacks. If it can continue to damage the opponent, it will always be broken. One day.

But at this moment, the great golden nature displayed by Hao Liu Tianxian was different. It gave him the feeling of being unabated and extremely strong.

"The offensive at this moment is simply insulting to him."

"Not to mention mere destruction similar to the explosion of stars, but in the face of the vicissitudes of the sea, the changes in the world, and even the passage of tens of millions of years... maybe his golden nature will not be lost."

I saw the fingertips of Hao Liu Celestial Immortal counting in the air, and in the next moment, a touch of pale white gold spread in the atmosphere, like sword lights surrounding Hao Liu Celestial Immortal.

Looking at this beautiful scene, the fear in his heart became deeper and deeper, but he couldn't help but burst out with an instinctive appreciation for the supreme realm and superb skills.

The next moment, a path of platinum light filled the sky, blazing like the beginning of the world.

His consciousness was instantly engulfed by the shattering and heart-breaking pain. He only felt that his soul, his immortal body, his memory... everything was shattered by the cutting of the great Luo Jinxing.

Immortal Linlang instinctively disconnected from the Dharma Realm and suddenly woke up from the sensory sharing just now.

Only then did he realize in his mind: I am not fighting to the death with Immortal Haoliu.

Then a strong feeling of joy came to his heart.

"Is this the oppressive power of the gods? It's terrible."

But Immortal Linlang soon put all this out of his mind, because the most important thing now was not how powerful Immortal Haoliu was, but how he could take advantage of this wave of popularity.

So he immediately released his thoughts to communicate with the Dharma Realm and tried to contact Ni Dazheng.

On the battlefield at Ye Litian.

Ni Dazheng felt the growth of tens of thousands of immortal energy every second, and his soul trembled with excitement.

But he soon forced himself to calm down.

Because he understood that although the immortal energy was growing fast enough, the total amount was still not enough, at least not enough to make him feel safe.

"More! More to make!"

At this moment, he felt a dense number of contact requests coming from the Dharma Realm, which made him dazzled.

But based on his three years of experience in Taixu Fantasy Scenery, he instinctively passed the contact application from Linlang Shangxian.

So under the gaze of countless spectators, Immortal Linlang also appeared in Ni Dazheng's illusion of Taixu.

As the opponent three years ago and the lifelong enemy in Taixu Illusion, the appearance of Immortal Linlang attracted another wave of attention.

The first time he saw Ni Dazheng, Linlang Shangxian asked: "Lin Xing, are you acting?"

"Otherwise, with the methods shown by Hao Liu Tianxian, if I really want to kill you, how can I delay it until now?"

Ni Dazheng said angrily: "If I play your mother, I will almost die."

Immortal Linlang said calmly: "I'm not acting. How can you still talk to me so easily when you are fighting an immortal?"

"It's very simple to prove. You fight in front of me, and I will bear witness to you..."

Ni Dazheng was slightly stunned. Just when he was thinking about how to explain, Lin Xing's voice appeared in his mind.

"Take the immortal energy you earned."

Ni Dazheng asked doubtfully: "You mean immortal energy? How much should you adjust."

Lin Xing's voice sounded extremely calm, and there was no hint that he was engaging in a deadly fight with a terrifying immortal.

Just listen to him say: "As many as there are, all of them will be brought to the scene."

Ni Dazheng looked at the hundreds of thousands of immortal energy in his account, and felt a strong reluctance in his heart. He asked with confusion: "Why bring so much immortal energy here? What do you want to buy? I will buy it for you through the Dharma Realm... …”

Lin Xing: "Buying things to support me, I will give them to each other now as much as I come."

While Lin Xing was speaking, a trace of burning heat was already approaching Ni Dazheng's soul, forcing him to beg for mercy and quickly speed up to dispatch the immortal energy from the Dharma Realm.

On the front battlefield, with a wave of his hand, Hao Liu Tianxian dyed the entire atmosphere with a touch of platinum, turning it into white gold sword energy and slashing towards Lin Xing.

In Lin Xing's induction, wherever the platinum sword energy passed, movement turned into stillness, life turned into death, and everything seemed to be dragged into eternal silence.

Especially when facing the endless scorching sun and the divine light of the eternal sun, the Daluo metal contained in it explodes with devastating power. Wherever it passes, the scorching sun is extinguished, the divine light is dimmed, and the destructive power is even stronger than before. ten times.

At the same time, the idea of ​​the Brilliant Immortal also swept over with that touch of golden nature.

"I killed you three times in a row, but you were resurrected again and again. Your strength should not be underestimated. No wonder you can make a big fuss in the upper world...Lin Xing."

In the fierce fight just now, Haoliu Tianxian used a terrifying offensive to force his opponent to self-destruct, but he also sensed the opponent's rebirth process and confirmed the opponent's identity.

At the center of the blazing sun, Wu Shen sensed the movements of Hao Liu Tianxian, and Lin Xing's thoughts burst out from his body: "Neither Zhou Tianhui nor Taiqing Sect recognized my super-time and space power."

"The one in the Immortal Court who knows this most clearly is probably the Lingbao Sect."

