I said I would turn back time

Chapter 559 The End of the Adventure (Part 2)

Yueyi Shangxian walked quickly towards the Hanhai Sect's forbidden area, and the deeper he went underground, the more he could see dense writings appearing on the surrounding stone walls.

These handwritings record all kinds of information in the Dharma Realm, ranging from the weather and traffic conditions in a certain place, to the policy changes of Immortal Court, and natural and man-made disasters in a certain realm.

Even Shangxian Yueyi could see that these words were growing like living creatures, recording content as the Dharma Realm rotated.

He knew that the master in the deepest part of the forbidden area was personally collecting data on the legal world and recording it using the entire Hanhai City as a medium.

This is something he has never thought about.

"Since that adult is already collecting data from the legal world, why do you still want me and Xiao Ni to do the same thing?"

"With our efficiency, I'm afraid it's not even 1% of this gentleman's. What's the point of recording it?"

At this moment, a sound was heard from behind, and Ni Dazheng followed him, wanting to go with him to see the gentleman.

Yueyi Shangxian couldn't resist, so he could only take him with him with a frown on his face.

But when Ni Dazheng looked at the handwriting all over the wall, he raised the same question as Yue Yi Shangxian: "...Lin Xing actually memorized it himself, so what's the point of us memorizing it again?"

Upon hearing this, the Immortal Yueyi warned: "Xiao Ni, that adult is our leader now. You can no longer address us by name so directly."

"Also, leaders are wise and foolish. If you don't understand the decisions they make, it means you are not good enough. All you have to do is be obedient and do your job well."

Ni Dazheng thought to himself: "Damn it, why is there no difference between this guy before the rebellion and after the rebellion?"

The two of them talked as they walked, and soon they arrived at the final gate of the forbidden area.

In front of the door, two young men were sitting cross-legged in front of a chessboard. The chess pieces on the board were fighting each other, exuding a fierce iron-blooded atmosphere.

Ni Dazheng took a few glances and felt frightened, and hurriedly hid behind Immortal Yue Yi.

After all, Yueyi Shangxian has a cultivation level in the early stage of the Five Legends. After a few more glances, he felt that the consciousness of both sides seemed to be simulating some kind of fierce death battle on the chessboard.

Feeling the murderous and fighting intent in it, he quickly lowered his eyelids and said respectfully: "Sir, I just received information from the Dharma Realm that Immortal Qixia has resurrected his life and returned from the underworld."

The two people who were fighting each other in front of the chessboard remained motionless. Lin Xing said lightly: "I understand, you can go down first."

"Continue to collect intelligence on the legal world, don't stop."

Shortly after Yue Yi Shangxian left, the young man sitting cross-legged opposite Lin Xing sensed the fighting on the chessboard and said, "You are moved."

The speaker is none other than Shen Moxuan, who possesses the memories of both the Immortal Ancestor of Ten Thousand Daos and the Immortal Lord of All Transformations.

But with Lin Xing's help, he was now made into a new body, able to move and communicate with Lin Xing in reality.

Since these days, Xiao Shen has been pressing down on Ji Xuandong Lingtian in Hanhai Town. In addition to being wary of any penetration of power belonging to the Wanhua Piaomiao Immortal Lord, he is also collecting intelligence changes in the legal world and monitoring whether the memories of all living beings have been modified. .

Apart from that, he spent most of his time rehearsing the battle situation with Shen Moxuan and engaging in simulated battles.

Shen Moxuan has the memories of the two top powerful men in the Immortal Court, and has a wealth of information about the powerful people in the Immortal Court today.

By deducing battles with the opponent, Lin Xing can continuously simulate and improve his battle with the immortals. After all, the opponent holds a lot of information about Wanfa, Jiuyou, Dangmo and other immortals in his mind.

At this moment, Lin Xing listened to Shen Moxuan's words and replied: "There is a breakthrough in "Infinite Future Knowledge", and I am very emotional."

Hearing Lin Xing's words, Shen Moxuan's eyes moved slightly: "Is it related to the Evil Immortal Ancestor?"

When he was in the lower realm, Lin Xing possessed powerful super-temporal power.

It's just that this power had not yet become a system in his hands at that time, but because of the fragility of the lower world and the various interferences of the Immortal Court in the lower world, his super-time and space power exploded with all kinds of incredible power.

Since cultivating infinite future consciousness, Lin Xing's mastery of the power of time and space has become more mature, and has gradually been integrated into the skill system.

Especially after he broke through the infinite future consciousness to the second level and mastered the perfection of ignorance, his strength improved by leaps and bounds.

At this moment, with the help of the evil energy resources of Lingbao Sect and the sacrifices of the evil spirits, he finally broke through the infinite future consciousness to the third level.

