Only then did Sanji take off his military hat at will. As a chef who has been in Marin Vando for more than ten years, and in addition to having sneaked into many branch bases during the past five years, the Straw Hat Pirates is very familiar with how to break into a naval base. Entering the base is like going home.

When will the guard change, the important areas inside and outside the base, the general location of the commander's office in the command post... these guys who come from the army can't be troubled at all.

The captain, who had not yet gone far, stared in horror at the aggressive "seaman", and then at Colonel Monka who had fainted while embedded in the wall. He hurriedly crawled towards the nearest one. An office ran away—there was a house temporarily allocated to the masters of the expeditionary army.

It is said that the [Slaughter Weapon] who killed several captains and captains of the White Beard Pirates in the battle five years ago can definitely take care of this group of uninvited guests.

Sanji didn't stop him when he saw it, but watched with interest what was about to happen.

If he had the intention, he would definitely be able to [shave] close to the opponent before the captain knocked on the door, and then knocked him out with a bang.

But this was completely superfluous, because the Legion Assassins who had stayed in the house had already locked the Qi machine on Sanji's body.

Pushing open the door quite embarrassedly, the captain, fearing that the enemy who was lurking in the disguise and lurking into the base, would continue to do it, and hurriedly pleaded with the room:

"Several distinguished guests of the expeditionary army, we have encountered a surprise attack! Colonel Monka has been stunned by the enemy..."

But before he finished speaking, a cold male voice blocked the captain's words back:

"Do it yourself, the Legion is not obligated to take action."

This time, he really made the captain of the East China Sea 153 branch a little confused. He looked at the enemy who was approaching here in horror, and looked back with horror on the expedition that was still sitting on the sofa and tasting wine. Army youth.

In the end he couldn't help but hesitate and said, "But...Aren't we all friendly?"

"Friends?" The indifferent man, who was languidly leaning on the sofa, was noncommittal and shook the cognac with ice in his hand.

Even a sneer was owed to that local captain's request.

What kind of friendly army is the colonel of waste who was embedded in the wall?

"The lord of the legion asked me before leaving, saying [If you encounter a group of straw hats, first beat Monge D. Luffy]." The chief assassin of the legion in a suit and leather shoes drank the wine in the glass and looked up. Looking at Sanji standing at the door: "[Blackfoot], where is your captain?"

410. Hesitate, you will lose (middle)

The [Hundreds of Wild Hunting] organized by the Burning Legion has long been well-known in the world. For the pirates, the four-character notorious description of these Navy Centurions may be more appropriate.

The team is led by elite generals and is composed of hundreds of soldiers who are good at cooperating. Where the wild hunting death gods appeared, there would often be a **** storm.

Compared with the resounding name of [Wild Hunting], [Legion Assassin] appears unknown.

Because most of the target people targeted by the assassins don't know where they died in the hands of the sacred.

Rather than starting a team of hundreds of people, there are always some legion masters who prefer more flexible and autonomous lone wolf actions.

This is the origin of [Legion Assassin].

But all the people in the know admit an indisputable fact: the guy who can act as the [legion assassin] is undoubtedly powerful.

Even though the guy in the suit and leather shoes had deliberately curtailed his murderous intentions, sitting on the soft sofa and tasting the wine, he still made everyone present like a big enemy.

Because that person is Rob Luchi.

The chief assassin, code-named [Killing Weapon].

Seeing Lu Qi looking to his side with a smile but not a smile, Sanji suddenly felt a little creepy.

This inexplicable sense of crisis, as if walking alone at night, being stared at by a pair of floodlight beasts lurking in the dark mountains and forests-makes people tremble.

Sip a sip of fine wine, and see Hunter's [Killing Weapon] unkindly staring at the crew members of the Straw Hat Pirate Group: "Or, do you have the confidence to face me alone?"

"No!" Sanji's answer was unprecedentedly straightforward, and he repeatedly waved his hand to deny: "I want to live a little longer."

While talking, there was still a mess in the fortress.

Emergency calls followed one after another, and they were finally collected by the captain.

"Captain! The enemy is found on the second floor. He is one of the main crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates. Please support!"

"Help! There is a strong firepower in the basement, and we are completely suppressed in terms of firepower!!"

"...This is?" The captain of the 153 branch, who had previously begged Rob Lucy to take action, was stunned, and was caught off guard by the members of the Straw Hat Pirates who appeared one after another from all levels.

The vast majority of the marines in the entire branch base quickly returned to aid, and were tragically constrained in the command post by the straw hat group.

Sanji looked directly at the monster’s cold eyes, leaned slightly, and a smirk of successful sacrifice bloomed on his face: "The captain is recruiting new members on the training ground. We have to open up an empty environment for him. Bar."

"Raven, I'm going to move a little bit." The young man who put the wine glass firmly on the short table, grinned cruelly at the corner of his eyebrow-like mouth.

[Apart from me, is there a third person in the house?]

Upon hearing this, Sanji suddenly became nervous.

He thinks his senses are still keen, but he has never detected any movement.

A black feather coat dropped from the ceiling, spreading its wings like an unknown crow, and hugged Sanji firmly.

The man with clown-like make-up on his right eye socket and mouth hugged Sanji. The next moment, his amused nature completely concealed a trace of mystery and horror that was hard to render.


With Luo Xindi's face pressed to his face, [Blackfoot] Sanji, who was still playing handsome before, was completely helpless, only stammering and struggling: "Mr. Luo Xindi, please let go."

The words broke and leaked because of the squeezing of his cheeks, and Sanji watched Lu Qi with a look of compassion and compassion as a big cat, turning over and jumping down from the fourth floor window.

The two old acquaintances who were still upstairs sighed with their foreheads at the same time:

"Luffy is miserable today."


The captain with straw hat, who has suffered many people's thoughts and calculations, is now looking down at the green algae head tied to the stake.

"Hey, you're Sauron, aren't you?" The Rubber Fruit Ability person looked solemnly, carefully examining each other.

[Axeman] Beru Mayber, the son of Mengka, deliberately exposed to the playground without giving food or water. Relying solely on the consumption of its own fat and sugar reserves, the Three Swordsman Swordsman has survived for a few days.

But even so, when the desolate young man raised his head, the chill in his eyes remained.

Like a caged beast in a dilemma, it is most terrifying when it is in desperate situations.

"...What's the matter?" Sauron opened and closed his dry, chapped lips, staring at the strange man wearing a straw hat above.

If I remember correctly, the opponent is one of the people who broke into the base before.

The young man wearing a straw hat could no longer maintain the pretentious seriousness on his face. The corners of his mouth rose, revealing a brazen smile full of 16 teeth: "Want to join my pirate group?"


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