Lin Xing's mind flashed back to the scene of his self-destruction and rebirth in front of the two powerful men Bai Cang Celestial Immortal and Qian Huan Celestial Immortal, as well as the scene of fighting against Ling Feng Zhenxian and Shuang Yue Zhenxian when he was in Hanhai Sect.

"You can recognize this. It seems that Lingbao Sect did not tell Zhou Tianhui or Taiqing Sect, but informed you of my information."

"Then the Immortal Lord behind you..."

Thoughts in the realm of immortals flowed as fast as lightning, but at this moment, Haoliu Celestial Immortal intercepted the spread of Lin Xing's thoughts at an alarming speed, preventing him from continuing to say anything.

The white gold sword energy swept out from the sky, almost completely covering Wu Shen's body.

Watching this scene, the Haoliu Celestial Immortal said calmly: "Haven't you noticed yet? Lin Xing, if your Sun Jing Wu Wu is the solstice of the sun and burns everything in the world into chaos, then my White Emperor Hao Ling will It is the ultimate silence, turning chaos into silence, and is destined to be your nemesis.”

"So I've changed my mind now."

"Not only will I defeat you today, I will also capture you alive."

Under the encirclement of the platinum sword energy, the scorching sun and divine light surrounding Wushen continued to extinguish and began to become increasingly dimmer.

It seems that with the stability of Daluo's golden nature, the power in Wushen's body that was originally extremely active, burning crazily, and exploding crazily gradually began to quiet down.

And Lin Xing also knew that Rijing Yuwu's power was indeed restrained by the opponent, and the realm of Hao Liu Tianxian was even higher than his, so it was impossible for an imperial god like Wu Shen to fight alone. of.

In fact, if it weren't for his super time and space power, Wushen might have been defeated in the first encounter.

That's why he asked Ni Dazheng to mobilize all the immortal energy.

I saw waves of waves rising out of thin air in the Dharma Realm, and then white air surged out from all around Lin Xing, quickly turning into a monstrous tsunami.

At the same time that the immortal energy was pouring out all over the sky, Lin Xing made a slight movement of his mind and used the endless flaming sun to ignite all the surging immortal energy and temporarily brought it under control.

Seeing the blazing fire burning among hundreds of thousands of immortal energy, Ni Dazheng felt blood dripping from his heart, and the pain made his soul twitch.

But Lin Xing asked him to continue to regulate his immortal energy.

Ni Dazheng couldn't help but said: "No, even if we can't defeat us, it's better to keep so much immortal energy to save our lives. It would be a pity to burn it like this..."

But the slightest hint of scorching heat immediately made Ni Dazheng shut his mouth. He endured the pain in his heart and continued to channel the immortal energy.

As a result, tens of thousands of immortal energy poured into the illusory scene of Taixu every minute and every second. Here, Ni Dazheng prepared tens of thousands of immortal energy and gave it to Lin Xing to burn.

The Immortal Sea that covered the sky and sun expanded rapidly. Not only did it increase Lin Xing's power with the blazing fire, it also brought a threat, the Taoist threat.

And as this billowing immortal energy hit his face, Immortal Hao Liuliu also chose to give in for the first time since the war began.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xing knew that he had made the right choice of tactics.

Lin Xing laughed: "Haoliu, you paid countless prices and put in countless efforts to climb to such a state step by step, and finally gained invulnerable power."

"But it's your power that's invulnerable...not you."

"The stronger you become, the more you practice hard, and the more you reach the peak, the more afraid you are of losing power, afraid of being contaminated with immortal energy, afraid of Taoism, afraid of...death!"

"That's your weakness."


With the immortal energy burning all over the sky, Lin Xing swept towards Immortal Haoliu once again.

In the Taixu Illusion Scene, as news of the battle between Lin Xing and Tianxian continued to spread, more and more people poured into the Taixu Illusion Scenery.

Especially after Ni Dazheng started burning money, the attention here suddenly skyrocketed again, and more and more immortal energy was sent to him.

"Fuck! Did this burn hundreds of thousands of immortal energy?"

"Crazy! Damn crazy! Still burning!"

"The burning of this money... scares the gods."

Although Ni Dazheng felt heartbroken, he still seized the opportunity and shouted: "I want to be a fairy! Throw all your money at me!"

"I will let you know today what it feels like to kill an immortal!"

Those who give rewards, those who buy services, those who are not too happy for fun, those who look familiar...

Ni Dazheng saw the increasingly turbulent immortal energy coming down, and the number per second quickly exceeded 20,000... 30,000... 50,000!

"That's so much fucking money... just burned like this..."

He was crying as he channeled all the immortal energy into the battlefield, and painfully felt Lin Xing burning the immortal energy all over the sky.

Lin Xing has brought the burning sea of ​​​​celestial beings all over the sky, like a surging tsunami, to fight with the Haoliu Celestial Immortal again.

But this time, Hao Liu Tianxian, who had never been injured and had always maintained his integrity, actually took a step back again.


The spiritual thoughts of both sides collided with terrifying power, causing the heavenly sea to surge.

Wu Shen's body exploded with cracks, but Lin Xing looked at his opponent who retreated again and smiled.

"Haoliu, are you scared?"

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