Now he can not only obtain super-time and space acceleration in cultivation through the perfection of ignorance, but he can also apply this acceleration in battle.

The third level of infinite future knowledge: use super-time and space acceleration to complete the erasure of time sense and time-space shearing of individual targets.

In Lin Xing's use of somatosensory, reaching the third level of infinite future consciousness allows him to complete material interference with others in an instant. During the entire process, the target under hyperspace acceleration will lose the perception of this period of time. .

Facing Shen Moxuan's question at this moment, Lin Xing said calmly: "People pursue power and strength in order to control their destiny and create a future that they are satisfied with."

"The so-called immortals are just humans with stronger power, more desires and ambitions."

As if he thought of something, Lin Xing's eyes revealed a trace of admiration: "But the more this happens, the more I admire those strong people who transcend human nature and are not just satisfied with personal desires. This may be the wonder of human beings." place.”

Shen Moxuan asked curiously: "From your experience, who among all the worlds do you admire the most?"

Lin Xing thought for a moment and said: "The first one is naturally the ancient immortal who created the Jixuan Cave Spirit Heaven. In order to drag generations of strong men into Taoism, he also made himself fall into Taoism. This is a great love.”

"The other one is the Evil Immortal Ancestor that I felt in the infinite future..."

At the moment when Lin Xing broke through the infinite future consciousness, his thoughts seemed to transcend the barriers of time and space, and he felt that a vague figure in the extremely distant historical past was looking at him.

The other party said: "My orthodoxy is interesting, isn't it?"

Lin Xing was a little surprised and said, "Can you feel me?"

The other party smiled softly and said, "Don't you think it would be interesting if the thoughts of all living beings could be connected across time and space and beyond cause and effect?"

"It's indeed interesting." Lin Xing thought for a while and said, "But I don't like this kind of world."

The other party was not angry, but looked at Lin Xing's back and said with a smile: "Haha, your choice is also very interesting. It is really an infinite future that people can look forward to."

In this exchange of thoughts across time and space, Lin Xing felt the true will of the Evil Immortal Ancestor.

"Originally, like you, I thought that the evil energy filling all the heavens and worlds contained the immortal ancestor's resentment and hatred for the world, and was a curse for the whole world after his death."

"But I'm afraid his original fall was his own choice."

Lin Xing said slowly: "At the cost of his own downfall, what he really wants to do is to pass on the Tao to all the worlds. What he really wants to do... is to pass on this Tao to every living being in the world, so that the thoughts of all living beings can spread beyond time and space. "

"But in the process of this transmission, the resentment of all living beings continued to accumulate, and finally the evil spirit today was born."

Hearing Lin Xing's words, Shen Moxuan's face showed surprise: "Is this the truth about the fall of the Evil Immortal Ancestor?"

"His fall was not only due to the conspiracy of the two ancestors, but also his own choice?"

Speaking of this, he looked at Lin Xing with curiosity: "After overcoming the nine difficulties and three disasters, and stepping into the realm of the peak of immortals, we can start preparing to establish a path."

"Lin Xing, what kind of orthodoxy will you choose?"

"It may be the mystery of fate that I can witness this scene after death."


He looked at the chessboard in front of him again and said: "Lin Xing, if you want to truly establish your path, I am afraid that the next biggest difficulty will be the pursuit of those four immortals."

Lin Xing laughed expectantly: "Yes."

"If they can truly unite and fight me."

“It will definitely be an unforgettable memory.”

In the legal world.

The thoughts of the Immortal Lord of All Laws, the Immortal Lord of Nine Nethers, the Immortal Lord of Nine Heavens, and the Immortal of Infinite Mysteries are communicating together across countless miles.

The Ten Thousand Techniques Master Immortal Master was describing the process of his defeat by Lin Xing, and combined with the induction of the other three Immortal Masters, he summarized the solution.

In addition, the power of the fusion of Zhuyin Yetian and Rijing Yuwu, as well as the Zhengyang Spirit Son Divine Thunder after the last fusion of Rijing Yuwu and Shenxiao Leiyu, have also attracted the attention of the immortals.

Jiuyou Reincarnation Immortal Lord said: "From this point of view, I am afraid that Zhu Yin Ye Tian and Shen Xiao Lei Yu can also fuse a new power in his hands."

The Ten Thousand Techniques Tongtian Immortal Lord finally said: "Apart from this, the most important thing to pay attention to is the move he used to defeat my incarnation."

"But this trick should only be used on one person."

"The easiest way to defeat this trick is to work together to siege."

