I said I would turn back time

Chapter 611 Lin Xing wakes up

Xiaoyao Palace.

This is the name of the force that Ge was recruited into after he woke up from the paradise world.

Most of the members in Xiaoyao Palace have abandoned their physical bodies and survive in this world in a purely spiritual way.

It is said that in the universe a long time ago, there was no such thing as a soul.

It was because of the new rules radiated from a certain large void that gradually gave humanoid beings in the entire universe possession of souls.

However, Ge was not used to that spiritual life, so he always insisted on retaining his physical body.

Not only was he not used to the life of Yuanshen, he also couldn't stand everything in Xiaoyao Palace.

Whether it was Xiaoyao Palace's practice of raising planets one after another as pastures to spread bliss, or the practice of disciples and elders in Xiaoyao Palace throwing massive amounts of human beings into the Paradise Flags to harvest bliss, Ge felt it was difficult to accept it.

But what disgusted Ge the most was that he could not feel a trace of humanity from any of the disciples or elders in Xiaoyao Palace.


The handsome monk in monk's robe is Ge's teacher in Xiaoyao Palace.

He felt the feeling of leather and said with a smile: "What you call human nature is just a concept that has been developed on your planet for a long time."

"Based on your experience, I originally thought you should understand it very well."

“When you come to the city from a primitive tribe, your concept changes for the first time, changing your perception from a primitive person’s perspective to an urban person’s perspective.”

"But then as we arrived on that planet, society began to develop at a rapid pace. When the concept of the entire society changed again, you refused to follow the change."

"After entering the Bliss Banner, the environment changes more drastically. If you want to adapt, you need to change your concepts more completely..."

Listening to what the other party said, Ge was thoughtful.

Along the way, he has indeed been constantly changing his concepts and ideas under different circumstances. Some of them he accepted and liked, while others he found difficult to accept and absolutely disgusted.

"But do your likes and dislikes really come from your sincerity?" The handsome monk chuckled and said: "Or are all these emotional feelings just due to... the contradiction between the new ideas and your old ideas? "

"Then out of laziness, out of a refusal to change, you don't want to update your thoughts and ideas..."

"Whether it is primitive tribes, modern cities, or the later high-welfare society, the Paradise Banner World, or today's Xiaoyao Palace...the cultivation of concepts is not a personal choice, but the change of intelligent life under the changes in the social environment. Changes made to proactively adapt to the new environment.”

"In primitive society, in order to feed more people and allocate resources reasonably, you need to inherit your father's wife and daughter. Later cities required monogamy because of limited productivity and national systems. In post-high welfare society, due to the development of science and technology, individual Atomization leads to the disintegration of families. In Paradise Banner, you have to crazily satisfy your desires in order to survive... These changes in concepts are all caused by changes in the environment."

"It's the same in today's Xiaoyao Palace. There is no good or evil. People who can adapt to this environment and survive have become what you see now.'

"You know it very well, but it's just hard to accept, isn't it?"

Ge lowered his head slightly, but gradually admitted in his heart that what the other party said was correct.

And at some point, a figure gradually appeared in his mind.

That was an old tribal man. After most of the tribal people integrated into modern society, he refused to move out of the mountains and just wanted to live the same life as in the past.

The other party finally died of an illness.

Originally, Ge believed that the food was old-fashioned and did not know how to adapt it.

But now it seems that he has reached the same state as he grows older.

At this moment, the other party smiled and continued: "I understand how you feel. If you want to overcome the emotions in your heart, you must put aside all past concepts and ideas, actively adapt to the new environment, and improve new concepts. This is not A comfortable thing.”

"So there is a way in Xiaoyao Palace to help you."

"This is a practice method called Human Freedom. It can collect your memories and store them externally."

"When memories become your burden, you might as well let yourself go and embrace the new world with a young mentality."

Looking at the method called Human Freedom Chapter, Ge was surprised: "Using your own memory as a database? Is this really possible?"

The other party took it for granted: "When people get older, they tend to resist change. The older you get and the longer your memory, the more obvious this trend becomes, and then it becomes a resistance to social change."

“In the past history of Xiaoyao Palace, we have encountered incidents more than once where the people in power’s long lifespan and memory eventually became a stumbling block for the progress of the entire society.”

"But we can't take the initiative to eliminate those older seniors."

"And this world of freedom was created to deal with this situation."

"For thirty or fifty years, regularly turn your memories into documents and libraries, and embrace the world with a young attitude. This is a compulsory course for every disciple in Xiaoyao Palace."

Ge looked at the technique passed down by the other party, and after hesitating for a few days, he finally made up his mind to try it.

When the past memories completely disappeared from his mind, some messy images suddenly emerged.

Repeating time... the power of skills and inheritance... the immortal from Kunlun...

It was as if a thunder suddenly broke through the sky in Ge's mind.

"I... I am Lin Xing."

This idea was like an opening on the dam. With the birth of this idea, countless memories about Lin Xing came flooding in, filling his consciousness like the sea.

"This is..."

Thinking back to the previous situation, Lin Xing understood it all at once.

He remembered that he was fighting with Piaomiao Immortal Venerable in the world before. When the battle reached the final moment, he was about to completely suppress the other party.

Piaomiao Immortal Venerable was desperate and gave him everything through the Taoism.

Lin Xing tried to take the initiative to change everything in front of him and the scene in Xiaoyao Palace, but soon found that he could do nothing and could only watch everything happen silently like a spectator.

"Now I am actually in the memories of Immortal Piao Miao."

"Am I constantly accepting his memories and experiencing his life quickly?"

But Lin Xing knew that if he just silently accepted the memories of who knows how long, he might not be the real him when he regained consciousness again.

"I can't go on like this, I have to think of a way."

But he who was purely accepting the memories could not do anything at this moment in the memories that were constantly being instilled, and the scene in front of him seemed to be in a deadlock all of a sudden.

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