Hundreds of meters away, the mountain wall covered with ivy shook violently as if it had been hit by a powerful earthquake.

Smoke rose from the entire mountain wall, and from time to time broken rocks fell from the impact site, making it difficult to see the specific conditions inside the smoke and dust.

But under the perception of Sakazuki, the broken ice crystals spread out like a spider web in the human-shaped impressions sunken in the mountain wall.

Dozens of dazzling and cold light spots broke through the smog in one fell swoop, sharply magnifying in the field of view of Sakazuki.

These afterimages with faint blue luster are half-meter-long ice crystal spears that crash into Sakazuki at a speed comparable to supersonic missiles.

"Two thorny spears, shoot together!"

It wasn't until the spear was thrown that Kuzan's loud voice could be passed into the ears of Sakazuki.

Author's message:

PS: When imperialism is destroyed, my heart will not die.. I want to see how Yingjiang wants to delay the time...I also hope that everyone can encourage me!

Today, I suddenly realized that Premier Zhou’s phrase “read for the rise of China” still applies.

540. The Song of Ice and Fire (Part Four)

Feng Rui and Ling Ling, where dozens of ice spears crossed the border, dragged a trail of blue and blue frost in the air. In the airspace behind these terrifying spears, the waves of air generated by breaking the sound barrier in circles agitated and spread.

Sakazuki seemed a little too calm and relaxed in the face of the ice spears covered with arms and domineering. He straightened up his chest unhurriedly, and he didn't even attach himself to the arrogance of arms. This time, with a neat posture, everyone, including Kuzan, mistakenly believed that he was about to predict in advance by relying on the domineering of seeing and hearing and using elementalization to evade tactics.

But when the ice spear slammed into him with impressive power, everyone realized that Sakazuki was going to use their own physical strength to eat this wave of surprises.

Several ice spears with their tips wrapped in armed domineering slammed into Sakazuki, but they seemed to touch a huge mountain, no matter how strong the impact was, it was hard to push him. The several sharp weapons that touched the chest of Sakazuki broke from the tip of the spear. Even if Kuzan deliberately used the armed color to strengthen the hardness and toughness of these ice spears, it was still difficult to withstand the impact caused by this impact. Reaction force.

The ice spear that collided with Sakazuki was no longer able to continue the previous indomitable power, not to mention the spear tip collapsed, even the crystal-clear spear body was covered with fine cracks, and in the next instant, it completely became permeated with that man. All over the sky icy debris floating around.

This wave of long-range offensive looked as ridiculous as a sharpened carrot trying to nail it into a thick iron wall, but such thoughts quickly disappeared from the minds of the marines watching the battle.

Since the opponent stood still and never moved half a step, the blue ice gun used to block the evasion path of Sakazuki was shot into the air, and several spears directly hit the ground. In just a few tenths of a second, the ground was instantly stirred up by a shock wave tens of meters away, and the dust was blown up. When the smoke cleared, everyone noticed that it fell on Sakazuki and seemed weak and insignificant. The effective ice crystal throws a spear, ploughing the ground in a radius of ten meters into honeycombs, and each so-called "honeycomb eye" cuts out a large hole with a radius of five or six meters on the surface.

The marines watching on the Megatron couldn't help but gasp. This powerful enough to be comparable to the damage caused by a warship shelling a base ammunition, right?

But what really surprised them was the veteran below, who did not dodge, did not do any physical blockade, and relied on pure physique and one of the six skills of [Iron Nugget] who just understatedly resisted. This blow.

"Hey, hey!? This level of destructive power is too much..." Everyone who watched the battle could not help but squeeze a sweat. They had no doubt that if these ice spears, like stars in the sky, fell on the warship absolutely It can easily penetrate a 1000mm thick protective armor.

It’s not that the veterans of the Southern and Northern Wars have never seen similar methods of using domineering weapons. In the front line of defense of the New World, those brave and combative Amazon warriors attached their dominance to the arrows. The rain of arrows in the sky even stopped several times, abruptly stopping the fierce offensive of the White Beard Pirates.

But Kuzan can easily create the destruction that can be caused by the combined efforts of dozens of Amazon female warriors alone, which is enough to prove his domineering and domineering accomplishments of armed forces.

Watching the battle below, there were many seamen whispering: "Is it possible that General Sa's body is harder than steel?"

The voice fell, but unexpectedly, Sakazuki, which had been staring at Kuzan's location, turned his head up and looked upward.

His expression was still full of that kind of unhurriedness, and of course he raised his head and replied: "What nonsense are the little rascals talking about? How can steel be comparable to a body that has been tempered and tempered?"

[Excuse me, excuse me, goodbye...] For a moment, the members of the observation division all had a strong desire to complain.

Whether it's the words full of slots, or the old monster's black belly while he's fighting and listening to their chats...

"Gan!! Does President Sa still have the energy to distract and spread the domineering look and feel so far?!" Ace rubbed his cheeks in astonishment, and said everyone's heart.

This aerial fortress is a kilometer away from the two fighting each other. It is not surprising that the generals can drive the domineering perception of seeing and hearing to do this on weekdays, but you have to know that the fighting below is inexhaustible!

Grasping the gap of Sakazuki raising his head, a figure swept the sky and frost hit again.