Although he said this, the Immortal Lord of All-powerful Heaven knows that if he wants the immortals to join forces wholeheartedly, it cannot be achieved by analyzing the pros and cons and expounding the threat of the evil system.

Just when he was thinking about the key, news came that Qixia Immortal Lord had returned from the underworld.

In addition, there was also information about Lin Xing provided to them by the other party.

According to Qixia Immortal Lord, Lin Xing has learned about the secret information of the Emei Sect.

In this secret treasure, all kinds of magic weapons, flying swords, fairy weapons, and elixirs are secondary. The key is that there are important treasures needed to establish the Tao.

"Establishing the Way, preaching the Word, gaining the Way..."

The key steps for establishing a Taoist lineage flashed through Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Master's mind, and he said in a deep voice: "Has Lin Xing reached the stage of establishing a Taoist lineage?"

At this moment, Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Lord recalled how the four members of the team had been chasing Lin Xing all the way, but failed time and time again, and could never unite as one. He knew that he, the captain, should come out and do something.

“You have to really bring everyone together.”

After making a certain determination, I just heard him say: "Everyone, let's exchange our shares."

The Immortal Lord of All Laws Tongtian understands very well that it is impossible to unite all the Immortals through reasoning and talking about emotions.

But just as Lin Xing can use interests to cause rifts between them, he can also unite the immortals through interests.

Therefore, under the initiative of the Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Lord, the four Immortal Lords exchanged the shares of different sects and completed the bundling of interests.

Among them, the two Immortal Lords Jiuyou and Xuanji, who had already shared the Taoist lineage with the Immortal Lord of All Methods, were suddenly deeply bound to the Immortal Lord of All Methods.

In just a few hours, with the efforts of the All-powerful Immortal Lord, the four members of the team put aside their past grievances, walked away from the shadow of failure, and determined to use all their strength to kill Lin Xing.

But that's not enough...

The Wanfa Tongtian Immortal Lord then mortgaged many assets as insurance to appease those who died in the subsequent battle.

This time the interests were aligned, and there was insurance even if he died, and the morale of the team became even higher.

In addition to the Ten Thousand Dharma Tongtian Immortal Lord, the other three Immortal Lords also rarely sent out their true bodies, and after converging, they rushed towards the direction of the Emei Secret Crypt.

I saw four terrifying figures slowly descending above the billowing Milky Way.

As the pressure of these four people pressed down towards Tianhe like a substance, the billowing immortal energy seemed to be torn apart by a pair of invisible hands, revealing the infinite immortal water inside.

In the depths of this surging fairy water, as the four immortals continued to go deeper, a palace floating at the bottom of the Milky Way appeared in front of them.

"This is the Emei Secret Hidden that Qixia Immortal Master mentioned."

The Immortal Lord of Wanfa Tongtian said: "The restriction has not been broken yet, it seems that Lin Xing has not arrived yet."

I saw the thoughts of the four great immortals sweeping towards the surroundings, and then each of them disappeared into the rolling Milky Way.

In the Tianhe, which is always rolling and rushing forward, it is as if nothing has happened and it will always be the same.

One day...two days...three days...

Finally, ten days later, the four immortals all felt a familiar breath falling into the Tianhe River, and they quickly approached the Emei Hidden Area.

"come yet?"

In the reaction of all the immortals present, a figure exuding evil energy was slowly sinking into the Tianhe.

Darkness...chaos...madness...that figure seemed to be the dark night itself, bringing the entire space into the dark abyss.

That is the ultimate goal of this adventure, the source of all the turmoil in the Immortal Court, the evil incarnation of destroying the safety of the upper world.

After going through this journey of tracking, mutual conflicts, dangerous battles, and reconciliation of relationships, they finally unite and will start a final fight to the death with each other at this moment.

"Everyone, don't worry and fight. No matter which one of you dies, I will definitely resurrect him with all my strength."

Just as Jiuyou Immortal Lord said these words, everything around him seemed to be moving away from him, and the space seemed to be infinitely torn and enlarged at this moment.

"This should be the new power after the fusion of Zhu Yin Ye Tian and Shen Xiao Lei Yu... Is this guy targeting me as his first target?"

When Jiuyou Immortal Master reacted to this in his mind like lightning, a figure appeared in front of him, completely blocking his sight.

There was a soft snap.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Jiuyou Immortal Lord's body had been pierced by Lin Xing's blow, turning into ashes and dissipating in the rolling Milky Way.

But at the next moment, as if time went back, Jiuyou Immortal Lord's body changed, combined, and recovered again.

He stood in front of Lin Xing, faced Lin Xing and said, "Hey, you don't think you are the only one who has mastered the power of time and space, do you?"

"Choose me as your first target, this will be the cause of your defeat in this battle."

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