The endless wind and snow gathered behind the frost monarch, surrounded and wrapped around. Behind the king who took the lead, Shuangxue and Han Qi surged and merged into the ranks of the charge. A bird’s-eye view from a high altitude is like a huge and elongated character [人], which is in the form of a geese and enters Kuzan under the command of Kuzan, and rushes towards the burly crimson figure without hesitation.

Before reaching the eyes of Sakazuki, the misty blue mist violently fluctuates and twists.

The icy frost gas quickly condensed into a mimicry, and ice crystals gradually piled on its surface, making the shape of this behemoth more and more clear.

It was a huge bird creature, and the abundance of ice and snow filled its body, and the frost indifferent to its original bright plumage color, the colorful brocade faded, washed away the gorgeousness of the heavy makeup under the whitewash, and kept it. The coldness and the loneliness that can't be concealed.

It has never been the king of arrogant and luxurious birds, nor has it soared in the clear sky, seeing all things in the tiny eagles and falcons. It is difficult to rebirth like a phoenix. Even the seagulls flying over the sea are better than its name. prominent.

This pheasant, tens of meters tall, was covered in blue and blue frost, spreading its giant claws and flapping its wings to rush towards the target.

This is Kuzan’s famous stunt—【Boutmouth Pheasant】.

Kuzan already knew how tough this guy is in Sakazuki. He didn’t hope that dozens of ice spears could hurt the opponent. It was Kuzan who tried this guy’s tactics. The true purpose of the cite.

Rather than relying on physique with defensive skills such as iron, rather than deploying a little bit of armed and domineering, this is preparing for a protracted battle.

Two-color domineering is frequently used in increasingly fierce duels, and a lot of consumption and profligacy will inevitably lead to the recovery of domineering difficult to keep up. The move of Sakazuki is obviously unwilling to waste a little bit of armed domineering in other superfluous places, and it is determined to prepare to use good steel on the blade.

The layman looks at the excitement, while the insider looks at the doorway.

Although Kuzan was not proficient in the training of physical arts like iron blocks, he still had his vision and knowledge for many years.

In the previous Sakazuki, when facing the collision of the ice spear, it stimulated the tension of the muscles and accelerated the blood circulation in his chest area, increasing the hardness and density of the muscle tissue.

Unlike most iron practitioners, they tighten the body area that is about to be hit and wait for the attack to hit it. The guy who had mastered the essence of the iron cleverly used the burst of force from this sudden tightening to attack the ice spear that touched that piece of skin in turn, forming the so-called "anti-injury".

In theory, it seems simple and easy to understand, but in practice it is extremely difficult to grasp. Whether it’s controlling the timing of an attack, or determining in advance the most appropriate opportunity to tighten the muscles and accelerate the blood flow to bounce the force, it is a high-difficulty that can only be grasped after countless exercises and practical operations on the battlefield. Power skills.

At the moment, what Kuzan has to do is to force Sakazuki to give up its huge physical advantage and return to the control and development of the fruitful abilities that are almost the same between the two.

The war of war is nothing more than attacking one's own strengths against each other's shortcomings, and the old and spicy admiral of the deep-sea ship combined fleet admiral is well versed in this. With the help of Murloc’s unparalleled naval battle talent and geographical advantage, since he can keep the Black Sail Alliance in front of the new world with a fleet alone, he can take advantage of the situation to replace the more comprehensive Sakazuki when fighting against each other. Competing in a relatively equal field is naturally a matter of hand.

"The tactics are good. If you are wrestling with the old man, you don't even know how to die." Sakazuki with crimson lava appeared all over, affirming Kuzan's decisive reaction, and immediately Mobilize abilities.

If the elementalization is not used to raise the temperature, even if the body surface is attached to the armed color domineering, once it is frozen by the cold air ejected by this ice bird, it is difficult to guarantee that the lungs and bones will not be frostbited.

With a roar of Sakazuki, the lava gushing from his body suddenly splashed out.

The hot lava fell to the ground and quickly condensed into a pair of huge dog paws.

The crimson figure kept its upright body constantly being raised, and underneath it, gray-brown low-temperature lava gathered together, and then outlined clearly textured muscle lines.

The sturdy and powerful animal-shaped limbs carry the huge and heavy torso of the giant dog. The fire snake turned into lava is its long tail flexibly swinging. Sakazuki rides on the shoulders of this giant dog, which is more than 5 meters high. The terrifying head of the dog slowly lifted with the traction of the behemoth's neck.

Some people say that it is a demon born in the abyss, some people say that it is entrenched on the other side of the river Styx.

The guard dog from hell, Cerberus.

Taking this opportunity, Sakazuki, which freed both arms, wrapped the lava in the palm of the hand. The lava spreads along the fingers to the fingertips. The lava claws that are several sizes larger than the normal palm are winding strange and intimidating. The dark red color, no one wants to be captured by such a two-handed claw, even if it is Kuzan who is also a general.

It was the first time I found out that [Dougi Red Lotus] could still play like this, Kuzan couldn't help but exclaimed: "The wolf rider looks very handsome, but brother, you are a dog..."


Sakazuki widened his eyes fiercely. The deterrence he worked so hard to create and the aura that had been brewing for a long time was instantly wiped out by the ruthless and overly sharp complaints made by the young fellow Kuzan.

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